The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

Urokodaki Sakonji stared at the fiery red Nichirin sword in Muzan's hand.

According to legend, this red Nichirin sword, like a flame, represents the hope of killing evil spirits.

But why did it appear in the hands of a ghost?

"Want to know why? Beg me~"

Muzan said arrogantly.

Urokodaki Sakonji really couldn't see how this guy could be related to the seven words "hope of killing evil spirits".

Is the god mentally retarded?

But it is undeniable that this red Nichirin sword made him relax his vigilance against the ghost in front of him, and he couldn't smell any killing intent, and he could even clearly feel a strange breath from this guy.

It was as if everything was just a joke.

Urokodaki Sakonji looked at Muzan with contempt. Although he was wearing a mask, Muzan was frightened by his gaze.

"Okay, okay, I'll tell you."

Muzan curled his lips, "But let's talk about it somewhere else."

Hearing this, Urokodaki Sakonji frowned.

But the ghost in front of him did not show any malice.

Even though he was a little worried, the two of them finally came to a coffee shop in the town.

Although the order here is very poor, no matter how chaotic the area is, where there are poor places, there must be rich people.

And in order to serve them, everything that should be available in the area where they live will not be lacking, and the environment will not be bad.

Urokodaki Sakonji is not used to this kind of place.

And he didn't expect why you, a ghost, can drink coffee so skillfully?

"What do you want to drink?"

Urokodaki Sakonji waved his hand: "Whatever."

"I ordered two servings."

The waiter nodded and left.

Urokodaki Sakonji urged: "What's going on? Why can you use the Nichirin Sword and turn it red?"

"Don't worry,"

Muzan took out a handful of melon seeds and handed them to Urokodaki Sakonji, who was confused under the mask. He said while knocking:

"Fortunately, I ate the blue Higanbana and can live without eating people.

And I can also use the Nichirin Sword. At the same time, I successfully persuaded many ghosts not to eat innocent people."

Urokodaki Sakonji didn't smell the smell of lies.

Muzan continued: "I have killed many evil ghosts in the past few hundred years, without hurting an innocent person, and even saved many people."

Listening to Muzan's story, there was no smell of lies.

Urokodaki Sakonji was a little moved for a while.

As a ghost, he overcame his desires and helped many people instead.

He subconsciously understood from Muzan's words that the ghost in front of him got rid of the control of the ghost king through the blue Higanbana.

Borrowing the Nichirin Sword to kill evil ghosts, he also persuaded the departing ghosts to be good.

He saved many people.

Such ghosts are fundamentally different from those evil ghosts who have lost their humanity and committed all kinds of evil.

Muzan added: "Many of the ghosts I persuaded have become doctors to help others cure diseases."

Listening to Muzan's words, Urokodaki Sakonji seemed to be able to imagine a ghost taking the blue Higanbana and getting rid of the control of the Ghost King.

He began to persuade other ghosts, bearing the pressure of being discovered and killed by the Ghost King, leading more and more ghosts to overcome the problem of cannibalism with the blue Higanbana, and then constantly helping others to atone for their sins.

Suddenly, I felt that there was endless bitterness hidden behind the smile on his face.

But he only smelled gentleness and happiness.

How optimistic this should be!

Those who use water breathing have a gentle heart.

For a moment, he did not notice the deliberate guidance in Muzan's words.

Muzan smiled and picked up the coffee that the waiter put on the table.

Urokodaki Sakonji looked at the coffee on the table, and suddenly felt that this cup of coffee represented the "person" in front of him, tasting the sweetness in the bitterness.

In the end, Urokodaki Sakonji did not touch the coffee on the table, and watched the "person" who had not told him his name.


As soon as Muzan left Urokodaki Sakonji's sight, he ran to find Tamayo.

He must get a cheat that can block this kind of cheating sense of smell!

You have a cheat, but I don't have one yet?

Back then, I spent so much effort to turn Tamayo into a ghost, wasn't it just to let Tamayo build a cheat for me?

Meeting Urokodaki Sakonji was a reminder to him.

If you want to go and do something fun, you must fix that bug-level sense of smell.

Tamayo was busy fiddling with Muzan's blood and observing it under a microscope.

Noticing that a Muzan suddenly appeared behind him, he turned around and looked at Muzan:


Boss, what do you want again? "

"Do you know there is a kind of nose?"

Tamayo: "?"

Are there different types of noses?

"There is a kind of nose that can smell other people's emotions and even distinguish lies, distinguish between people and ghosts. Can you give me a potion that can deceive this kind of nose?"

Tamayo was a little confused when she heard what Muzan said.

Are you sure that the nose we understand is the same kind of nose?

Does the nose have this function?

"It's this nose," Muzan pointed to his nose, "I met a person whose nose can distinguish people's good and evil, emotions, distinguish between people and ghosts, and distinguish lies. "

"Give me something that can fool their noses. "

Tamayo was overwhelmed when she heard it.

This thing you are talking about is not scientific!

And, do you think I am selling plug-ins?

Muzan patted Tamayo's shoulder solemnly: "You are not scientific either, don't worry, I believe you! "

Tamayo's head hurt.

But there was no need to ask more, Muzan would definitely give her an "I don't care" answer.

Forget it, go and lose your hair!

Muzan was very satisfied with Tamayo's attitude.

"Keep it up!"

After saying that, he disappeared.

The suffering is Tamayo's, and the happiness is hers.

As for Yushiro's gloomy eyes, Muzan didn't bother to care.

After confirming that Urokodaki Sakonji had left, he returned to the town to find food.

Because of the remote location, there are countless damned people hidden behind the chaotic order.

He also changed his appearance by the way.

It was difficult to fool Urokodaki Sakonji with vague words.

A week later, all the officials, police officers, and management levels here were replaced.

On TV, the new The news reported the actions of the officials here.

And the so-called "arrested", "death penalty", "sentenced for a certain number of years" have actually disappeared from this world.

What surprised Muzan was that it was indeed Tamayo, the best assistant!

What he wanted was really made for him!

In Yushiro's dim eyes, Tamayo handed the potion in his hand to Muzan expressionlessly:

"It should be useful, but it can only prevent others from distinguishing that you are a ghost or have eaten people. Emotions and lies can still be distinguished, and whether it is useful or not, you need to try it."

Muzan looked at the potion in his hand.

Because he can see Tamayo's thoughts and memories, he also knows the principle of this thing.

And it is based on Tamayo's guess.

If the guess is right, it will be useful.

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