The old man was so angry that he was lying on the ground.

"Alas, fortunately I have a trick up my sleeve." Then Yiyong changed and dug under a piece of land he had marked, and soon he took out the salmon radish.

"No way, you actually hid so deep?" Kocho Shinobu was a little surprised.

"Isn't it to prevent you? Otherwise, would I be like this?" Finally, he stared at Kocho Shinobu coldly.

Kocho Shinobu seemed to have expected it, turned his head away, and stopped looking at Yiyong.

"Forget it, I won't bother about this matter for now, but you must take the meat off this wild boar." Finally, he pointed to the body of the wild boar next to him.

Then Yiyou started eating salmon and radish, eating with relish, and gradually a smile appeared on her face. This was a smile from the heart, not only from the previous life, but also from the Giyuu in this demon slayer world.

"It's still as delicious as ever."

Seeing Giyuu in this state, Shinobu Kocho couldn't help but joked.

"Ahhh~ I didn't expect Tomioka to smile as innocently as a child."

But Giyuu ignored her and continued to immerse himself in eating.

Seeing that Giyuu ignored her, she thought, "Maybe I'm not boring myself," and looked at the wild boar that Giyuu hunted.

Shinobu Kocho didn't seem to have expected Giyuu to get such a big wild boar, and couldn't help but be surprised.

"Wow~ Tomioka, I didn't expect you to be so good!"

Yiyong also told Shinobu Kocho how he met her, and Shinobu Kocho gave her a thumbs up and praised her repeatedly: "You are really lucky!"


The last person picked up the dagger he carried with him and cut off the skin of the wild boar. After all, she knew that if this skin was sold, it would be worth a lot of money.

Finally, all the edible parts of the wild boar were picked out. Although they were edible, some were also taken out, such as the internal organs of the pig, which were probably very disgusting.

Yiyong watched Shinobu Kocho sort out the edible parts of the pig in a few seconds, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

"Shinobu, you can do this?"

Shinobu Kocho said proudly when she heard what Yiyong said.

"Of course, this is my specialty, and ordinary people can't really learn it."


"Cook quickly, the tasks have been completed, now it's up to you."

"Don't tell me you're hungry again, you just ate my salmon radish."

"Oh, how is that possible? I, I'm afraid it will get dirty on the ground, you know! And I'm very light."

"That's right, that's because you're shorter."


Yiyong didn't want to pay attention to her, took out a basin, walked to the stream, poured stream water into the basin, and then put the meat in it, he wanted to wash the blood off the meat.

In the past ten minutes, Yiyong picked up some firewood and piled them together. He didn't want to make fire by drilling wood, so he used the breath of fire directly, gathered the flame in his hand, and lit the match.

After seeing this, Kocho Shinobu was very confused, but also very surprised, and clamored for Yiyong to teach her.

"Giyong, how did you do it? Teach me!"

Giyong was very regretful at this time. He shouldn't have let Shinobu Kocho see it.

He ignored Shinobu Kocho and went to the meat that was just washed. But Shinobu Kocho still insisted and wanted Giyong to teach him.

"Rub your hands 100 times a day, make your hands as hot as flames, and add your breath, and you can practice it."

But Shinobu Kocho was not so easily deceived. She immediately knew that Giyong was deceiving her and wanted to repeat the trick to make Giyong surrender.

Giyong also learned to be smart and immediately pinched Shinobu Kocho's little face. Hehe, it was quite soft.


When Shinobu Kocho's face was pinched, her face turned red instantly.

"Mr. Tomioka, this is why you are hated, you are a pervert! You don't consider the feelings of girls at all!"

"I am not hated."

"Ahhh! Kill you!"

In fact, Giyong didn't want to endure it anymore. Then he made a hand knife and Shinobu Kocho fainted.

"This will at least give you some peace of mind, right?"

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