The night came quietly, darkness enveloped the earth, and all the ghosts bound by the sun came out.

At this time, Yiyong was walking slowly.

"If I guess correctly, according to the habits of the hand ghost, it will definitely kill me on the last night, seeing my desperate expression." Yiyong guessed.

"Makoto and Tsutomu should be safe, after all, the hand ghost is staring at me now, and it will definitely keep an eye on me all the time."

"Hand ghost, hand ghost, if it was the former Tomioka Yiyong, it might really let you succeed, but hand ghost, you are wrong this time, I will definitely cut off your neck with my own hands."

After that, he started running, because his goal was to kill all the ghosts on this mountain and find those ghosts.

After a while, Yiyong heard the voice of the ghost. He stood still, and the ghoul came behind him: "Hehehe, it looks good..."

But before he finished speaking, Yiyong drew his sword and cut off its head.

"No! I am unwilling to eat more and more people, stinky ghost, wait for me...!" His body and head turned into ashes and disappeared on the spot.

Yiyong was thinking about the moment when he just cut off the ghost, and he felt a little uneasy: "Is it this feeling? Maybe it's my first time, I feel that I killed a life alive, no! Although they are a life, they eat people, and this is also revenge for those who were eaten by him."

Thinking of this, Yiyong felt that the guilt on his body disappeared. He killed the evil ghost, and it is natural for people to kill evil ghosts. He was not wrong.

Yiyong continued to look for the target and saw the three ghosts in front. When the three ghosts saw him, they began to drool and then quarreled.

"Branch, Litchi, this person is mine! Don't fight with me!" A ghost named Ganma shouted at the other two ghosts.

"Hey, you are not authentic, why!" Resin said

"That's right! That's right!" Litchi also said.

"Okay, let's do it on our own."

At this time, our Yiyong was looking at them in confusion. Why are these three people, no, three ghosts, so weird names? It seems that the name was made up by a little black guy named Cai.

Yiyong saw the three ghosts rushing towards him and quickly attacked.

[Water Breathing·Sanzhi Type·Liuliuwu]

Yiyong was so fast that he left an afterimage, and before he could react, his ghost head fell to the ground.

Yiyong, who had just killed the three ghosts, heard someone calling for help over there, and rushed over immediately.

Then he saw a ghost entangled a man with a branch, and Yiyong saw it and immediately used it.

[Water Breathing·One Type·Water Surface Slash]

He cut off the branch and saved the man, and then he immediately looked at the ghost.

"I didn't expect that we could get two for one, well, okay, I'll take you as dessert, little ghost!"

[Blood Demon Art·All Things Have Spirits]

Finally, two big trees grew out of the ground, and quickly stretched out their branches, trying to control Giyuu's hands. Giyuu couldn't let it succeed, so he swung his sword and cut it off.

Giyuu secretly sighed that this ghost was not simple, it actually had blood demon art, and he finally understood why only a few people could pass the Demon Slayer Corps selection, because with a demon like this, unless you have strong strength to beat it or don't meet it, otherwise you will die.

I really don't understand why the Demon Slayer Corps doesn't send some people to kill those demons with super strength.

But think about it, who can kill this kind of demon with their own strong strength like Tanjiro? Not everyone is Tanjiro.

When the ghost saw the shocked look in your eyes, you laughed and said, "Hahahaha! Are you surprised? Don't worry, you will soon become my food."

After that, it manipulated the branches of the surrounding trees to stretch them out and stab in all directions.

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