The little girl was very happy.

"Little sister, what's your name? How old are you this year?"

The little girl also answered very well: "My name is Youlong, you can call me Doudou, I'm 4 years old this year."

"Wow! So cute, I want to pinch your face!" Yiyong, although his face was calm, but his thoughts were different from the surface.

"Brother is your temporary nanny today."

"Just call Brother Yiyong." Yiyong looked at her with a smile.

"Brother Yiyong~" This baby voice made Yiyong's heart beat very excitedly.

"Can you let your brother touch your face?" Yiyong was a little embarrassed, after all, he couldn't help seeing the cute child and wanted to touch him.

"Sure~ Brother Yiyong~(///ˊㅿˋ///)"

"Really?! Thank you so much, Doudou!" Without saying anything, Yiyong went up and started to touch.

Yutaki's face is very smooth, and it sinks into it when you poke it. It feels very soft and elastic to the touch, making people want to suck it again.

"Is Doudou hungry now? Do you need breakfast?" In fact, Yiyong himself was hungry, but he still called it cooking for Doudou.

"Well, let's eat. Doudou wants to eat oden. Is that okay? Brother Yiyong~" Doudou looked at Yiyong with a begging face. Since coming here, the nanny never made this for her, so he didn't have a very deep impression of the nanny.

"Uh, this..." Yiyong didn't know what to say, because he had never eaten oden before. He didn't know that he always looked at oden and felt that he had no appetite, but looking at Doudou's expectant expression, he couldn't bear to refuse.

"Well, leave it to me." Yiyong finally agreed.

"Well, I'll wait for Brother Yiyong here."

After Yiyong finished speaking, he also went to the kitchen, but at this time Doudou showed a sly smile, and then went somewhere else, as if looking for something.

Yiyong saw that there were still a lot of vegetables and meat left in the kitchen. It seemed that they were prepared in advance, which saved Yiyong from going out to buy them again.

"Hey, what is the magic of this oden? Since so many people like it."

"Although I did learn the cooking skills last time, I still have to watch the tutorial."

"Forget it, I don't want to cook. Hey! Yiyong, come out, you always ask me if I am the water column or not?"

Yiyong himself also came out, with an innocent expression on his face.

"I've given you the initiative to control my body these days. I see you're almost exhausted from staying in the small space every day."

Yiyong felt a little embarrassed, but he didn't care and directly exchanged bodies with Yiyong.

Yiyong became the smaller one, and Yingyong returned to his own body. Yiyong moved around for a while and completely adapted.

"I'm finally back."

"Stop talking nonsense. You can make oden, right?"

"It's so easy. You can't not make it, right?"

"Ah, right, right."

"Will you eat it yourself?"

"Yes, I was called here so early in the morning, and I didn't even have time to eat."

"Then make three servings."

"I want to eat it too!"

"Xiao Qi, why do you want to eat it too?"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah! I like oden very much!"

"Okay, then I'll make four servings."

45 minutes passed...

(The next chapter is about Yiyong himself, so for the sake of distinction, I will directly equate Yiyong himself with Tomioka. I hope some people don't use Red King to read it.)

"The delicious oden is here!" Tomioka finally made it. He gave the two bowls of oden to Yiyong and Xiao Qi. Yiyong himself actually met Xiao Qi and chatted with him in the small space.

Giyuu/Xiaoqi: "Thank you so much, we'll be welcome then!"

The two started eating right in the kitchen. Xiaoqi's updated version added many features, so that she and Giyuu could materialize, and the two of them were eating so deliciously.

After Giyuu took a bite, he instantly changed his opinion of oden. Although it wasn't so delicious, it was definitely not bad.

"It's really delicious. It seems that there will be one more person on my list of favorite foods."

Tomioka smiled at them. He was no longer the wooden man who could only stare blankly before. But even though he had improved a lot, if he calmed down, his eyes would be filled with unforgettable indifference.

That is, 40% contempt, 30% disgust, 20% contempt, 10% arrogance, and 90% coldness.

Fortunately, it has improved a lot, not as exaggerated as mentioned above, but it still makes people feel uncomfortable. Sure enough, how can the coldness of more than ten years change?

"Doudou, the oden is ready, come and eat quickly, be careful of the heat." Tomioka came in with his eyes closed and smiled. Yiyong helped him understand the current situation, so Tomioka also roughly knew what was going on.

As soon as the door was opened, a small water ball was about to fall down. Although Yiyong Tomioka rarely exercises now, he can still react to this. "Swoosh", a flash, while dodging the water ball, also caught the water ball.

"Huh? Who is playing this prank?" Tomioka was not angry, but was just wondering who did it.

"Brother Yiyong, you are finally here! Doudou is so hungry now." Doudou walked over slowly.

After seeing this, Tomioka put the oden on the table, then held Doudou on the chair, picked up the apron and put it on her.

"Do you need your brother to feed you? It's very hot." After Tomioka got married and had children in his previous life, he asked his wife for a lot of parenting experience, and asked some experienced people how to take good care of children.

Anyway, be gentle to children. Although I am still 14 years old in this body, as a brother, I should be the same.

"No need, Brother Yiyong, Doudou can eat by himself, and I can blow it by myself."


When you see this message, it proves that the author has been in school for two weeks and can only come back once, so everyone can only wait for a long time.

The author has not stopped updating!

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