After a long time, the two of them were busy.

Walking around the village for an afternoon, for Yiyong who lives in modern times, it is such a sad thing to not have a mobile phone.

During this period, they found that there are several higher mountains around this village, and it would be nice to go stargazing at night.

In this way, they waited for the arrival of night in boredom, and they also came to the highest mountain in the vicinity. They lay on the slope together and looked at the stars in the sky.

Tomioka has never seen such a romantic scenery. For so many years, he has almost never been interested in these things. I didn't expect it to be so beautiful.

The stars filled the sky, twinkling, and the moon was crescent, just like the story his sister told him when he was a child, the moon was crescent like a boat.

"Ah, it's so beautiful!" Xiao Qi was like a real little girl at this time.

"Wow, Doudou has never seen it before!" Doudou, who was lying on Xiao Qi's arm, was also very happy.

Yiyong was a lonely person. He never liked night to night. He always listened to music in bed. He didn't dare to look up at the sky. He was afraid that he would cry, because he was alone at night. He would always imagine infinite things, feel sad and cry.

But now he has friends around him, and he can watch with him. He doesn't feel lonely anymore. He can see the starry sky that he hasn't seen for a long time.

But on such a quiet night, something still happened. Xiyong saw several figures on the ground in the sky. After seeing it, Xiyong hurried to report to Tomioka.

Tomioka's crow was originally Kuan Saburo, but it seemed that because of the improper selection time, Tomioka also found that the timeline here was indeed different from the previous one. This was one year earlier than when he met Kuan Saburo. It should be the next time.

But Tomioka finally accepted it. Since it was not Kanzaburo this time, he would cultivate a good bond with this crow named Giyuu.

"Giyuu, look over there, there seem to be a few shadows." Tomioka looked in the direction that Kiyuu pointed, and there were indeed a few shadows there, and they seemed to be approaching the house where they were before.

Tomioka reminded the people around him, and they all saw it.

Giyuu thought of Jianfu's words, there were six ghosts, could it be them?

Giyuu jumped down first, and Tomioka held one in each hand, and did not jump down directly, after all, the two children could not bear such a big movement.

Giyuu only had two plum blossom knives in his hand, but it was enough. He took out the plum blossom knife tied to his waist, which had the characteristics of the sun wheel sword, and it seemed that the breathing method could also be used to change its color. After trying it, it was true.

Yiyong turned the plum blossom knife red. In fact, he didn't want to major in water breathing. He wanted to use another kind of breathing. Flame breathing was just a transitional stage. He had already thought of the breathing method that Yiyong wanted.

The black shadows also saw Yiyong. In their eyes, Yiyong was just a child. He actually rushed over. One of the ghosts rushed over directly. When he was about to grab Yiyong's neck with one hand, Yiyong cut off his hand with a knife.

The ghost had claws on both hands, green hair, and dark green eyes like a snake.

However, although the recovery ability of this ghost was not as good as that of the upper string, it was already very good. It was restored to its original state in just two seconds.

Then, the five ghosts behind also showed their figures.

Some had two thorns on their heads, blue-white hair, blue-white eyes, and some lightning on their hands.

Some held a heavy and long iron chain, and their hair and eyes were brown.


They looked different and had different abilities.

Tomioka and the others also arrived there. As soon as they arrived, Xiao Qi received a message.

Giyu's Mission*1

Mission name: One fatal blow!

Mission: A+ level

Xiao Qi quickly conveyed it to Giyu with spiritual consensus. Giyu was also very excited when he saw it. Seeing that the mission was A+, he knew that the reward this time was very rich, but after the excitement, he became uneasy.

The abilities of these six ghosts are completely incomparable to those of the upper strings. At most, they can only be ranked as the lower string four. How can the mission level be so high?

"Wait? These ghosts are so weak, there won't be any characteristics between them?" Giyu thought to himself.

Before the ghost could react, Giyu slashed at his neck with a knife and cut off his head.

But the terrible result that Giyu didn't want to see the most appeared. The ghost didn't die, but his head was

A new body grew out of it, and the body just now turned into a vine.

"Has the result I least want to accept still happened?" Yiyong felt that he had mentioned the devil. This kind of resurrection is very difficult to fight, either like Hantengu or like Jifutaro.

In comparison, he hoped that it would be like Hantengu, at least as long as the source is found, he can be killed.

If it is Jifutaro, it is simply as difficult as ascending to heaven. Those who have watched the Yuguo film know that if one of the two brothers and sisters was in the Infinite City and the other in the Yuguo area, the protagonist group would definitely be killed there.

When Yiyong saw that part, he didn't know that Jifutaro lost, except that the sun could kill him. You said that Jifutaro could fight all the members of the Demon Slayer Corps alone, I think it's no problem. As long as they are not beheaded at the same time, they can be resurrected infinitely. What is this concept?

Gitarou is definitely not only the strength of an Upper Six. If it is a one-on-one fight, he may not be as good as other Upper Six, but if it is a Demon Slayer Corps fight, Gitarou is undoubtedly the strongest and can wear down the opponent to death.

What's more, the six demons in front of him are not sure whether there is a seventh or eighth demon. Giyuu's heart is cold and he can only pray here.

But there are not so many good things in the world. No one will be lucky all his life, and the same is true for Giyuu.

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