The two of them were so fierce that they could not stand each other.


The figures of Xingming and Kokushibo flew around at a high speed, and every time they met, there would be a huge explosion.

The three little ones were really enlightened this time. Many swordsmen would never encounter such a battle in their lifetime.

Shimi bandaged his wound and stared at the battlefield.

The one man and one ghost on the battlefield were also fighting fiercely.

Kokushibo fought and retreated, trying to distance himself from Xingming.

However, after the distance was pulled, Xingming's meteor hammer followed closely.

Once close, it was the broad axe again.

For a moment, Kokushibo didn't have time to use the move of the Moon Breathing.

He could only look for another flaw.

However, he made a judgment on the strength of both sides. If he wanted to defeat the man in front of him, he could either drag him into the Infinite Castle and then use his almost infinite physical strength to kill him.

Or he could use his real strength, the power of a demon, the real Hollow God.

Before, Shinya had told him that there was a pillar in this generation of the Demon Slayer Corps who used a meteor hammer, and he must not take his attack head-on.

Shinya's toughness was recognized by the Twelve Demon Moons. He said that he couldn't take it head-on, and Kokushibo was not a fool.

Besides, Kokushibo had seen what it was like.

As the meteor hammer spun like a typhoon, Kokushibo was confident in the physical strength of demons, and he would not take such an attack head-on.

However, when masters fight, it is often not one side that controls the battle.

At least for now, the rhythm of the battle is in the hands of Gyomei.

The meteor hammer attacked from the front, and its speed made Kokushibo not have time to dodge.

Ding! ! !

With a loud bang, the meteor hammer hit the blade of the hollow crying god, and dazzling sparks burst out.

The blade in Kokushibo's hand almost slipped out of his hand, and he could only jump back to release the force.

He jumped back more than ten meters before landing to stabilize his body.

However, at this time, the huge broad axe attacked him from the side.

Kokushibo held up his sword to block, but the blade was directly cut off.

Fortunately, the broad axe was blocked and Kokushibo was able to catch his breath.

Xingming took back his two weapons and stopped attacking.

It's not that he didn't want to pursue the victory, but the opponent was one of the upper strings after all, and he didn't know what trump cards he had.

If he just rushed and hit blindly, if the opponent used a trump card, he would be unprepared and easily put himself in danger.

As long as the ghost didn't cut his neck, he could recover from the injury.

But Xingming, as a human, couldn't do that. Once he was injured, he might give up the advantage he had built with great difficulty.

Therefore, although Xingming's attack seemed fierce, he was actually very cautious.

Once he realized that he was going to pursue him relentlessly, he immediately stopped attacking and readjusted his mentality.

Heishibo was obviously stunned by Xingming's stopping the attack.

Because Xingming's withdrawal also disrupted his plan.

At the moment when the God of Kūku was interrupted, he was ready to show weakness to the enemy. When Xingming got close, he pulled out a new knife from his body and beheaded him with one knife.

However, Xingming stopped at this time, and Heishibo felt a little regretful.

At the same time, Heishibo could see the muscles, blood flow, internal organs and meridians in Xingming's body, and he couldn't help but admire it.

"For more than three hundred years, I have never seen such a strong body. It has been polished to a near-perfect level. If I eat him, the improvement I get may be no less than rare blood." Heishibo thought to himself.

For ghosts, there are two kinds of people who are their favorites. After eating them, they will gain more powerful power than ordinary people.

One is the so-called rare blood. For demons, the blood of ordinary people is water, and rare blood is fine wine. Then Shimizu's blood is the water of life.

The blood of this kind of people will change the blood demon art of demons.

Another kind is humans with special physiques, such as Mitsuri and now Gyomei.

Once demons devour the flesh of this kind of people, their basic physical abilities will be greatly enhanced.

Now, in front of Kokushibo, there is a rare blood and a special physique.

After eating them, he may become stronger than Shinye again.

Kokushibo has been brooding over the suppression of Shinye in the Infinite City last time.

Although the final result is a draw, in his opinion, he has actually lost.

The knife made of his own flesh and blood was cut off by Shinye.

In other words, his physical strength is meaningless in front of Shinye's slash.

"Shinye..." Kokushibo's face became more gloomy and twisted: "Why, you

Just like Yoriichi..."

As for Shinya, he had already figured out Kokushibo's character.

This guy is a typical person who is afraid of his brother's suffering, and even more afraid of his brother driving a Land Rover.

You can tell by looking at how he treats Yoriichi. When Yoriichi is not valued by his father, he will quietly come to comfort Yoriichi and give Yoriichi a flute he made himself.

But after Yoriichi showed his talent and was valued by his father, jealousy immediately changed his face beyond recognition. Of course, it is not ruled out that it was because he was about to be sent to become a monk.

The same is true for Shinya. When Shinya is weak, Kokushibo Kokushibo is a very good teacher, and often teaches Shinya swordsmanship.

But since the last battle in Infinite Castle, Kokushibo's jealousy of Shinya has become stronger.

Although the original Kokushibo had eaten many people, at least he was not like Douma, who would take a bite whenever he wanted, and his strength was all derived from eating people.

His main focus was still on honing his swordsmanship, and eating people was just to make his body stronger so that he could use more powerful swordsmanship.

After the battle with Shinya, Kokushibo's demand for human flesh and blood suddenly increased. Increase, and actually asked Mingnu to help him find rare blood.

And he also walked out of the Infinite City and began to actively look for humans to hunt.

The city in front of him was actually occupied by Kokushibo who summoned these ghosts to hunt for him.

Such a large number of evil ghosts gathered and issued orders. This is the privilege of Kokushibo under Muzan.

Only Kokushibo can issue orders to these ghosts and let them gather together to do things.

Because Kokushibo is the only subordinate that Muzan can trust.

Although Muzan always says that Shinya is a capable general, it is impossible for Shinya to gather a large number of ghosts.

As for the Gokuraku Cult, they are all human beings in Muzan's eyes.

After all, in Muzan's view, if you want to transform a ghost, you must get his consent, and Shinya himself is not able to turn a person into a ghost.

And once Shinya uses his own blood to create a ghost, he can't be unaware of it.

Therefore, the trash boss always thought that the Gokuraku Cult was all human beings.

"Moon Breathing·Land Type·Tokyo Lone Moon·Mujian. "

The arc-shaped slash was like a spider web, completely covering the front of Xingming and coming at a high speed.

Xingming wanted to dodge, but looking at the three little ones behind him and the injured Shimi and Yunxiong, he could only choose to block it.

Such a slash, the two pillars in this state would never be able to dodge, and the three little ones needless to say, they couldn't even see Kokushibo's sword.

"Rock Breathing·Fourth Form·Rhyolite·Speed ​​Conquest!"

Holding the middle of the chain, the chain and meteor hammer were swung and rotated, constantly colliding with Kokushibo's slash.

Most of the slashes were blocked, but the remaining slashes still scratched Xingming's face.

Xingming wiped the small amount of blood oozing from his face and said to the three little ones behind him: "Take Fuzukawa and Tokito out, I will fight to the death until dawn."

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