The young man in front of him was holding a wooden sword.

The young man with flesh-colored hair slashed the water breath with the Sunwheel Sword, but was blocked by the young man in front of him with a wooden sword.

And with a slight shake of his hand, he shook the young man away.

"Xiantu! Are you okay?" The girl who was watching the battle next to him hurried forward and asked with concern.

Xiantu stood up: "I'm fine!"

Then, he looked at the young man in front of him: "Sorry, Brother Akito, please continue!"

"No, let's stop here today!" The young man called Akito said, looking at the setting sun.

"Huh? Why?" Xiantu was confused.

Akito said: "Training needs to be gradual. Even if you train one more night today, you can't immediately become strong. On the contrary, overtraining will damage your body. Your body is not fully developed yet, so don't squeeze your potential too much."

After saying that, he ignored the unwilling look of Santo and walked down the mountain by himself.

"Damn it!" Santo was very unwilling. He had obviously increased the amount of training, but why didn't his strength improve much?

Is it really like Akito said that he overtrained?

The young man named Akito ignored Santo's entanglement and quickly went down the mountain.

Arrived at the small house at the foot of the mountain, went in and looked at the masked Urokodaki Sakonji.

"You are really relieved. Leave those little ghosts to me." Akito looked at Urokodaki Sakonji and smiled.

Urokodaki Sakonji looked at Akito and said after a long time: "Thank you for your hard work."

Akito went into the house and sat down next to Urokodaki Sakonji.

As the sun went down, darkness began to shroud the outside world until the moon appeared and the soft moonlight illuminated the road.

And Akito, who was beside Urokodaki Sakonji, also changed in appearance.

His hair grew longer, and he grew claws and fangs, and his normal pupils turned dark gold.

And in the dark gold pupils, words appeared.

"Upper String" and "Fourth String"

Akito looked at the old man in front of him and felt a little emotional.

For more than 40 years, the young man became an old man, but he didn't change much.

The trainer in front of him, who looked like his elder, called himself "Senior Shinya"

Yes, Akito is Shinya, the name of Shinya's activities as a human.

Feeling the power surging in his body, Shinya felt quite emotional.

In more than 40 years, he changed several identities to join the Demon Slayer Corps.

For nothing else, just to collect the five initial breathing methods.

His purpose was also very simple. He wanted to try to combine the five initial breathing methods to see if he could restore the Sun Breathing.

Even if the complete version cannot be restored, a youthful mini version similar to Kagura the God of Fire can be restored.

But unfortunately, the reality did not match his expectations.

After he sorted out the information of the five initial breathing methods, he came to a disappointing conclusion.

That is, after three hundred years, countless swordsmen have improved the five initial breathing methods, which are already very different from the original version.

Although compared with the initial initial breathing methods, the current initial breathing methods are much stronger. After all, they are the hard work of genius swordsmen of all generations. It is abnormal if they cannot compare with their predecessors.

But an embarrassing problem that follows is that although the initial five initial breathing methods are weak, they are indeed derived from the Sun Breathing, and the influence of the Sun Breathing is very large.

And now, except for the most basic characteristics of the five initial breathing methods, it is difficult to see the shadow of the Sun Breathing.

Even the five breathing methods at the beginning can complement each other, which is also the fundamental reason why the first generation of breathing swordsmen are so powerful.

A single breathing method is not strong, but the five major breathing methods are interoperable and can complement each other.

And swordsmen who practice different breathing methods can also complement each other in combat.

Now, although the individual breathing methods have reached a very powerful level, there are already great differences between the major breathing methods.

In many places, different breathing methods are even in conflict.

For example, it is similar to the different internal skills in martial arts novels.

At the beginning, the operation routes of the five major internal skills were complementary. In theory, learning the five major internal skills can restore the strongest internal skills.

Although it is only theoretical, it is feasible after all.

Now, the five major internal skills have become extremely powerful after being improved by swordsmen of all generations, and the strengthening of the body is also greater.


However, because of the change in the route of the inner strength, many of the routes of the five inner strengths are different, or even completely conflicting.

Although some sword types can be used interchangeably, that is only a part of it.

After collecting the five initial breathing methods, Shinya found that all he could do was to improve the Thunder Breathing to a certain extent.

After more than 40 years of hard work, the result he got in the end is really hard to be happy about.

"But it's time!"

Shinya stood up and said to Urokodaki Sakonji: "I should go too."

Urokodaki Sakonji said: "Why don't you let me tell the Demon Slayer Corps about you?"

Shinya sighed and said: "After all, I am still a demon, and my identity will be controversial here. If there is a dispute, there will be cracks that would not appear otherwise."

"Really? Okay!" Urokodaki Sakonji nodded.

Shinya smiled and said, "The disciples you accepted are all good and talented. But that kid named Yiyong has a big problem with his personality. If he is not enlightened, he will be a drag on the battlefield in the future."

"Well... This kind of problem cannot be solved overnight, we can only take it slowly." Urokodaki Sakonji said.

Shinya looked at him and said, "I'm leaving. Don't tell the children my identity, and don't ask me where I went. The next time we meet, we may not be enemies or friends."

As Urokodaki Sakonji saw him off, Shinya went straight into Lei Xun's space.

With a thought, he appeared in the Eternal Paradise Sect.

"Hmm? Mr. Shinya, it's been a long time since we last met!" Douma smiled when he saw Shinya appear.

When he saw Shinya, Douma's smile was different from his usual fake smile. It was a smile from the heart.

Just like the woman he killed with his own hands a few years ago, Douma also had a smile from the heart in front of that woman.

"It's been a hundred years, Douma, I think it's time." Shinya said.

Douma tilted his head: "Hmm?"

Shinya took out a toe bone from his pocket: "Look."

Douma was stunned: "Ghost Gate Mirror?"

Shinya smiled: "Yes, you should know what this means."

Douma's smile also faded: "Exchange blood battle, Mr. Shinya, do you want to initiate a exchange blood battle with me?"

"Yes, exchange blood battle!" Shinya said with a smile.

ps: The original work seems to have no process of exchange blood battle, so the dialogue and process of initiating exchange blood battle are all my YY.

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