Yunqiu was eating apple candy, but her appetite was gone all of a sudden, and she felt that the food in her hand was also stained with the smell.

She quickened her pace and shuttled through the streets, but still did not see the shadow of Jifu Taro or Mei.

There was no way, there were too few descriptions of ghosts, and Yunqiu only knew their general appearance and age, and where they lived specifically. Yunqiu was not checking the household registration, so how could she know so much detail?

Adding this, many children were born, but they died quickly, and few survived. The Edo government did not care at all. Maybe they were just registered today, but they were gone tomorrow!

Having learned from the previous lessons, Yunqiu came early this time, and there was no situation where Douma dug people away. It could only be that the two people were not born yet!

Just thinking about how to understand the situation here in detail, I heard a group of children shouting something. Yunqiu, who had excellent hearing, could hear clearly that they were scolding "ugly monsters".

I quickened my pace and walked over, and saw a few children who were dressed well, throwing stones at another one.

The child was dirty, with messy hair and a skinny body. He was lying on the ground with his head in his arms.

"Hey, kids, if you don't run now, you'll be beaten~"

Yun Qiu's voice came from behind, scaring the children away, but they didn't leave.

One of the brave ones even contradicted Yun Qiu, "What does it have to do with you? We're just playing with him!"

Yun Qiu gave a death smile, which stunned the children. They stood there without speaking or moving. Regardless of their situation, Yun Qiu walked up and kicked them one by one, regardless of whether they were men or women.

It was light, but it made the children cry and go home.

Looking at the prostitute Taro lying on the ground, Yun Qiu was a little disgusted. It was too dirty!

Finally, she wrapped her hand with a handkerchief, lifted him up with two fingers, and then shook him like a rag doll, "Are you okay?"

Jifu Taro saw Yunqiu's face, was stunned for a long time, then covered his face with his hands and dared not look, shrinking like a hedgehog.

Seeing him like this, Yunqiu didn't want to force him, so she stuffed the apple candy she had eaten a few bites of into his hand, and then put it back on the ground.

It was also very light, and I didn't feel anything in my hand...

There were a lot of things in the food box, some cakes I bought just now, left for him to replenish his body, and then put the food box in his hand next to him.

Jifu Taro looked at Yunqiu puzzledly through his fingers, holding the apple candy helplessly in his other hand, and curled up against the wall.

The dirty puppy looked so pitiful...

I really wanted to wash it clean...

I patted Jifu Taro's head and said, "This is for you."

Then I turned and left, leaving Jifu Taro staring blankly, holding the bamboo stick tightly in his hands.

Jifu Taro only gnawed until the figure disappeared around the corner. His teeth were crooked and twisted, but it did not affect his eating of the hard-earned food at all.

Thinking of his seriously ill mother and his sister who had just turned four, Jifu Taro picked up the things and ran home, looking around vigilantly, fearing that someone would snatch them away.

When he returned home, he was greeted by his mother's beating and scolding, hitting his neck and head again and again. The young Jifu Taro was powerless to resist.

Mei sat aside and cried, grabbing the corner of her mother's clothes, but was pushed away.

She kept cursing, and the food she brought back was also overturned and stained with dust on the ground.

After he was tired of fighting, he left the two siblings here and lay down to sleep.

Jifu Taro picked up the cakes on the ground, crushed the clean ones and fed them to Mei, ate the dirty ones himself, and carried Mei away from the crazy woman, coaxing her in the corner.

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