Yuhe condensed RC cells, hardened the kagune and fired, killing all the bats.

Seeing that Upper Rank 3 was about to raise her head, Yunqiu stepped on her head and pushed it into the ground.

I let you bully me, go eat dirt!

When Xiaomei saw Yunqiu coming, she threw herself into Yunqiu's arms and cried like a child with the support of her parents.

Yinchuan stood there with the sword in silence. Yunqiu reached out and touched his head, "You are already very powerful, you did a good job."

Yinchuan was not comforted, but shook his head, "I am too weak. If my sister hadn't come... we would definitely be killed by her."

"I want to become stronger!"

"At least I have to beat this guy!"

It is a good thing to want to become stronger. Yunqiu welcomes it very much. "Do you know why she is powerful?"

"Because she is a ghost. Although she can't move during the day, she has a long lifespan. She constantly strengthens herself by eating people and has blood ghost arts."

"Ghouls are creatures similar to ghosts. They can move during the day and eat ghosts. Become a ghoul. Only with more powerful power can you protect Xiaomei."

"But people's lifespan is very short. After becoming a ghoul, the stronger the strength, the longer the lifespan. Make your choice."

The amount of information is too much, and Yinchuan's brain is a little bit stuck.

If you want to have strong power, you will watch Mei slowly grow old and die, but if you are too weak, you can't protect her well...

When Yinchuan was having trouble making a decision, Xiaomei asked a question, "Sister Yunqiu, can I be with my brother?"

"I don't want to be a burden to him, I will work hard..."

Of course Yunqiu agreed. It would be heartbreaking to watch this little cutie who I have raised for so many years slowly grow old!

The two of them unanimously chose to become ghouls, but Yunqiu did not convert them immediately.

Human life is also beautiful. If you can experience it for two more years, you should feel it more. You won't be able to eat those delicacies in the future.

With this accident, Yinchuan practiced harder, and Yunqiu would also tell them some tricks of the Moon Breathing, hoping that the two of them could master some breathing methods.

Five years later, Xiaomei developed her own breathing method from the Moon Breathing - Dream Breathing.

However, there are only four styles, one is nightmare, two is fear, three is dream, and four is phantom.

Yinchuan couldn't learn it anyway, so Yunqiu thought about it and handed him over to Komaji, asking Komaji to teach him and maybe he could learn something else.

At about 25 years old, the two received blood and transformed into ghouls.

Xiaomei's Kakubu is scale Kakubu, and Yinchuan's is armor Kakubu.

The two have strong physical fitness. After transforming into ghouls, they quickly awakened blood demon arts. It may be due to the setting that blood demon arts are exactly the same as those in Demon Slayer.

Komaji and Renyu have traveled to many places, and the Suliu Gym has become one of the largest chain gyms in Japan.

Renyu has been learning medical skills, wanting to save more people with serious illnesses like herself, and atone for her cannibalism.

Zhihuazi and Disha established the largest hospital so far to treat injuries and illnesses for ordinary people. At the same time, they used their professional convenience to purchase blood and study RC cells.

But progress has been slow, and no food that can replace RC cells has appeared.

However, many people with rare blood have been found, and the concentration of RC cells is much higher than that of others. Baihua Hospital will buy blood at a high price and also send supplements.

Cycle cutting leeks, grow them well!

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