Originally, the breathing method of the Demon Slayer Corps was forbidden to be spread outside, and the appearance of Suehana Ichiharu caught the three pillars off guard.

He had mastered the Breathing of Wind to perfection, and his Nichirin Sword was also a brand new and pure green color, but he stood opposite the Demon Slayer Corps! He even pulled out the Nichirin Sword towards his teammates!

Suehana Ichiharu: You misunderstood, I just wanted to spar (crush) a little bit...

"Eighth Form: First Fierce Wind Slash"

Two crescent-shaped hurricanes intertwined and attacked the wind pillar Fan Du Ze Ping, leaving two huge cracks on the ground, lifting up the soil and blurring the vision.

Fan Du Ze Ping was well prepared, mobilized his breathing, and used the Fifth Form: Cold Autumn Mountain Wind to barely resist.

Just as he was about to launch an attack, he was met with a blade, and Fan Du Ze Ping's reaction speed was far slower than Suehana Ichiharu.

There was no place to hide from this move. She thought she would be beheaded like the evil ghost she had killed before, but the Sun Blade stopped there steadily, not even hurting her at all, which shows how terrifying her control of strength is.

She was defeated in just two moves. It seems that everyone will be defeated here today...

"Wind relies on speed and skills. You are only a little stronger than me at the beginning, and you don't even know the breathing method. How can you become the wind pillar?"

At the beginning, Suehana Ichiharu was a C-level, and this person is at most an A-level. How can he become the wind pillar?

Although Fan Du Ze Ping had just been promoted and was the weakest among the pillars, he was promoted in a serious manner. "I became a pillar after killing the Lower Six!"

Mohana Ichiharu just silently retracted his knife, "You are a rookie, just practice more."

Four words made Fan Du Ze Ping break his defense directly, "You arrogant man, you just beat me this time, if you have the ability, let's compete again!"

"I have only been learning breathing techniques for less than two years, and I usually practice very hard. My master said that I am very talented. What qualifications do you have to say that about me!"

In less than two years, this kid looks only about sixteen years old, and he is indeed talented.

"Who is your master?"

Fan Du Ze Ping was silent...

Yun Qiu was surprised, "You don't even know the name of your master?"

Urokita Sajiro reached out and patted Fan Du Ze Ping's shoulder, answering the question for him, "Senior Futabagi died not long ago."

After hearing this name, Mohana Ichiharu lowered his eyes and recalled the original scene.

At that time, the group of new members of the Demon Slayer Corps were trapped, and Suehana Ichiharu and Futabagi led people to rescue them. Unfortunately, the news was wrong and everyone fell into trouble.

Suehana Ichiharu was the strongest one and took the responsibility of covering, while Futabagi escorted the others away.

Unexpectedly, the news that he died was heard again.

"How did he die?"

Fan Du Ze Ping was still a little childish and spoke very aggressively, "Why are you asking so many questions! I will avenge my master sooner or later!"

Rengoku Makijuro probably saw that these two people did not have much malice, but just wanted to stop them.

In the current situation, the three of them together may not be able to beat Suehana Ichiharu, not to mention that there is also a Yunqiu who may be stronger.

However, the change in Suehana Ichiharu's tone of voice seemed to indicate that he had a relationship with Senior Futaba. "Futaba died of excessive blood loss after fighting with Lower String Two and Lower String Six to protect the people."

Suehana Ichiharu did not say that he wanted to avenge Futaba. His former self died more than fifty years ago. Now he is a new self and should say goodbye to the past.

But Suehana Ichiharu planned to give Futaba's unfinished teachings to Fan Du Ze Ping. "Let's go. I'll be your master from now on."

How could this kid agree? "I don't want you to be my master! I won't go with you!"

The last person who said this was Xuan Mi...


Suehana Ichiharu narrowed his eyes slightly, then acted quickly and knocked the man unconscious.

Makijuro reacted quickly and immediately grabbed Fan Du Ze Ping's body, "This is the first time we meet, it's not a good thing to take our companion away."

"You can't beat me."

"Although it's like this, we have always been united. Although Ze Ping is a little weak, he is also our indispensable partner."

"You can't beat me."

"...Anyway, I won't let you take him away, please let go!"

"You! You can't beat me!"


Baby Mohua, don't do this, you will be hated!!!

The two of them just pulled Fan Du Ze Ping, and their hands were strong. Yun Qiu scratched his head, "How about... half each?"

"No" x2

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