At this time, Suzuya had already noticed the movement and came out to check.

The scum didn't follow.

Now I'm still dripping from my bed and falling asleep.

The afternoon is the official start of the day.

As for what happened late last night, Suzuya made a small move, and according to the breath of perception, he already knew the whole picture.

I also have some interest in the "Queen".

At first, I brought my teammates here, mainly to deal with some emergencies, such as falling into the water.

But it's basically impossible.

Judging from the current situation, Ling Ye plans to let her go, handle the matter of the "treasure tree" in the afternoon, and greet Ling Feng when she goes back.

In the castle.

Hana woke up, reached out and rubbed her sleepy eyes, opened her eyes and looked up at the familiar ceiling, remembering yesterday's events, and her heart was also full of feelings.

I didn't expect Cabal to do such a thing with bad intentions, if it weren't for this woman who looked like a killer, she would have been in the hands of the other party's boss by now.

Hana sat up from the bed, lifted the quilt with her hands, sat on the edge of the bed, and reached for her shoes.

I don't know which caring person put the shoes that were kicked here and there by the three of Cabal last night neatly and put them under the bed.

Hana put on her shoes, got out of bed, and walked slowly to the window, looking out of the window with a frown, looking preoccupied.

The breath of the early morning slipped through the broken window and slipped into the room in the open, blowing on Hana's face.

Through the window, you can see the "Wall Repair Brigade" busy in the distance, and the guards who patrolled all night last night have not rested, and they are much more conscientious than the original soldiers in the castle.

Hana couldn't help but feel a chill.

At this time, the maid didn't come in, probably with them.

Hana, who is used to the maid dressing herself, doesn't realize that her body is also cold now.

Ling Feng woke up and opened one eye to glance at her, observing the girl's movements.

No matter how you look at it, it doesn't look like a "queen", but it looks like a big lady.

The castle was inhabited by only a few people, and although there were many soldiers guarding it, most of them were on her behalf.

Ling Feng just wanted to explore the hidden mystery behind this delicate and beautiful surface, and he returned here unknowingly after being refused to leave yesterday, probably because of this.

Ling Feng bounced up from the ground, straightened up, picked up the girl's goose-white coat from the hanger next to the girl's bed, walked to the window and put it on her body, and said softly: "What do you want?"

Hana came back to her senses, held her clothes with her hands, looked sideways at Ling Feng, changed her mood just now, and said, "Last night, thank you." "

Hana no longer has the same prejudice against this woman who seems to be a killer.

Ling Feng replied slightly, signaling that he was not polite, and then turned around to send the three people tied up outside the door to the town's guard center.

"Wait... Wait a minute!"

Hana didn't hesitate to reach out this time, tugging at Ling Feng's sleeve, her lips trembling slightly, she had something to say but couldn't say.

Cabal and the guards were the closest people she had in the town, and she didn't know who had instigated her to become what she was today.

The sudden changes caused most of the pyramid that Princess Hana's inner world had been built with great difficulty to collapse.

Ling Feng's right hand was pulled back by Hana's sleeve.

Hana's voice gave Ling Feng a hint of confusion.

Ling Feng stopped.

"That's... Come with me.

Hearing this, Hana followed with peace of mind, and the hand at the corner of her clothes did not withdraw again.


The door to the room was pushed open from the inside.

Hana was pulling Ling Feng's sleeve and standing behind her.

After seeing the situation outside the door, he raised his head and moved to the front very naturally, and his temperament was completely different from just now.

Two maids were kneeling on one knee outside the door, their heads bowed, as if they had committed some crime.

"Your Majesty, you've been waiting for a long time. "

Siris, Larlan!"

Hana crouched down and helped her up, letting go of the uneasiness in her heart, thinking that the two of them were also deluded, and that they were in the same league as Kabal.

The two maids look alike, with the same hairstyle, like symmetrical dolls.

They followed Hana in this city, and they didn't know anything about her princess status.

"Rise up also.

Hana, in a condescending tone, very different from the expressions in the room, said commandingly to the guards who had gathered around the door and saluted.

"Yes, Queen!" the

guards responded, their armor neatly making a crisp sound of metal clashing.

It was clear that the three Cabal and the other guards who had been killed and hidden in the castle had been disposed of by the other guards in the city and put in prison.

Hana asked the maids the reason for this.

The two maids went out to rescue Ling Feng last night, after Hana fell asleep.

And she was specially told not to come in at night to disturb her, so she kept squatting outside the door, waiting for the queen to open the door and come out.

After that, Hana pretended to be a queen and explained something to the guards around her, and then went back to her room and closed the door.

The maid and the guard disbanded, retreated, and went about their work.


Hana let out a long breath and slid her back against the wall near the door, sliding down the wall to the floor, her hands clasping her bent knees.

Ling Feng didn't hide it, turned his head to look at her, and directly said the question in his heart: "It's very tiring to pretend to be the queen."

Hana was visibly startled when she heard this, and her pupils changed slightly.

But she inexplicably felt a sense of security in Ling Feng, and she was willing to believe in the female swordsman in front of her in her self-consciousness.

Then his expression changed, and his heart was no longer entangled.

"My name is Paplano Hana. "

Ling Feng.

Ling Feng replied briefly.

Then he was pulled by Hana's outstretched hand and sat down against the wall.

Facing her savior, Hana naturally put down the shelf of "Queen", "Say, you also look like you have a lot of problems, I will solve your doubts, and I will repay you." "

That's good


, the two of them had a long talk, Ling Feng listened to her, but he didn't know that he slowly learned about a certain kingdom...

"Hey? Suddenly interesting.

Suzuya, who was eavesdropping in the distance, muttered to herself.

It was almost time for Suzuya to take the scum with him near the entrance of the Dome Room.

Unlike yesterday, not only the door, but the entire igloo was surrounded by many people in black inside and out.

At the entrance, you can see several people dressed in noble clothes and slightly strange temperaments walking in from the main entrance, and it is not surprising that they should be guests.

Suzuya watched around for a while, waiting until a few minutes before the auction officially started before walking with the scum to the main entrance.

Thinking about the number of people who had just entered and exited, it didn't match the huge amount of content in the dome at all.

Suzuya suddenly had a trace of doubt in her heart.

Yesterday he walked around the underground passages of the black market several times, and did find the locked door on the lower level of the dome from all sides.

It is estimated that there is a direct access to the sea.

The scum walked in front of the bell night, went to the entrance, and consciously showed the admission voucher that he had obtained in advance.

After the man in black with sunglasses checked that the voucher was indeed fine, he checked the dregs' body a little and found no abnormality.

Another man in black pointed to Ling Ye and said arrogantly, "You take off your mask and take a look."

When the scum heard this, he looked a little flustered and hurriedly stopped him.

Brother, don't look for your own death.

"This is my deputy, my face is not visible, and it will scare you to death if it is exposed.

The scum used his hands and feet together, gesturing in the air, and hurriedly explained.

Suzuya reached out and grabbed the scum's swaying hand, and with the other hand, calmly grabbed the corner of the mask and lifted it.

One of Suzuya's eyes and ears were covered with pitch-black shadows.

A few drops of thick molten slurry particles on the face were slowly flowing down the cheeks, and it was no longer possible to distinguish the true face of the face.

The scum on the side was also frightened.

The man in black saw that he was suffering from a strange illness and was dripping strange things outside, so he immediately covered himself and waved his hand to greet them, "I know, you can go in." "

Easy to fool.

It's not unusual for the pirate organization to have strange-looking people.

There is only one road from the entrance to the dome, which leads almost directly to the venue.

The surroundings are slightly bright, but the floor and walls are clearly visible.

The scum walked inside, and when the people who couldn't see the entrance at all, they immediately slowed down and followed behind Suzuya.

The number plates he got were ninety-nine and one hundred, and the reason why the numbers were so small was that there should be some people who came to watch the play and did not participate in the auction.

Inside, there is a large screen-like thing that obscures it, and you have to take a slight detour to enter the main hall.

This also means that if you don't bend your eyes, you won't be able to get a glimpse of what is going on inside from the outside.

"Click. "

Bell Night can hear his footsteps very clearly, but he can't hear the sound of the venue at all, which is not generally good.

After walking for a while, they came to a huge door, and the two stout men in black standing on the left and right sides of the gate saw that a new guest was coming, bowed their heads politely, and then pushed the door open.

A vertical light slowly shrouded out between the doors, and the light diffused, gradually spreading out as the distance between the two doors increased, reflecting in the eyes of the scum and on the mask of Suzuya.

The sound inside also naturally travels, and the whole environment becomes noisy.

When they entered, the man in black closed the door again, repeating the same action like a robot.

The brightness of the venue is much brighter than that of the aisle at the entrance, and the dense small lights on the roof and the headlights on the top of the center of the venue make the light converge to illuminate the entire hall of the venue, as if it were daytime.

The stage in the center should be the place where the goods will be exhibited when the official meeting begins.

With the stage in the center, the neat seats stretched outward in circles, circle by circle and a little height, were as compact as the teeth of the abyss opened and the mouth of the blood basin was exposed, and on them sat the messengers of hell.

As soon as Suzuya and Scum came in, they were led to their seats by the man in black inside.

The other seats were also full of people, all dressed strangely, and their shrewd expressions were very uniform.

As you can imagine, the competition is fierce.

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