"Dark Cave Dao!" Blackbeard

exerted his strength, and the darkness on the ground stretched extremely quickly to the soles of Jiang Land's feet.

The gravitational pull of the darkness began to pull Jiang Landing downward.


Jiang Lande used his ability to stretch out the earth and stone pillar under his feet, open it, and his body flipped in the air, landing in a safe place.

Spawn the column again and repeat the action.

Relying on the special ability of the system to make up for the lack of movement ability, so that you can also achieve relatively good movement results.

"Hahaha, Tippen, I didn't make a move!" Blackbeard

raised his hands up and opened them on both sides, with a complete expression, playing with Jiang Land, who kept fleeing.

Tippen didn't chase with all his might, but slowly approached behind Jiang Lander.

Maybe that's more in line with her playfulness.

Some hunters simply like to chase prey that is struggling around and slowly despairing.

Jiang Lander was hiding from the Dark Fruit while also preventing the hunters from chasing him, and his movements were already not smooth, and now it was even more difficult.

Tippen stepped forward.


the spear grazed Jiang Land's body again.

Jiang Lande, who had nowhere to escape, fell down from the stone pillar, covering the bleeding with both hands, his expression was very painful, and he endured it and didn't scream.

The whole body is still in the air...


The shoulder is penetrated.


The two attacks were too tightly connected, and the sudden pain, Jiang Land's body reacted naturally and shouted.


" "Rand..."Su

Chengmen in the distance was still trying his best to treat him with his ability, and it was obvious that he could not protect himself...

"Where are you looking?"

the Evil Ruler came from the direction of the Sioux City Gate, stood in front of him, and threw a punch.

The city gate of Su was resisted with only one hand and was knocked away.

On the way to his flight trajectory, Jot was waiting, waiting for him to fly and immediately punch.

The city gate of Sue flew to the other side, and what was waiting on the other side was Hiryu's slash...

In this way, Su Chengmen's body was beaten back and forth by these three people, playing like a football.

Su Chengmen always had a free hand towards Jiang Lande in the distance.

His current healing ability, in addition to healing himself, requires a raised hand to match the target.

But now he is being beaten by the three people of the black group and Jiang Lander is getting farther and farther away, and the green light on Jiang Lande's body is gradually getting weaker, and the effect is getting worse and worse.

What's even more dangerous is that the armed color domineering entangled in Su Chengmen's body gradually collapsed with the increase in the number and intensity of the three attacks of the black group.

Xiliu and they got serious, and slashed hard, but the armed color of Su Chengmen still couldn't be completely resisted, plus the distraction of the battle...

Scars also gradually appeared on Su Chengmen's body, and his healing ability was even a little unable to keep up.

The scene was unbearable.


Jiang Land was pinched by Thippon's neck, his feet off the ground, and he was lifted from the ground entirely.

There were bloody scars all over his body, and the flickering green healing light was much dimmer than before.

"Wooden road huhuhuhu, little cutie, it seems that this is the end of your life.

Thippon's eyes narrowed, the corners of his mouth raised, and his tongue curled around his lips, savoring the blood of the prey that had splattered on his face.

The early members of the Black Regiment were all watching from a distance.

Badgers helped the badly beaten Van Oka to sit on the side, and Poison Q was operating something next to him, which should be healing.

Blackbeard stepped forward.

"What about your captain? You still haven't come out like this, do you really want to be a turtle with a shrunken head

?" "Huh?"

Blackbeard curled the corners of his eyes, and looked at Jiang Land, who was unrecognizable, with a raised question.


Jiang Land's body trembled, and he tried his best to speak and refute, but his throat was stuck by Tippen, and he couldn't open his mouth.

"Captain, it has developed like this, and their boss has not come out yet, which only shows one problem.

Tippen held up Ginger Rander and turned his head to talk to Blackbeard.

"What's the problem?"

"He's not here. "

Be silent for a while...

"Makes sense. "

I don't know if Blackbeard is really stupid or pretending, what an obvious state it is.

"Then you tell me where your boss is, and I won't kill you..."

Blackbeard didn't finish his words and thought about it.

Since the warships are here, no matter where their boss is, they will definitely come back here, just wait or not.

Looking at Blackbeard, who was a little tangled, Lafitte flew over from the side and landed, "Captain, knock down these people in front of you and snatch their ship directly, after their boss comes back, he will naturally look for us."

"When the time comes, we can still set some favorable conditions. "

Lafitte's eyes are yin and yang, the idea is really good, and it looks a little silly to wait here.

"Good idea.

Blackbeard understood, his eyes moved from Jiang Land, and he walked in the direction of the warship with a swaying pace.


"Sorry, it looks like we're about to say goodbye.

Gingerland's blood trickled down Thippen's arm and dripped to the ground at the tip of her elbow.

It was because of the body's natural reaction that Jiang Land's hands were desperately grabbing Tippen and pinching his hands.

This force seemed to break Jiang Land's neck.

Jiang Land's hands hung weakly at his sides.

"Huh?" Tippen

thought he was going to die, his hands were relaxed, ready to let go...

Blackbeard also approached the warship on Speysha Road step by step...

Jiang Land's eyes were dark, and he didn't seem to have the energy to resist anymore.

The air around him stopped agitating and gradually became a little quieter, and his eyelids slowly closed.

Do you want to give up?

If you want to blame yourself, you can only blame yourself for being too weak.

Not yet.

Now is not the time.

Jiang Land's heart churned again.

You can't always use weakness as an excuse, and in the past, you have always been protected by everyone.


I still want to hold on for a while...

As long as I have a breath...

Jiang Lande struggled inwardly, endured the severe pain of his heavy body, and reopened his eyes.

Jiang Land's eyes changed, and his hanging hands violently exerted force, controlling the blood flowing out of him to form several blades soaring in the air.

This is a dying move!,

and then, the blade of blood slashed at Tippen's hand.

Blade Shadow.


Tippen's pupils shrank, a little surprised, "You guy, how do you still have the strength?"

The hand that was about to relax was also slashed by the bloody blade, and she let go of her hand as well.

Jiang Lande finally broke free from her grasp and was falling...

"Transformation, the earth has collapsed!" "


In an instant, with Jiang Land's feet as the center, the land within a radius of several hundred meters was vacated in a hemispherical shape.

The land that was originally inside the sphere rises and rolls around the surface of the land.

"What's going on?" Blackbeard

, who had his back to them, went limp, and fell freely...

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