The ghost hunter was so familiar with the figure.

At this time, Ju Qingyan slowly walked over, and the swordsmen made way for him tactfully.

Originally, the ghost, with only his head left, had accepted his tragic fate.

However, when his eyes met Ju Qingyan's, his expression suddenly froze.

It was as if time had stopped at this moment.

For a moment, the ghost felt that countless thoughts flashed through his remaining head.

The figure of this ghost hunter was so familiar.

Both his figure and his dress.

It was a pity that the light at night was not very good, and it was difficult to see his appearance clearly.

The ghost's eyes were wide open, revealing an unbelievable look, as if he had seen something incredible.

Then, his eyes gradually became brighter, and his originally dull eyes began to glow with vitality and hope.

He stared at Ju Qingyan, with an excited look on his face.

After a while, he suddenly raised his head and laughed, his voice full of excitement and joy: "Hahaha! I found it, a handsome double-sword ghost hunter wearing a white feather!" (Don't ask why the vocal cords can vibrate when there is only a head and no lungs, because I don't know why either)

Ju Qingyan frowned slightly when he heard it, and a trace of doubt surged in his heart.

He lowered his head and stared at the ghost in front of him, and asked in a suspicious tone: "Have you heard of my story?"

The ghost seemed to be completely immersed in the joy of being rewarded, completely ignoring everything around him.

He answered without hesitation: "I haven't heard of it, but it is certain that you are the target that the adult is looking for."

At this moment, Ju Qingyan was secretly surprised.

He didn't expect it.

Muzan Kibutsuji was so brave.

Dare to order all ghosts to look for him.

The search range is so wide that even such an ordinary ghost knows his identity.

"Why do you think so?"

Ju Qingyan tried to get away with it, but the ghost was also stubborn and said: "Double swords, white clothes, but the most important thing is that you are handsome."


Ju Qingyan looked at the smug look of the ghost on the ground and couldn't help but say: "Even if you find me, what's the matter, are you willing to give up your life and use your memory to inform Muzan Kibutsuji? Have you thought it through?"

"However, since you said I am handsome, I can spare your life. If you stay in the Purple Tenghua Prison obediently, you won't die. Maybe you can have a good meal when the Demon Slayer Corps selects personnel every year."

After talking about the advantages, Ju Qingyan was ready to talk about the disadvantages.

He narrowed his eyes slightly and said with a hint of cunning: "You know that the life of a ghost is infinite. Are you willing to give up this beautiful world?"

"There are all kinds of interesting things in this world waiting for you to explore, such as the moonlight tonight. If there is a charming female ghost to accompany you, wouldn't it be beautiful to watch the moon and count the stars?"

Ju Qing spoke eloquently, scaring the ghost lying on the ground.

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional.

He kept blinking his eyes, and there was a gleam of wisdom in them, and it felt like he was going to grow a brain.

An inexplicable desire was born in his heart, and it was out of control.

"And if you choose to use your life to inform Muzan Kibutsuji, then once you die, everything will be gone. So, think about it carefully!"

Then, Ju Qingyan continued: "Humans are born from human mothers, demons are born from demon mothers, and from this, ghosts are born from ghost mothers."

"So, Muzan Kibutsuji is the ghost mother..."

Speaking of this, Ju Qingyan suddenly paused, and then showed a mysterious smile.

At this moment, he seemed to have turned into the verbose Tang Sanzang, and started PUA, teaching a ghost earnestly.

The words were full of persuasiveness, which made the ghost fall into deep thought.

The other members of the Demon Slayer Corps looked at this scene and their worldview was refreshed.

They had never thought that there was such a way to deal with ghosts, and that they could influence their thinking through words.

This discovery gave them a new understanding of Ju Qingyan's name of the evil ghost's disaster.

"Fuck, it seems to make sense."

Unknown and powerful.

After weighing this, the ghost instantly quieted down and stopped clamoring to reveal Ju Qingyan's whereabouts.

Although a bright future is in front of him, he is not strong enough and is reluctant to tell his life.

In this case, it is better to give up.

With this in mind, he has prepared to go to the Wisteria Prison to enjoy peace.

Preparation for the rest of his life.

Seeing that the other party had been successfully PUA, Ju Qingyan smiled in his heart.

What a stupid ghost, much more stupid than my Ling Yuzi.

Ling Yuzi: Master, are you polite?

Thinking of this little loli, Ju Qingyan summoned her out immediately.

After tying up the ghost with her blood ghost technique, she looked at everyone and said in an inducing tone: "Next, who will be the bait?"

"I, I will..."

With the previous successful example, this time a group of swordsmen signed up enthusiastically.

"Don't worry, everyone wait a moment."

After saying that, Ju Qingyan avoided everyone and entered the shadows.

Appeared again in less than two and a half minutes.

With the previous experience of the first ghost, Ju Qingyan decided to change his appearance and go into battle lightly, putting the Sun Wheel Sword and the Undead Slash into the system space together.

If needed, he can take it out at any time without delay.

In addition, he also changed his own dressing style.

In short, in order to prevent being calculated by Muzan Kibutsuji, the white haori can no longer be worn.

At this time, the black haori is draped over the body, turning into an elf in the dark night.

Anyway, the light at night is not good, and the face can hardly be seen clearly, so this point can be ignored.

With the appearance of Ju Qingyan, everyone felt relieved.

Just now, they thought they were abandoned.

It can only be said that Ju Qingyan's style of doing things is quite jumpy, and it is completely different from the normal thinking of people.

"Brother Jie, where is your knife?"

Seeing this, Kusano Kuangjin couldn't help asking curiously.

"The knife is in my heart."

After saying that, Ju Qingyan made the action of Iai Slash.

Instantly took out the Immortal Slash and quickly sheathed the knife, and then quietly threw it back into the system space.

The speed of the action was dazzling.

The whole process was as fast as lightning, and everyone couldn't even see the details clearly.

Ju Qingyan's hands were empty, with only a flash of cold light.

Then there was a loud bang, and a half-meter-thick tree in front of him fell down.

The strong airflow blew in his face, making Ju Qingyan's black feather rustle, and his style instantly reached its peak.

"Brother Jie, I want to learn this move."

"Yes, it's so cool, brother Jie, please teach us."

"Please teach me, brother Jie, with my sixteen years of single hand speed, I think it should be no problem to learn this move!"

Everyone didn't understand, but just thought that this method was awesome, so they all humbly asked for advice.

"Alas, it's not that I don't teach, it's mainly because you really don't have the conditions."

Ju Qingyan sighed, and a sense of loneliness emerged from the bottom of his heart.

But what he said was true. If there was no system space, this move really couldn't be performed.

After hearing this, the other team members had to look regretful.

The first time they saw the power of the pillar, they all left a seed of becoming stronger in the hearts of these newcomers.

Most of them were people who participated in the selection with Ju Qingyan.

At the beginning, when they paid the protection fee, they just thought Ju Qingyan was very strong, but they didn't have a specific understanding.

After joining the Demon Slayer Corps, they gradually realized the gap between themselves and others.

It really fulfilled the old saying that goods will be thrown away when compared with goods, and people will die when compared with people.


In the following time, everyone tacitly continued to act according to the previous method.

Once Ju Qingyan gave an order, everyone rushed forward with the Sun Wheel Sword.

By cleverly using bait, they successfully caught many greedy unlucky ghosts and sent them all to the Purple Tenghua Prison.

So far, the group has not encountered particularly powerful ghosts.

If they really encounter a strong enemy, Ju Qing will let the other party experience what Oola Oola Muda Muda is without using the knife.

After all, putting too powerful ghosts in the novice village is not very friendly to those members participating in the selection, and it may bring them too much pressure and danger.

Of course, in the process of arresting, it is inevitable that some ghosts who are afraid of death but stubborn will appear.

After all, a big bird can grow in any forest (this sentence is intentional).

These guys are not only foul-mouthed, but also try to resist or escape.

Faced with such a situation, Ju Qingyan took decisive measures.

Let Ling Yuzi tie up these ghosts and seal their mouths.

After doing all this, they still felt unsatisfied, so they asked the team members in charge of escorting them to whip them with thorn whips along the way.

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