The ghost was in the middle of a long journey, and the ghost was in a state of panic.

As he kept looking at the clothes on the swamp ghost's body, Ju Qingyan was full of doubts and speculations.

He couldn't help but think of the ghost that Tanjiro met in the original work. If the ghost in front of him also had the ability to grind teeth and split, there would be no doubt.

With this idea in mind, Ju Qingyan walked to the edge of the field in the distance, ready to pick up the ghost's head.

Sure enough, he got the answer before he got close. The ghost's head was constantly making a creaking and harsh sound.

Ju Qingyan got goose bumps all over his body.

He threw the ghost's body on the road without hesitation and ordered his brothers to serve with random knives.

Then he broke the swamp ghost's mandible with one punch.

For a moment, the world seemed to be quiet.

"Let me ask you a question. Do you know a ghost who can make it rain? Oh, by the way, he is bald."

Ju Qingyan is not a boring person, but to this day, he still feels bad about the ghost who disturbed his sleep on rainy days.

Seeing that these two ghosts are good at swamp-type blood ghost arts, he couldn't help but feel curious and wanted to find out.

"That's my eldest brother..."

However, before the swamp ghost finished speaking, Ju Qingyan immediately interrupted him: "Okay, I have no problem, I will send you brothers to reunite."

At this moment, a cold light flashed by, as fast as lightning.

I saw the hand rise and the knife fell, and the immortal slash appeared and disappeared quickly. The whole process was so fast that it was difficult to catch.

Ju Qingyan dared to guarantee that even if Muzan Kibutsuji read the cell memory of the swamp ghost, he would not be able to see any clues at this speed.

All this happened too fast, even if it was calculated in milliseconds, it seemed a bit long.

Before the swamp ghost could react, he felt his eyes being separated.

Its head had been split in half vertically, and the cut surface was as smooth as a mirror.

However, unexpectedly, two more identical ghosts suddenly rushed out of the swamp.

They fled in the left and right directions, respectively, at a very fast speed.

Faced with this sudden change, Ju Qingyan remained calm and composed.

He gave orders slowly: "Kouno Kuangjin go to the left, and the rest go to the right."

As his orders sounded, everyone immediately took action without any hesitation.

Everyone knew their tasks and goals, cooperated tacitly, and acted in an orderly manner.

Kuangno Kuangjin excitedly drew out his Sun Wheel Sword, and with a flash of expectation in his eyes, he rushed to the left.

He cheered in his heart: "It's finally my turn!"

At this moment, he finally had the opportunity to show his strength.

Otherwise, these newcomers might mistakenly think that the strength of this C-class swordsman who masters the Breath of Wind is not much different from theirs.

Breath of Wind·Type 1, Dust Whirlwind·Slash!

Kusano Kujin rushed forward suddenly, like a violent horizontal tornado.

With a fierce momentum, he slashed at the neck of the fleeing swamp ghost.

At the same time, the other ten ghost hunters did not show any weakness, and they tacitly chased to the right.

However, after being killed instantly by Ju Qingyan once, the split body of the swamp ghost became extremely cunning.

It cleverly used its own blood ghost art, plunged into the depths of the swamp, and instantly turned into a pool of constantly flowing liquid, making it difficult to grasp.

"That ghost sneaked into the swamp, what should we do?"

A team member shouted anxiously.

"What should we do? Just rush down and kill him!"

Another team member responded without hesitation.

As soon as he finished speaking, he held the Sun Blade tightly, took a deep breath, and rushed into the dark entrance impatiently.

Once there is a first move, there will be a second. Seeing this, the other team members followed suit.

Like brave warriors, they rushed into the darkness one after another, without a single coward.


Seeing this, Ju Qingyan exclaimed.

As expected of a ghost hunter who follows me, he is really reckless and really stubborn.

For safety reasons, Ju Qingyan summoned Ling Yuzi.

Once these teammates were injured or couldn't hold their breath, they asked the little loli to pull them out with vines.

There were no bloody accidents, and the swamp ghosts were quickly wiped out.

However, except for Kusanagi Masakichi, the other team members were soaked, and some were even slightly injured.

But after successfully cutting off the ghost's head, their expressions hidden under the hoods were extremely excited.

Afterwards, this team of ghost hunters kept repeating

The process of catching and transporting ghosts.

About three hours later.

"Lieying, go fly and tell Azai that the matter has been completed."

Ju Qingyan likes to cooperate with people who pay in advance like Ubuyashiki Yoya.

When his crow flies away, it also means that the mission is successfully completed.

Then, the ten team members seemed a little confused, and then turned to look at Ju Qingyan very tacitly.

The next second.

"Brother Jie, don't, I want to hang out with you."

"Brother Jie, don't abandon us..."

"Brother Jie, ah Brother Jie..."

The atmosphere in the field suddenly became extremely sad, as if Eggplant mourned Lao Ma. People who didn't know might mistakenly think that Ju Qingyan had died heroically.

"Okay, okay, I'm not dead, why are you sad, there will be other missions in the future."

Ju Qingyan looked at the heartbroken people and said unhappily.

"But brother Jie, we can be so brave because we have your support."

One of the team members said.

"Then you should be a little bit mean when I'm not around."

"And people always have to grow up. If you always hold this idea, what's the difference from the initial selection? It's better to do logistics."

Then, Ju Qingyan gave another order: "Two people in a group quickly send the last batch of ghosts to the Wisteria Prison, and then disband on the spot."

On the way back, Ju Qingyan and Kuang Ye were on the other side of the rice field.

Halfway through the journey, they suddenly heard a movement in the forest.

The two looked at each other through the hoods, stopped at the same time, and turned to look in the direction of the sound.

Then, they turned around and walked in that direction.

When they got closer, they found it.

A weak oil lamp hung on the treetop. Under the reflection of the oil lamp, the figure of a white-haired boy under the tree gradually became clear.

His hair was as white as frost and snow, and his not-so-tall figure showed a hint of determination.

"What's going on?"

Kano Masaki frowned, and a sense of doubt surged in his heart.

He looked at the scene in front of him and felt that things didn't seem simple.

"It should be the execution of evil spirits."

Ju Qingyan said softly, with a hint of certainty in his tone.

His eyes were fixed on the white-haired boy, trying to find more clues from his movements and expressions.

The white-haired boy was holding an axe, staring at the target tied to the tree with a fierce look on his face.

His eyes were full of murderous intent, as if he wanted to put the other party to death.

And the one tied to the tree was a humanoid monster with fangs.

This was a ghost.

His face showed an expression of pain and fear.

Because every time he grew new hands and feet, the white-haired boy would swing the axe in his hand without hesitation and chop it down fiercely.

Every time he swung his sword, the monster screamed and blood splashed, and the scene was extremely bloody.

Seeing this scene, Tachibana Qingyan probably knew who this boy was.

The future wind pillar - Fuzugawa Saneya.

Fate is always strange, and Masachika Kurono and Fuzugawa Saneya finally met.

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