The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the two to get together.

Ju Qingyan walked in slowly. His passive field didn't even need to be deliberately guided. He had already scanned Duji.

Ju Qingyan nodded secretly. It was really big!

"My Lord, you smell so good."

At this time, Duji licked her lips with a smile, her tone full of temptation and ambiguity.

Before Ju Qingyan sat down completely, she couldn't wait to get close and sniff the air gently.

The tempting aroma emanating from the other's body made her salivate.

For ghosts, having a rare blood physique is undoubtedly a delicacy with a tempting fragrance, not to mention this super rare blood.

However, Ju Qingyan pretended not to notice anything unusual and explained seriously, "It's perfume, I sprayed it!"

After putting down the wine in his hand, he hurriedly fumbled in his pocket, as if to prove that what he said was true.

Dukki was stunned, and her dazed look was particularly cute.

She blinked and looked at Ju Qingyan in confusion, wanting to make it clear that she didn't mean that.

But it was also true, how could a human being understand the deep meaning of her words?

At this moment, Ju Qingyan took out a bottle of exquisite unopened perfume from his arms and carefully placed it on the table.

He smiled and introduced it to Dukki, "This is a gift I specially prepared. I hope you will like it. Its smell can be comparable to the quiet and elegant fragrance of plum blossoms, so I named it 'Pseudo-plum blossoms'."

"Plum blossoms... plum..."

Hearing this, Dukki murmured softly, with a trace of confusion in her eyes.

It was as if a deeply buried memory awakened in her heart, but it was vague.

She murmured to herself: "Is this my name?"

Then she shook her head and hurriedly pulled her thoughts out of her memories.

Then she put on a greedy expression and looked at Ju Qingyan, slowly leaned close to his ear, exhaled a breath of hot air, and said in a delicate voice: "My lord, I mean, I want to eat you, but seeing that you are so handsome, I am a little reluctant in my heart."

As she said this, Duji frowned slightly, showing a slightly heartbroken look.

"Don't be so anxious..."

However, before Ju Qingyan could finish his words, he was tightly trapped by the demonized Duji with silk.

But this kind of restraint was not a threat to him at all, and he could easily break free without even trying his best.

After the demonization, Duji's clothes were extremely revealing. She only wore two small underwear, platform shoes, and her black hair moved without wind.

She looked down at Ju Qingyan, whose left eye was engraved with "Upper String" and right eye was engraved with "Lock", and there were pink tattoos on the left cheek and the right side of the forehead, which looked a little bit eerie.

However, in Ju Qingyan's opinion, these features became part of her charm, a definite plus.

So, he just lay straight and maintained this posture.

Ju Qingyan looked from bottom to top to take in the beautiful scenery, and after appreciating it, he continued with a smile: "So you like this kind of tune, you should have said it earlier, in this case, I don't need to pretend to be a gentleman."

Ju Qingyan suddenly burst out with amazing strength and broke free from the restraints of the silk.

Then he quickly stood up and pretended to pounce on Daki without any plan.

It happened suddenly, and his movements were so fast and powerful that Daki didn't have time to react and was pressed under him.

Daki widened her eyes, with an expression of surprise and shame on her face.

She tried to struggle, but found that she could not move.

She was shocked by the power of Tachibana Qingyan. She had never thought that a human could have such a strong power.

The tatami on the floor seemed to have become a battlefield between this person and the ghost.

The bodies of the two were in close contact, forming a picture of fierce confrontation.

However, Tachibana Qingyan did not take the opportunity to take advantage of it.

If Tachibana is bullied too much and the prostitute Taro is brought out, then it will have to be a real fight.

Hearing the movement from the second floor, Yamashita Zhizhang, who was guarding downstairs, secretly said that he was worthy of being the boss, and he was really strong!

"How is it possible, this kind of power..."

"Demon Slayer Corps? It shouldn't be, he has no intention of killing me at all..."

Tachibana panicked immediately, and she wanted to use blood demon art to break free at the first time.

But there were too many people around, and if the movement was too loud, it might expose her identity and attract the demon hunters of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Tachibana was secretly anxious in her heart, although she was

She and her brother Jifutaro are not afraid of the demon hunters of the Demon Slayer Corps, but if they are discovered here, it will be a big trouble.

For now, she has to endure it. It is not yet time to use the blood demon technique.

Dakimaki knows that she can't act rashly now and must find a way to get out of the predicament.

However, since she can't use the blood demon technique, she can only endure it temporarily and wait for the right time.

Hiding in Yoshiwara Flower Street has a constant supply of blood food, and this is the birthplace of Dakimaki and his sister. Even after becoming demons, they have never left here.

If they are exposed, other places will make them confused.

Therefore, they have been carefully hiding their true identities.

Even though they have killed more than 20 pillars in a hundred years, the Demon Slayer Corps still has not found them clearly.

At this moment, Dakimaki is anxious and doesn't know how to deal with the situation in front of her.

She is worried that once her identity is exposed, it will bring endless troubles.

In this case, brute force is not enough and can only be outsmarted.

Thinking of this, her not-so-bright brain miraculously flashed with inspiration.

"Sir, according to the custom of the flower street, we can't do that kind of thing on the first day we meet."

After struggling in vain, Daki, who was pressed down by Ju Qingyan, hurriedly explained in panic.

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