Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 10 Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Technique

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment: Isn't this bad? Brother, he will have objections.

In his memory, Mrs. Liu's dowry was a huge fortune. There were more than 30 stores in Nanjing alone, 200 hectares of irrigated land, and a dozen hills growing mulberry and hemp.

Moreover, according to the regulations of past dynasties, unless it is a serious crime of treason, even if the government raids the house, the dowry money cannot be touched casually.

How dare he! Such a big uncle's house belongs to his wife. How can I give my youngest son even a little money for a private house?

Mrs. Liu put her hands on her hips and said angrily: That little heartless guy forgot about his mother when he got a wife. Everything his wife says is right, but everything I do is wrong? Humph! Anyway, I don't I’ll give them another penny.”

Li Xuan figured it out. It turned out to be a conflict between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law. The snipe and the clam fight, so the fisherman benefits - hmm, this metaphor seems a bit wrong.

At this time, Mrs. Liu changed her voice again: By the way! Xuan'er, Duke Xu's mansion will hold a garden party recently, and you have to accompany me to attend.

Garden party? Li Xuan was puzzled: The guests are all female relatives, why should I go? I won't go!

There are also men, they are all young people. Don't ask why. Mrs. Liu said with a smile: If you are willing to go, I can give you a thousand taels of pocket money now. I heard the housekeeper say , you have no money now, right?

Mom, you are serious, why do you always use money to coax your children? Li Xuan frowned, seeming to be very unhappy: When is this garden party?


When Li Xuan came out of the small Buddhist hall with a thousand taels of silver notes in his arms, he couldn't help but sigh secretly. The saying that a loving mother often loses her children is indeed true. Liu's words just now easily shattered and dismantled the life goals he had just established after coming into this world.

It was not all his own fault that his predecessor was so absurd and playboy. This guy is just idle and wasting his youth. He has not gone astray and has a very good nature.

It was still early at this time, but Li Xuan returned to his residence, dug out the secret book of 'Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Technique' from his bookcase, and studied it intently.

It is worth mentioning that this secret book only contains images and no text. This is the Li family's way of preventing the leakage of the family's martial arts. All the martial arts formulas in their family can only be taught orally. Although his predecessor was lazy, Li Chengji had already forced the general to do it when he was young. All the key points of Hunyuan Tianxiang Jue are memorized by heart.

Li Xuan's learning ability is also very good. He picked up books after a few years of neglect in high school, and then passed the double first-class examination the following year and received a scholarship. This shows that his intellectual attributes and memory ability are definitely close to each other. Top notch.

In fact, Li Xuan already knew the cultivation method of Hunyuan Tianxiang Jue on the first day after time travel.

But in the next few days, Li Xuan would still browse the secret book several times before each practice, trying to write down every tiny detail in the secret book and deepen his memory as much as possible.

Just because some of these visualization pictures are also very important and are an indispensable part of the ‘Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Technique’. The strange thing is that Li Xuan will forget part of the content on the visualization map every other day, even if he could still draw it all by silent writing yesterday.

This is said to be due to the fact that certain contents in the visualization diagram coincide with the 'way of heaven'. If a monk has not reached a certain level of cultivation, it is impossible to keep these graphics in his mind all the time.

Li Xuan felt miraculous about this, and what made him even more incredible was the practice of the technique itself.

This is really unscientific. If you follow the illustrations and methods in the secret books and formulas, you will be able to cultivate your true energy with luck, and then overturn the rivers and seas, and be omnipotent in the heavens and on the earth - Li Xuan never dared to think so in his dreams before.

But facts speak louder than words. In these ten days, Li Xuan has greatly increased the 'true energy' in his body.

After Li Xuan reviewed the secret book several times and made sure that he had completely memorized the illustrations, he began to sit cross-legged, raised his five hearts to the sky, and began to move the 'Zhou Tian' according to the script - that is, through special observation. The way to think about it is to imagine that there is a flow of Qi in your body, flowing through your meridians.

The size, shape, and nature of this mass of energy vary greatly depending on the cultivation level and personal circumstances, and the effects of cultivation are also completely different.

Li Xuan's original body could only imagine a ball of cold gas the size of a melon seed kernel flowing in his meridians. If it was any larger, he would feel a throbbing pain in his brain.

Li Xuan did not stick to his old ways after traveling through time, simply because he has never been a stickler for rules. As early as the first day, he began to try to imagine that there was a ball of 'qi' the size of a soybean flowing inside his body.

Fortunately, he succeeded and there was nothing wrong with his body.

The next day, Li Xuan could already visualize a mass of cold air the size of a finger flowing through his body. Even beyond the cold power, there is a trace of thunder entangling, revealing many strange phenomena.

The Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Technique is a top-notch cultivation method that the first generation of Cheng Yibo obtained from Taoism. The Qi cultivated is not only strong and solid, but can also visualize natural phenomena and foreign objects, and derive various magical powers. Since martial arts is passed down from family, most of the descendants of Uncle Chengyi's family are practicing the cold lineage. Of course, there are also a few who are practicing other martial arts.

For example, his elder brother Li Yan is also a master of ice and fire. Not satisfied with practicing martial arts passed down from his family, he also received a top-notch fire sword technique from Li Xuan's sister-in-law as a dowry.

On the third day, he tried to imagine that there was a ball of cold air in his body the size of a walnut.

It was only then that Li Xuan felt that his body could no longer bear it, mainly because his meridians had felt swollen, and there was also a trace of pain caused by tearing. Li Xuan guessed that this was due to lack of development, so he had to adapt gradually and expand it bit by bit.

But it doesn't matter, Li Xuan turned to work on quality.

On the fourth day, he imagined that this ball of air was actually not ethereal air, but a piece of ice. But the result of this attempt was very bad. At that time, he felt as if he had been hit hard on the back of his head, and his consciousness was dizzy. It took him a long time to recover.

This piece of ice almost emptied his body, and there was additional pain in his meridians, as if he had been scratched by the edges of the ice.

However, this also confirms Li Xuan's judgment that the essence of the 'Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Jue' is to use one's own spiritual power to cultivate true energy, strengthen the body, and even temper the mental power itself.

I don't know if it was because he traveled through time that some kind of change occurred in his mental power, making him extremely powerful, much more powerful than his original body.

Others might have stopped here. After careful consideration, Li Xuan started other attempts on the fifth day. He began to imagine that it was a ball of 'liquid ammonia' swimming in his body.

Sincerity, the Li family has a complete set of reference materials for the internal refining of the cold essence - winter cold air, ordinary ice water, snow, ice cubes, Tianyiyuan water, thousand-year ice, and thousand-year cold. Silkworm, three thousand year old cicada, young ice chitterling, young basalt and so on.

In short, it is from virtual to real, from soft to hard, step by step toward the coldest things. By visualizing these things, step by step, you can gradually obtain powerful cold essence.

However, Li Xuan knew a liquid that was soft to the touch, low in density, but full of cold power - liquid ammonia with a boiling point of -33.5°C under normal pressure. The key is that because of his work, he has seen the real thing.

Li Xuan did not stop there. He continued to run on the road to death, trying liquid chlorine, sulfur dioxide, methane, and various refrigerants one by one.

The results were surprising. Li Xuan found that liquid and gaseous objects would not put much burden on him.

These refrigerants can indeed replace the cold air and ice water he imagined before, gaining more powerful cold power while strengthening the true energy, and the effect is excellent.

Today, Li Xuan is planning to commit suicide again by trying liquid nitrogen with a boiling point of -96°C under normal pressure!

Considering that the temperature of liquid nitrogen is extremely low and may be somewhat risky, Li Xuan put a few more Shaoyang Pills in his mouth.

——This thing is a spiritual elixir made by Li sincerely with a unique secret recipe. Its function is to dissolve the cold and cold air that accumulates in the body when practicing the ice element.

As expected, Li Xuan felt so cold inside his body when he thought about it, and his whole body was almost frozen.

But when he controlled this ball of 'liquid nitrogen' to swim in his body, it was quite smooth.

Li Xuan was so surprised that he did not make any other attempts. He braved the freezing cold air from the inside out and honestly followed the method of the Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Jue to continue moving Zhou Tian.

Another value of the ‘Hunyuan Tianxiang Jue’ is that its exercise route follows a special order through the meridians, which can greatly save time, UU Reading increase the effect, and get twice the result with half the effort.

Li Xuan carried this walnut-sized ball of Qi for three rounds in total, and he felt extremely tired - this was a symptom of excessive mental energy consumption.

However, his abdomen was swollen and very full. The effect of this short period of practice is actually stronger than that of the previous one or two months of hard work.

There is still some chill left in the body, making people shiver.

Li Xuan was overjoyed and thought that this could be regarded as his golden finger. Although he was a little disappointed that he didn't have a system after traveling through time, and he didn't have an old man with him, but the combination of his own talent and modern knowledge is still very exciting.

——If this trend continues, it won't take three months at all, but ten or twenty days, and he is very hopeful that he can cultivate the 'Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Jue' to the third level, and his Cold Breath Fierce Palm will also become Extraordinarily powerful.

By this time, Li Xuan was exhausted and he didn't even want to eat dinner. I just took three Shaoyang Pills and felt the coldness accumulated in my limbs and bones gradually dissipated, so I hugged the quilt and fell asleep until I heard a banging sound outside the window.

Li Xuan suddenly woke up, and when he opened the door, he found that his personal bodyguard, Li Dalu, was beating hard with a pair of gongs.

Li Dalu! Li Xuan's eyes suddenly became extremely dangerous: Are you afraid that you want to seek death?

Why is this guy so hard to think about? It's not daylight yet!

However, Li Xuan then saw Li Chengji, the sincere uncle standing behind Li Dalu, who looked at him with a cold face: You are going to Zhuque Hall at nine o'clock. If you don't get up to practice martial arts, how long will it take?

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