Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 118 Combat Power + Ten

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In the Six Daosi Suzaku Hall, Jiang Hanyun buried his head among the papers, processing various files since the outbreak of the Xue Wuya case.

She happened to find a record of Li Xuan's group who killed the eye-catching ghost, and then she couldn't help but feel absent-minded.

Jiang Hanyun remembered the scene in front of the Capital God's Temple——

——At that time, he stood up in front of me and risked his life for me. I want to ask, among all the girls in the world, who doesn't like such a husband?

Even if you regret it, cousin, I won't let you go.

I'm not like you, my cousin. Since you've fallen in love with him, you must use all methods to hold him firmly!

Jiang Hanyun didn't know what was wrong with her, but she kept thinking of these things from time to time these days.

It was obvious that what Xue Yunrou said to her made her feel very uncomfortable.

That guy!

Jiang Hanyun finally recovered, and then used the brush in her hand to tap on Li Xuan's signature: What is so good about him?

She felt incredible and worried: Is that girl Yunrou really falling in love with this slutty playboy? It seems like she is serious——

At this time, a Demon-Suppressing Captain hurriedly walked in: Sir, the manager has something to do with you! He said that he is free, so go see him as soon as possible.

Jiang Hanyun was slightly surprised, then stood up: I'll go over now.

The files on her desk are not very important and can be dealt with at any time. But the number of times the Demon-Cutting Manager summoned her was less than five times a month.


The place where the manager summoned Jiang Hanyun was on the ninth floor of the Zhuque Tower.

This is the main building of Zhuque Hall, with a height of twenty-nine stories. It is the only building in the entire city of Nanjing that is comparable in height to the 'Da Baoen Tower'. However, the usual function here is to store various case files.

——Since the ‘Liu Daosi’ took shape twelve hundred years ago, the corresponding records can be found here for almost all cases handled by the personnel of the Six Daosi Division.

When Jiang Hanyun climbed to the ninth floor, the blind old man was holding a thick book on the south side of the floor and reading it attentively.

When Jiang Hanyun saw the ceremony, the blind old man asked straight to the point: The old lady of Zhendong Hou Mansion will have a birthday in a few days. Your family should receive an invitation, right?

Yes, I received it, but I'm ready to refuse.

When Jiang Hanyun replied, she thought of her mother, who was planning to bring her and Li Xuan together.

But this time for the Zhendong Hou Mansion's birthday, her mother seemed to be planning something.

Since Jiang Hanyun had guessed it, of course he would not take the initiative to hit the tip of the gun.

She was also curious, why did the steward ask about this matter?

I just don't want you to say no.

The blind old man 'looked' over: All the gods have received accurate information. The Purple Butterfly Demon Girl may attack the Zhendong Hou Mansion this time. The most likely time to do so is the birthday of the old lady of the Zhendong Hou Mansion. . What I mean is that you all, Mingyou, should also participate in the pursuit of the Purple Butterfly Witch.

Jiang Hanyun couldn't help but said in astonishment: But those who are chasing the Purple Butterfly Demon Girl now are Si Tiandu and Huo Quedu.

If possible, of course she hopes to achieve another feat and arrest the No. 7 on the Black List—no, just a few days ago, this woman had already become the No. 5 on the Black List.

The key is that this witch is very difficult to deal with and is a hot potato. For more than half a year, many of the demon-suppressing captains of Suzaku Hall have not even touched a corner of this man's clothes.

Although Jiang Hanyun is obsessed with achieving results in her role as the 'Commander of Mingyou Capital', she is by no means reckless and has some sense of her abilities.

In addition, this Purple Butterfly Witch didn't do anything extremely sinful. Didn't she just steal some money from the rich and make those guys who are unkind to get rich shed some blood?

Although Jiang Hanyun did not agree with the approach of the witch, but if she was asked to put in the effort to hunt down this woman, Jiang Hanyun felt that she would lose her energy and lose her original intention of joining the Liudaosi.

——Killing demons and protecting the people is what she wants.

Of course Fire Bird City will continue to investigate, and you Mingyou City need to follow up from today on. I will ask the Zhuque Building Master to prepare a file on this purple butterfly demon girl for you. As for Si Tiandu-

The blind old man hesitated for a moment: Do you know why this Purple Butterfly Witch was promoted from seventh to fifth on the black list? On the night of the Ghost Festival, the treasure house in the Forbidden City was stolen.

Jiang Hanyun immediately realized that there were two Forbidden Cities in the Jin Dynasty, one in Beijing and one in Nanjing, which were the emperor's residence.

And Si Tiandu can be said to be the embodiment of the imperial power of the Jin Dynasty in the Six Daosi.

Is it Zidie who stole the treasure house of the Forbidden City?

If the treasure house in the Forbidden City was stolen by Zidie, then Si Tiandu, who was responsible for hunting down the witch, would naturally not be able to escape the blame.

Jiang Hanyun thought that this matter was blocked very tightly, and she didn't even hear the slightest news.

It has not been confirmed yet. The evidence at the scene is specious. It can only be said to be suspicious.

The blind old man shook his head and said, Whether it's her or not, we have to capture this girl as soon as possible. This Zidie has been outside for a long time, and we can't let her be so carefree.

My subordinates understand! Jiang Hanyun clasped her fists skillfully: Then on the birthday of Zhendong Hou Mansion, all of us in Mingyou will be dispatched. As long as the purple butterfly demon girl dares to show up -

All hands on deck, you are so big! I didn't let you alert the enemy.

The blind old man knocked Jiang Hanyun on the head with his cane: The key is that the Marquis of Zhendong himself refused to cooperate, thinking that it was a big day, and sending someone to send someone was ominous would disturb the happiness of his family. So not only did that person They rejected our Six Daosi Division and did not allow Yingtian Mansion and the Fifth Army Commander's Mansion to send anyone there.

So on the day of the old lady's birthday, I need you to take a few people to sneak in. Firstly, we can stand by and respond, and secondly, we can try to find any clues about the witch. It is very likely that Zi Die will blend in with the guests paying birthdays that day, especially the female relatives.

Jiang Hanyun touched her forehead and looked at the manager aggrievedly, thinking that it was you who didn't speak clearly earlier.

Then I'll go to the Marquis of Zhendong and ask for a few more invitations.

If you can get it, why do you need to go? The blind old man shook his head helplessly: But there are a few of your subordinates who will definitely get the invitation.

Jiang Hanyun thought about it carefully, and then suddenly realized: Manager, are you talking about Li Xuan's group?

Based on the family backgrounds of those second-generation officials, they are indeed qualified to attend this birthday banquet.


The results of Li Xuan's efforts were directly displayed on the third day after he woke up, after Mr. Liu lifted the ban on him.

Li Xuan asked Li Dalu to practice swordsmanship, but he froze Li Dalu with one move.

Although he was unable to use his 'Awesome Martial Intention' at this time, the pattern of his sword technique and his control of the sword's power were all very different from before. He is full of true energy and is also majestic. The same sword with 80% power is more than twice as powerful as before!

Li Dalu was still full of confidence before the duel with Li Xuan. He had accumulated true energy to the level of nearly the fifth level, and he also practiced the top martial arts treasured by the Li family. Except for some missing parts behind the ten-storey building, the rest are not inferior to the inheritance of the main family.

But in the end, Li Xuan froze him in the ice with an ordinary stab.

Li Yan spent a lot of effort to lift Li Dalu out of the ice. He also used his power of fire to gradually dissolve the cold power in Li Dalu's body.

Li Dalu was trembling all over. He looked like he was about to cry: Master, he just took this opportunity to take revenge. He hates me for keeping tabs on him these days.

Li Yan also felt that this was the case, and his brother was indeed someone who could do such a thing.

Li Xuan was helpless. Firstly, he was unable to control the true energy freely. Secondly, he underestimated the increase in power of his sword skills after he cultivated the 'Haoran Martial Intent'.

Leng Yurou, who was watching from the side, became very interested. With a move of her hand, she took the green steel sword next to her and then leaped in front of Li Xuan.

Second Young Master, let's give it a try.

Li Xuan didn't hesitate and slashed at him with one strike.

His mother's maid was a martial arts cultivator at the seventh-level tower level, and she was on par with his brother Li Yan.

Li Xuan knew that no matter how powerful his sword skills were, it would be difficult for UU Reading to hurt Leng Yurou's hair.

The fact was just as he expected. The sword light that Li Xuan slashed next could not be shaken no matter how fierce, fierce, powerful and domineering it was, no matter how violent the lightning flashes or the cold power.

Leng Yurou didn't even use any of her true energy, and her steps remained motionless. The long sword swayed like a drizzle, weaving an airtight and indestructible protective wall, preventing Li Xuan from crossing the thunder pool.

Li Xuan felt that this woman's sword was like an extremely tough and elastic ball. It can accommodate endless pressure and then return this pressure to its original state.

She didn't even use force or intention, she just used ordinary sword strikes to do it.

——This is obviously an extremely profound martial arts technique that uses softness to overcome hardness.

In addition, what made Li Xuan feel even more uncomfortable was that Leng Yurou's sword tip could always hit his point of force accurately, making it impossible for him to perform the sword technique smoothly. As a result, the power of every sword strike by Li Xuan was weakened by nearly half.

This made him feel a little frustrated. He had exhausted all his strength, but he couldn't even make Leng Yurou take it seriously. He also guessed that if Leng Yurouru attacked with all his strength, he might not be able to block even one of his swords.

As expected, I am still far behind in the martial arts. I cannot let myself drift away just because I have mastered the superior martial arts——

But at this time, the light of the swords struck by Li Xuan also made Li Dalu stunned, and both Li Yan and Leng Yurou looked amazed.

In their perception, Li Xuan's sword skills were majestic, open and closed, powerful, fast and violent.

——Especially the 'Phantom Lightning Heavenly Sword', which is really like thunder and lightning. It is fast, ruthless and accurate in the way of swordsmanship.

If replaced by the 'Chill Heavenly Sword', it is majestic and majestic, the sword is thick and fierce, and it has the aura to freeze everything.

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