Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 127 Just rely on feeling

After hearing Li Xuan's words, Sima Tianyuan laughed secretly, thinking that this little guy's head was broken, right? Just point at someone and say they are the Purple Butterfly Witch? How whimsical!

But the next moment, he saw the bearded man's face look panicked, and his breath suddenly changed into a female voice: How could you tell -

The purple butterfly demon girl didn't say the rest. She already felt something was wrong, and then looked at Li Xuan with extremely serious eyes: Is this Haoran's righteousness? Shen Kui Leiyin?

Sima Tianyuan and Jiang Hanyun couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that it was actually true!

Jiang Hanyun was the first to react, and directly took out her waist knife from the Qiankun bag and slashed furiously. The huge thunder exploded and spread in all directions like a prison, but it managed not to hurt the surrounding guests at all.

Sima Tianyuan also took action with hatred. A heavy sword in his hand struck Tu Yuan, and it fell like a heavy hammer.

Finally I caught you.

The foothold of the purple butterfly demon girl collapsed instantly. But her figure had turned into countless purple fire butterflies, flying and scattering in all directions. Even Jiang Hanyun's thunder and lightning prisons couldn't stop him.

So what if you find me? It's not that easy to catch me!


Sima Tianyuan scolded, and the majestic true energy swept across all directions, extinguishing most of the purple fire butterflies in an instant. Then this figure followed the flames like a shadow.

The three of them fought fiercely, but they suffered a lot from Li Xuan who was close at hand. The purple butterfly seemed to be escaping in embarrassment, but in fact it was both defensive and offensive. Those purple fire butterflies flying in the sky scattered countless sparks. Even if they are as strong as Jiang Hanyun and Sima Tianyuan, they cannot ignore it and even have to move out of the way.

This was true for both of them, not to mention Li Xuan. He avoided it in an extremely embarrassed manner, and at the same time used his ice palm to defuse it. It took a lot of effort to escape seven feet away.

Qianzhi, you are so awesome that you actually found the purple butterfly.

Peng Fulai was finally willing to stand next to Li Xuan. His words were full of shock and admiration: Qianzhi, how did you see it?

Due to the relationship between the 'bearded man' and Li Xuan, he had glanced at him just now, but he didn't notice anything unusual at all.

Just by feeling.

It's hard to say that Li Xuan had a synchronization rate that was close to telepathy with this woman. His figure flashed away and he ran straight towards the west courtyard wall.

It is foreseeable that there will be a fierce battle between high-ranking martial arts cultivators here. If you continue to stay here, you will only suffer disaster.

Hurry up, that purple butterfly witch——

Li Xuan said as he stepped onto the courtyard wall. Then he was stunned for a while, and saw a purple fire butterfly rising up from the grass. The flames transformed in mid-air, and a veiled, extremely graceful girl appeared in front of Li Xuan.

The two looked at each other, looking a little dazed. Peng Fulai, Zhang Yue and others not far away were also stunned for a while, and then looked at Li Xuan with admiration. Has this person guessed the real escape route of Zidie?

Le Qianqian also secretly lamented that although her boss was a bit of a scumbag when it came to matters involving men and women, he was very reliable, hard-working and unconcerned when handling cases.

In just a moment, the two people who looked at each other had their own reactions. The delicate body of the purple butterfly turned into a ball of purple fire again. Li Xuan did not hesitate, and while he was furious in his heart, he immediately bombarded it with a finger of 'Divine Thunder Dongxuan'.

Because weapons cannot be carried in the Zhendong Hou Mansion, and there are no space magic weapons such as the Qiankun Bag. Therefore, Li Xuan's waist sword is not around, but the 'red thunder hand' he wears on his hand can ensure that the power of his thunder fingers is superior to his sword skills.


The crimson thunder struck by Li Xuan exploded the vegetation on the ground into powder. But the figure of the Purple Butterfly Witch scattered into countless sparks, spreading out from both sides.

The witch sneered at the same time: Don't think that being merciful at this time will make me grateful. I will remember this debt, and the old and new grudges will be settled with Master Youyou in the future.

Until this time, talents such as Jiang Hanyun and Sima Tianyuan arrived belatedly. The two of them, together with several guests from the Zhendong Hou Mansion, continued to pursue the purple fire in the direction in which it was escaping.

About half a moment later, Jiang Hanyun flew back dejectedly.

Didn't your Excellency catch up?

Li Xuan was not surprised at all. The Purple Butterfly Witch was not only good at illusions and disguises, but her land galloping skills and air control techniques were also at their peak, almost approaching the level of heaven.

Just as the Sima Colonel said, if the Purple Butterfly Demon Girl was caught so easily, so many people in the Liudao Division would not be helpless all the time.

No. Jiang Hanyun shook her head with great regret: It's really annoying. We were just a little bit close just now. The person was already in front of us, but we still didn't catch him.

Captain Jiang, there is really no need to be depressed this time. I still gained something, a big gain.

Sima Tianyuan was filled with joy, and took out something from his sleeve, which was a small piece of a woman's hair: This is the first time we have obtained part of the body, hair, and skin of the Purple Butterfly Demon Girl. . With this thing, we can ask a skilled magician to take action. The traces of the purple butterfly demon girl will no longer be traceable. To be honest, a method like Zidie's, unless it is like that of the general manager and deputy hall master Qiu. Someone needs to take action, otherwise it is absolutely impossible to capture her. I am waiting for this time, but I really don’t have much hope.

Then he slapped Li Xuan heavily: I really underestimate you, Tiger of Mingyou! You are indeed worthy of your reputation. If you can capture the Purple Butterfly Demon Girl in the future, your roar will account for at least two percent of the success.

Li Xuan blinked and wondered what the hell this 'Tiger of Mingyou' was, was it a nickname given to him? It’s so ugly! He felt that the word 'magic sword' was more in line with his temperament.

Everyone! Just as a few people were discussing, a middle-aged man wearing a brand-new brocade robe strode over and said, Everyone from the Six Daosi Division, please give an explanation to Duan!

Li Xuan immediately stepped back. The person he recognized was none other than the current owner of the Zhendong Hou Mansion, Duan Dong, the contemporary Zhendong Hou.

This Lord Duan obviously came here to find them and accuse them.

Sima Tianyuan and Jiang Hanyun looked at each other, both showing embarrassment and headache.

Although Liu Daosi was trying to arrest someone before, it was indeed a mistake for him to ruin his birthday party.

The Purple Butterfly Witch is indeed targeting the Zhendong Hou Mansion, but she has made it clear before that she doesn't care about money being stolen, and only wants a safe birthday party. What can they do?

And just now it was fortunate that the magic circle inside Zhendong Hou Mansion was powerful, otherwise some guests might be killed or injured.

Li Xuan hid behind Jiang Hanyun, thinking that he could stay out of the matter, but then he saw Zhendong Marquis turning his gaze over: And Li Shiniepe, you have to give me an explanation. Just now Cui Hongan, Zhang Jin and others Someone was seriously injured in the west courtyard. They said that this matter was related to you and was caused by your calculation?

Li Xuan immediately raised his eyebrows and showed no sign of timidity at all: I can count more than twenty of them by myself? I would also like to ask Uncle Duan why he is so negligent in disciplining his servants? How dare he collude with outsiders to seduce me? Go to your Cuiwei Garden. And that Jianyuhuashenxiao, isn’t he from your house? He was the one who hurt people, not his nephew. If your uncle wants to train people, please understand the cause and effect. I’m an idiot. Are you going to provoke Jianyuhuashenxiao just to plot against those young masters?

Duan Dong choked for a while, obviously he didn't expect that Li Xuan, the victim, could be so stubborn and stubborn, and his words were so sharp. The key is to be well-founded and leave people speechless.

At this time, they heard several cries and screams suddenly coming from the direction of the backyard.

No, the old lady committed suicide!

Someone comes quickly! Someone comes quickly, please invite the Marquis!

The expressions of everyone present suddenly changed, and they rushed toward the backyard. For example, Zhendong Hou, Sima Tianyuan, Jiang Hanyun and others all flew in the air and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Li Xuan also hurriedly followed, with thunder and lightning flashing under his feet as he chased after the figures. He had pushed the Divine Thunder Indefinite Technique to the extreme, but he was still far away from those people.

When he entered the inner courtyard, several martial arts masters from the Zhendong Hou Mansion stopped him along the way. At this time, the unpredictable advantages of the 'Divine Thunder Undefinable Technique' began to take effect. These martial artists, even if they were two or three levels higher than his cultivation level, could not stop him.

Li Xuan only needs to transform into lightning, and with a flicker, he will appear in a direction beyond their imagination.

When he arrived at the back yard where the incident occurred, he saw that a circle of people had gathered in front of the door, but they were all stopped ten feet away by a sword mark on the ground and did not dare to get closer.

Li Xuan hesitated for a moment, then stepped over. When he stepped on the sword mark with one foot, a powerful and thick sword energy suddenly condensed.

Who is it? Everyone who has nothing to do with me, get out of my way——

That was Sima Tianyuan's voice. Maybe he realized that the person coming was Li Xuan, and his voice changed: It's you Qianzhi, come in.

Li Xuan quickly stepped into the courtyard, and then he found several women dressed as maids standing at the door of the main room with pale faces. There was also a middle-aged woman wearing royal attire, who looked like the wife of the Marquis of Zhendong.

In addition to them, Xue Yunrou was also present. After Li Xuan came in, she looked at Li Xuan with a pale face.

There is another one with a beautiful appearance, UU reading www. The girl, who was extremely beautiful and whose appearance and temperament were comparable to Xue Yunrou, stood aside in awe, guarded by two maids. Her eyebrows were slightly furrowed, and there seemed to be worry in her eyes.

What worried Li Xuan was that this girl was also wearing a phoenix crown, but the appearance and pattern were slightly different from his female ghost in red.

In addition, for some reason, Li Xuan felt that this person's appearance was somewhat familiar. But when he looked carefully, he felt that it was not true.

Li Xuan knew in his heart that this woman had a distinguished status, so he did not dare to take a closer look. He only glanced at her intently, bowed in the distance, and walked into the main room.

As soon as he entered, he saw the body of an elderly woman sitting on a chair by the window to the east.

The fatal injury was probably a scar on her neck, from which a large amount of blood spurted out several feet away. Not only did it stain her clothes red, but it also formed a large pool of blood on the ground.

Next to him was Zhendong Hou. His face was gloomy and he knelt beside the corpse with a confused expression.

Sima Tianyuan and Jiang Hanyun frowned and looked around intently.

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