Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 134 Why is it so big again?

After drinking half a cup of tea, Li Xuan was guided by the maid in palace attire to a unique and elegant courtyard in the Zhendong Marquis Mansion.

When Li Xuan walked into the door, the first thing that caught his eyes were the two beautiful girls of Chunlanqiuju under the mulberry tree, each of whom was good at winning.

Xue Yunrou looked at him the first time he came in, and then her eyes moved, her cheeks flushed.

Standing next to her is Princess Changle, who has a graceful, luxurious and lovable temperament. Her beautiful face is even more beautiful and incomparable under the phoenix crown and harem.

Li Xuan closed his eyelids slightly, walked directly within ten steps of Princess Changle, and then bowed to her in a neither humble nor overbearing manner: Li Xuan, the demon-slayer, meets your highness the princess!

Li Youji, you are Yunrou's friend, so there is no need to be polite.

Princess Changle looked at Li Xuan with eyes that were not only curious, scrutinizing, but also a little hopeful: It is said that I had learned about Li Youxiu's reputation before leaving the capital. Someone told me that Youyou You are not only a talented person, but also talented in both civil and military affairs. When we meet today, it is indeed better to meet you than to be famous. Li Youjiu, you are even better than I imagined.

Li Xuan thought to himself, isn't this just telling lies? You left Beijing more than three months ago. What good reputation could I, Li Qianzhi, have at that time? How can we start talking about this talented person with both civil and military talents?

It can be seen that this princess is still very accomplished in official dialect.

He clasped his fists and said with a calm expression: Your Highness the Princess is so complimentary. I wonder why Your Highness called me here?

Princess Changle probably saw that he didn't want to chat, so she went straight to the point: Xunyouyou came here this time because I want to ask your help for something.

Li Xuan said nothing and acted like he was all ears.

Li Youji, you may not know that on the night of the Ghost Festival, the Forbidden Palace in Nanjing was robbed, and a large amount of property was stolen from the palace's treasure house.

Princess Changle's voice was very sincere: What I want to ask you to do is to find the person who committed the crime and recover this property.

Li Xuan immediately frowned slightly and expressed resistance: Your Highness, since this case occurred in the forbidden area, the internal investigation supervisor and the Nanjing Criminal Department of the inner court are responsible. If it still fails, you can also ask the Six Daosi Division for help. Next The official is just a small demon-slaying wanderer, and he thinks he is limited, so I'm afraid he won't be able to help the princess.

He thought it was best for him not to get involved in the affairs of the palace, even if it was the Nanjing Forbidden Palace.

The filth and darkness there are difficult for outsiders to imagine, and it involves imperial power. The dangers are getting worse. If you are not careful, you may step on a thunderstorm. It is best to stay away from it.

Princess Changle blinked, as if she didn't expect Li Xuan to refuse so simply and neatly. She looked at her good sister again, only to find that Xue Yunrou was looking up at the sky in concentration.

Princess Changle had no choice but to give up her plan to ask Xue Yunrou for help. Her face turned bitter and she thought carefully: Li Youjiu, as far as I know, the martial arts passed down in your family are the 'Han Yi Tian Dao' and 'Han Xi Lie'. Palm', right?


Li Xuan looked at the other party with some suspicion, and then he saw Princess Changle taking out a blue crystal from her sleeve: This is a mysterious ice jade, from Kunlun. In the hands of a skilled weapon refiner, it can be refined. Making a high-grade ice-based magic weapon will make you even more powerful, Youyou. If Li Youjiu can solve this case, I am willing to use this item as Youyou's reward.

Li Xuan immediately became energetic and thought that you should have taken it out long ago. Since there is such a heavy reward, it's easy to talk about.

However, his words were still very cautious: Excuse me, Your Highness, is it possible that the Criminal Department and the Internal Affairs Supervisor have found nothing in the past few days? The Six Daosi Division was not involved either?

All the officers involved in the investigation believe that Purple Butterfly Demon Girl committed the crime, and your Sixth Division also said that it was suspected that Purple Butterfly Demon Girl was responsible. And the traces on the scene are similar to the previous thefts of Purple Butterfly Demon Girl.

Princess Changle shook her head: I originally had no doubts about this conclusion, but just now, when you were cleaning up the scene of Lu Xuanniang's suicide, I actually asked Zidie in private. She was very disdainful and said that the palace The theft was definitely not her fault.

Li Xuan was stunned when he heard this, thinking that this would be interesting. Considering what the Purple Butterfly Witch did today, the credibility of her words is quite high.

With so many cases on his back, this man would not be dissatisfied with a palace theft case.

How can Your Highness the Princess believe the one-sided words of this witch? Li Xuan continued to ask: Then you dare to ask what was stolen from the treasure house of the Forbidden Palace?

This is actually a place that makes Li Xuan feel strange. Since Taizong's Jingnan, the focus of the Jin Dynasty royal family has always been in the north. The Forbidden City in Nanjing has long been abandoned, and many buildings are in disrepair.

As for the treasure house in the palace, it has long been so empty that even a mouse would find it disgusting.

What can the purple butterfly steal from inside? It's almost the same if it's replaced by a warehouse in the household department.

The treasure house at that time contained a full set of ceremonial guards and various sacrifices that we brought from Beijing to worship Xiaoling, as well as some personal belongings of myself and the second emperor brother, as well as a small amount of cash.

Princess Changle also looked puzzled: This is why I am willing to believe in Zidie. As we all know, this witch thief loves cash, or rare treasures that can be quickly converted into cash. How could she Are you interested in the treasure house in the palace? What worries me are the personal belongings stolen that night. There are some things in them that I care about very much.

So that's it, Li Xuan then looked at Changle with inquiring eyes: But why Xiaguan? There are dozens of police officers in Jinling City who are good at detectives. I wonder if I am still ranked among them.

You are Yunrou's friend, and you are more trustworthy than others. Princess Changle spoke calmly, and her pretty face was slightly red, with a little hesitation: There are some things in my personal belongings that are not convenient for others to know.

Li Xuan understood immediately and thought that it was like ordering some kind of cup on Taobao and not wanting others to see it.

Understand, understand!

The princess is Miss Xue's friend. When a friend is in trouble, it is of course his duty to be a lower official! But after all, the lower official is a member of the Six Daosi Division. He is responsible for his duties and cannot leave without authorization. He can only find time after class to -

It doesn't matter. Princess Changle interrupted Li Xuan before he could finish his words: As long as Li Youjiu agrees, I will ask the Second Emperor's Brother to inform the Six Daosi Division and let you take charge of the investigation of this case. Suzaku Hall's Vice-Teacher Qiu Qianqiu is the Second Emperor’s brother’s teacher in martial arts, so he will definitely agree.”

Li Xuan thought to himself that there was no reason to refuse. Princess Changle's proposal could be said to allow him to consider both public and private matters.

The key is the 'Xuanhan Ice Jade', which has an unparalleled temptation for him.

Li Xuan has long had an accurate understanding of the scarcity and preciousness of high-grade magical artifacts, and knows that such things are hard to come by.

Just like the 'Kui Niu Luminous Armor' on his body, Peng Fulai's father once offered a price of 200,000 taels of silver, plus three Diyuan Great Pills to purchase a treasure armor of the same grade as the 'Kui Niu Luminous Armor', but so far no one has Willing to sell.

And this 'Xuanhan Ice Jade' not only greatly helped his cold martial arts, it could even assist him in practicing ice techniques.


What Li Xuan didn't know was that just after she left, Princess Changle sat down on a stone next to her in an inconspicuous manner, her dignified and luxurious temperament completely gone. She held her face in her hands, her face full of frustration and pain.

Yunrou, why do you think I am despised to this extent? All the men in Nanjing City are guarding me like a thief. Look at this Li Xuan, he is a rogue and libertine who has been fooling around in a brothel for several years. , he still has the nerve to dislike me?

Xue Yunrou was a little unhappy when she heard the word 'scoundrel and libertine': Your Highness, Li Xuan has long since changed his past and is different from the past.

After defending Li Xuan, Xue Yunrou comforted her for the sake of her friends: Those guys are blind people and don't know how good you are, Your Highness. Your Highness, just don't pay attention. You are a golden branch and a jade leaf. How can you get it? Do they dislike it? Besides, there are many people in Nanjing who want to marry His Highness, and many of them are very popular among them.

When Princess Changle heard this, she was infuriated: What are you talking about! I'm not thinking about men. It's just that these bastards are so irritating!

She held her chin in her hand again and sighed: I still envy you, Yunrou, for being free and carefree. It's not like me, who has been detained in a small place since I was born. I have to have rules on what I say and what I do. , If you occasionally break the rules, you will be reprimanded. If you finally go out, you will be disliked by others.

Then get married. Xue Yunrou came up with a bad idea for her friend: Hurry up and find a man to marry. Then the sky is as high as the birds can fly, and the sea is as wide as the fish can jump. Look at your aunts outside the palace. What a joy.

After hearing this, Princess Changle's face darkened immediately, and she tried to tickle Xue Yunrou: Yunrou, I think you are asking for a beating!

Changle knew the character of her aunts. The reason why she fell into this situation today can be said to be due to these elders.

Okay, I surrender and apologize, okay? Our Changle doesn't want men, he doesn't care about them.

Xue Yunrou hid behind the tree and looked at the angry Chang Le: But Chang Le, do you really plan to hand over the palace theft case to Li Xuan for investigation?

Although he was her ideal person, Xue Yunrou also knew that Li Xuan was really just a small demon-slaying wanderer, seriously involved in handling cases, and it had only been a matter of more than a month.

What? You don't have confidence in your lover?

Chang Le raised his eyebrows and teased Xue Yunrou in turn. But then she realized that her best friend was more shameless than she imagined.

Xue Yunrou looked calm and not at all shy.

She could only shake her head and look towards the outside of the hospital with a solemn expression: I have no choice. I can't find even one trustworthy person in Nanjing. And among the stolen objects, there is one thing that I don't care about. It is very important to get it back no matter what. Besides, people from the Criminal Department and the Internal Affairs Supervisor will still participate in the investigation.

She glanced sideways at Xue Yunrou again: Yunrou, if you really like this Li Youxiu, you have to hurry up. Before I left Beijing, his sister-in-law went everywhere to marry him. There were some bad news among them. I was deceived by her and fell in love with Li Xuan.

Is this happening? Xue Yunrou's expression became serious, and alarm bells blared in his head.

Can it be false? 'Li Xuan is a talented person with both civil and military skills.' Someone indeed said it in my ears. Do you think I am lying?

Princess Changle laughed, then rushed forward and caught Xue Yunrou: Look where you are running away! Huh? We haven't seen each other for only three months. Yunrou, why are these two pieces of flesh on your chest so big again?

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