Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 142 I’m actually so powerful

Li Xuan didn't care at all about the two inner factory guards who were guarding the door. He strode in directly.

The Sixth Division is handling the case! No one is allowed to move without permission. Violators will be punished as thugs and criminals——

Before Li Xuan finished speaking, he heard several roars and roars inside the door.


Get out!


There were six large guns coming straight ahead. Their owners were all fourth-grade martial arts cultivators. The big guns vibrated, shaking out six huge silver-white gun flowers.

Peng Fu looked behind him and couldn't help but feel nervous. Then he saw Li Xuan's figure flash through the gun shadows.

You openly resisted the law and attacked and killed Liu Daosi officials. You are seeking death!


With a crisp sound, two of them were frozen into ice sculptures by Li Xuan's palms. And with the power of his palm, the two ice sculptures flew into the air and fell three feet away. Fortunately, there were people in the yard who had quick eyesight and quick hands to catch the two ice sculptures, otherwise they would have been smashed into pieces.

The other four people holding big guns flew back desperately like frightened birds. Their bodies were suddenly covered with a thin layer of ice.

——As long as these four people retreated a little slower, they would inevitably turn into ice sculptures.

When Peng Fulai saw this scene, he couldn't help but take a breath of cold air, thinking, is his best friend already so strong?

Although he was surprised, he did not forget to provide help to Li Xuan. In just five breaths, Peng Fulai fired nine sleeve arrows, twenty-seven money darts, and seven 'mysterious fire talismans', hitting every corner of the courtyard.

Peng Fulai knew that the opponent had a large number of people, so he did not seek to hurt the enemy, but only sought to harass him. As long as it can force the internal factory servants in the courtyard to take action with all their strength, it will be a great support for Li Xuan.

Although his cultivation level is low, he has the help of magic weapons and talismans, and the hidden weapons he uses are also of high quality. Their lethality is not inferior to that of martial arts cultivators at the fourth and fifth levels. Plus, with the thousand taels of silver per piece, The Xuanhuo Talisman suddenly caused flames to burst into flames in the outer courtyard of the imperial prison.

At this time, Zhang Yue suddenly ran forward a few steps and caught up with Li Xuan's pace. His figure was as majestic as a mountain, and he flipped the big shield, which was as tall as a man, from left to right and danced wildly, creating a magnetic force inside the shield. All kinds of darts, flinging arrows, flying needles, flying forks, flying cymbals, iron caltrops and other hidden weapons that were shot around were absorbed into the shield, making a thumping sound. This allows Li Xuan and others to walk and drive without having to worry about any hidden weapons.

Le Qianqian clasped her hands together, muttered something, and then suddenly widened her beautiful eyes.

“I’d like to invite Empress Longji to come!”

As soon as she finished speaking, her aura suddenly changed. It seemed that an extremely powerful spirit came and took possession of her body, making Le Qianqian's aura become more powerful and powerful, more than ten times as powerful as before.

This person just raised his hand and pointed, and there were two huge stone figures rising from the ground in the courtyard. They were the Taoist 'yellow scarf warriors'. With just one punch, the two stone figures knocked out the surrounding ones, all of which were at least four. The inner factory officers in Chonglou territory were blasted away.

Luo Yan walked at the end. With two whips, he whipped away three internal factory servants who tried to attack Le Qianqian and forced them back. This person's attention seemed to be focused more on Li Xuan and the others. His eyes flickered from time to time, as if he was shocked and surprised by the tyrannical fighting power displayed by the four people in front of him.

At this time, Li Xuan had already stepped to the center of the outer courtyard. He held the knife on his waist and walked forward leisurely, one step at a time under the cover of Zhang Yue and others.

But the strange thing is that the expressions of the many internal martial arts cultivators in the courtyard are becoming more and more serious and solemn. Most of their eyes are focused on Li Xuan, and their eyes are full of fear. Affection.

All the land in this courtyard was covered by a layer of ice at some point, and little ice crystals and snowflakes began to fall from the sky.

Sword power!

In the lobby, the young waiter's face was as cold as ice for a moment, and he was also full of confusion: This guy, how is this possible? Is the Yihan Magic Sword of the Li family so powerful?

He could sense the 'power' that Li Xuan was accumulating, and he had foreseen that if the sword in Li Xuan's sheath was not unsheathed at this time, once it was unsheathed, the courtyard would definitely turn into an ice country.

But this young stall keeper in the inner factory simply couldn't understand how the sword power of a normal martial artist could be so domineering? If they can use the surrounding environment to defeat the enemy, they are considered qualified. To a certain extent, using the power of nature is considered excellent.

But this Li Xuan can accumulate the overwhelming cold power in the sword, thereby affecting the area of ​​20 feet in the north and south of the imperial prison.

What makes people even more speechless is that the guy in front of him is just a third-level martial arts cultivator.

Situ Zhong's face was also blue and black. He looked at Li Xuan's hand holding the knife with cold eyes: This is not just momentum, but also intention!

Li Xuan's sword power is naturally extraordinary. But the reason why it can affect the twenty-foot radius in this courtyard is also the effect of the sword intention. That should be possible with the help of special magic weapons and the combination of mind and body to achieve such divine power!

But he and Li Xuancai hadn't seen each other for more than a month! Back then, he was able to lightly injure Zhang Yue with a single palm after repelling him.

Could it be that this dude has changed someone?

What should we do? The young stall owner of the inner factory already had a hint of regret. If he had known that Li Xuan was such a perverted third-level building realm, he would never have allowed Situ Zhong to behave like this.

With this sword strike, I'm afraid the entire palace will be alarmed.

He doesn't care if the people under his command are killed or injured, but if things get serious, he, the head of the internal factory, will probably not be able to sit safely.

There's nothing we can do about it! I said, no matter what the crime is, I will bear it. Situ Zhong also tightened his grip on his sword: Wait! As the saying goes, the sun is at its peak and the moon is waxing and waning. His current power is too high. Gao, then it won't last long! When he has regrets, it will only be a matter of one or two swords.

At this time, Li Xuan was actually in ups and downs, and it was difficult to calm down for a long time.

His original plan was to have a big fight here until the heavyweights in the palace were alerted, or to hold out until the masters of Liudaosi arrived.

Li Xuan was sure that the Nanjing garrison eunuch would never dare to confront Liu Daosi, and he was also certain that Liu Daosi's two demon-subduing lieutenants stationed in the palace would not sit idly by. As long as they persist here for a quarter of an hour at most, they can make these bastards in the inner factory run away with nothing to eat.

But after actually taking action, Li Xuan realized that he had underestimated himself, Zhang Yue and others.

He didn't expect that his friends would be so powerful at critical moments; he didn't expect that his force value would have risen to such a level!

Before, Li Xuan felt nothing when Leng Yurou fed him moves every day and tortured him thousands of times; but today, when his opponent changed, Li Xuan realized that his sword and his power were already outstanding.

In the past, Li Xuan had to take these martial arts cultivators at the fourth level of the building seriously to be able to kill them with one strike.

But now, Li Xuan can directly regard it as Zhan Wu Zha, an NPC monster in the game.

As a result, he became more calm, and there was more confidence in his eyes, which was directly reflected in the sword power he was accumulating.

Li Xuan's power became calmer, more restrained, and more substantial. The surrounding ice layer quietly spread out by nearly ten feet!

Are you all so awesome? How dare you take action even though you know it's the Sixth Division handling the case?

Li Xuan's eyes were like daggers, and he was forcing the many internal factory servants in the outer courtyard of the prison: I want to know, who gave you the courage today?

Those soldiers have gradually stopped taking action, and most of them have begun to take a defensive stance, guarding against Li Xuan's ready-to-attack sword.

As Li Xuan's power gradually climbed to a high point, it had become a faint pressure of thoughts, oppressing their spirit.

At this moment, almost everyone has realized that when Li Xuan's sword comes out, there must be an amazing release of cold power. If they couldn't resist at that time, they would be frozen into ice sculptures. Once their internal organs and soul are frozen, today is likely to be the end of their lives.

In the midst of everyone's attention, Li Xuan had already walked up the five steps in front of the lobby. He was still taking one step at a time, neither hastily nor slowly, and his eyes were once again focused on Situ Zhong and the young waiter in the hall.

The latter was already covered in cold sweat, and Situ Zhong's complexion was gradually turning pale.

As Li Xuan's gaze reached his body, he felt the pressure on his soul becoming heavier. Surprisingly, there was thin ice covering the area around his seat.

Naturally, Situ Zhong couldn't bear this level of mental pressure. But at this moment, the power of Li Xuan's sword can already be imagined.

From Li Xuan's admission to the inner hall, there is a total of twenty-three feet, more than forty steps, plus the five steps. Not only did Li Xuan's sword power not weaken as he imagined, but he entered a state of exaltation and regret. Instead, there is a constant promotion that seems to have no end.

Or maybe you are bullying me, Li Xuan, because I am young and weak, UU Reading and look down on me——

When Li Xuan said this, he was about to step across the threshold of the lobby.

Not far in front of him, on the back side of the gate, were two inner factory servants whose clothes were completely different from the others, both with hesitant expressions on their faces.

The other inner-chang fanzi all wore the cheongsam uniforms of the Jin Guards; but these two wore the same cheongsam uniforms worn by hundreds of households.

They didn't hesitate for long. The moment Li Xuan raised his foot, they both stepped forward at the same time and unsheathed their swords.

At this moment, the atmosphere in the three directions was pulled, and the Huaiyi knife on Li Xuan's waist suddenly shone with a cold arc of light. The white light made everyone who witnessed it couldn't help but feel chilled.


As the two sounds were superimposed together, it was like a crisp sound. The endless cold wave surged and impacted, sweeping across all directions. In the courtyard of this prison, the ice layer on almost all the ground increased by at least an inch, and even spread to a distance of ten feet outside the courtyard.

In the courtyard, there were more than forty humanoid ice sculptures. Out of a total of sixty-five internal factory servants, only twenty-five were lucky enough to escape.

In front of Li Xuan, the situation of the two hundred households was even worse. They were both frozen in the thick ice and had lost consciousness due to the cold force.

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