Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 153 The sister-in-law who fell from the sky

At the moment when Li Xuan vomited with thunderous sounds, all the martial arts practitioners present were in a daze, their minds were shaken, and they almost lost consciousness.

——In the Zhendong Hou Mansion, Li Xuan's Divine Kui Thunder Sound could even make Flower God Xiao, who had cultivated to the Seventh Layer Realm, temporarily lose consciousness. But now, his attainments in this secret art have gone further, and he has a sacrifice suit. Cheering, the awe-inspiring martial arts vibrated and impacted, and these evil cultivators at the fifth level of the building couldn't resist it.

The wood magic cultivator who bore the brunt was even more unbearable. Her eyes had completely lost focus, and she did not recover until Li Xuan's Huaiyi Sword came to her.


With a muffled sound, the head of this good-looking wood magic cultivator was cut off by Li Xuan. A fountain of blood spurted out, more than eight feet high.

After the ten-foot tall vine giant lost control, it completely lost its vitality and fell forward amidst the loud noise.

At the same time, the sword-wielding female cultivator let out an unbelievable scream.


She actually abandoned Luo Yan, who was about to be cornered by her, and returned her sword to slash hard in the direction of Li Xuan. The latter is a touch and go immediately, never staying in place for a moment.

With the help of the flying knife of the Demon Lord, Li Xuan brought the divine thunder's indeterminate characteristics to a level that he could never reach now. A single flash can span more than twenty feet, and it is unpredictable and unpredictable. !

In just a blink of an eye, another martial artist appeared behind him.

Get away!

This person sensed Li Xuan's murderous intention and also realized his dangerous situation. He roared angrily, and while slashing back with his sword, he used the shield in his hand to protect most of his body.

But in just a moment, his head was thrown seven feet away and fell with the plasma spraying all over the sky. The large iron shield in the martial artist's hand was also cut open diagonally and fell to the ground in pieces.

At this time, Li Xuan had already dodged in front of another person, and slashed down with his thunderous sword.


This time, the result was not beheading. The fifth-level martial arts cultivator opposite him reacted a little slower, and his skull, chest, and lungs were neatly chopped open.

Afterwards, Li Xuan transformed into thunder and fled away before the blood spurted out.

Following those bloody threads, his men and swords were all invincible! These evil martial arts cultivators, whose strength was obviously a step beyond Situ Zhong's, could not withstand his heavy slash!

How dare you act so arrogantly in front of me!

Seeing Li Xuan kill several people in a row, the female cultivator with the sword was so angry that her pretty face turned blue. She let out a sharp roar, and the flying swords actually split into two parts, four parts into eight parts, creating hundreds of sword shadows, covering every inch of space within a hundred feet.

But this was almost useless to Li Xuan. At this time, his thunder suddenly possessed the impermanence of clouds and the formlessness of wind. When his figure flashed and turned, he was completely unaffected by the sword energy.

When Li Xuan drew his sword, he regarded the swords around him as if they were nothing. He directly used the 'Kui Niu Luminous Armor' on his body to resist the shadows of these light-splitting swords around him.


There was another muffled sound. This was a martial arts cultivator holding a powerful bow, and his head was chopped off by Li Xuan!

This situation also caused the other martial arts cultivators present to panic, and everyone was in danger.

Shopkeeper Han who walked out of the temple was as pale as paper and looked at the scene in front of him with no confidence.

There's something going on! Peng Fulai's eyes began to sparkle. He raised his hand and used a thunder talisman to strike in the direction of the sword-bearing female cultivator.

This is the most powerful talisman in his hand, costing more than 10,000 taels of silver. At the moment of thunder, the whole world began to change color, and dark clouds rolled in wildly. When the red wood was struck by lightning, the female cultivator with the sword also changed her color.

She raised her hand and pointed, and the shadows of the thousands of split-light swords reunited with the thunder, and clashed with the blue thunder and lightning in the sky, gradually becoming a stalemate.

At this time, Peng Fulai's second talisman was already in his hand.

He knew that it was impossible for him and others to turn defeat into victory, but at this time, as long as he provided more support to Li Xuan, their chances of escape would be greatly increased.

Without the help of those martial arts cultivators to intercept, without the threat of those powerful swords, with only the strength of the female cultivator carrying the sword, she would never be able to capture several people before they entered the water.

Li Xuan did not live up to his high expectations, and his thunder knife flashed. Then he cut another martial artist into two pieces from his shoulder and chest.

It seems that he can kill one person in ten steps and leave no trace in a thousand miles.

Li Xuan, who was wielding a sword, was secretly sighing at this moment, feeling that his team was really awesome. No matter who he was today, he was surprised. They were so strong and reliable that it was unbelievable.

Let's go! Zhang Yue was also in high spirits, covering the two people behind him as they rushed towards the river.

At this time, Le Qianqian bit the tip of her tongue while retreating, and drew the word 吉 between her eyebrows.

At this moment, the heavy and tall yellow turban warrior on her left ran with incomparable agility and hit the sword-wielding female cultivator heavily in front of her with a fist that was as big as five millstones.

The latter was unable to temper himself and was knocked back ten feet, with blood flowing out of his mouth!

Well done! Peng Fulai's eyes widened, and the thoughts in his mind began to change, giving rise to some unrealistic ideas.

Luo Yan, who had been entangled with the female cultivator carrying the sword, had a cold and stern look in his eyes, with murderous intent, and phantom fire began to grow in his sleeves.

But the next moment, a mighty wind spear suddenly came across the sky in the distance. With just one blow, the six-foot-tall yellow scarf warrior disintegrated, causing Le Qianqian's mouth and nose to bleed.

Useless things, a bunch of stinking rubbish that can't be solved, what use does the Lord want you to do?

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Following this voice, a masked man in yellow robe suddenly appeared. His figure actually blocked Li Xuan's escape path. As soon as the free hand flicked his long sleeve, Li Xuan started bleeding from his mouth, and his whole body was sent flying ten feet away. Not only did blood spurt out of his mouth, but his whole body was stuck on the ground with a knife, and it was difficult to even stand up for a moment.

In the distance, Le Qianqian had fainted. Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue's faces were extremely pale. Under the pressure of the yellow-robed man's will, cold sweat broke out on their foreheads, and there was a hint of despair in their eyes.

Even Luo Yan frowned slightly at this time.

Li Xuan's heart felt cold. He used a knife to support his body and forced himself to stand up. But the injury in Li Xuan's chest further erupted, and blood burst out from his mouth again.

His ‘Kui Niu Luminous Armor’ allowed him to withstand three attacks from the martial arts cultivator on the eighth floor without being injured. But the yellow-robed man in front of him was clearly someone close to Jiang Hanyun's level, and his strength was not limited by his own realm.

This person didn't mean to talk nonsense with them. After he appeared, he glanced at the body of the wood magician, snorted coldly, turned the wind into a sword, and slashed at Li Xuan.

Li Xuan sighed secretly, wondering if his journey to another world would end here?

He sensed that the female ghost in red had left the body, and she was standing behind him, her bloody eyes full of anger, and those bloodshot threads and ribbons were surging and spreading.

Li Xuan didn't give any hope. He could sense the blood-eyed girl's anger and anxiety, and he also knew that his guardian spirit had the strength to protect him.

But this was at the expense of the rapid surge of Yin evil in his body. Li Xuan was 100% sure that after the girl's blow, he would die!

At this moment, a familiar yet unfamiliar female voice came into Li Xuan's ears,

Yo! How dare you attack my brother-in-law? Are you afraid you're tired of living?

Following this voice, a majestic thunder light flashed in front of Li Xuan. The surging air waves blasted the wind knife into pieces!

Li Xuan quickly remembered the owner of the female voice in his mind. As if hearing the sound of heaven, he immediately raised his head with joy: Sister-in-law?

In front of him, indeed, there stood a charming and graceful female figure. She put her hands behind her back and said with a smile: How embarrassing! I made you unwilling to make progress! I made you hang out in a brothel! You have to be grateful for the Yuan Ji Seal that dad left on you. If I hadn't sensed that you were nearby, If you are curious, run over and take a look, I have to collect the body for you today.

When Li Xuan heard this, he could only sigh with a stern look on his face: Have I changed my past completely?

He also hates it. If his predecessor had worked harder, his situation today wouldn't be so bad. At least the female ghost's Yin evil will not corrode the body so quickly.

At this time, the man in yellow robe was suddenly forced back ten feet away by the thunder and fire. His thick eyebrows frowned slightly: Are you Su Zhaojun of the Su family?

Su Zhaojun didn't pay attention to him. She was still talking to Li Xuan: I've heard a little bit about you in the capital. It's good to change your past, but you're still too lazy. Just wait, this time I'll be happy with you when I come back! By the way, how's the injury? It doesn't look good.

I have Kui Niu Luminous Armor, so I can't die. Li Xuan spit out another mouthful of blood: Sister-in-law, please try your best to capture these people. These people are all important criminals in the imperial case.

You don't need to tell me this.

Su Zhaojun looked at the man in front of him with a cold look in his eyes: You dare to offend members of my Li family, how brave are you?

The moment he finished speaking, the tent exploded in this area of ​​a hundred feet, and a huge cloud of fire was generated out of nowhere.

When the fire cloud dissipated, Luo Yan and others were unscathed, but those evil martial arts cultivators present were all forcibly stunned one by one.

At this time, Su Zhaojun was already fighting with the man in yellow robe. She was filled with thunder and fire, and her aura was extremely domineering and fierce. Wherever she passed, there was no grass growing, and all vegetation, trees, mud and rocks were turned into dust.

The two of them fought extremely fast, striking ten times in one breath. But in just fifty breaths, the man in yellow robe had already begun to fall into a disadvantage. He was blasted by the violent thunder and fire, and his body kept dispersing into wind to avoid Su Zhaojun's sharp edge.

This man obviously didn't want to fight. When he retreated to the front of the temple, he raised his hand and used a purple Taoist talisman, which triggered a vast sword light and forced Su Zhaojun back a little. Then he whipped out a dozen wind knives from his sleeves, killing all the unconscious evil cultivators as well as Shopkeeper Han.

Then he whipped up a ball of strong wind, carrying the female cultivator with the sword in her arms and speeding towards the north.

Su Zhaojun's face turned gloomy for a moment.

It's fine if you silence me. If you still let you take this woman away, wouldn't I, Su Zhaojun, be too incompetent?


Su Zhaojun's body dodged into the strong wind without any warning. Then a huge ball of thunder knives exploded the female cultivator who was carrying the sword into flesh and blood.

Li Xuan looked at this scene and suddenly felt relaxed. Then his vision went dark and he lost consciousness.

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