Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 16 Thinking about swan meat every day

Li Xuan took advantage of everyone's fist-fighting and drinking time to feast, finishing seven chicken wings, one roast chicken, and twelve hairy crabs, but he still couldn't bear to put down his chopsticks.

The chefs in Xu Guogong's family were really superb, far better than the five-star chefs of later generations, which made Li Xuan extremely regretful of his previous eating and drinking. It's just because the real delicacies, such as pork dragon meat, wind feather birds and other delicacies that are only available in this world, are served by the servants at the end.

But at this time, Li Xuan's stomach could hardly hold it anymore. He could only stand up as straight as possible, using this method to slightly relieve the pressure on his belly, and then slowly stuff the food into his mouth.

It wasn't until his mother Liu's personal maid came to him and whispered a few words that Li Xuan reluctantly left the table. His eyes were full of regret. For a foodie, missing delicious food is a great pain.

It was getting dark now, and the maid led the way with a lantern, and Li Xuan followed closely, looking around at the same time.

In the grand, elegant and exquisite garden of Duke Xu's Mansion, many girls are already playing and walking around. At a glance, it is true that there are many beauties like warblers and swallows.

Some bold girls even peeked over at him, and then commented on him with charming smiles.

However, Li Xuan's attention was quickly attracted by what the maid said: My lord, you are going to see this time the second daughter of Xi Ying, a famous Confucian from the south of the Yangtze River, who was the censor of the left deputy capital of the dynasty. Her name is Xue'er. My mother, Mrs. Xi, and my wife have been friends since childhood and have been inseparable for decades. Therefore, the wife also has to say, Master, you must not be rude to the beautiful woman. Otherwise, Master, you will not be able to get anything from her in the next few years. Pocket money.”

Zuo Fudu Censor——

Li Xuan couldn't help but be distracted, thinking that this was the so-called big event planned by Liu? Do you want him to marry the daughter of Zuo Fudu Censor?

So, is this move related to the attack and disappearance of the prince in which his father was involved? Is the family asking for help from the Vice President?

Immediately he thought of Mrs. Liu's character, and then shook his head and laughed, realizing that he had overthought it. How could his mother have such a plan? This person probably just wants to find him a long-term meal ticket that guarantees income during droughts and floods.

And the Zuo Deputy Capital Censor that Li Xuan knew was not only the deputy director of the Metropolitan Procuratorate responsible for supervising all officials, but also an extremely powerful and famous Confucian.

Here I have to mention Confucianism - the Confucian scholars in this world are not all weak scholars with no strength. Some of them who have mastered the essence of Confucianism and have achieved great success in Confucianism also possess extraordinary powers. Their strength is not inferior to that of high-level martial arts cultivators and martial arts cultivators, and is even more powerful.

Therefore, many people believe that the so-called Confucianism is actually one of the variations of ancient Qi practitioners.

Within their Six Paths Division, there are many Confucian scholars who possess extraordinary powers, and they have always been the main force in suppressing demons.

Then the marriage has been decided?

Li Xuan was a little entangled. He was very disgusted with this kind of marriage that was ordered by his parents and suggested by the matchmaker. He thought to himself, what should he do if the marriage was decided? How should I reject this marriage?

People don't care about the ridiculous idiot Li Xuan is, and they don't mind that their family is in trouble now. This rejection is really hard to say.

What made him breathe a sigh of relief was that the maid shook her head slightly: No, Mrs. Xi originally agreed. But recently, the lady said that Mr. Xi had promised his daughter in the early years to let her choose her own marriage, so the mistress I just arranged for you to meet her.

Soon they came to a pavilion. When Li Xuan stepped inside, he saw a figure wearing a lake-colored dress standing on the side of the pavilion. After she heard the sound of the bead curtain, she turned back and looked at Li Xuan.

This is a girl with an oval face, a slightly plump figure, and delicate and pleasant facial features. After this woman glanced at Li Xuan, there was a flash of strangeness in her eyes at first, as if she was surprised by Li Xuan's appearance, but then her eyes turned cold and she said with a hint of surprise: You are the second son of the Li family. ?”

It's Li Xuan! Li Xuan clasped his fists in accordance with the etiquette of this era: I've seen Miss Xi——

But just when he was about to say something, the girl pointed to the grass outside: Do you recognize what that is?

Li Xuan looked away, then frowned: Toad?

It's a toad. The girl corrected her, then sneered: It's the kind of thing that makes me want to eat swan meat every day.

Li Xuan's expression turned cold instantly: Is this too much for the girl to say? Even if the girl doesn't like Li, there is no need to speak harshly.

Although he had previously felt that he was a bastard second generation ancestor who had indeed ruined other people's girls. But these words of the other party also crossed the line.

I'm afraid if I don't say this, some people will still be shameless and pounce on me like a mangy dog.

The girl looked sideways at Li Xuan, still speaking in a firm tone: Why don't you allow me to tell you sincerely that my uncle is threatening me with repaying my kindness? You just want to see that my mother is thin-skinned and soft-hearted, and you are threatening me with your honor. I owe your family a favor and come to bully me. But I, Xi Qiaoyun, am not someone to be bullied!

Li Xuan's teeth bulged, and then he clasped his fists at Miss Xi opposite: As before, if you don't want to, miss, there's no need to say bad words. Say goodbye!

Although there was anger boiling in his chest, he couldn't beat this little girl for this shit? There is nothing wrong with standing on the opposite side and treating Li Xuan's original body and the current Uncle Chengyi's Mansion as a pit of fire.

But just when Li Xuan turned around and walked out of the pavilion, the girl behind him gave another cold laugh: Evil words? You don't even know what you are now? Your uncle Chengzhi's house will fall sooner or later, UU Reading www.uukanshu. net Your Li Xuan gold and jade are ruined on the outside, what are you if you are not a toad?

Li Xuan paused for a moment, then opened the bead curtain and walked out without any hesitation.

At this time, Mrs. Liu's personal maid was still waiting outside, her face also ashen. Although this person was outside the pavilion, he obviously heard what was going on inside.

Li Xuan could only sigh: You can go and report to your mother. Although the marriage has been blown, you can't blame me.

All the servants have heard it. The maid nodded slightly, but still glared in the direction of Tingxie: Young Master Haojiao learned that the first person to mention this marriage was not our wife, but Mr. Xi Mansion two months ago. First of all, a matchmaker is invited to come to the house to arrange marriage. Where does this idea of ​​repaying a favor come from? As for the favor mentioned by a certain girl in it, it probably refers to the incident 23 years ago when Xi Fuxian's family fell into poverty and was destitute. I sincerely hope that your uncle will sponsor a thousand taels of silver to help him study in the Imperial College. Furthermore, nine years ago, Mr. Xi offended the powerful prime minister, was dismissed from office, and was imprisoned. It was also Mrs. Xi who came to ask for help, and asked the uncle to come forward and help him Exonerated and reinstated! My servant can still remember the sincerity of Mrs. Xi’s words at the beginning, what she said about life after life, holding a ring and knotting grass in repayment——

Her voice was as cold as jade, not particularly high-pitched, but it attracted side glances from the people passing by.

Li Xuan also looked over in stunned silence. In his original memory, the personal maid named Leng Yurou beside Mrs. Liu had always been cold and taciturn, and she had always been calm and calm. , almost nothing can make her lose her composure.

Unexpectedly, today, this woman who was nicknamed Ice Beauty more than once by her original body would actually speak directly to people, and her words were so spicy.

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