Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 156 Shura Field Part 3 (2-in-1 Chapter)

Li Xuan returned to Jinling on a fast boat provided by Peng Fulai's family, who sold salt all year round. There are several specially-made speedboats at the magic weapon level. Even if they travel against the current, they can still maintain a speed that is not inferior to that of an earth-moving dragon. In less than an hour, they were sent back to Nanjing City, and their journey upstream was no slower than when they went there.

Listen to me clearly! I have never talked about you, nor have I ever thought of inviting you to drink Jin'ao soup. This was all my mother's idea!

Standing at the gate of Jiang Mansion, Jiang Hanyun stared at Li Xuan fiercely: If you hadn't gone out to please my mother, none of this would have happened!

Yes! Yes! Yes! I understand.

Li Xuan dug his ears impatiently. This was already the tenth time Jiang Hanyun emphasized this matter to him on the way back to Nanjing.

He thought that if it weren't for Jiang Mu's kindness, if it weren't for the tempting Jin'ao soup, and if it wasn't for a war at home that was about to break out, he wouldn't have been affected by this - Jin'ao soup was so fragrant, it was said that it could be compared to two Ren Yuan Dan.

Just understand. Anyway, don't misunderstand me, and don't think nonsense. Just drink the soup today. Also, if my mother talks about the two of us, then no matter what she says, you can't take it seriously.

After Jiang Hanyun said this with a flushed face, he took Li Xuan into the Huizhou courtyard of Jiang Mansion.

No matter how stupid she was at this time, she knew that her mother's invitation to Li Xuan was not just for Li Xuan to drink Jin'ao soup.

When they arrived at the middle hall, Jiang Hanyun was stunned for a while. It was discovered that her aunt and cousin Xue Yunrou were also present.

She wondered if she had misunderstood? Didn't her mother call Li Xuan over to force the two of them together? Wasn't it just to let his father see Li Xuan?

But then Jiang Hanyun noticed something was wrong with Jiang Mu's face and came up to her, with a look of worry in her eyes.

Jiang Hanyun immediately thought of a possibility—could this girl Yunrou come here after hearing the news and come to disrupt the situation?

Thinking of this, Jiang Hanyun couldn't help but feel a headache and put her hand on her forehead, thinking that her family was really hopeless.

Jiang's mother's skills are still very advanced. When she came to Li Xuan, she had lost her color and smiled broadly: You two are finally back. The time is just right. There is half a cup of tea time. This golden The ao soup is ready to be served.

My nephew is so virtuous and capable, but I have to wait for my aunt and her family for so long. I am really sorry!

Li Xuan looked polite and gentle. Under Jiang Mu's recommendation, he greeted everyone in the hall.

The thing that concerned him the most here was of course Jiang Yunqi, the number one national medical expert in the south of the Yangtze River. He was in his forties, with handsome features and an elegant temperament. The beautiful beard under his chin gave him an aura of transcendence.

But the way this person looked at him was a little fierce, with a hint of scrutiny.

Li Xuan could understand that if he were Jiang Yunqi, he wouldn't be able to accept it when he saw others trying to take advantage of his little cabbage, and he might even have murderous intentions.

However, Jiang Yunqi may have noticed the 'Sacrifice Suit' on him. After taking a look at the Huaiyi Sword, Dapeng Thunder Wing Crown, Ice Undead Guard and Red Thunder Hand, Jiang Yunqi's attitude changed. Gotta be gentle.

Then this person took a closer look at Li Xuan's face, and then looked stunned: Xiannephew, your face looks a bit familiar. I seem to have seen you somewhere? Madam, what do you think?

Mrs. Jiang also looked at Li Xuan carefully: Really? When I first met him, I naturally felt familiar with him, and I had a good impression of him as soon as I saw him.

Jiang Hanyun said expressionlessly: It's strange that you have met before! In the past two years, my father was in retreat at Demon-Fighting Island, and my mother was also there with him. Where have we met?

Next was Mrs. Xue. This lady was polite to Li Xuan with a touch of alienation, and there was even contempt in the depths of her eyes. Although she specifically thanked Li Xuan for saving Xue Yunrou's life, she obviously didn't like to talk to him.

Xue Yunrou was different. She had a smile as bright as a flower and looked at Li Xuan expectantly, as if she was looking forward to talking to him.

But maybe because she knew that the two of them knew each other, Mrs. Jiang passed her over during the introduction.

And just as they were paying their respects, servants brought plates of fragrant dishes and several large soup bowls to the table one by one.

It is worth mentioning that one of the bowls is particularly large, as big as a steamer and four times the size of the other soup bowls. Jiang's mother smiled brightly and personally led Li Xuan to sit in front of the bowl.

This bowl of soup is specially prepared for you, Xiaoxuan. The three Golden Ao Pills are in it. It is cooked with our Jiang family's secret recipe. Not only is the medicinal effect comparable to two Liudao Ren Yuan Pills, but it is also rare. Dry, with minimal consequences.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xue couldn't help but shake her head, thinking to herself, how far had her sister-in-law fallen for this obviously incompetent son-in-law?

After all, Fu Mo Jiang's family is a famous family that has been passed down for thousands of years. Hanyun is also an extremely talented person and a rising star who is expected to become a great person in the future. Does Jiang's mother need to be so impatient for her marriage?

But the next moment, her face turned green and her eyes turned cold. Xue Yunrou squeezed to Jiang Hanyun's right side as if by accident and sat down next to Li Xuan.

Speaking of which, this girl suddenly wanted to visit her uncle's house early today, which made her full of doubts——

Jiang's mother also turned purple, looking at Xue Yunrou as if she wanted to devour her niece.

She was right! This girl really had a crush on Li Xuan.

Xue Yunrou seemed completely unaware and looked at everyone with a smile: Why are you all looking at me like this? Sit down.

Mrs. Xue and Mother Jiang couldn't help but look at each other, their faces lost all color, and their eyes were full of waves.

Li Xuan's scalp was numb, and he had realized that although he had jumped out of the fire pit of Uncle Chengyi's Mansion, he had stepped into another hell.

Do you dare to believe that no matter what you choose, you will end up in the crematorium?

At this moment, he began to hate his emotional intelligence. My emotional intelligence is a little lower, and now I can eat and drink happily.

But this Aodan soup is so fragrant that it makes people’s fingers lick their fingers——

When everyone sat down, Mrs. Jiang looked at Jiang Hanyun: Hanyun, come and serve Xiaoxuan.

Jiang Hanyun suddenly stiffened and hesitated. Before she could make a decision, Xue Yunrou reached out and picked up the serving chopsticks on the table: I'll do it! I know what Li Xuan likes to eat.

She added more than a dozen chopsticks to Li Xuan, and soon the plates next to Li Xuan's soup bowl were piled full.

Li Xuan, try it. It's all Ao Xin, one of the most essential parts of Ao's body. My aunt's craftsmanship is very good, and the brine used is also the secret recipe studied by my uncle. It can also strengthen the body and replenish vitality. And this purple heart Grass, this is a vegetable brought from the Western Regions, it is the best for dissolving greasiness.

But every time she served Li Xuan with food, Mrs. Xue's face turned even greener.

When the dishes on Li Xuan's plate were piled high, this man's dough was as black as the bottom of a pot.

Mrs. Jiang was also extremely angry. She glared at her daughter who was disappointed, and then turned to glare at Jiang Yunqi. The latter didn't notice anything and just lowered his head to eat vegetables and drink soup. It wasn't until Mrs. Jiang made two consecutive 'um hum' sounds that he belatedly remembered to talk to Li Xuan.

My nephew, was he injured today? I see that your face is pale and your energy and blood seem to be lacking.


Li Xuan still looked gentle and polite, and answered honestly: Today, my nephew met a bad guy and almost fell into death. Fortunately, he still had some luck, so he avoided death.

Then this villain is probably unusual. I see that these magical weapons on your body are all integrated with your energy. It can be seen that my nephew's awe-inspiring martial arts have entered the house. The basic thunder and ice arts have also achieved some success. There are not many martial arts practitioners who can threaten your life.

After Jiang Yunqi finished speaking, he stretched out his hand again: Let me check your pulse.

Li Xuan handed over his left hand as he wished, while Jiang Yunqi only put one finger on his wrist vein. After a moment, this person's expression moved slightly and he raised his eyebrows slightly: Your current state is very strange. My dear nephew, your heart is slightly injured, but you have taken my Taiyi Shengyuan Dew, and there is no serious problem. This Jin Ao is also a magical creature that nourishes yin, strengthens the body, and strengthens the heart and lungs.

The problem is elsewhere. My dear nephew, you still have plenty of energy, but it seems to be suppressed by a cold air. Even your heart is affected, almost endangering your life. The strange thing is that I can't identify the source of the cold air.

Li Xuan thought to himself that this was really a miracle doctor, much better than the eminent monks and virtuous people his father invited.

The yin and cold energy this person is talking about is probably the yin evil spirit deposited in his body.

The female ghost in red's cognitive impairment has become increasingly severe, and even this great master who is about to step into the sky with one foot is completely unaware of it.

So, is there any way to resolve this cold and gloomy atmosphere?

Of course there is a method, just to strengthen the foundation and strengthen the body. I will write you a recipe for elixir after dinner. You can have someone make the elixir and take it daily. If you can't find anyone to make the elixir, you can go to my medical clinic.

Jiang Yunqi then smiled and asked: My nephew is already eighteen years old, right? At this age, why hasn't the second door opened yet?

Li Xuan laughed when he heard this: That was because my nephew was too ridiculous and naughty in the past, which delayed his martial arts practice.

Jiang Yunqi was not surprised: Most of the martial arts nobles and disciples of your generation are like this. But the next step cannot be ignored. The wise nephew must practice diligently every day and open the third door as soon as possible in order not to be affected by this evil spirit. Damn, I just happened to prepare some greeting gifts for you, which can be beneficial to your practice.

He clapped his hands and ordered the servant next to him: Bring those things here, as well as the 'Yuan Yang Blood Jade' in my room.

Soon someone sent several pill bottles and a piece of jade that was crystal clear and bright red in color.

These medicinal pills are made from secret recipes that I have studied over the years. They can not only strengthen your body and help your practice, but also replenish the deficient vitality in your body. As for this 'Yuan Yang Blood Jade', I found it in the East China Sea. The piece of strange jade you obtained can be placed on your chest when you carry Zhou Tian every day. It has a miraculous effect on strengthening the true energy and can make people get twice the result with half the effort.

Hanyun was able to open the third door so early, and this 'Yuanyang Blood Jade' made the most of his contribution. I will lend this to you temporarily, and you will return it to me when you open the third door in the future. By the way, you are also practicing the thunder method. I also have a secret thunder refining technique to teach Hanyun so that she can use it on you every day. It can help you strengthen your internal organs and cultivate the thunder machine. Before opening the third door, The effect is not much worse than 'Yuanyang Blood Jade'. It's very simple, it only takes a moment every day.

Li Xuan was overjoyed, but then his expression became a little strange.

I thought to myself that when Jiang Hanyun was practicing before, did he also stick the 'Yuanyang Blood Jade' on his chest?

Mrs. Jiang next to her looked at Jiang Yunqi with great admiration. Her husband was a rare force, especially the last few sentences, which were the finishing touch.

Xue Yunrou kept watching with cold eyes until Jiang Yunqi asked someone to take out the 'Yuanyang Blood Jade' before she smiled and said: Brother Li's cultivation is really about to catch up. It just so happens that I can try to break through the third gate in the next few days. Now, that 'Shen Yang Bead' can be freed up for Brother Li to use. The effectiveness of this thing is not inferior to that of the 'Yuan Yang Blood Jade', it is specially used to warm and nourish the soul.

Opposite them, Mrs. Xue suddenly made a 'click' sound and pinched the chopsticks in her hand into two pieces. She could no longer remain calm: Yunrou, the Soul-raising Pearl is something your father left for you.

Since it was left to me by my father, it is natural to let me handle it. Xue Yunrou blinked her big eyes and looked at her mother: I admire Brother Li, what's wrong with sharing my good things with him? ?

As a result, the atmosphere in the hall suddenly became cold, and the expressions of Mrs. Xue and Jiang Mu were covered with three feet of ice. Jiang Yunqi was also stunned. He looked at Xue Yunrou in disbelief.

Jiang Hanyun also changed slightly. How could her cousin be so bold?

Brother Li saved my life. Xue Yunrou didn't seem to notice the abnormality of everyone and continued to serve Li Xuan: Brother Li is such an upright, courageous, and flawless gentleman. What girl in the world doesn't admire him? ?”

Jiang Yunqi's expression relaxed, thinking that this girl Yunrou had always been simple, and the 'admiration' she said before probably didn't mean what she thought.

Indeed, it is inevitable for a little girl to have a little respect for her savior.

The soup in Mrs. Xue's soup bowl was completely frozen, and her hands under the table were tightly clenched.

Xue Yunrou's words today were vague and ambiguous. But she knew that this was her daughter's declaration to Mrs. Jiang and her.

She calmed herself down, then pretended to lower her head to drink the soup: Well, Yunrou, tell me, what is it about Nephew Li that deserves the admiration of you girls?

That's a lot! Xue Yunrou took the chopsticks and thought for a while: Brother Li is a man of great integrity and righteousness. When handling cases, he can discern every detail and has a sharp eye. When fighting against monsters, he is desperate and risking his own life. Just these two months. , Brother Li has fainted twice because of this.

After Jiang Hanyun heard this, he silently added in his heart, including today, it was actually three times.

Mrs. Xue shoveled the spoon into the ice with a half-smile on her face: That's really admirable. Nephew Li Xian has a mighty martial spirit and has achieved a little success. He obviously has a pure heart and a high sense of justice. Not long ago, I heard someone say that the casualty rate of Liudaosi this year was very high. After the First World War in Tumubao, the number of demons in the world gradually increased, and officials everywhere began to fear demons like tigers. Only Liudaosi still stood firm, and continued to fight for the past. . It has to make people sigh, there are so many righteous people there.

After Jiang Yunqi heard this, he couldn't help but be stunned, thinking that he was right, Liudaosi's recent casualty rate was indeed very high.

Especially the backbone of the second sect, it is said that more than a hundred people have died this year.

And Li Xuan, did he faint twice because of official duties? How unlucky is this guy?

By the way, this guy just said that he was almost in a situation of death, but fortunately he had some luck to avoid death.

When Jiang Yunqi thought about it, he felt that Li Xuan's magic weapon was starting to become dazzling in his eyes.

He originally thought that this guy had a mighty martial spirit and had a very good character.

But what if, what if his little cabbage gets married and something unspeakable happens to this guy?

Li Xuan's face twitched. He knew that Mrs. Xue was trying another trick to say that he would die quickly in the future and would have to die generously sooner or later.

He felt that this lady's rank was so high that he said it like a compliment.

Xue Yunrou seemed not to have heard the implication of Mrs. , with impeccable conduct. Other aristocratic families hang out in the Qinhuai River all day long, but I have never seen Brother Li go there.

Mrs. Xue looked at her daughter's crazy look and couldn't help but tremble with anger. She continued to shovel the ice, making a clicking sound: Nephew Li Xian is naturally handsome and handsome. In the past three years, the Qinhuai River has been Where can there be no traces of him in the hundred and eight brothels? Where can there be no legend of Nephew Li? Nephew is indeed a clean and pure person. I guess he is used to seeing all kinds of scenery, so he has long taken it lightly. Bar?

At this time, she no longer cares about saving face for Li Xuan, her benefactor.

Jiang Yunqi was stunned for a long time this time before he understood what Mrs. Xue was talking about. He was shocked and looked at Li Xuan with sharp eyes.

In other words, this guy has spent three consecutive years in a brothel and on women's bellies since he was fifteen years old? But didn’t Madam say that he had a very upright character and was a flawless gentleman?

Mrs. Jiang put her hand on her forehead, feeling extremely headache. She began to turn her eyes to Mrs. Xue. Her eyes became colder and harsher, and she wondered, could these two mother and daughter be in harmony, trying to disturb her family's affairs?

Xue Yunrou continued: Brother Li is also very talented in martial arts. He is better than my cousin and I. He will reach the throne sooner or later.

Mrs. Xue nodded, seeming to agree. But after the pair of chopsticks, she crushed the spoon in her hand into powder: He is indeed a proud man of heaven. Nephew Li Xian has been idle and idle for ten years, but he can understand the meaning of martial arts in two months. This talent It’s really no small matter.”

Xue Yunrou couldn't help but frown. She seemed to have finally sensed the malice in her mother's words: Why do I feel that my mother's words are so sinister? Although Brother Li used to be a little ridiculous, he is no longer what he used to be.

Mrs. Xue smiled without any warmth: Yes, this is a 'prodigal son' who can never change his life for money, so there is nothing wrong with it.

When she mentioned the word prodigal son, her voice became several times louder.

But at this moment, Mrs. Xue finally noticed her sister-in-law's increasingly cold gaze. She was stunned for a moment, and then found that Jiang Yunqi, who was at the top, also had a livid face.

Mrs. Xue couldn't help but subconsciously cover her lips with her hands, realizing that she had made a mistake. What if her behavior wasn't causing trouble in Jiang's eyes?

Li Xuan almost buried his face in the soup bowl under Jiang Yunqi's knife-like gaze. But the Jinaodan, which was obviously delicious, tasted like nothing in his mouth.

The flame in the eyes of this master of the twelfth level of the tower seemed to have turned into substance, and his face was extremely gloomy - such a little bastard, still wants to take advantage of his own little cabbage? Or should I chop him up?

Also, should I take back what I just gave away? It was really sent too early.

At this time, Li Xuan saw a fox-like smile on the corners of Xue Yunrou's lips next to him from the corner of his eye.

He couldn't help but feel slightly, thinking that he and Mrs. Xue should be standing on the second floor; but this Fairy Xue, UU Reading, could she be hiding on the third floor?

Anyway, I admire Brother Li very much.

Xue Yunrou had already given herself a thumbs up and a like under the table.

The plan goes through! This is called using rocks from other mountains to attack jade, which is also called borrowing strength to attack.

The situation in front of her was looking great, and Xue Yunrou decided to pursue the victory, so she turned to Jiang Hanyun and asked, I guess cousin, you must also like the current brother Li very much, right?

In her prediction, this arrogant cousin would definitely deny it without hesitation.

But to Xue Yunrou's surprise, Jiang Hanyun hesitated next.

This 'bloody hand massacre' really wanted to deny it subconsciously, but after she glanced at Li Xuan, she suddenly choked for some reason. The words that had already reached her lips, no matter how hard she tried, she couldn't Unable to speak.

After a long while, Jiang Hanyun, who finally thought clearly, looked away with a slight blush on his face: Well, Li Xuan has indeed made great progress now, unlike before. He is quite nice now. Not bad, as long as you don’t stretch your hips in the future, you will definitely become the mainstay of our Six Daosi Division.

Xue Yunrou couldn't help being surprised. She looked at Jiang Hanyun intently, the smile on her lips gradually disappeared, and her eyes began to become serious.

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