Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 176 Get married quickly

Did you call Fairy Xue? When?

In a dense reed, Peng Fulai covered his nose with a piece of cloth and looked at Li Xuan with strange eyes.

At this time, in front of them, there were more than twenty incense sticks the size of an adult's arm, inserted into the mud and burning slowly.

Xue Yunrou was practicing under the cover of a clump of reeds two people high. She stirred up the breeze and controlled the blue smoke rising from the incense sticks to blow towards the three sailboats not far away.

Who else could it be if I didn't call you? Li Xuan sneered and spoke angrily: Knowing that there may be a large number of people stationed in this old ship and this workshop, how could I not find help? It's not just Yunrou. , I even called my sister-in-law before leaving the city, but she must have been delayed by something.

He also blocked his nose with two strips of cloth. The fragrance actually smelled very good, but with Li Xuan's current cultivation level, he would probably be turned off by it as soon as he smelled it.

According to Xue Yunrou, those incense sticks are the special incense 'Shengui Banbu Dian' specially made by Tianshi Mansion, and its medicinal effect is very overbearing. Even gods and ghosts can't bear it, they will fall within half a step, let alone a human being?

——While they were talking, a muffled sound of Plop and Plop suddenly came from those ships.

Under the observation of Li Xuan's Dao-protecting Heavenly Eye, the figures on the boat fell to the ground one by one without any warning, completely losing consciousness.

The few martial arts cultivators guarding outside the ship felt something was wrong, but several of them were already deep in sleep, and they fell down after not holding on for long.

Peng Fulai couldn't help but gasped: I'm convinced! These practitioners are so insidious.

How can this be called insidious? The foundation of martial arts cultivation is to adapt to local conditions and use various tools and external forces as much as possible to achieve the goal.

Le Qianqian snorted, and then looked at Xue Yunrou with admiring eyes: Our martial arts cultivators are different from our martial arts cultivators, although our combat power is a little weaker. But as long as we have enough money and sufficient preparations, we can become true warriors above the heavenly level. You can kill even a dragon!

They are very powerful, but because of this, they are also powerful. Zhang Yue clicked his tongue: Before Zidie, four of the top five on the black list were martial arts cultivators, even Li Zhetian was Characters, before they step into the heavenly throne, can only be ranked sixth. Now there is a Zidie among the top five, and I don’t know if she is.

Luo Yan said with a smile: It should be, I guess Zidie is a martial artist.

Li Xuan also admired Xue Yunrou: Yunrou's method is really unpredictable!

There are more than sixty martial arts masters and five second sects on this ship, scattered on three ships. Even if it were them, they could win it, but it would take a lot of effort, and it would be impossible to do it silently.

But Xue Yunrou only used a small spell that did not consume much energy to capture these people. The good thing is that there is no alert at the workshop three miles away.

It's not that exaggerated. Xue Yunrou obviously heard it. She turned around with a blush on her face and spoke to Li Xuan with a smile: Most of these martial arts masters are in the cabin. The place is narrow, and there is no wind tonight, so we can move them Catch them all at once. If it were in another open place, I wouldn’t be able to be obsessed with fragrance. For example, in the workshop in front, I guess I could only bewitch half of the people there.”

Li Xuan's lips couldn't help but twitch: That's pretty awesome.

My enemies have been half defeated by you——

After Li Xuan praised him, his figure floated onto one of the ships like a fallen leaf blown by the strong wind.

As expected, these ships were filled with weapons. There were more than 9,000 spears and 3,000 long knives. The bottom layers were filled with barrels of fire oil.

However, these people obviously did not intend to abandon another ship of weapons and materials and continue to frame Chengyi's residence. Li Xuan used his 'eyes to protect the way' to scan around the inside and outside, but did not find anything related to Chengyi's residence.

Li Xuan was finally relieved. The reason he rushed there overnight was because he was worried that the three ships would fall into Xi Ying's hands.

The hands and feet of these people were very quick, and they tied up all the fainted martial artists one by one, and then threw them all into the reeds and hid them.

They used high-quality cables taken from Peng Fulai's Qiankun bag, and even the martial arts cultivators on the fifth and sixth floors could not break free. Le Qianqian also nailed a few extra Zhenyuan nails to the five second-sect martial arts cultivators to ensure nothing went wrong.

Next is the workshop for making fierce fire oil, which is located in the open area on the side of the river.

This time, Xue Yunrou made a small but exquisite altar. Then he started to practice, using the breeze to blow the smoke and float it around the workshop.

They waited for about a moment, and saw a large group of people inside and outside the workshop falling down with a plop sound, falling to the ground like mud.

It was only then that no one was surprised to see a large group of martial arts warriors wearing helmets and armor pouring out of various houses.

A house on the left side of the workshop suddenly exploded, and a figure in black clothes and armor rushed out. He was flying in the air, looking down with angry eyes.

The madmen of Liudaosi, you are so brave!

This person soon discovered Xue Yunrou's figure, and immediately crashed towards the altar like a meteor.

Xue Yunrou ignored it. Without blinking her eyes, she composed another magic spell calmly.

Innate Qi, Tao is infinite, thunder falls!

In an instant, dozens of lightning bolts struck down, turning a dozen martial arts cultivators who rushed towards them into charcoal in an instant.

Even the black-armored man flying in the air was stagnated by the violent thunder.

At this time, Xue Yunrou, holding a mahogany sword again, patted Li Xuan on the shoulder.

Qiankun borrows the law and adds divine power!

Li Xuan felt a violent force pouring into his body.

This feeling is completely different from his usual use of the 'divine power talisman', and there is a qualitative difference.

Li Xuan felt that his power had at least nearly doubled. In the past, a 'divine power talisman' could only increase his strength by 30% at most.

The heaven and earth are infinite, and the gods are capable of thousands of changes!

A strong wind began to surround Li Xuan's body, making him feel as light as a swallow.

Too high and too clear, golden light protects the body!

Li Xuan's body was covered with another layer of golden light.

Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue watched Xue Yunrou use five or six spells on Li Xuan. They couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and their eyes almost fell out. I thought that Xue Xianzi’s preference for one and others was too obvious, right?

He is already blessed with the 'Taiyi Golden Light Technique', why are you wasting your mana and adding another 'Qian Tiangang Qi' to him? Isn't this a waste?

However, Xue Yunrou was clearly a girl with extremely high emotional intelligence. She then cast two consecutive spells on Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue.

Guys, wait a moment, you'll have time. Brother Li is the main attacker, so I'll stick to him first. From now on, whenever I'm around, Brother Li, you don't have to use the talisman. The effect of my spells will only be stronger than the talisman.

Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue glanced at each other, then looked at Li Xuan with profound eyes.

Li Xuan understood their gazes tacitly - Qianzhi, you were right to call Xue Xianzi over, you really saved money! Otherwise, Li Xuan, you can just marry her back home.

He himself is also worried about it. The value of a middle-grade Taoist talisman is between three hundred taels and a thousand taels of silver depending on its power.

Xue Yunrou's few spells saved them thousands of taels of silver.

Although they all come from well-off families, they have experienced several battles in succession since they officially joined the Liudaosi. This talisman alone has consumed at least thirty pieces, and at least thirty thousand taels of silver have been spilled into the water.

——If this money was used on the Qinhuai River, I don’t know how happy it would be!

Even if you don’t go to Qinhuai, which is ten miles away, wouldn’t it be nice to save the money and buy a ‘Little Universe Bag’?

At this time, Luo Yan glanced at Li Xuan and Xue Yunrou with a half-smile, and then shouted coldly: Get down here!

His long whip struck high into the sky like nine dragons. The black-armored martial artist slashed with his sword and broke through all nine dragons.

Li Xuan had already jumped up, flying above him, and fell with the Huaiyi sword from top to bottom. At this time, all the magic weapons in his body were activated, and a mighty martial spirit filled the whole place. The sword was fierce and domineering, wrapping around hundreds of violent thunder snakes.

The man in black armor looked contemptuous at first, but when the sword fell, his face changed color.

Is this Haoran's martial intention?

At this time, Li Xuan even shouted: Hey!

The man in black armor was shaken by the impact of Shen Kui's thunderous sound and Haoran's righteous energy, and almost fainted on the spot. He actually allowed Li Xuan's fierce and ruthless sword to strike him in the chest!

I don't know what kind of protective magic weapon this person has on his body. Li Xuan's knife failed to penetrate him immediately, and he had to fight against the Gang Qi outside his body for about one breath. Then he forcibly split the iron armor on his chest, leaving a horrific wound on his chest that almost penetrated his heart, and at the same time, he smashed the man to the ground like a meteor.

The man in black armor woke up in severe pain and howled angrily: You all have to die for me today——


This is Luo Yan. His long whip hit the black-armored man on the chest, causing him to stop talking and cough up blood.

Then came Li Xuan's Huaiyi Sword, which was slashed from the sky when the black-armored man responded to Luo Yan's whip force. The sharp sword light cut the helmet in half, and even cut a long and narrow wound on the face of the man in black armor.

And just when Li Xuan's long sword made another diagonal slash, but was blocked by the black-armored man with his sword, Luo Yan's long whip followed closely, and it actually wrapped around the black-armored man's right foot and pulled it away. He staggered. Li Xuan seemed to have expected this scene a long time ago, and the sword and cone struck directly into the man's heart. If this man in black armor had not reached the third level of cultivation and his heart was not fatal, this knife would have killed him!

Then the two men whipped and slashed in a deadly sequence, leaving the black-armored man paralyzed, with blood constantly bursting out from his body.

This made Le Qianqian, who had already summoned a six-foot-long 'Yellow Turban Warrior', stunned for a moment.

She found that she couldn't get involved at all - just because the cooperation between these two people was completely different from the cooperation between Sima Tianyuan and Jiang Hanyun in the morning.

It was like they were in perfect harmony with each other, so close that no water could splash in or a needle could penetrate. They were as if they were the same person!

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