Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 20 1 Palm 1 Ice Tuo 2

Sister Xue, don't worry, Mr. Zhang will definitely be able to vent your anger for you!

Among the crowd, a young girl looked excited and talked to several female companions: I have some experience in martial arts. Mr. Zhang's punch just now was accompanied by wind and thunder. It was clearly the top martial arts. His true energy is also about to enter. The fourth floor. In front of Young Master Zhang, that bastard is nothing.

Xi Xueer still had her eyebrows slightly furrowed and her eyes showed worry: Li Xuan is just a rich and beautiful dandy. He relies on his family background and talents to do all kinds of things. How can he be Brother Zhang's opponent? But how can I bear to see Brother Zhang act like this? Did my matter offend Uncle Chengyi's mansion? And the owner of Duke Xu's mansion.

The girls behind her all had disdain and smiles on their faces.

I don't think there's anything to worry about. Mr. Zhang's family is a noble one, and Mr. Xu's family shouldn't be in trouble with him. As for the Chengyi Mansion, they have too much time to take care of themselves. This time, they might be deprived of their title, so how can they dare to offend Tangtang? The son of a Hanlin scholar?

In a small pavilion thirty feet away from them, Mrs. Jiang was equally worried.

In other words, Li Xuan will lose?

You will lose and you will get beaten. Xue Yunrou said in a tone of 100% certainty: As I said, he is a second-generation ancestor who is indolent, indolent, mediocre and incompetent. He is obviously very talented, but at this age, his skills are really good Yuancai Second Level Tower Realm, how lazy can this person be?

Mrs. Jiang could tell that Xue Yunrou was gloating about others' misfortune, and she couldn't help but sigh: Your cousin is really the same, I shouldn't have looked at her at all. When I usually want her to be virtuous, she is like a powder keg. Alas, I was like a powder keg. She shouldn’t be allowed to practice martial arts.”

Li Xuan could vaguely hear the comments of others around him, but he didn't pay much attention. What these people said is true. If he hadn't made some progress in terms of force after taking over this body, and if he hadn't been wearing a set of 'Kui Niu Luminous Armor', he would have been beaten up by the opponent today.

Now, Li Xuan expected that he had a good chance of winning. He thought that if he was lucky, he wouldn't even need the precious armor this time.

What did you say? You and I have no grievances in the past. Why bother? Even if Brother Zhang doesn't want to see me and wants to teach me a lesson, we can make an appointment at another time and place. There is no need to embarrass the owner of this place.

Li Xuan was not willing to be a bad guest, and felt that this fight would be a disgrace. But if the other party insists on standing up for a certain woman, then he doesn't mind using his greatly enhanced cold energy to surprise the other party.

Stop talking nonsense. Do you think you can make me let you go by just talking today?

Zhang Jin sneered. He glanced sideways at Jiang Hanyun. Seeing that this person really had no intention of interfering, he immediately calmed down and said, Be careful. Don't say that I deceived you later!

Li Xuan shook his head while gathering the true energy in his body: As before, Brother Zhang, you will regret it. Let me remind you in advance that my cold power has increased greatly recently, but I can't control it. You'd better take some precautions.

He was quite afraid that this guy would be seriously injured by him, or even beat to death with a slap. The palm he used to freeze the female ghost in the morning had already confirmed his level of cold power.

But with Jiang Hanyun nearby, it shouldn't be a big problem.

But his two sentences once again caused everyone to burst into laughter. Zhang Jin was too lazy to talk to him anymore, and his figure was already flashing. With one step, the distance of ten feet was reduced to less than one step. It's still the wind and thunder, but the power of the fist is more violent and faster!

Li Xuan did not try to dodge this time. He knew that the other party also used a 'Wind Travel Talisman', which was far superior to him in terms of reaction and speed.

At this moment, all he needed to do was to strike the opposite side with the 'Cold Breathing Palm' that had been prepared for a long time.

This was the 'Frozen Three Feet' that Li Xuan had just used in the morning. It was the most skillful and confident move that Li Xuan had practiced in Han Xilie's Palm.

Relying on the treasured armor on his body, he is not afraid of the opponent's punch at all, but if the opponent is slapped by him like this, the ending will be wonderful.

However, Li Xuan's right palm had just reached halfway when Zhang Jin on the opposite side closed his fist and changed his stance into a stance, blocking Li Xuan's palm.

The man chuckled coldly and said: Want to exchange injury for injury? That's not a good idea for you -

But Zhang Jin's words stopped abruptly, because an extreme cold force poured into his arms like a frenzy, and then surged up crazily, spreading to his whole body and limbs.

At this time, a thin layer of ice suddenly formed outside his body.

Zhang Jin was shocked and turned pale, but before he could do anything, his whole body had turned into a human-shaped ice sculpture.

At this time, the edge of this artificial lake was as quiet as death. It took three full breaths for someone to wake up and immediately shouted loudly: Help me, help me! I need martial arts training, or above the fourth floor, I need to practice fire and sun martial arts!

A four-story building is not enough! The cold is so strong that you need at least a five-story building, otherwise people will die!

Hurry up! Hurry, melt the ice on your head first, Mr. Zhang is almost out of breath!

Most of the friends Zhang Jin brought with him were in disbelief and looked at Li Xuan with horrified expressions.

When the scene was chaotic and noisy, Peng Fulai swallowed with a grunt and looked at Li Xuan like a god: You almost beat him to death just now.

I said, I can't control it now. Li Xuan was also frightened. Fortunately, this guy blocked the palm by some mistake, otherwise the result would be hard to say.

At the same time, his eyes were as cold as a knife and he glanced at Xi Xueer, who was stunned in the crowd. The latter clearly sensed the cold malice in Li Xuan's eyes, and his delicate body suddenly trembled, with a trace of fear and shock on his face.

That guy, how capable he is? This is not like the idiot her best friend said.

You two are just weak chickens pecking each other, why are you so proud?

Jiang Hanyun walked up to Zhang Jin and patted him, melting the ice on his body.

However, the young master of the imperial family, UU Reading, still had his eyes closed, his teeth clenched, and his face was blue and purple.

Li Xuan saw that Jiang Hanyun's palm only prevented this guy from suffocating to death, but did not directly dissolve the cold essence in his body.

So Brother Zhang will still have to suffer a lot.

Jiang Hanyun smiled at Zhang Jin, who had a pleading look in his eyes, and then turned to look at Li Xuan with deep meaning: But I saw it right yesterday, Li Xuan, you are talented in the cold element. It is true that no one can match it. But how do you usually practice? Until now, you are only at the second level! What on earth does he think sincerely, just watching you waste this great talent?

Li Xuan couldn't help scratching his face, feeling speechless.

His predecessor was indeed very lazy. He spent at least nine out of ten days posting on the Internet, and he also held great resentment for this.

As for talent, although the original talent was very good, it was not at the top level.

However, after he traveled through time, not only did his mental power increase by more than ten times, but his visualization of various refrigerants seemed to be particularly effective.

At this time, in the small pavilion in the distance, Mrs. Jiang was looking at Xue Yunrou with a strange expression: It's rare that you make a mistake. Is this what you call mediocre and incompetent, Yunrou? Not necessarily, right?

Xue Yunrou felt sour: I can only say that his talent is indeed excellent, but don't you think it is even more hateful, aunt? No one else can ask for such a talent, but this guy is using it to waste. It is said that he is indolent, uneducated, and has no skills. But that’s absolutely right.”

It's okay to be lazy. Being mediocre is a blessing. The key is to look at character. Mrs. Jiang obviously had a very good impression of Li Xuan: I have observed that he speaks and behaves politely. He is a person who knows etiquette.

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