Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 236 0 gold is gone and will never be returned

It wasn't until night that Li Xuan finished practicing the 'Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Technique'. He woke up from the cold and could no longer continue.

The visualization of the Cold Method True Essence ended two hours ago. After that, Li Xuan practiced the thunder method visualization, and the object he visualized was Shenxiao's Jueji Lei. But Li Xuan found that this could no longer suppress and balance his own cold power.

——As he had guessed beforehand, the cold power of 'liquid hydrogen' combined with the evil force 'Nine Nether Absolute Cold' caused Li Xuan's cold element true energy to undergo extremely terrifying changes.

Li Xuan's cold magic essence only increased by about 20%, but the cold power in his body nearly tripled in this afternoon. In terms of ‘quality’, it has climbed to a huge level.

This also caused the true essence of thunder method that he had worked hard to cultivate to lose its balance with ice method.

It also directly affected his suppression of the evil force in his chest.

In the past, Li Xuan could barely draw a tie with him by relying on the power of 'Haoran Zhengqi'.

But now, the balance has tilted.

If this situation continues, the 115-day lifespan he currently possesses will soon be consumed.

This is even after Li Xuan swallowed the 300-year-old ‘Tian Qiong Puree’ today, otherwise the situation would have been even worse.

He was right in not rashly changing the object of visualization before, otherwise he might be in a coffin now.

When Li Xuan opened his eyes, he found that his room had suddenly turned into an ice cave, and even his door and windows were frozen.

He had no choice but to pull out his Huaiyi knife, forcibly cut a hole in the door, and then walked out with the two birds next to him that were making love to each other.

When he arrived outside the door, Li Xuan saw that his brother Li Yan, his sister-in-law Su Zhaojun, and Leng Yurou were all there. They looked at him with surprise, astonishment, and even a bit of panic.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Li Xuan looked at the three of them strangely: "Why do you feel like you are looking at a monster?"

"It should be said that you are a monster." Li Yan pointed behind Li Xuan and asked with surprise: "Little brother, are you practicing the 'Hunyuan Celestial Elephant Technique'? What kind of visualization object are you using? Why? Such a big movement? Do you and I practice the same method?"

Li Xuan looked behind him and realized that there was also frozen ice above his room. It was stacked nearly seven feet high and looked like a small iceberg. Moreover, the yin energy is so strong that it chills people to the bone.

The temperature is obviously pretty good today, but the iceberg shows no sign of melting.

"Jiuyou Juehan!" Su Zhaojun stared slightly, with admiration in his eyes: "The top Cold Evil, the top Han Yuan, the magic weapon 'Xuanhan Ruyi' you have on you, are you still useless? Surprisingly? It already has such power. I am looking forward to the moment when you step into the third door more and more. This cold spell will definitely shock the world. At that time, I will have a happy battle with you. Field, learn a lesson or two.”

Thunder and fire spread all over Su Zhaojun's body. Her body of pure Yang makes her shine here like a little sun.

Li Xuan smiled bitterly. In his current state, whether he could survive until the third door was opened was a question.

"I have another chance. I have seen a more suitable visualization object before. After I open the third door, I will cultivate the Yin God and the golden body, and then draw them for you to see, big brother."

——Being at this level, he would not be able to accurately depict the 'liquid nitrogen' and 'liquid hydrogen' he visualized on the visualization map. As for the previous ‘Freon 12’, it is estimated that Li Yan has no use for it for a long time.

Then Li Xuan hurriedly walked out the door: "I have to go back to Liudaosi first because I have something to do. I won't be having dinner at home. Brother, please help me talk to my mother and plead guilty."

He was eager to return to Suzaku Hall and go to the library to find a method to replace the 'Shenxiao Exterminating Thunder', otherwise something would happen within three days at most.

But just when he was about to walk out of the hospital in a hurry, he was stopped by Leng Yurou.

"I'm really in a hurry." Li Xuan looked at her in astonishment: "Sister Yurou, is there something urgent?"

"It's very important. I can finish it in a few words." Leng Yurou pointed at the Demon-Conquering King Kong behind Li Xuan, who was following him like a shadow: "Do you want to replace him with a better power generator?"

Li Xuan's eyes brightened slightly: "Why do you need to say that? I must have thought about it."

After extensively replacing the gears and roller bearings in the body of the Demon-Conquering King Kong, his combat power has become comparable to that of a martial artist on the seventh floor. Only there are some shortcomings in terms of power, and it is unable to fully utilize its advantages.

In particular, the defensive array added by Leng Yurou for Demon-Conquering King Kong often did not have enough energy supply.

"Then give me the money." Leng Yurou stretched out her hand and said unceremoniously: "Twenty-two thousand taels."

"One hundred and twenty thousand taels?"

Li Xuan thought, fuck me, so he took a few steps away and covered his money bag with his hand: "Why do you want so much money?"

Including the share of stolen goods and rewards, his current net worth is only 170,000 taels. Leng Yurou opened her mouth and was about to go 70%.

"Of course I will build a power furnace for you."

Leng Yurou explained with a calm expression: "I have now thoroughly understood the technology of gears and bearings, and have tried to make several furnaces. With the same materials, the power output can exceed 19.5%, and the endurance is stronger and more stable. Much more, do you want to change it?"

"Of course I do." Li Xuan said with a sad face: "But 120,000 taels is too expensive. Can you lower the price?"

"This amount of money is the minimum budget. Your Demon-Suppressing King Kong has great potential. If you want to replace it, just replace it. Otherwise, there is no need to waste your efforts."

While Leng Yurou was speaking, she took her hand back and said, "If you don't want to, forget it. Just pretend I didn't say anything."

She put on such an expression of whether she loves her or not, but Li Xuan became anxious.

The Demon-Suppressing King Kong was of great help to him. The last time he was ambushed, if this thing hadn't been in front, he might have died now.

It would be great if we could improve on the current level.

"I'll give it, can't I give it to you?" Li Xuan hesitantly took out the banknote from his pocket, and when he handed it out, he asked curiously: "Can it reach the level of the third door?"

Leng Yurou looked at him coldly after pulling the banknote over: "Of course! Otherwise, why would I want so much money from you? The power generator I designed for it is the top-notch among the third level. Considering the power is redundant, If there is too much left, I will burn a few more magic circles into its body and engrave the true meaning of your own martial arts into it."

She thought for a while and added: "You have to equip it with a stronger sword and shield. It is best to get it in one step and replace it with a high-grade one. Its power is definitely enough.

At that time, at least in terms of lethality and defensive capabilities, it could catch up with the real Yazhonglou martial arts cultivator. Of course, it is definitely not as flexible as martial arts in actual combat, but if it is just to assist self-defense, it can give you the strength to truly fight against the third door. "

Li Xuan wondered where he should go to find the shield and sword for King Kong? He is still a high-grade one, and he only has two high-grade magic weapons on his body. This kind of thing can easily cost hundreds of thousands of taels of silver, and even if you have money, you can't buy it.

Then Li Xuan thought of the weapon refining building of Liudaosi, and he could go there to customize it. But when he thought that he now had eighty-six great arts in hand, and was only a hair away from a top-quality magic weapon, Li Xuan felt reluctant to part with it.

To customize a high-grade magic weapon, ten great skills are indispensable, and you have to prepare the materials yourself. If you want to exchange materials from within Liudaosi, it will only consume more merit.

Especially since the Demon-Suppressing King Kong is so big, its sword and shield are several times larger than ordinary weapons, so it naturally uses more materials.

Li Xuan estimated that such a magic weapon would require thirty great skills.

Also, Li Xuan always felt that he might have been taken advantage of by Leng Yurou this time.

Just because when he handed over the banknote just now, he noticed that the corners of Leng Yurou's lips had an obvious upward curve. But when he looked carefully, he felt that it was not true.

But the money has been taken away, and he has no room for regret.

"It may take about three days." Leng Yurou shook the banknote in her hand: "Send me your Demon-Suppressing King Kong in a few days. It can be replaced in one day."

Li Xuan was surprised and confused, thinking it was so fast? A top-notch power furnace in the third door can be completed in just three days? Could this woman be lying to me?

Then he saw Leng Yurou handing a stack of about 90,000 taels of silver notes to Su Zhaojun; "No! Give your money back."

"Tsk~ You actually found the enemy."

Su Zhaojun reluctantly took the banknotes. Although it was a good thing that the money came back, she originally wanted to use this money to destroy the most powerful think tank around Liu.

She squinted at Li Xuan with an annoyed look: "Idiot! This girl borrowed money from me half a month ago to trial-produce some kind of gear bearing version of the power machine furnace, but it hasn't been completed yet. I have used up all the money, and now I am anxious to find a new owner to take over. As long as you wait patiently for ten days and a half, you can definitely get it at a low price. Who in Nanjing dares to pay such a high price for a semi-finished power machine furnace? "

Li Xuan felt a mouthful of old blood in his chest, and he wanted to vomit but couldn't.

He reluctantly glanced at the bank note that Leng Yurou stuffed into his pocket, but in the end he still didn't ask for it back.

Now we can only hope that Leng Yurou’s new power generator will be powerful enough——

Then Li Xuan hurried out of the house and rode back to Zhuque Hall.

When he stepped into the door of Suzaku Hall, it was already late at night. At this time, a demon-suppressing warrior came over and said, "Sir Captain, the manager has invited you!"

Without waiting for Li Xuan to ask, You You explained the reason: "It's about Sima Tianyuan. The manager is already free and wants to reward you based on your merits. Also, sir, your initiation has been confirmed. , the steward said that this opportunity is rare and wants you to go there as soon as possible."

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