Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 243 The Shaking Crystal Palace

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Different from the Yuhuatai in the modern world that has been transformed into a martyr cemetery and a 4A-level scenic spot, the Yuhuatai where Li Xuan is now, except for the building outside the Imperial Academy and some surrounding residential buildings, is in a state of wilderness. There really isn’t much to see.

But Li Xuan knew that the point of traveling with his girlfriend was not about the scenery or playing, but about chatting and flirting.

He and Xue Yunrou were rubbing each other's cheeks all the way, talking softly and making some nauseating love words. The jokes in the modern world were also readily available. It didn't take long for Xue Yunrou to be teased until her face was red with blood, and she was giggling from time to time.

Li Xuan didn't even have time to look at Xue Yunrou's pretty face. How could he have the time to look at the surrounding scenery?

But just as the atmosphere between the two gradually became more charming and heated, Li Xuan heard a surprised voice coming from the side: "Master Captain, I have finally found you."

Li Xuan frowned, looked back, and then found a young man in white walking towards them quickly. This person turned out to be Zhen Huandou, the ‘Jiang Zuo Model’ whom he had seen in the examination room before.

The man hurriedly came over full of joy: "I have read your answer sheet, sir, and the first eleven of the seventeen decimal places are correct. I don't know how the last six decimal places are, Lord Lieutenant." Did you calculate it? Please give me your advice!"

After he finished speaking, he bowed deeply to Li Xuan, and his hands almost fell to the ground.

Li Xuan found that Xue Yunrou quietly moved her delicate body to the side and opened a little distance. He couldn't help but curse in his heart, thinking that you, 'Jiang Zuo, set an example', didn't you wink at all? Don't you see that I have something important to do now?

This is so immoral. Don’t you know that the good deeds of bad people are better than the hatred of blocking the road?

Considering that he needs to be more graceful in front of a beautiful woman, Li Xuan could only say with a smile: "It's just using the circle cutting method, no different from the predecessors."

"This is impossible!" Zhen Huandou shook his head: "It can't be the method of cutting a circle. In the past, ancestor Wenyuan divided the diameter of a circle of one foot into 100 million hu. It took him recent years to calculate it to seven decimal places. And Zhen Mou Father, it took him several years to calculate to the lower tens. Lieutenant Li, you are only eighteen years old. No matter how talented you are, you cannot spend so much time calculating. You must have mastered a new method. , to be promoted to seventeenth place in one fell swoop.”

Li Xuan wondered where he had failed? They were all memorized, and he was helpless: "Even if I have mastered the new method, Brother Zhen, it's too late now, why don't you and I make an appointment to talk about it at another time."

Zhen Huandou looked struggling, then bowed again and said: "So what about tomorrow? I will prepare a banquet of wine and Shuxiu, and ask the Captain for advice."

Xue Yunrou couldn't help but secretly laugh, and whispered in Li Xuan's ear: "In addition to being known as 'Jiang Zuo's role model,' this guy is also known as a math idiot. If you don't give an answer today, he will pester you endlessly."

Li Xuan also saw that this guy was a serious person, so he didn't dare to agree to the other party's invitation.

What he said about making an appointment another day was just a way of coping with it, and he had no intention of putting it into practice. As a result, he was beaten by the other party.

He then pondered for a moment and then asked: "Brother Zhen, does he know the Thai and Western numbers?"

"Taiwan Numbers" Zhen Huandou thought for a moment, then nodded slightly: "The captain is referring to the Tianfang Number Talisman? Zhen has learned it and uses it to replace numbers. It is more convenient and concise to use, but it cannot be used in account books."

Li Xuan nodded slightly, thinking it would be nice if you understood. He directly summoned a branch and wrote a line of formulas on the ground that were all two except for the symbols.

In the 16th century of Li Xuan's world, the mathematician Wei Da used the infinite product formula to calculate pi for the first time, opening a door for future generations.

"π represents the ratio of circumference to diameter, and √ ̄ is the root sign."

Li Xuan emphatically explained a few words about the latter, and then, regardless of whether Zhen Huandou understood it or not, he pulled Xue Yunrou aside: "Brother Zhen, if you can figure out what my words mean, you can Know how I calculated pi. Farewell!"

He estimated that once the formula came out, it would be enough for this guy to study it for a long time.

As expected, Zhen Huandou's eyes were in a daze, looking at a row of strange numbers on the ground, and he was in a daze.

After getting rid of Zhen Huandou, Li Xuan began to deliberately take Xue Yunrou to a place with few people.

The girl was very aware of his thoughts, but she smiled half-heartedly, thinking how could she let Xuanlang succeed so quickly?

Before, she had no choice but to do this because she was worried that Li Xuan would be too angry, treat him poorly, or be taken advantage of by some sexy vixen.

But now, since the disaster of the 'Tian Qiong Puree' has been solved, she will not let Li Xuan get what he wants easily.

Men are creatures that never cherish things that are easy to get.

Unless Xuan Lang's life was really running out, he would have to get married to a matchmaker, write three books and six etiquettes, and marry her in a sedan chair before doing such a shameful thing.

But the girl didn't resist, and followed Li Xuan to the side corner with a smile.

It was a peach grove on the east side of the Imperial College. Beside the peach grove stood a huge camphor tree that could take five people to surround. The crown of the tree was like a dark cloud, covering half an acre of land.

Li Xuan felt happy and thought that this was really a wonderful place. He immediately jumped up with the girl's hand and came to a wide branch at the top of the camphor tree.

"Yunrou, sit here." He took off his coat, spread it on the branches, and sat down next to him.

Yun Rou felt warm in her heart, thinking that Xuan Lang was really different from ordinary men. After she sat down, she realized that the view here was actually excellent. Most of the academy, as well as the market outside, and the lights within several miles could be reflected in her eyes.

And just when Yun Rou was looking far away, Li Xuan looked up at the sky and saw the dark moon and high wind. It was pitch black all around and no one was paying attention here. Thinking that this was the time for a hero to use force, he quietly moved his buttocks and got closer to the girl, less than a fingertip away: "Yunrou, do you still remember when we first met?"

"Remember, it's at Duke Xu's mansion."

Xue Yunrou noticed Li Xuan's little movements, but she just didn't know: "I remember that day, it seemed like the weather was like this. You didn't have me in your eyes at that time, and you even wrote a poem for my cousin - Yun Xiang Clothes Hua Xiangrong, right?"

Li Xuan smiled awkwardly, and then hugged Xue Yunrou's waist with a straight hand: "But at that time, in my eyes, you were like a fairy, just out of reach. I never expected that, One day I, Li Xuan, will be lucky enough to be favored by a fairy and be able to embrace a beautiful woman."

Xue Yunrou glared at him angrily, and then felt the warmth of Li Xuan's big hand again, as well as the gradually increasing strength. Her pretty face flushed, and while holding her hair with her hands, she looked sideways away, but she calmly resolved Li Xuan's force in pulling her into his arms.

When Li Xuan saw this, he knew that he had to work harder. It would not be easy to eat this scheming little fox.

He then sighed and said, "Yunrou, do you know? So far, I feel like I'm dreaming. I'm worried that this is an illusion created by Luo Yan for me. Yunrou, you and everything in front of you are just a dream."

When Xue Yunrou heard this, she immediately thought of Luo Yan, who was actually a woman, had unpredictable strength and unknown identity, and had a "heart-to-heart" and "tacit understanding" with Li Xuan.

A sense of crisis began to grow in her heart, wondering if she could really wait until Li Xuan married her to a matchmaker?

“It’s only when I hold your hand that it feels real.”

Li Xuan squeezed Yunrou's little hand very hard, and his expression was full of emotion: "I really hope that this moment will last until the end of the world. The time is quiet and peaceful, and I am talking to you; the years are flowing slowly, and I am with you; the prosperity has faded, and I am with you. . Just stay with you for the rest of my life, not even a moment will count."

Xue Yunrou felt shocked and inexplicably moved. She stared at Li Xuan blankly and couldn't help but grab Li Xuan's sleeve.

"Xuan Lang, do you really think so?"

Li Xuan nodded fiercely: "Of course, Yunrou, you must not doubt my sincerity. What I am most afraid of now is that I am afraid that I can't do it. The thought that I may not be able to let you down, Yunrou, makes me sit up and down. Uneasy..."

What he didn't notice was that deep in his soul, the girl in red in the cauldron was opening her eyes, and countless bloodshot threads and streamers were scattered in all directions.

Xue Yunrou only felt her heart throbbing fiercely, but then she was pierced by several sharp swords at the same time. Her pretty face turned pale slightly: "Why can't you do it? Xuanlang, don't be so unsure. Your talent is hard to find in a lifetime, and within a month or two at most, you can enter the fifth-level tower realm."

"Even if you are in the fifth-level tower realm, you can only extend your life for half a year. Anyway, I will try my best to do it--"

Li Xuan shook his head. He looked at Xue Yunrou's face with deep affection in his eyes, thinking that the heat was almost here: "I want to be in love with you for the rest of my life, with you as the long flowing water, with you as the firewood, rice, oil and salt, and with the white hair of you for the rest of my life - —”

Xue Yunrou's delicate body trembled slightly. She looked at Li Xuan infatuatedly, her heart beating loudly. She saw Li Xuan's handsome face getting closer, but she couldn't make any move to resist.

She thought that she was obviously a determined person and had already made up her mind, but why couldn't she keep her mind in front of Xuan Lang?

It's over, it's over, will I still have to be eaten up by Xuanlang this time? Brother Xuan, why is he so good at talking about love?

Just when the two people's breathing was getting warmer and they were about to come together, a strong cough suddenly came from under the tree!

Li Xuan thought to himself, who is this, doing bad things again?

He looked down and saw Jiang Mu holding a lantern and standing under the tree with a surprised look on her face: "Isn't this Xiaoxuan, Yunrou? Why are you two here?"

Xue Yunrou immediately shrank back like a rabbit, feeling extremely embarrassed.

Li Xuan felt as if cold water had been poured on his head, and all the anger on his forehead was gone.

"Aunt?" He was extremely astonished, and while responding, he jumped down from the tree with a bit of embarrassment: "I came here at the invitation of Quan Sacrifice Wine. As you know, I am now their protector of Neo-Confucianism. But Aunt, Why are you here?"

The so-called eating people has a soft mouth and short hands when taking people. Mrs. Jiang was very kind to him, but she abandoned Jiang Hanyun and fell in love with him, so Li Xuan felt very guilty.

"Quan Dingtian and your Uncle Jiang are close friends, and Mrs. Quan and I are sworn sisters. We came here to play at Mrs. Quan's invitation today."

After Jiang's mother said this, she asked with a smile: "Xiaoxuan, why are you and Yunrou getting together? When did it happen?"

"Ahem! This~" Li Xuan looked at Jiang's mother, then at Xue Yunrou behind him, and then scratched his head: "It's been a while."

Jiang's mother was stunned for a while, as if she was extremely shocked: "Xiaoxuan, are you serious about Yunrou?"

"How do you say this?" Li Xuan clasped his hands and looked at the sky: "Well! I'm stuck."

Just when Jiang's mother's eyes were dull and Xue Yunrou's eyes were filled with joy, an assistant teacher of the Imperial Academy wearing the eighth-grade clothes came to the outside of the peach forest. He looked around, and when he saw Li Xuan's figure, , his face suddenly showed joy, and he hurried over: "Master Duwei, our Lord Jijiu has invited you. If it is convenient for you, please go to Mingjing Hall as soon as possible."

He seemed to see Li Xuan's doubts, and bowed deeply: "Master Jijiu said that we must invite you over, UU Reading also asked us to tell you that it is a matter of great importance, and only if you can Only you, Captain, can handle it. You will know the specific reasons after you go there."

Li Xuan was worried that the atmosphere here was awkward and he didn't know how to end it. He immediately stepped down: "Then let's go over and don't keep the Lord Jijiu waiting."

But just as he was following the assistant teacher of the Imperial Academy out, he still couldn't help but look back three times every step, looking behind him with unwillingness at the little fox that had escaped from his clutches.

I thought that I would have such an opportunity next time. I don’t know when it will be. Moreover, the little fox’s resistance will be higher, so he may not be able to break his guard with a few words like today.

But Jiang Mu's figure made him realize clearly that even if he stayed, he wouldn't be able to succeed and would even be embarrassed.

At this time, outside the peach grove, Jiang Mu and Xue Yunrou looked at each other, speechless.

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