Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 246 Words on the forehead

"Li Zhetian?"

Quan Dingtian's eyes were already looking in the direction of Wenxin Tower.

His sight passed through many obstacles and went directly to the top of Wenxin Tower. When the unruly figure came into view, Quan Dingtian's pupils suddenly condensed, and the awe-inspiring righteousness suddenly rose up and penetrated into the sky.

"Let me go! You are not allowed to be presumptuous in the Imperial College!"

His majestic aura actually condensed purple-gold characters in mid-air.

Li Xuan paid close attention and found that it was the content of the "Book of Changes". Finally, it turned into a purple-gold Bagua disc and crashed towards the roof of the building.

As the Tai Chi rotated and the yin and yang reversed, the entire top floor of Wenxin Building was crushed to pieces by the huge force.

But Li Zhetian upstairs was unscathed. He continued to grab the 'Wenxin Bell' with one hand, causing bursts of air waves to explode around the bell. At the same time, he glanced sideways in the direction of the Ming Jing Hall. , and then sneered: "The true form of Haoqi? It can be said that it can do something. The fish that slipped through the net in the past is only one step away from the natural position. It's not in vain that I let you go, but even you want to Stop me?"

With a flick of his sleeves, he blasted away all the purple and gold Bagua diagrams with several waves of vast sword energy.

At the same time, a huge black long knife suddenly appeared in the sky above Wenxin Tower. It is an unknown number of feet long, spanning between heaven and earth. The handle is upward, the tip is downward, and the blade is filled with the meaning of nothingness. Not only was it dark and lightless, it also sucked out all the light in this place, causing the entire area ten miles around Yuhuatai to lose its light! The stars and the moon are all obscured.

At this moment, the clouds and mist high in the sky were also stirred up, forming a huge vortex.

There was also an unparalleled and indestructible sword intent that penetrated the air, causing Quan Dingtian to suddenly vomit blood from his mouth, and a faint purple light appeared in his eyes.



At this time, in the hall, not only did Tong Lin, the two priests, look furious, but the Deya layman Fang Ming and Mr. Jingyuan Kong Xiu also had pale faces.

The majestic energy of the four people all came out at the same moment, forming huge red gold pillars that filled the space between heaven and earth.

And Si Ye, a boy named Tong, showed a majestic cultivation that was only inferior to Quan Dingtian. That majestic majesty actually turned into the shape of a golden cauldron.

His eyes glowed even more red: "The Imperial College of today is not the Imperial College of the past! Heretic, you dare to destroy my Neo-Confucianism?"

Li Zhetian, who was on the roof of the Wenxin Building, couldn't help laughing when he heard this: "It is indeed different from the past. It just feels weaker."


With a roaring sound, the golden cauldron that had just taken shape was shattered and extinguished by the sword that struck from the sky!

Not only was the boy named Si Ye bleeding from all his orifices, but a dark knife mark appeared on the side of his shoulder.

"As for the Questioning Heart Bell, I could destroy it once in the past, and I can destroy it again today!"

At this moment, with a flick of his robe sleeves, he smashed the mighty golden sword that penetrated the void into pieces.

That was sent by Quan Dingtian. Although this person was suppressed by Li Zhetian's sword intention, he was planning a counterattack all the time.

Li Zhetian also looked sideways at Mingjing Hall again.

"I've underestimated you a bit, but my sword is invincible in the world and the six realms are silent. Your abilities are not enough!"

At this moment, the roof of the Ming Sutra Hall burst open and shattered into countless powders, which scattered down.

At this time, not only the bodies of several great scholars, but also more or less knife marks appeared on their bodies. The thousands of supervisors present also felt the huge mental pressure across the place.

Those Confucian scholars who were still sitting cross-legged inside and outside the hall were okay, but those who had already stood up heard a "boom" at this moment, and without exception were pressed down by the majestic and majestic sword until they knelt on the ground!

Even Li Xuan, whose spiritual power far exceeds that of ordinary people, still feels the stinging pain from his spiritual thoughts.

At this moment, it was as if a knife was hanging above his head, and the sharp blade had penetrated into his skull.

Among the people, only Quan stood up tall and stood up against the will of the sword. Traces of black marks continued to appear on his body, and the blood spilled from the corner of his mouth also stained the clothes on his chest red.

"The sage said that an ordinary man cannot seize his will! The lesser sage also said that he cannot be subdued by force!"

At this moment, Quan Dingtian's chest had cracked with a faint black mark of his heart, and his whole body was ignited with red-gold flames: "As long as Quan is alive, I will not tolerate you, Li Zhetian." furious."

At this time, above the Ming Sutra Hall, the purple and gold Bagua diagram condensed and took shape again, forcing Li Zhetian's sword intent and force out of the Ming Sutra Hall.

But at this moment, most of the Imperial College students present turned red and were filled with indignation.

"You can't offer sacrifices to Master Liquor!"


Long Rui and Wang Jing both had red eyes. They both knew that Quan Dingtian was already burning his life force at this moment.

At this moment, Jiang Zuo, who was opposite them, led Zhen Huandou and began to chant loudly: "I am a prisoner in the North Courtyard, sitting in an earthen room. The room is eight feet wide and four feet deep. The single door is low and small, and the white room is short and narrow. It's dirty and dark. On this summer day, all kinds of energy are coming together——"

Li Xuan heard that this was the preface to Wen Zhong Lie Gong's "Song of Righteousness".

Just after Zhen Huandou's first sentence, the echoes in the hall were already rising one after another: "It rains for four times, and the floating bed is like water vapor; when it is covered with mud for half a day, it is steaming, and then it is like water." It’s rustic; it’s sunny, it’s hot, the wind is blocked, and it’s the weather of the day——”

Their voices gradually merged into one, and the majestic energy of thousands of people also gradually merged into one, and joined forces with the five great scholars present, standing across the sky and earth like purple and gold pillars, shaking the stars!

Quan Dingtian's eyes also showed a glimmer of light. He raised his hand and a bronze seal flew up, soaring into the sky. It actually moved the thousands of people in this place as if they were shaking the sea and moving the mountains. The majestic and fierce energy condensed into one, and turned into the size of a wheel, crashing towards the huge black sword light.

With this collision, the heaven and earth shook, and countless lights and shadows appeared high in the sky. The starlight and moonlight obscured by Li Zhetian's sword began to appear in everyone's field of vision.

Li Xuan was also following the crowd, reciting the song of righteousness: "I have been weak and looked down on you for two years. Fortunately, I am fine. It is because I have nourishment. But how can I know what I have nourished? Mencius said "I am good at cultivating my awe-inspiring Qi." There are seven Qi in that Qi, but I have one Qi. If one is against seven, why should I worry about it——"

At this moment, a woman's voice suddenly sounded in his ears.

"Master, run away now, otherwise it will be too late!"

Li Xuan was stunned for a moment before he recognized the voice of Su Xin, the weapon spirit of Wen Xin Ling. He then frowned: "Why are you running away?"

"If I don't escape now, I will go crazy. I can't stand it, and I don't want to go crazy again. You are the master of the weapon, and my main spirit is attached to you. There is still a chance of recovery. Otherwise, everyone will Can't save me."

Su Xin's words were full of panic: "Also, he won't let you go. Once he sees the words you wrote on the bell, he will definitely be interested in you. For decades, this incident has caused unknown How many heroes died in his hands, becoming a stepping stone for this man to ascend the path of swordsmanship."

"That's not necessary, is it?" Li Xuan raised his head and glanced at the bronze seal in the sky, and then looked at Quan Dingtian, whose body was burning with red fire.

"It's useless! The original Xue Yue was already halfway to the throne at the age of twenty-eight, but Li Zhetian still succeeded?"

Su Xin sneered and said with disdain: "Quan Dingtian is very powerful, but he is not as good as your girlfriend's father. He has endured until now just to rely on the heroic spirit of thousands of supervisors here and himself. With his official power and his reputation as a great scholar in the south of the Yangtze River, he used his own power to suppress Li Zhetian.

But the sword demon Li Zhetian not only has sword skills that are close to the realm of divine connection, but is also proficient in the way of talisman formations. If he could be suppressed so easily, the imperial court and Liudaosi wouldn't be helpless against him until now. Li Zhetian must have come prepared today. "

Sure enough, the moment she finished speaking, surging pillars of sky suddenly shot up from the six directions of the Imperial Academy, and combined with Li Zhetian's will, they formed six huge black knives. And with the force of Liuhe, they surrounded the Imperial College.

"Using power to suppress others? You deserve it!"

Li Zhetian, who was on the top of the Wenxin Building, smiled coldly. He didn't even bother to look at Mingjing Hall at this time.

The starlight in the sky has been blocked again, and the black void sword light has not only become unfathomable, but also covered with a layer of blood. On the contrary, the large bronze seal now showed slight cracks.

At the same time, two supervisors in the Ming Jing Hall were cut into two pieces by black knife marks without any warning.

"Listen to me clearly. From now on, Li will choose two people to kill in this Ming Sutra Hall every three breaths, until all of you and others are killed!"

At this moment, panic appeared on the faces of at least one or two thousand people present. The righteous songs they recited began to contain trills, and the majestic energy coming out of their bodies became mixed and impure.

The boys in the hall, the two priests Lin, as well as Na Deya layman Fang Ming and Mr. Jingyuan Kong Xiu couldn't help but look at each other, and then their expressions began to turn pale and decay.

At this moment, although the four of them are not burning red fire like Quan Dingtian, they are all using their own life force to maintain the situation and stop the collapse of the big bronze seal in the air.

"This is Li Zhetian's 'power'. He has been fighting all over the world for decades, and is invincible. He has killed tens of thousands of enemies and gathered the supreme power. He is also the best at provoking and breaking people's hearts with words."

Su Xin's figure appeared directly on Li Xuan's shoulder in the form of a three-inch villain. Her face was pale: "Run away——"

But Su Xin's words stopped abruptly, because she discovered that the magic weapons on Li Xuanzhou's body were all glowing, matching the majestic aura that lingered here.

"what you up to?"

How come this guy wears this magical weapon that contains a mighty martial spirit?

"Can't escape!"

Li Xuanyao looked at the figure on the Wenxin Tower with a strange look in his eyes: "Don't you hear that in front of the two armies, the general who retreated first will be killed? And if this man is really able to do it with ease, UU Reading www.uukanshu .net will not use this method to break people's hearts."

Su Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "I'm just too lazy to put in the effort."

"But if I escape now, how can I still have the dignity to be a Dharma protector?"

Li Xuan let go of his mind and sensed it carefully: "Don't worry, I don't really want to die because of eating the courage of a bear's heart or a leopard's guts. I can feel that the heroic spirit of the Confucian scholars here is still there, majestic and magnificent. People can do it. It’s just that Quan Jijiu is limited by the conditions and cannot fully inspire it, nor can it be combined into one. There should be a chance for this battle."

Su Xin couldn't help but laugh, thinking that Quan Jijiu couldn't do it, so could you?

"I remember you said, Su Xin, that as long as I give up my vitality, I can use the power of protecting the Tao left in the Wenxin Bell by Yu Zi and all previous guardians?"

Li Xuan didn't wait for Su Xin's reply, he held the 'Wenshan Seal' in his sleeve, and at the same time asked with his mind: "Can you do it? Little guy?"

He didn't have much contact with the weapon spirit of the 'Wenshan Seal', but the latter's response was extremely fierce, and the entire seal body was trembling.

Su Xin was stunned for a moment and noticed that Li Xuan's majestic aura had not only turned into pure gold, but also surged out like an endless fountain.

There seemed to be four big characters written on his forehead - Sacrifice one's life for righteousness!

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