Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 262 Little moral obligation

The huge bloody sword slashed down, causing almost everyone who witnessed it to feel trembling with fear.

The Minister of Rites, who was in charge of the whip, had a cold face and showed no emotion: "So no one should panic or move without permission! This is the Imperial Mausoleum of Taizu, and tens of thousands of imperial troops are stationed here. We do not allow evil spirits to invade us! When people's hearts are like a city, and their majestic spirit is in their chests, why should they be afraid of demons and monsters?"

The Imperial College students were a little agitated at first, but then they calmed down under the cold gaze of this great scholar from the Ministry of Rites.

They had experienced the battle where Li Zhetian forced his way into the Imperial Academy. At that time, the sword demon was more powerful than the Blood Sword Ancestor, but in the end, he was still defeated by their Neo-Confucian protector.

Sure enough, when the bloody sword struck the sky above Xiaoling, it was like encountering an indestructible copper wall and an iron wall. It suddenly shattered into pieces and turned into thousands of broken sword energy that swept in all directions, but it was unable to hurt Xiaoling. Every plant and tree. Only the vegetation around the Xiaoling Mausoleum was leveled, and ravines several feet deep were cut.

After that, the Blood Knife Ancestor never took action again. There was only a huge blood cloud covering thirty miles around, condensed in the sky above Xiaoling. At the same time, an extremely fierce and fishy sword intent shot through the air, locking the inside and outside of Xiaoling.

At this time, despite the protective barrier of the mausoleum, the bloody courage of 30,000 imperial soldiers, and the majestic impact of thousands of imperial guards, the blood-colored sword intent still caused a surge of blood in the bodies of everyone in front of Xiaoling Hall. , boiling and surging, with a faint tendency to explode.

Some supervisors with weak Haoqi cultivation even had blood spilling from their nostrils.

The Minister of Rites snorted coldly and flicked his sleeves: "The sage said: A wise man will not be confused, a benevolent man will not worry, and a brave man will not be afraid!"

Just for a moment, the blood of everyone here became calm.

And the minister pointed his finger in the air with contempt: "How dare you, the evil heretics, to act so arrogantly in front of Taizu's Mausoleum?"

He could easily condense the majestic energy of thousands of supervisors here into one. On the way up, he condensed the dragon energy here and turned into a huge yellow dragon, which crashed into the blood cloud. With just one attack and a flick of the tail, the blood cloud within a radius of thirty miles was scattered, and it could only be scattered outside Xiaoling.

Qiu Qianqiu, who was kneeling and kowtowing with everyone, couldn't help but frown deeply. He failed to sense the Qi of the Blood Knife Ancestor outside the Xiaoling Mausoleum.

"There is no need to look for him. He is hiding in the clouds eighty-seven miles south of Xiaoling. He is still as cautious and cautious as ever, and he will not hold back."

The demon-suppressing manager's expression was cold: "There are quite a few demons hiding around, including several from the fourth gate."

"With this strength, they can't attack Xiaoling." Qiu Qianqiu snorted coldly, and then his mind moved slightly: "They don't want to attack Xiaoling, but want to separate Xiaoling from Nanjing?"

"That's about it!" The blind old man nodded slightly: "You, Shen Zhimou and Yin Ruolan return to the city as soon as possible! Sincerity is very resourceful, and he will not let the blood knife go wild!"

And just as he finished speaking, a sword that also spanned hundreds of feet across the sky swept over from the direction of Xuanwu Lake. The extreme chill actually froze all the remaining blood clouds in the sky and began to turn into bloody hail falling from the sky.

At this moment, the blind old man suddenly heard a 'click-click' sound. He didn't know why at first, but then his eyes changed drastically.

At this time, the blind old man only had one thought in his mind: what did those people want to do after they built the spirit?


When the second earthquake occurred, Yu Jianji, who had already entered the underground palace, had no color on his face.

There was anger in his eyes, and he glanced at Qin Tianjian, who was also looking ashen-faced not far away, and then continued to move forward step by step under the guidance of the Minister of Rites.

But as the dust above fell, the palace attendants who were accompanying Yu Jianji, as well as the guards standing five steps to each side, couldn't help but change their colors, and they all had panicked auras.


Quan Dingtian stopped everyone's restlessness with a cold shout, and then looked at Yu Jianji, who stood motionless next to him, with admiration in his eyes.

"Your Highness, the matter has come to an end. We should remain unchanged in the face of all changes. If there is anything else, we can wait until after the grand ceremony is completed. You must not lose etiquette in front of Taizu's Mausoleum under any circumstances!"

He whispered in Yu Jianji's ear, but he also said these words to Princess Changle next to him.

At the moment of the earthquake, the princess's steps and movements were obviously a little flustered, and she was not as elegant and calm as before.

When they passed this twenty-foot-long corridor, a wide underground hall was in front of them, which gradually appeared in front of Yu Jianji's eyes.

The length and width here are eighty feet, the floor is paved with gold bricks, the stone walls are made of marble, and there are twenty-four giant dragon columns on both sides, supporting this huge hall. On these giant pillars and the four walls, a total of 960 gilded copper lamps with dragon patterns and enamel were hung, making this underground hall shine like daylight.

On both sides were elites selected from the Liudaosi and Nanjing Imperial Camps. There were thousands of them in total. They all had a calm aura and were half-kneeling like rocks towards the depths of the palace. The brand-new battle armor they were wearing shone like gold under the light.

Deep inside the temple is a huge tomb door. It was polished from black bluestone, which was the strongest in the world, even far superior to steel. The outer layer was covered with gold and painted with dragon patterns.

In front of the tomb door, there is a huge stone tablet with two lines of desolate and powerful characters with iron paintings and silver hooks. On the left is 'Qin Jin Qi Yun Jun De succeeded in unifying the heavens, the great filial piety and Gao Emperor', and on the right is 'Filial piety, compassion and Zhao Xian'. The Most Benevolent, Wende, Chengtian and Shunshenggao Queen'.

Yu Jianji's heart froze, and his expression became more solemn and respectful.

Next, he had to kneel down. Every time he took nine steps, he had to kneel and kowtow.

However, just when Yu Jianji and Chang Le lifted their skirts and knelt down, everyone here felt the sword intent pouring in from outside the mausoleum.

There is dragon energy suppressing the tomb here, and the sword intent that can make people's blood boil has minimal impact on everyone in the hall.

But the faces of Quan Dingtian and the Minister of Rites were still condensed. And Yu Jianji's brows also frowned slightly.

Helian Fulong and Deputy Heavenly Master Zhang who were accompanying him both looked outside the underground palace with cold expressions.

"Don't worry, Your Highness!" Helian Fulong said in Yu Jianji's ear with a voice as thick as a thread: "A mere Blood Sword Ancestor is not enough to cause trouble. Even if his disciples and grandsons are included, they will not be able to enter the Xiaoling Mausoleum. Door"

At this moment, Mr. Fulong's expression suddenly changed. He also heard a "click" sound coming from nearby, which should be the sound of a machine rotating, and it was located within the tomb chamber.

Helian Fulong quickly thought of something and looked outside the corridor.

"Is it the Dragon Guard Gate?"

Just as he was speaking, there was a loud bang outside the corridor. A huge stone gate about three feet thick suddenly fell from the top of the corridor, completely isolating the inside and outside of the underground palace.

Looking at the thick stone gate outside the corridor, which was also made of black bluestone, Helian Fulong couldn't help but frown. He was originally confident that no matter what the plots of those Jianling remnants were today, he could deal with them, handle them, and suppress them.

But at this time, Helian Fulong felt faintly feeling palpitations in his heart.

Helian Fulong couldn't figure out what kind of plan these remnants of Jianling had to isolate the underground palace with the Dragon Gate.

Do these people want to use this 'Dragon Protector Gate' to trap him here with Deputy Heavenly Master Zhang, Quan Dingtian, Minister of Rites, and Qin Tianjian? Or do they think that they can hide behind him at Helian? The second prince's life was endangered under Long's nose?


Just inside Xiaoling Mausoleum, when the 'Dragon Protective Gate' fell, Li Xuan was riding a dragon on the street, galloping towards the palace city.

The General Manager and Qiu Qianqiu reacted very quickly. Not long after Li Xuan walked out of the Demon Suppression Tower, he received the talisman order granted to him by the General Manager, giving him full authority to control all the people in Liudaosi City.

But at this time, the entire Suzaku Hall could not mobilize many manpower. Wang Shouyi, the Demon-Suppressing Lieutenant General who was in charge of the Suzaku Hall, was very cooperative. He managed to gather 200 patrol officers in a short time, and found eight captains for Li Xuan.

But there is no one who can find the strong person from the third gate above this.

Since ancient times, whenever dragons and snakes rise from the land and heaven and earth turn upside down, it is the time when the power of demons and magic in the world surges.

At this time, due to the earthquake, the entire city of Nanjing was once again in chaos. Wang Shouyi could not even transfer a school captain to Li Xuan.

Fortunately, Luo Yan is also on duty today. This made Li Xuan feel at ease. With the great master Purple Butterfly Demon Girl here, and Xue Yunrou from the third sect, he had some confidence.

However, Luo Yan, who was riding on the side of Li Xuan, looked at him with slightly dissatisfied eyes: "After you went to the Imperial College, you didn't come to Dianmao for several days. As a result, Such a big battle?"

"I also want to stay at home and recuperate. If I don't enjoy my vacation, why do I have to suffer as a errand?"

Li Xuan's expression was stern, but his voice was solemn: "I'd like to ask Luo Youjiu later not to make any reservations and to take action with all his strength. The manager has already given me the right words, saying that no matter what kind of trouble there is, he and Deputy Qiu will be safe." Let’s ride together.”

He knew that Zidie, who was going all out, was far stronger than Jiang Hanyun, and even surpassed the combined strength of Jiang Hanyun and Sima Tianyuan.

Just in that position, his unparalleled body speed is enough to make countless masters of the fourth gate helpless.

"But what's in it for me?"

When Luo Yan was complaining in a low voice, Li Xuan's eyes suddenly lit up and he looked forward: "Fellow Taoist Xuanchen, long time no see!"

This Xuan Chenzi was standing in front of a powder shop thirty feet away in front of them, looking hesitant and ready to move forward.

After hearing this, the man first jumped to the side like a frightened rabbit, and then he turned back, looking at Li Xuan and the huge group of cavalry galloping behind him with a bit of shyness and confusion.

"Captain Li? May I ask what this is?"

"I'll mention the reason later! I have something I need help from fellow Taoist Xuanchen."

Li Xuan did not slow down, and the Earthly Dragon under him flew directly past Taoist Xuanchen: "As long as Taoist Taoist Xuanchen helps me today, then the second volume of that book, UU Reading You can also borrow Taoist friend Xuanchen to have a look."

When Xuanchen heard Li Xuan's request for help, he didn't intend to refuse. Because of the previous festivals and the matter of the "Innocent Treasure Book", he felt that he still owed Li Xuan a huge favor.

When he heard the words 'that book', Xuan Chen's pupils suddenly became filled with light. Although Li Xuan's words were cryptic, he knew that it must be the second volume of "The Immortal Collection".

"The captains are calling each other, and it is my duty to do so!"

This man flew up neatly and landed directly behind Li Xuan on the ground dragon that Peng Fulai was riding. The figure is like a willow branch, seemingly floating in the wind, but the lower body is as stable as a rock.

Luo Yanze's pupils narrowed slightly. She thought that Xuan Chen's movement skills were really amazing. As a martial arts cultivator, Xuan Chen's escape speed can actually match 60 to 70% of hers, and his explosive power seems to be even better.

And less than half a moment later, Li Xuan rode to the Hongwu Gate. At this time, the three arches of Hongwu Gate were all closed.

Li Xuan didn't intend to call the door, he directly flew up and flew straight to the city wall.

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