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The medicine merchant died miserably. His body had lost more than half of its flesh and blood, revealing white bones. Especially the limbs, which have been torn off, leaving only bones and a little bit of residual flesh.

Liu Dianshi continued to introduce: Our work found at least nine different kinds of tooth marks on the corpse. The fatal injury was the bite wound on the neck, and the flesh on his arms and thighs had been eaten. In addition, the scene There were a lot of wolf tracks, and a section of tracks that were stained with blood.”

When he said this, Liu Dianshi pointed seven feet away: The footprints match the businessman's shoes. He should have been caught and bitten here. After charging seven feet away, he was knocked down by a pack of wolves and died here. If you look carefully, you can see that his footsteps are very messy. There is no doubt in the case itself, except that there is a little bit of evil spirit remaining at the scene. We suspect that the leader of the wolf pack opened his spiritual orifice and entered the evil spirit.

Jiang Hanyun glanced around, and then told Li Xuan: You go and examine the body, and I will investigate the scene.

While she was speaking, the three-tailed spirit fox had already jumped off her shoulder and walked towards the origin of the bloody footprints.

Li Xuan came to the body with his suitcase and made preparations for the autopsy.

He had been working as a forensic doctor for two years, but when he faced the second autopsy after time travel, he felt an inexplicable sense of novelty.

Only when I opened the portable iron box, I felt a little helpless. The tools inside were too rough. There are also some things that modern forensic medicine does not have. Li Xuan needs to carefully search through the original memory to figure out their general purpose.

For example, the ginger and garlic inside are used to squeeze the juice and drip it into cloth strips to cover the mouth and nose to prevent corpse odor. There are also some talismans and materials for performing Taoism, such as cinnabar, rootless water, etc.

Can you? This was a young man's voice, but it contained a sense of vicissitudes of life.

Li Xuan raised his head and found a young man in his mid-twenties, with a big face and big ears, looking at him with ridicule, sarcasm, and even hostility.

Who are you? Li Xuan soon discovered that the young man was also holding a box in his hand, but it was made of wood and was much smaller.

You are a widower from Jiangning County?

He immediately understood the source of the other party's hostility. It must be caused by jealousy.

In Li Xuan's original world, the widows recorded in ancient history were all held by untouchables with low status. The children of the widows were not only unable to participate in the imperial examinations normally, but also could not marry ordinary people. Their status was no different from that of prostitutes.

The situation here is similar, but perhaps due to the large number of murders related to monsters and ghosts, the upgraded version of the Lingwu created by Dajin Wu has a very high social status, and it is the core of the Six Daosi and major local governments. Pillars also basically have official bodies.

Even so, Li Xuan himself still had no intention of working hard in this area. He was the second son of Bo Chengyi and had a great future.

But in the eyes of the original person, the things that are discarded are the things that others dream of, such as the young widow in front of him.

I am a lowly person, and I dare not be called Your Excellency. My surname is Zhang. The widow named Zhang clasped his fists and said, I just want to see the tricks of Liu Dawu's disciple.

Li Xuan thought to himself that he was still an acquaintance, so he searched through his original memory again. This figure was found during the examination for the Six Daosi Division to recruit spiritual apprentices two years ago.

Then he ignored the person and began the autopsy with concentration.

This matter was the fault of the original person, but Li Xuan didn't feel any guilt. Firstly, it was the fault of his original person and Uncle Chengyi. Secondly, even without him, Li Xuan, he would not have been able to enter the Six Daosi Division. There are dozens of people with profound backgrounds in front of this person, so where can he get his turn?

However, the world of Jin Dynasty may be darker than he imagined. The Six Paths of Demon Subduing Division, which has protected the people for twelve hundred years, has long since lost its innocence.

Li Xuan first looked at the time of death: The time of death is in Bashi, no! It's about four hours.

He almost forgot the ancient way of keeping time. One hour here is equivalent to two modern hours.

The man surnamed Zhang couldn't help but raise his eyebrows: What's the reason?

There was a lot of blood loss, the temperature was lower last night, and the spots appeared at a different time than normal.

Li Xuan didn't look up. He first applied a layer of transparent grease to his hands, and then used a 'Yuan Yi Technique' to cover his hands with true essence and fuse it with the grease.

There were no gloves in this era, but the spirits inherited a spell that ordinary martial artists could use, which could replace the effect of gloves.

Although Li Xuan's original body was a bastard, his talent was really good and he had learned some things. The last time I was in the restaurant, I didn't use any spellcasting materials or tools because I didn't have them.

After using this spell, Li Xuan began to examine the corpse's torn clothes.

Li Xuan saw some powder on the clothes and various parts of the body, and then based on the memory of the original owner of the body, he realized that it was locust tree pollen. This was someone who had cast a spiritual summoning spell on the body.

He didn't pay attention and continued searching. Then there is the hair, starting from the head downwards little by little, trying not to miss an inch of skin, every detail, and sometimes even going back to the previous inspection for repeated inspections.

The work of a forensic doctor is very hard and tiring, and Li Xuan does not accept the chicken soup for the soul such as speak for the corpse and restore dignity to the deceased. However, every time he sees the victim's family members crying in grief, he feels like he is doing an autopsy. If you don't take it seriously when you do something, that would be very embarrassing.

As for the profession of forensic medicine, the most important thing is to be careful and meticulous.

As Li Xuan checked the chest and abdomen step by step, the contempt in Zhang Zuo's eyes gradually disappeared.

Li Xuan's technique is skillful, professional and careful enough.

What made Li Xuan slightly suspicious was that the deceased's chest was broken open, and some internal organs such as the heart, liver and kidneys were missing, and only part of the intestines remained.

About two moments later, Li Xuan frowned and stood up: There are a total of twelve different kinds of tooth marks. The fatal injury was the bite on the back of the neck.

The Jiangning County widower's judgments were generally correct.

Based on the wound, Li Xuan guessed that the medicinal materials dealer was bitten on the back of the neck by a wolf while running, severely damaging the carotid artery and blood vessels.

Afterwards, Li Xuan took out a bottle of blue liquid and sprinkled it evenly on the front and back of the body, as well as the broken limbs.

This is the urine of the 'Earth Walking Dragon', the excrement of the big lizard he and Jiang Hanyun rode before.

As Li Xuan held the incantation with both hands and recited a spell, four faint black auras appeared around the corpse.

There is indeed demonic energy! This strand located at the back of the neck is slightly different from the other three strands. This wolf pack has two demonic wolves with opened spiritual orifices.

Immediately afterwards, Li Xuan sprinkled another ball of powder originating from the flower of the locust tree.

What he is planning to perform now is the 'spiritual magic', and the locust tree can warm and nourish the soul, and the powder of the locust tree flower can help the ghost condense the spirit body.

Ordinary people's souls are weak and cannot maintain their soul bodies after death under normal circumstances. After losing their bodies, they will be destroyed and dissipated by the sunlight and starlight from the sky. Therefore, external force must be used to briefly reunite the remnants of their souls.

You want to summon souls? Zhang Wuzuo said again: The time of death has exceeded four hours, and it is impossible to summon souls again. I have already tried it, UU Reading I believe in my spiritualism, no I will be inferior to you.

Li Xuan also looked at him again, and then continued: I'll try again, maybe I can succeed?

The method of examining the body of the 'Lingwu' is naturally somewhat different from that of ordinary widows.

The two spells Li Xuan just cast were the methods of Lingdu, but this does not mean that others cannot learn them.

Since Zhang Wuzuo in front of him intends to develop into a spiritual warrior, it is reasonable for him to master several spiritual warrior spells.

In particular, the 'spiritual art' is widely spread in the world, and many head catchers in Jinling City have mastered it.

Li Xuan's 'spiritualism' failed as expected. He gathered the remaining spirits of the deceased in front of him, but failed to make them form.

This was partly because Li Xuan's spells were half-baked, and this attempt was mostly about experimentation and practice, and partly because the deceased had been dead for too long.

According to the memory of the original person, it is difficult to summon ghosts after death for more than half an hour. And the longer the death, the less information can be obtained from the soul of the deceased.

Therefore, during autopsy, if the time of death is within half an hour, the soul is summoned first and then the autopsy is performed. For more than half an hour, the autopsy is performed first and then the spirit is summoned to prevent the spilled locust tree pollen from affecting the examination of the corpse.

In fact, even within three minutes after death, only one or two sentences can be asked at most, so this spell is just a supplement to the autopsy.

In the previous poisoning case that occurred in Ertouqiao, there was no need to use it because the cause of death could be seen at a glance; but in Lanyue Tower, it could not be used.

Wealthy families in the Jin Dynasty generally believed that spiritualism would damage the souls of the deceased and affect their reincarnation. So this is taboo unless you can get permission from your family.

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