Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 295 This is Neo-Confucianism and Legal Protection

Li Xuan hurriedly reached out and supported Xue Yunrou, who was about to collapse.

He could sense Xue Yunrou's unforgettable hatred. If what this mysterious figure said was true, then there would be more than one blood feud between Li Zhetian and the girl.

And as far as Li Xuan knew, Xue Yunrou's brother seemed to be bedridden because of the sword demon.

The hatred between the two sides is as deep as the sea.

But the girl immediately broke away from his hand and continued walking towards the mountainside.

Li Xuan also followed closely with the Demon-Suppressing King Kong, and at the same time asked the Taoist Xuanxiang who came with him: Who is the so-called former Yuan Tianshi Zhang Guanlan?

He guessed that the one who could seriously injure Zhang Tianshi must also be in heaven.

But in the list of more than 20 heavenly figures in the world that Li Xuan knew, there was no such person, and he had never heard of it before.

That's a figure from the BC Yuan Dynasty, the thirteenth Heavenly Master of Heavenly Master Dao.

The person who answered was Ao Shuying, who followed later. She said in a calm voice: So I was canonized by the former Yuan Dynasty, worked for Mengwu, and made enemies of Taizu many times. So Taizu once ordered General Fu Youde to lead the army. They surrounded the mountain and forced Tianshi Dao to choose another branch from Zhang's descendants to inherit the Tianshi Mansion. Zhang Guanlan was not allowed to give up the position of Tianshi and retired soon after.

But I didn't expect that this man was still alive. When I was sealed, he was already over 200 years old. If it is this person, then this ‘Five Directions and Five Thunder Formation in the Sky’ will make sense. He is a former Heavenly Master and is familiar with many secrets of the Heavenly Master's Mansion. It couldn't be easier to find a few internal agents in the Tianshi Mansion. It is also easy to break the Shenxiao Capital Sky Thunder Formation in the Tianshi Mansion.

The Thunder Formation in Shenxiao Capital was broken because of this.

Taoist Xuanxiang smiled bitterly and said: I heard that it was Zhang Guanlan at the time, and I couldn't believe it. He is a figure from the ancestors of our Tianshi Tao. He has been in charge of the Tianshi Mansion for seventy-four years and has a profound influence in the sect. It is said that at that time, At least twenty-two fellow disciples in the Qing Palace rebelled, including three from the fourth gate alone, catching everyone off guard.

At the same time, he looked sideways at Ao Shuying, thinking who was this person? I can't see the depth myself.

However, just from his calm and unhurried appearance, we can know that he has an extraordinary status and a high level of cultivation.

Li Xuan thought for a while, then pointed at the foot of the mountain: So where do those monsters at the foot of the mountain come from?

It should have been summoned by Zhang Guanlan, right?

Taoist Xuanxiang said in an uncertain tone: Longhu Mountain belongs to the Xiangshan Mountains, and the Wuyi Mountains to the south of Longhu Mountain were known as the Hundred Thousand Mountains in ancient times, and countless demons lived in them. Our Tianshi Mansion has been Since the Han and Tang Dynasties, he was appointed by the imperial court to guard Longhu Mountain to defend against these demons.

Li Xuan knew about this matter.

He knew that north of the Wuyi Mountains, the terrain of the Jin Dynasty was roughly similar to that of modern China. But south of the Wuyi Mountains, there is a big difference. There are more mountains there, and land that is at least fifteen times larger than Fujian and Guangdong.

About two thousand years ago, there used to be a huge demon kingdom there, with jurisdiction over thousands of miles from north to south and millions of demon troops.

Even to this day, there are many demons and monsters living in Wuyi Mountain. The Jin Dynasty has not been able to effectively control this place so far, and can only control it by canonizing chieftains.

Gezao Mountain and Longhu Mountain were both the front lines of the Central Plains Dynasty’s fight against the Shiwan Mountains.

These monsters are just a plague of moss and mustard. They can't even break through the small Taoist temples at the foot of Longhu Mountain.

Taoist Xuanxiang said with a sad look on his face: The real trouble is the 'Five Thunder Formation in Five Directions in the Sky' and the 'Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle'.

Just as he finished speaking, Li Xuan felt something in his heart. When he looked up, he saw countless silver needles flying towards this side from the sky.

Several people were alert at the same time, and they all hid behind the 'Devil-Suppressing King Kong'.

Only then did Xuan Xiang realize the power of this mechanism puppet. With the help of Xue Yunrou's 'Liu Jia Liu Ding Body Protection Divine Curse', this Demon-Suppressing King Kong was able to withstand thousands of needle rains!

This machine puppet seems to have endless power. The 'Great Demon-Suppressing Shield' in its hand is always in a state of full activation.

When the rain of needles came to an end, Taoist Xuanxiang smiled bitterly and said: This is the 'Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needle'! Both the Artifact Alliance and the Mo Family have hidden weapons that are designed to destroy the monk's true energy. Zhang Guanlan didn't know what method he used. He was able to continuously and endlessly rain down pear blossom needles from the sky. Thousands of shots were fired in an instant, with amazing power. I had two junior brothers who were traveling with me before. They were injured by this rain of needles and had to stay there just now. Cultivate yourself in the Pixuan Temple.

His voice was solemn: This needle rain has blocked the inside and outside of Longhu Mountain, making it impossible for people to come in or out. According to the Master of Pixuan Temple, the Heavenly Master once sent his disciples out to try to repair the 'Shenxiao Capital Sky' arranged in the mountain. Thunder Array, but due to the rain of needles, dozens of disciples were killed by the rain of needles on the way. And over at Shangqing Palace, there were not only thunder bombardments, but also heavy artillery bombardments from unknown sources. I am worried about that side I won’t be able to hold on.”

Ao Shuying put his hands on his back and said: These needles come from the five floating warships hanging at an altitude of 18,000 feet. There are thirty giant needles on them, each of which can blast out thousands of silver bullets. The needle can travel one hundred and twenty miles to this point. There are also three huge cannons at the bow of the ship, which are about fifteen feet long and have a caliber of twelve inches. The cannons are covered with Taoist runes. The range must be It is very exaggerated, and the power of the cannonball should also be very amazing.”

Taoist Xuanxiang couldn't help but be astonished, thinking, could this person still be able to see a hundred and twenty miles away?

Li Xuan felt even more ridiculous when he heard her description, thinking that this was simply a science fiction battleship!

Eighteen thousand feet in the sky, that is more than a hundred miles high. How could there be such a magical floating ship in this ancient world?

There is also the heavy artillery mentioned by Ao Shuying, which is also incredible. In World War II in his world, there was a giant cannon with a range of more than 200 miles, but that was achieved with the help of modern gunpowder and various modern technologies.

A cannon with a range of one hundred and twenty miles in this day and age? This is extremely exaggerated even if one uses an altitude of 18,000 feet to increase the range.

But then, he saw a group of vermilion buildings in front of him, and the mountain gate with the stone tablets of 'Shangqing Palace' and 'Sihan Tianshi Mansion' was also in sight in the distance.

At this time, there was a loud thunderous noise in the sky, and a total of fifteen artillery shells were bombarded from five directions. They fell from the sky like meteors, and then blasted into the huge Taoist temple with overwhelming momentum, sweeping everything along the way and raising huge amounts of smoke and dust.

Although there were hundreds of tall 'yellow scarf warriors' in the temple, reaching over five feet tall, and a defensive array that could cover the entire Shangqing Palace, they were all as pulpy under the bombardment of those cannonballs. Fragile.

It wasn't until the cannonball hit the core area of ​​Shangqing Palace that it was forcibly stopped and chopped into pieces by more than a dozen sword lights rushing out from inside.

At this time, Xue Yunrou's figure walked in, and a shout of surprise suddenly sounded in the Shangqing Palace.

Who came in?

Everyone is welcome by name!

It seems to be Junior Sister Xue and Junior Brother Xuanxiang?

It's me! After Xue Yunrou entered the palace gate with her sword, she walked straight into the depths: Behind are the Six Daosi Fumo Colonel, Jing'an Bo Li Xuan, and another friend who is also mine. You are not allowed to stop me. Still. Yes, where is the Heavenly Master?

She didn't know whether Ao Shuying was willing to intervene in the disaster at Longhu Mountain, so she didn't reveal her name.

Li Xuan and Ao Shuying also followed in. At this time, Li Xuan discovered that within the palace wall, there were dozens of stone walls created by Taoism. Each side is nearly ten feet thick, and they stand in layers behind the palace wall.

There were dozens of people on both sides, looking at them with suspicious eyes. But because of Xue Yunrou's previous explanation, although these people were vigilant, they had no intention of intercepting him.

They followed Xue Yunrou in front and soon arrived in front of the Shangqing Hall in the palace.

The dozens of Tianshi Mansion disciples who were guarding in front of the Shangqing Palace had the intention of stepping forward to stop him. But as Ao Shuying focused his gaze, the expressions of these people changed slightly and they stood frozen on the spot. Not only did Xue Yunrou enter the palace without any hindrance, but Li Xuan and others also followed.

Only Taoist Xuanxiang strictly abides by the rules and waits in front of the door without trespassing.

As expected, Zhang Shenye, the current fifteenth-generation Heavenly Master, was sitting cross-legged at the head of the hall, with more than twenty Taoists sitting next to him who were either in a depressed state or looking bad.

Zhang Shenye's complexion was also extremely decayed. There was a layer of black energy on his face, and his eyes were filled with suppressed grief.

When he saw Xue Yunrou, he was a little surprised: Rou'er? Why are you back too?

At this time, Zhang Shenye's words contained a hint of bitterness that was hard to detect.

At this time, he actually did not want to see Xue Yunrou return to Longhu Mountain. The aid letters sent out by Longhu Mountain are aimed at all disciples who are traveling abroad.

But Zhang Shenye never thought that this letter talisman would also bring Xue Yunrou back to Longhu Mountain.

Uncle. Xue Yunrou walked over quickly and knelt directly beside Zhang Shenye: How is your injury now?

Before Zhang Shenye could speak, a voice came from the side: Heavenly Master was almost shattered by Zhang Guanlan's Five Directions Thunder. Now he is seriously injured to the point where even the 'Zhengyi Sword of Conquering Demons' can't be used To use it, we can only rely on his Yangping Zhidu Gong Seal to support it. If this continues, this majestic Tianshi Mansion and the Zhengyi Ancestral Court will be destroyed!

Another person said in a urging tone: Please make a decision early on, Master Tianshi, and pass down the 'Zhengyi Demon-Suppressing Sword'. With this immortal treasure, although it may not be able to repel Li Zhetian and Zhang Guanlan, But at least my Tianshi Mansion won’t be in such a mess.”

Pand down the 'Sword of Demon Subduing'? Will it be passed on to you? This was another hoarse voice. He sneered: 'Sword of Demon Subduing' and 'Yanghei Zhidu Gong Seal', 'Shen Yi Shen' 瓓 are important inherited weapons of our Tianshi Mansion. If you are awarded the Zhengyi Demon-Suppressing Sword and the Zhengyi Divine Lun, you will be the future Celestial Master candidate. But who among you can guarantee yourselves? No connection with the former Yuan Tianshi outside? No suspicion of collusion with Zhang Guanlan, both internally and externally?

Before he finished speaking, someone asked: Don't you, Zhang Xunzhong, have one?

Of course I have it. Zhang Xuanzang smiled: So I don't dare to ask for it.

Ha! According to your opinion, is this all it takes? I guess Li Zhetian's injury can be suppressed in a day at most. Do you want the Heavenly Master to fight one against two?

Xue Yunrou was shocked. She heard that the tone of these people was rude, and they were talking like daggers.

She looked sideways and found that the people speaking were all her great-uncles, that is, the uncles and cousins ​​of Heavenly Master Zhang Shenye who had not yet entered the fifth server.

She was a very smart person, and she realized in an instant that her uncle was actually facing a situation of being forced into the palace.

The intention of these people was to take the opportunity to force her uncle to transfer the position of 'Heavenly Master' to the Zhang family branch.

Zhang Shenye ignored their argument. He flicked his sleeves and protected Xue Yunrou behind him, and then looked at Li Xuan and Ao Shuying who were following him intently.

This should be Jing'an Bo Li Qianzhi, right? He is indeed a young hero. As for your Excellency——

Zhang Shenye looked at her with surprise in his eyes.

My surname is Ao! Ao Shuying put her hands behind her back and looked at Zhang Shenye: Ao Shuying!

Zhang Shenye's pupils immediately shrank, showing a bit of surprise.

But at this moment, someone next to me snorted coldly: No matter who you are, what is being discussed here is the internal affairs of my Tianshi Mansion. Outsiders, please leave.

Are the people outside stupid? Why do they let everyone in?

This Li Qianzhi is from Liudaosi after all. But what's going on with this woman? Just because she is the niece of the Heavenly Master, can any cat or dog come in?

What Uncle Jing'an? I've never heard of it. When did the Liudaosi have such a weak captain? Is he not a fake?

Don't be rude!

Zhang Shenye reprimanded him in a cold and stern voice: This Master Jing'anbo is not only the newly promoted captain of the Six Daosi Division, but also the new protector of Neo-Confucianism. He is also the person who severely injured the Sword Demon Li Zhetian not long ago. He was just a few days ago because of the raid on Jian The Lingyu Party resolved the great disaster in the south of the Yangtze River and was granted the title of Jing'an Bo. As for Fairy Ao——

He stood up and bowed deeply to Ao Shuying: It's actually the Lord of the Yangtze River, Feng Shui Deyuan Lord, the founder of the country and the auxiliary god of luck, who has arrived. I'm a poor man. I'm far away to welcome you.

This sentence caused everyone present to exclaim in surprise.

Everyone looked at Li Xuan with shock and surprise, while the look at Ao Shuying was even more serious and solemn.

Several people in the hall were overjoyed: Master Shui Deyuan is here, but he is here to help me in the Tianshi Mansion?

What a blessing! With Lord Yuan here, our Tianshi Mansion can definitely turn the danger into safety.

I came here with my friends today. UUReading Ao Shuying glanced at everyone in the hall with a faint expression: I have been granted the title of the imperial court to suppress the Yangtze River. Apart from this, I don't want to do anything else. Contaminated with karma and cause and effect. I have no enmity or grudges with the two people outside, and I even have some friendship with Zhang Guanlan. Without enough reasons, I will not meddle in others' affairs, but--

Just when disappointment showed on everyone's faces, Ao Shuying changed her voice: If my friend Jing'anbo has the intention to help your Tianshi Mansion, then I don't mind helping you. You lend a hand.”

Everyone present was stunned when they heard this, and then the way they looked at Li Xuan became extraordinarily different.

They all wondered how this Uncle Jing An became related to the Dragon Lord of the Yangtze River, and was even called a friend by her. It seems that Yu Yin, the first generation sincere uncle, has not reached this level, right?

Li Xuan was also surprised. He glanced at Ao Shuying in surprise and saw the latter looking at him with a smile in his eyes. Li Xuan's heart moved, and he said to Zhang Shenye: Xianzi Xue and I are in love, and we are destined to be together for three lifetimes. Since I have caught up with the matter in the Tianshi Mansion today, I will never stay out of it. If the Tianshi has an order, , just do as you are told.”

At this moment, everyone present had different expressions. Some were happy, while others had changed their colors.

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