Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 300 General Outline of Thunder Method

When Zhang Shenye came out of the ancestor's ancestral hall, he happened to see Li Xuan slash Li Zhetian's head with a knife.

A brilliant light suddenly burst out in his eyes. This unexpected surprise made Zhang Shenye blush and almost lose his temper.

After Zhang Guanlan left, he bowed deeply to Li Xuan and said, If it weren't for Mr. Jing'anbo, I would have almost escaped from this sword demon. Your kindness to me, Longhu Mountain, today will help my uncle and nephew. The virtue of revenge is deeply felt by all poor people.

Li Xuan stepped aside, not daring to accept such a great gift from the current Heavenly Master: It's just a sword repair, the Heavenly Master doesn't need to do this! Yunrou and I have been in love for three lifetimes, and Li Xuan shares the same hatred with her. How can we not help her?

He then pointed to the sky: Those five floating battleships are the real trouble. I think Zhang Guanlan may not be willing to let it go.

At this time, high in the sky, Zhang Guanlan was still fighting endlessly with Ao Shuying. The person who just tried to rescue Li Zhetian was actually just an incarnation of Zhang Guanlan's soul.

And just as Li Xuan finished speaking, there was another loud roar in the sky. Fifteen huge cannonballs crashed down, smashing the shattered Tianshi Mansion into pieces.

This time, even the Shangqing Palace was completely destroyed by artillery shells.

Li Xuan thought that if the five floating warships were not dealt with, the Qing Palace on Longhu Mountain would still have to be razed by Zhang Guanlan.

Nowadays, there seem to be four heavenly positions in Longhu Mountain, but Zhang Shenye himself has been seriously injured. Xue Yunrou relies on the help of two immortal weapons to have combat power close to the heavenly position. Such strength cannot be achieved in one place. Eight thousand feet above, competing with the real heaven.

As for Li Xuan himself, just like the previous battle of the Imperial College, once he escapes from the scope of Longhu Mountain and without the support of more than 5,000 pseudo-Confucians, he will be beaten back to his original form.

So at this moment, the only one who can really fight at an altitude of 18,000 feet is Ao Shuying.

In addition, Li Xuan was also concerned about the two men in black armor who had just entangled him.

Li Xuan failed to take down these two. Although his 'Blue Blood Thunder Bird Sword' could severely damage them, the recovery ability of the two 'pseudo heavens' seemed to be slightly stronger than the real heavens. .

No matter how serious injuries he inflicts, these two people can recover in an instant.

After the sword demon was killed by him, the two men in black armor retreated calmly.

Li Xuan didn't know how many such pseudo heavenly positions there were under Zhang Guanlan.

But even these two people are terrifying.

Their combat prowess is certainly not worth mentioning in the eyes of the real Heaven. But it is enough to guard a floating battleship, using the power of the magic circle to deal with and compete with the heaven.

Zhang Shenye also followed Li Xuan's gaze and looked at the sky, his expression becoming gloomy again: Unexpectedly, the ancient mythical object 'Thirty-six Heavens' built in the late Han Dynasty actually reappeared in the world. According to ancient records, these thirty-six days The sky should have been destroyed. Unless it is a newly created thing, where did it get its resources?

Thirty-six days? Li Xuan raised his eyebrows. Seeing that Zhang Shenye had no intention of further explanation, he wrote down the term. Prepare to consult Taoist scriptures in the future, or consult the humanoid Baidu Leqianqian.

But there is no need to worry. Zhang Shenye put his hands behind his back: Yunrou has already refined the 'Zheng Yi Fu Demon Sword', so Zhang Guanlan can no longer break through Longhu Mountain.

Li Xuan had already noticed that Xue Yunrou had suddenly risen into the sky and reached a height of thousands of feet.

She held the spirit secret in her hand, causing the male and female swords to surround them, causing them to generate a large amount of crimson thunder.

At this time, high in the sky, while Zhang Guanlan was fighting with Ao Shuying, he was also trying to use the 'five directions and five thunder formations in the sky' to attract thunder from five directions to bombard Xue Yunrou. However, they were unable to hurt her even a hair. Instead, they were attracted by Xue Yunrou's swords. The crimson thunder around her became more and more majestic.

Zhang Shenye explained: The core of the Zhengyi Fu Demon Sword is the general outline of the Five Directions Divine Thunder, which is the first of all the methods of our Thunder Department in Longhu Mountain. Zhang Guanlan attacked our Longhu Mountain this time, and he had a sinister plan to force me to leave. , the purpose is probably to eliminate hidden dangers. Otherwise, the Five Directions and Five Thunder Arrays in the Sky he deployed on these five floating battleships will always be restrained by the Zhengyi Fu Demon Sword.

In addition, this pair of swords is also known as the dragon-tiger demon-suppressing sword. This is not just an allusion from the story about the dragon and tiger appearing after the elixir of the 'Fu Yuan Master' was completed.

Li Xuan knew that the so-called Fuyuan Master was the title given by the imperial court to the first generation of Heavenly Master Zhang Daoling. The full name was Three days of supporting and teaching Fuyuan Master, Zhengyi Jingying Xianyou Zhenjun.

As if to confirm Zhang Shenye's words, Xue Yunrou suddenly emitted beams of red lightning and struck every corner of Longhu Mountain.

Li Xuan watched with the 'Tao-protecting Heavenly Eye' and discovered that this person was actually using the power of thunder to forcibly carve thunder spells in front of several Taoist altars inside and outside Longhu Mountain.

In just a few breaths, Li Xuan understood what Xue Yunrou was doing.

Is she restoring the 'Shenxiao Capital Sky Thunder Formation'?

When Li Xuan finished speaking, he suddenly frowned. It wasn't that there was anything wrong with Xue Yunrou, but that for some reason at this moment, he felt extremely hungry. I want to eat, I want to go crazy.

The formation foundation of Shenxiaodu Tianlei Formation is still there, but they have destroyed some key hubs.

Zhang Shenye didn't notice Li Xuan's abnormality: And these hubs can be replaced by the Demon Sword!

As soon as he finished speaking, Xue Yunrou had already gathered more majestic and terrifying crimson thunder from all directions in Longhu Mountain, and finally turned into crimson thunder slurry, bombarding one of the floating battleships.

Li Xuan was so shocked that he suppressed the hunger deep in his heart for a moment, thinking that this vast power could be called a 'plasma cannon'. UU Reading www.uukanshu.nett

When the thunder plasma hit the floating battleship more than a hundred miles away, a hexagonal aura shield suddenly appeared in front of the giant ship, fighting against the thunder plasma.

Zhang Guanlan, who was fighting with Ao Shuying, also changed his expression. He raised his hand and threw a small vermilion shield in front of the floating battleship.

But in just a moment, the aura shield was shattered by the thunder, and the magic weapon Zhang Guanlan threw was also knocked away. The red thunder plasma penetrated directly, blasting a huge hole in the entire head of the battleship.

At this time, Xue Yunrou, who was floating in the void, was already gathering thunder. Make the red thunder snakes coil outside.

But the five floating warships no longer dared to stay any longer. They all opened their sails and fled far away to the horizon. And the five thunder formations in five directions in the sky surrounding Longhu Mountain also collapsed in an instant.

Yunrou is indeed the most suitable physique for the 'Shenxiaodu Tianlei Formation'.

Zhang Shenye praised, then snorted coldly: As long as Yunrou is here, no one can capture our Longhu Mountain.

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