Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 310 Xuan Lang, hurry up and leave

Latest website: When Li Xuan flew to the reef, Yu Hongshang was holding the seal in one hand and the 'Dao Heng Xuanji' in the other hand, unfolding his true essence, and the whole body was slowly circulating in the shape of a yin and yang fish diagram. With.

This princess's control over her own extreme ice and flame power is obviously better than when she first arrived at Longhu Mountain.

A month ago, if Yu Hongshang did this, half of the ten miles surrounding the Hualong Pond would have been frozen, and the other half would have been turned into a hell of fire.

But now, only half of the pond is boiling and half of the pond is melting.

Her progress is visible to others, and it is much faster than anyone expected.

However, when Li Xuan arrived, Yu Hongshang stopped moving and looked at him doubtfully: Xuan Lang, what are you doing?

She knew that Li Xuan would never come to disturb her when she was practicing. He always used sword training as an excuse to hide away. This makes it easier for Li Xuan to sneak out and steal things when needed.

And with this solemn look, you can tell at a glance that he has something to say.

I'm here to confess to His Highness. Li Xuan's expression was solemn, with a hint of purple in his eyes: I have important matters now and must return to Nanjing as soon as possible.

Yu Hongshang was stunned when he heard this, and immediately became reluctant: Isn't there still a month? What on earth does Mr. Xuan have to do? I can ask someone to help you.

Li Xuan's heart trembled slightly, thinking that if I stay here for another month, I might be killed by you, and both boats will capsize. What's more, Qianqian's matter really worried him.

Something happened to Qianqian. Hongshang, you should know her, right? The demon doctor next to me is the girl who has helped you and me several times. For some unknown reason, she was taken to the Demon Suppression Tower for interrogation.

Yu Hongshang couldn't help but be surprised. She naturally remembered Le Qianqian and would never forget it. She was indeed a very kind girl and helped her a lot. The 'four-legged gilded Qiankun Xingshu Cauldron' that Yu Hongshang is currently holding was collected with Le Qianqian's help.

Afterwards, she asked someone to send him a heavy gift to express her gratitude, but Le Qianqian rejected it. But Yu Hongshang always kept this favor in her heart.

Yu Hongshang likes her very much. If this girl hadn't also missed Li Xuan, then she and Qianqian must be very good best friends now.

Le Qianqian was imprisoned in the Demon Suppression Tower? Was it a mistake?

So I have to rush back and take a look.

Li Xuan pressed the 'Blue Blood Thunder Bird Sword' with his hand and looked in the direction of Nanjing City: You know what Qianqian is like. She never causes trouble.

So he complained a lot about Luo Yan, Peng Fulai and others, why couldn't he even look down on them?

Also, who is plotting against Qianqian? It had only been more than a month since he left Nanjing, and someone dared to touch his subordinates——

Yu Hongshang couldn't help but puff up her cheeks. She really didn't want to let him go, but she couldn't find a reason to keep Li Xuan.

At this moment, a golden arrow flew over from the far sky. It shuttled back and forth like a fleeting shadow, flying to Yu Hongshang's side and hovering.

Li Xuan recognized that it was a magical weapon specially used by the royal family to send messages, which was much faster than ordinary message talismans. Not only is it ten times faster than the letter talisman, it can also convey more information, and it can fly two thousand miles at a time. Stations along the way will replenish it with spiritual power for free.

Yu Hongshang picked up the small golden arrow and put it against her forehead for a moment, and her expression changed dramatically.

The previous feeling of reluctance has disappeared without a trace, and there is even a bit of joy in his eyes: It doesn't matter if Xuan Lang goes back to Nanjing now, I guess within a day at most, the Six Daosi Headquarters will give him the gift. You issue a transfer order to take up a post in Beijing.

Li Xuan was taken aback: The main hall? Why are you sending me to Beijing?

He thought that what he saw was the local bully in Nanjing City. The days of domination had not yet begun, so why was he being transferred to Beijing?

It's because at noon today, a major case occurred in the court. Fei Yuan, a doctor of the Five Classics of the Hanlin Academy, was poisoned in front of the Prince of the East Palace.

When Yu Hongshang talked about the reason for this matter, her expression became extremely solemn. The matter involved her father and cousin, and she couldn't help but care: Because the case involved the dispute between the prince and the current court, the ministers headed by the cabinet thought of many candidates to handle the case, but none of them were satisfactory. Later they thought of about you.

Li Xuan couldn't help but feel sour: Why does it have to be me? What if I don't go?

Who said you are a protector of Neo-Confucianism and have become famous recently? Yu Hongshang said with a smile: Of course you don't want to go, but the princes of the court and the Six Daosi have many ways to persuade you. Just like what you say every day, Xuan Lang, Conquer people with virtue. In short, prepare early, and of course don't agree too quickly. In this case, Xuanlang can take the opportunity to ask for more benefits from above.

Regarding Li Xuan's transfer to Beijing, she was naturally happy to see it happen.

The reason why she was reluctant to let Li Xuan go was because she could only stay in Jiangnan for so many days. But now that I know that Li Xuan will also go to Beijing, the situation is different.

She thought it would be a good thing for Li Xuan to leave Longhu Mountain early, so that he would not have to spend the whole day having sex with Xue Yunrou.

Before, Xiuyiwei prepared a speedboat for me at the mouth of the Xinjiang River to prevent accidents. It is the best kind. It can travel three thousand miles a day along the river. You can use this boat to return to Nanjing City now, Yun There is no need to worry about Rou, I will tell you. After going to Nanjing, deal with all the things that need to be dealt with as soon as possible, and don’t leave anything behind.

Li Xuan thought to himself that I am stupid to believe you. If Yunrou really wants to leave without saying goodbye, then he will never live another life again.

After saying goodbye to Yu Hongshang, he took his Demon-Suppressing King Kong and ran straight towards the Tianshi Mansion.

What Li Xuan didn't know was that just after he left, the people in the distance, led by Deputy Heavenly Master Zhang, all looked relaxed and looked strange.

They all thought that now that this guy was gone, Her Royal Highness's progress in reconciling Yin and Yang would be accelerated a lot.

As long as Uncle Jing'an was still there, Yu Hongshang had been half-hearted and devoted less than half of his efforts to practice. So this person obviously has excellent talent that shocked everyone and could achieve better entry, but in the past month, it was only a little better than they expected.

At this time, a small mastiff came out of the air, wagging its tail, walked to the princess and sat down.

Yu Hongshang couldn't help but open her eyes and glance at it: General Tingtian, aren't you going to Yingtan to handle personal matters for your master? The timing of your return is a coincidence.

This guy actually stayed outside for a full month.

Listening to the mastiff, he smiled and scratched the dog's face with his paws.

It thought that Xue Yunrou was now the Young Master of the Tianshi Mansion, holding the 'Zhengyi Demon Sword' and the 'Zhengyi Divine Treasure', which was enough to compete with any heavenly position.

That guy Li Xuan obviously has the ambition to stand on both sides. How dare it get involved at this time?

If Her Royal Highness lets it eavesdrop on what Li Xuan and Master Xue Shaotian are talking about, will it listen or not?

So I listened to the Tianmastiff think about it and decided to hide outside.


With the help of the Thunder Yang Thousand Miles escape technique, Li Xuan crossed seventy miles and arrived at the Tianshi Mansion in just a moment.

He originally thought that Xue Yunrou would be heartbroken and have a life-or-death farewell with him.

But after Xue Yunrou heard this, she just nodded slightly: It doesn't matter if you go to the capital, Mr. Xuan. When the Tianshi Mansion becomes stable, I will also go to Beijing to seek official canonization from the imperial court. By then, I may still have to be in Beijing. Dongyue Rensheng Palace will be in charge for a while.

Dongyue Rensheng Palace is the largest Taoist temple of Zhengyi Sect in Beijing.

As for the previous Celestial Masters of the Celestial Master's Mansion, they actually spent most of their time in Dongyue Rensheng Palace to prepare for consultations and inquiries from the emperor and the court.

Her uncle Zhang Shenye used to be in charge of Rensheng Palace in Dongyue. In recent years, his two junior brothers have successively ascended to the heavenly throne, and then returned to Longhu Mountain, preparing to get rid of secular affairs and take further steps in their own cultivation, but this happened.

As the heir to the Tianshi Mansion, Xue Yunrou must go to the capital to strengthen ties with the royal family and the court.

It was a good thing that she wanted Li Xuan to leave Longhu Mountain as soon as possible, so as not to get along with Yu Hongshang day and night and become a close friend accidentally.

Yu Hongshang is in heaven. If she wants to achieve something, how can those female officials stop her?

As for the future, the capital is indeed Yu Hongshang's home base, but it is also Xue Yunrou's territory.

With so many Qingliu watching over her in the court, Hong Shang wouldn't be able to do anything else, and His Majesty wouldn't let Hong Shang mess around.

I see. After hearing this, Li Xuan was still a little happy: Then I will wait for you in Beijing - well, wait for you to come over.

He almost said the word 'you'.

At this time, Xue Yunrou handed over another shuttle: Xuanlang, please bring this thing with you, it can be used every day.

Li Xuan recognized that this was Xue Yunrou's 'Xuanming Zhiyang Shuttle', and he couldn't help but look at Xue Yunrou in surprise; Then Yunrou, what are you using?

Although this flying shuttle is only a high-level magic weapon, it can be attacked and received. With sufficient magic power, it can travel thousands of miles a day. It can go up to the sky and down to Jiuyou. The cost of building it is the same as that of an ordinary high-level magic weapon. More than seven times.

I have the 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon Shuttle' from the Tianshi Mansion. Xue Yunrou smiled: My uncle has already given me this magic weapon.

Li Xuan immediately raised his eyebrows slightly and put the magic weapon into his sleeve: Then I won't be polite.

This 'Xuan Ming Zhi Yang Shuttle', UU Kanshu is exactly the imitation of the 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle'.

At this time, his divine blood Qingluan Cowherd and Weaver Girl were still reluctant to leave, squeezing the two bird heads together and rubbing them.

However, Li Xuan reached out his hand unceremoniously and caught Niulang in his hand: Then Yunrou, I will leave.

His figure was like thunder and lightning, and he flashed directly down the mountain of Tianshi Mansion.

At this time, Xue Yunrou's expression changed: Come here, please bring me my Xuanchen disciple, senior brother.

Speaking of Xuan Chenzi, the corners of Xue Yunrou's lips twitched involuntarily.

And just a moment later, a Taoist priest wearing a plain Taoist robe, whose gender was difficult to distinguish, came to Xue Yunrou.

Xue Yunrou glanced at this senior brother with complicated eyes, and then said solemnly: I wonder if senior brother is free recently. If so, I would like to invite senior brother to go to the capital.

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