Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 314 Jiang Fox is pretty and delicious

Li Xuan boarded the ship to Beijing near evening.

The main reason was that he was delayed at home. Mrs. Liu was naturally very upset when she heard that more than a month after he went to Longhu Mountain, he would be transferred to Beijing again. She held Li Xuan's hand and kept crying. No matter how hard Li Xuan coaxed her, she couldn't stop it.

Then Li Xuan had a secret discussion with Li Chengji who rushed home. The case in the East Palace involved a dispute over the country's foundation, and the father and son had to be cautious.

After the father and son finally reached an agreement, Qiu Qianqiu came to visit again.

By the time he was in Nanjing, he had met everyone he needed to see and arranged all the things that needed to be arranged, it was almost evening.

Li Xuan waited for another half an hour on the boat before Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue arrived.

They were quite loyal. As soon as Li Xuan opened his mouth, he agreed without hesitation to go north with Li Xuan to break into the dragon's den and the tiger's den in Beijing.

The main reason is that they are tired of Qinhuaihe and want to see the eight major alleys.

However, in Nanjing, the two of them also had many problems to deal with, such as their friendship——

Luo Yan boarded the ship at about the same time as Li Xuan. After she settled the affairs of Mingyou Capital, she went to the Zhendong Hou Mansion, and then came to the dock in a distracted state.

Le Qianqian is the simplest. Her parents travel all over the world and her sister works in other places, so she only needs to prepare some luggage.

However, just as they were about to set off on the speedboat, a beautiful woman wearing a red-gold six-path demon-slaying armor galloped over on a dusty horse and called Le Qianqian to the shore.

That's Le Qianqian's biological sister, Lieutenant-General Le Shishi.

Peng Fulai stood by the boat rail and looked down: She works in the Demon Suppression Agency in Wuyi Mountain. She is also a very good woman. Her cultivation is just strong and powerful, and she also has a very powerful magic weapon. Look at her. , including the Six-Way Demon-Suppressing Armor, they are all high-end magic weapons built for her by the Le family, and many of the fourth gates are no match for her.

How about guessing what they are talking about?

Zhang Yue crossed his arms and said, I bet twenty taels of silver, Qianqian will keep her distance from Qianzhi.

Li Xuan didn't dare to bet. He now realized what kind of person he was.

However, on the dock, Le Qianqian opened her eyes wide and looked at Le Shishi in surprise, with an expression of disbelief.

Le Shishi sighed with a sad face: Silly girl, your heart is all about him, what else can I do? But I am quite relieved, at least that guy is a man who can protect you. . I was extremely worried in Wuyi Mountain before, but I found out that you were fine when I came back.

She patted Le Qianqian on the shoulder and said: Since you like it, don't be timid and get closer to him. If you really can't muster the courage, then just continue to be like you are and handle cases with him. . That guy, he covets you so much. As long as you are still hanging around him, sooner or later he will not be able to help but attack you.

I know that a man like Li Xuan thinks he is very responsible, so the weaker and more pitiful you are, the more he will stick to you and not let you suffer.

Le Qianqian's face couldn't help but turn red: Sister, what are you talking about?

Teach you the secret! Le Shishi smiled, and then handed a small Qiankun bag to Le Qianqian's hand: Take it, my parents returned from Nanyang last month and asked me to put this Qiankun bag and the contents inside Here you go, you can wear it later.”

This is it? Le Qianqian held the Small Universe Bag, her eyes full of surprise.

This is the 'Xuan Nu Zheng Immortal Armor'. Although it only has four pieces: inner armor, shoulder armor, arm armor and skirt armor, they are all top-quality magic weapons. Their divine power can rival the immortal treasures. Not only can they greatly enhance your 'Divinity' and has no requirements for mana.

But still remember the blood that dad drew from you every year? This is the sacrifice of your blood. My parents have been preparing for this thing for a long time and have traveled to many places. It was not until last month that they completed this set of magical tools.

Le Shishi sighed, and then pinched Le Qianqian's face hard: You, you don't know how much your parents love you. When we were young, they had no choice but to put you and me in other people's homes. Since then, , and they have always compensated us. Don’t be angry with them anymore, you know?

Le Qianqian shook her head. She thought that she was no longer a child, so how could she still hold grudges against her parents?

She looked at the Small Universe Bag in her hand, and then at Li Xuan waiting on the boat. She was suddenly full of expectations for her next life in Beijing.


When the last ray of sunlight fell from the sky, the speedboat Li Xuan and his crew were on had already sailed into the river near Yangzhou.

Li Xuan had released the dolphins in Poyang Lake and seconded a group of dolphins from Longjun of Yangzhou Prefecture. These new forces would pull the ships and sail them into the canal as fast as lightning.

At this time, the canal was still crowded and blocked, but their speedboat was smaller and could squeeze through the river near the shore. Although the speed is not as fast as when Li Xuan was swimming down the river before, he can still gallop thousands of miles in a day.

Those at Shuiguan had already received the imperial order to fly the talisman, and were provided with conveniences along the way.

At this time, in the stern cabin of the clipper, Li Xuan was sitting naked on one side, and opposite him was Jiang Hanyun. This person was still covered with a veil, and he hesitated for a while while holding on to the lapel of his own clothes.

What are you doing? Li Xuan urged impatiently: Take it off quickly. Didn't you never see it before when you helped me refine my thunder method?

Jiang Hanyun immediately snorted angrily. She thought that this guy was really dishonest and turned around to peek at her body.

But when Li Xuan said this, she let go of her shyness and took off her clothes and veil.

When Li Xuan first took a look at it, he couldn't help but be surprised: So you haven't transformed into a fox.

He felt like he had been deceived. He originally thought that Jiang Hanyun covered her face and hands because fox fur began to grow on her body, but it turned out that was not the case.

But then Li Xuan looked at Jiang Hanyun's face and body, feeling dazed for a while.

Although Jiang Hanyun has not transformed into a fox, she has indeed changed a lot. At this time, not only every inch of her skin became extremely delicate and smooth, but it also seemed to be glowing.

The words 'skin is as creamy as snow,' 'skin is as creamy as fat, and her waistline is slim', 'skin is ice-snowy, clothes are fresh like clouds', cannot describe Jiang Hanyun's beauty.

The little face has also undergone some changes, and the facial features have become more refined - it's hard to describe the feeling, but it is at least twice as beautiful as before! People can't take their eyes away at all, and a pair of eyes like autumn eyes make people want to fall into them.

In addition, the girl's whole body also exudes a delicate fragrance. Just one smell can make people feel fascinated and lustful.

What are you doing?

Jiang Hanyun's voice is also extremely pleasant to hear. Her voice used to be delicate and green, like water and song, but now it is even more captivating.

But this person's words were extremely embarrassing: If you keep staring, I won't practice with you!

Li Xuan used great concentration to regain his consciousness. He looked at Jiang Hanyun seriously: If you didn't have Yun Yun, you would have turned into a half-demon.

The corners of Jiang Hanyun's lips twitched, and then she silently took out the knife from the side.

Just kidding! Just kidding!

Li Xuan sensed Jiang Hanyun's desire for violence and smiled hurriedly: Let's continue——

But then he endured it very hard. You can imagine the pain of being in front of a naked beauty who was several times more beautiful than the big stars of later generations, but not daring to do anything.

Li Xuan recited the Taoist Pure Heart Mantra in his heart: A pure heart is like water, and pure water is the heart. The mantra of no breeze blows, no waves, but found that this was of no use at all.

He had no choice but to use the one hundred and forty-seven postures of Cold Breathing Palm to freeze himself.

Li Xuan had used this trick to deal with Xue Yunrou in the Nanjing underworld before. But now, his cold energy is even more powerful, and he has also cultivated into the Nine Nether Cold Evil, which makes his ability to suppress inner demons even more powerful.

Jiang Hanyun turned a blind eye to his popsicle and cut a bloody opening between his eyebrows: Let's start!

Li Xuan also cut a blood mark between his eyebrows, and at the same time, he used the Thunder Jue to turn the cinnabar in front of them into liquid mercury. Then a silver-white bridge formed between their eyebrows.

Cinnabar is the most yang thing and can repel any evil spirits. UU reading www. uukanshu. net The emperor's imperial edicts were often written in cinnabar, or covered with ink.

The mercury liquid after melting cinnabar is the most yin thing, which can guide the yin gods and make their spirits communicate with each other.

At this time, the sulfur contained in the cinnabar filled their surroundings. It can ensure that there are no evil things that can interfere with the Yinshen that harm them.

The reason why the two of them had to strip naked was to show that there was no separation between them physically and mentally, which was considered a ritual necessity.

Li Xuan quickly followed the instructions and exchanged the soul essence with Jiang Hanyun.

But what happened next became even worse. Both of them felt that something had entered their spiritual thoughts. Both of them felt ecstatic at the same time, as if they were about to ascend to heaven.

Jiang Hanyun's face was even redder than blood, and she couldn't help but make a sound: Slow down, don't come in! Don't--uh-huh~

Finally, she still remembered that this speedboat had five cabins and the sound insulation effect was not very good. Peng Fulai and the others were on the deck above, so they tried their best to suppress them.

But that depressed voice scratched the depths of people's bones.

Li Xuan thought that this was similar to the feeling when he and Xue Yunrou did that, and it was the kind where they skipped the prelude and went directly to the final stage.

After thinking about it, he didn't listen to Jiang Hanyun. He poured his soul essence into it vigorously.

At this time, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue, who were lying on the deck and listening, looked at each other with strange eyes, wondering what on earth these two people were doing.

At the stern of the ship, Luo Yan, who seemed not to be paying much attention, had a frosty face on his face and crushed the railing with a 'click'.

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