Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 323 Authentic calligraphy

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The waiter frowned upon seeing this: Sir, you don't have money to pay, do you?

Li Xuan smiled coquettishly when he heard this: I don't have any money at the moment, can I get it on credit? Or maybe it's a mortgage?

I'm sorry, sir, our store does not accept credit or mortgage. The waiter felt a bit contemptuous in his heart. He thought that the guy in front of him was dressed like a dog, but he turned out to be a poor man.

This bright yellow flying fish suit is probably not fake, right?

During the Hongwu and Yongle years of the Jin Dynasty, if ordinary people dared to wear flying fish clothes randomly, they would be beheaded. But after Yongle, the imperial laws were relaxed, and many people among the people liked the beauty of the flying fish suit, so they slightly modified it, such as embroidering more wings on the flying fish, or not embroidering the dragon scales - this is not a flying fish, it is not considered a flying fish. It's over the limit.

However, bright yellow flying fish suits are still rare.

Speaking of which, this guy is probably not yet twenty years old, but he is wearing a flying fish suit, a goldfish bag, an embroidered spring knife, and has a southern accent - has the court never heard of such a person?

Could it be that some dandy from a certain family was ignorant and prepared this outfit himself?

The waiter's disdain grew stronger, but his tone was still polite: If you can't afford the money, you can write a note and ask an acquaintance to borrow it, and our restaurant can do the errands for you for a small fee. Really. If you can't borrow it, you can still pawn it. We are familiar with the nearby pawn shops and can ask their shopkeepers to come and take a look.

——If it still doesn't work, we can only send these guests to see the officials.

Li Xuan couldn't help but sigh, thinking that this was really troublesome. He was already thinking about which uncle he should ask to borrow money. Luo Yan was already ready to pay. She just wanted to embarrass Li Xuan and had no intention of really embarrassing him.

But at this moment, someone at the table next to him laughed out loud: Actually, there is another way to get rid of the bill. Have you seen the stone tablet outside? The rule of their Shanwei Restaurant is that guests only need to be on this stone tablet. Just write a few lines and you can place an order, regardless of the amount.”

When Li Xuan heard this, he glanced sideways down and found that there was indeed a stone tablet, about two people high, about one foot wide, and the whole color was green and white. He couldn't help raising his eyebrows: Business owner, does your restaurant have such a rule? That guy is just talking nonsense. Bar?

He thought to himself that in this world, there is no such thing as free food and drink.

That's true! The waiter nodded: Our restaurant is less than twenty feet away from the Hanlin Academy, Honglu Temple and Zhanshi Mansion, and one hundred feet away from the Liubu Yamen. Here, literati and poets gather, and great Confucians gather there. Wenzong is everywhere. So our boss took advantage of it and dug out a stone from Wuyi Mountain, and asked an expert in heaven to cut it into a stone tablet and erect it here.

Wuyi Mountain? Li Xuan raised his eyebrows slightly: The one of Liudaosi? Isn't that stone wall said to be indestructible?

It is a mountain occupied by Liudaosi, just near Beijing. There is a stone wall inside that cannot be damaged by mortal forces. Only those who have entered the 'soul' realm through martial arts cultivation can destroy the stone wall to a limited extent.

During the twelve hundred years since the Liudaosi was established, a total of forty-seven heavenly masters left traces on the wall, imbuing their martial arts artistic conception in it.

It seems that Li Xuan still has nine days to research Wuyishan ginseng, but it has not been used yet.

The largest stone wall cannot be damaged, but there are still some scattered stones around it.

The waiter explained: The stone is smaller, so the requirements for leaving marks on it are much lower. Generally, one has reached the fourth level of martial arts, and the martial spirit has reached the 'so' realm; The realm of Danxin is enough. But so far, there are only seventeen people in the capital who can leave their names on the stone tablets, and they are all great masters close to the heavenly position.

The implication is, guest, please don’t bother.

Li Xuan knew that before a Confucian scholar ascended to the throne of heaven, he had four realms: Qi in the chest, invulnerability to water and fire, loyalty to the sun, and eternal aura. This long-lasting majesty is equivalent to the fourth gate of martial arts, from the tenth to the twelfth floor.

Haoyi also uses color to distinguish purity, with variegated colors coming next, then silver, gold, red, and purple, until the most noble and pure glazed color.

Among them, the red color is called 'Blue Blood Core', which is equivalent to the 'Soul Realm' of martial arts cultivation; the purple color is called 'Purple Qi Donglai', which is equivalent to the 'Soul Realm' of martial arts cultivation.

Li Xuan's current majesty has already crossed the threshold of 'Blue Blood Heart'; in his realm, it is unique.

He knew that he was actually limited by the insufficient amount of Haoran's righteous energy. Otherwise, with the purity of his Haoran energy, it would be very easy for his Haoran energy to turn into purple.

So after Li Xuan heard this, his expression immediately changed slightly, and he suddenly jumped over the railing and jumped in front of the stone tablet. He took a look at the stone tablet and the words beside it, and found that they were mostly poems he had never seen before, or excerpts from the Four Books and Five Classics, all written in cinnabar.

Li Xuan was hesitant. He was still somewhat confident, but he was worried about his ugly words. But Li Xuan immediately thought, wouldn’t it be enough if he didn’t sign or pay the money? Who knows afterwards whether the person who wrote these words was a human or a dog?

Shopkeeper, bring me ink and a pen.

It was the third watch, and there were not many tables of customers in the restaurant. But when Li Xuan said this, there was an uproar in the entire restaurant. Suddenly dozens of figures walked to the window railing and looked down.

The people sitting next to Li Xuan were incredible.

Is this guy really planning to write?

I'm afraid he has never heard of Wu Yishan, right? There should be a limit to overestimating one's own capabilities——

On the stone tablet, there are either the words of a great scholar or the words of a quasi-celestial master with martial arts. He really has the nerve to try it.

You don't care, if you want to make a fool of yourself, that's someone else's business.

The waiter in the shop already looked helpless. He discussed with a shopkeeper who came out for a while. Soon after, he came to Li Xuan holding a wolf brush and a cinnabar ink.

Sir, if you fail to mention it, you will have to pay for these things. Chenghui has twenty taels of silver.

Li Xuan ignored him and just took the pen and dipped it in ink.

Li Xuan, do you really plan to leave a message? Luo Yan and Le Qianqian also flew down together. She looked at the stone tablet and frowned: The purity of your Haoran's righteousness is enough, but the quantity is still far behind.

Try it! And don't call me my name right now.

Li Xuan adjusted his breathing, and then began to control his majestic energy. On the corner of the stone tablet, he wrote, The heaven and earth have righteous energy, and they are mixed and endowed with manifolds. Below are the rivers and mountains, and above are the sun and stars.

And at the moment when the word righteousness was written, hundreds of cinnabar writings on the stone tablet suddenly turned red gold at the same time. The entire restaurant was rustling at this moment.

Everyone upstairs felt the reaction at this moment, and all looked surprised and suspicious.

what happened?

This building seems to be shaking? Is it an earth dragon turning over?

How is it possible? How can the Earth Dragon turn around and only make such a small amount of movement?

The tremor soon disappeared and calm returned.

At this time, Li Xuan frowned. Before he could finish his sentence, the cinnabar ink left on the stone tablet turned into smoke and dissipated.

The waiter was not surprised. He said calmly: Sir, it is not easy to leave a message on this stone tablet. This month alone, Bachelor Lin from the Hanlin Academy tried seven times but failed. That is a famous name in the capital. A famous scholar, a candidate for the future prime minister. There is also Huichang Bo, the uncle of the country is also a great master of the fourth sect, and this one also tried six times.

But at this time, there was still a bit of confusion in the waiter's eyes. He had just faintly seen that the writings on the tablet were glowing with red gold, but the time was so short that he didn't know if it was his imagination.

A little bit. Luo Yan felt sorry for Li Xuan: I told you, your Haoran righteousness is still far behind. Even if you only reach the third door, you can still leave a message.

I will try again!

Li Xuan was not discouraged. He then wrote on the stone tablet, Stick to the green mountains and never relax, and set your roots in the broken rocks. However, halfway through writing, the writing turned into smoke and disappeared.

At this time, there was a burst of laughter upstairs.

Boy, I think you should stop trying. Don't you know how much you weigh?

This face is really thick.

Are you being a rogue? You don't have the money to pay, so you're delaying like this?

The waiter rubbed his eyes. Just now he saw the red gold luster on the writing. He wondered if he was too exhausted and was hallucinating?

He shook his head, and then said with a smile, Sir, why don't we try another way to settle the bill?

Li Xuan ignored it. He took another deep breath and began to think about the extra memory scene in his mind, as well as the sword intention of 'bamboo' that originated from Xia Houying.

At this time, the golden threads on his left and right arms also began to shine with strange light.

Almost no one here noticed that behind Li Xuan, the figure of a ferocious beast Taotie gradually appeared.

After contemplating for a moment, Li Xuan once again wrote on the stone tablet the words Stick to the green mountains and never relax, the roots are still in the broken rocks.

Luo Yan and Le Qianqian couldn't help but let out a cry of surprise, not only because this line of words did not evaporate quickly, but also because Li Xuan's words were originally like a dog crawling, but now the handwriting written by him , but actually has a bit of the flavor of Yan Jin Liu Gu, unusually strong, and the writing is as smooth as water.

In the eyes of Luo Yan and the two girls, they seemed to see a green bamboo rooted in the cracks of the stone.

Next, Li Xuan wrote the words Dragon and snake dancing: Stand strong despite all the blows, no matter how wind blows from east to west, north or south. At this moment, his majestic aura and the sword intention of ‘bamboo’, UU Reading www.uuknshu. net completely blended together and stood out on the stone tablet.

Less than half of the three hundred characters that originally existed on the stone tablet disappeared into smoke in this instant. In the Confucian Temple in the north of the capital, a huge bell suddenly rang.

At this time, in the Hanlin Academy, which was only twenty feet away from Shanwei Tower, more than twenty Confucian scholars who were on duty overnight copying the Yongle Dadian all raised their heads and looked out the window in surprise.

Who is this? Such pure haoqi, it actually smells like purple energy coming from the east.

It should be some great scholar in the capital right here. But this idea is very strange.

The bell of the Confucian Temple is ringing, because our Confucian sect has another 'authentic calligraphy treasure' in the world. I wonder which famous Confucian wrote it?

It's so powerful. This majestic energy is not very strong, but it is extremely pure. It almost suppressed my soul just now.

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