Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 327 There is also a legend about me in the capital

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When Li Xuan went out wearing the Six-Path Demon-Slaying Armor, he happened to meet Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue who had been looking for them. When they first arrived in the capital, it took them a while to find the Jing'an Bo Mansion.

How does it taste? Li Xuan asked with a half-smile, I must have gained something?

Just looking at the red faces of the two of them, he knew that these two guys must have had a lot of sex last night.

But then, he saw Zhang Yue smiling awkwardly, and Peng Fulai looking solemn.

After I came out of the palace yesterday, something happened -

Peng Fulai explained last night's short story, and then sneered: Although I don't know what the Queen Mother and the uncle had in mind, they must have bad intentions,

Li Xuan thought for a moment and then looked at Luo Yan: Yan'er, show them.

Luo Yan did not delay, a purple light appeared in her eyes, and she watched the two of them carefully. After a moment, she hummed softly: It is a kind of magic magic, a type of spiritual illusion. It is passed down from the 'Charming Immortal Way' in the Tang Dynasty. After it is completed, people can have deep feelings for the person who performs the magic. It is said that martial arts Empress Zhou came from this family.

The Demonic Charm Technique requires a woman with extremely high talent in magic to master it. They are quite willing to spend money on you, Li Xuan, but it is a pity that you got hit by mistake.

When Zhang Yue and Peng Fulai heard this, their expressions changed slightly. Li Xuan also felt nervous and immediately asked: Is there a way to solve it?

I have an illusion that can backfire on the person who cast the spell and make them suffer the consequences, but it's not necessary.

Luo Yan said in a nonchalant tone: This kind of magic spell needs to be stabilized three times. You only need to abstain from sex for one or two months, and you will be fine.

Zhang and Peng breathed a sigh of relief, but then they became distressed. They hadn't been to Bada Hutong yet! Peng Fulai had some suspicions that Luo Yan was trying to scare them, but he wasn't sure.

Next, the two of them also followed Li Xuan to the main hall of Liudaosi, which was in Mingsifang to the east of Nanxunfang. It was in the same place as Qinglong Hall of Liudaosi. It covered an area of ​​hundreds of hectares. Compared with The Suzaku Hall has doubled in size.

The first person Li Xuan went to visit was the Demon-Subduing Heavenly Lord. The main hall's previous intention was to place his capital in the main hall and directly under the jurisdiction of the Demon-Sudden Heavenly Lord.

Li Xuan's original idea was that it would be best to directly affiliate with Qinglong Hall. Although the main hall of the Six Daosi Division has jurisdiction over the five main halls of the Six Daosi Division, seventy-four demon-suppressing offices, and more than a thousand demon-suppressing patrol divisions, it does not have many specific jurisdictions.

The key is that there are still a bunch of Demon-Subduing Lieutenants inside, and if he, a little Demon-Subduing Colonel, is transferred there, he is destined to be someone's younger brother.

Moreover, the dean of Qinglong Hall is the Tianshifu’s Zanjiao of Tianshifu’s generation and one of the three great masters of Tianshifu. Li Xuan thought that since he had his establishment under the banner of Qinglong Hall, he would not be treated favorably, but at least he would not be discriminated against.

However, as a result of the above game, Li Xuan and him were finally hanged in the main hall.

Li Xuan's authority sounds very majestic. He is responsible for handling all difficult cases related to demons and officials in the Zhili region of the whole North.

But after Li Xuan's own interpretation, he estimated that he was just doing dirty work, like a modern serious crime team.

Usually there is no specific division of responsibilities, it is in the form of a mobile team. Either assign some tasks from above, or wait for the grassroots of the Six Daosi Division to hand over troublesome matters and cases that they cannot handle.

If this were the case, Li Xuan would never be transferred from Zhuque Hall to the north. Therefore, Li Xuan asked for an additional condition. He had the right to intervene in the investigation of all cases in the North Zhili area that he was interested in.

At that time, the superiors agreed very happily. Judging from Li Xuan's understanding of the civil servants, he expected that his condition would be compromised when it was implemented.

However, when Li Xuan arrived at the main hall, he was unable to see the Demon-Suppressing Heavenly Lord as he wished. It was said that the Heavenly Lord had gone to Beihai and would take some time to return.

So Li Xuan went to the 'Tianguan Tower'. In ancient times, the person responsible for managing the promotion and scheduling of officials was the 'Tianguan', so the person responsible for personnel management in the Liudao Division was called Tianguan Tower.

Although Li Xuan's capital has a quota of 300 people, there are currently only five people including himself.

His plan was to first recruit some elites from various places in Liudaosi to build up the framework of this city, and then slowly fill it with flesh and blood. But this requires the cooperation of ‘Tianguan Tower’, as well as their personnel directory and files.

The owner of Tianguan Tower is a woman in Taoist attire who is about forty years old and still has charm. When Li Xuan went to see her, she was so kind and pleasant, making people feel like spring breeze: Master Tianzun has already said hello to you, can you? Go to the second floor to find three heavenly officials to promote the promotion, and I will ask them to try their best to cooperate.

But when Li Xuan came down from the top floor to find the three heavenly officials for promotion, he found that two of the three were not there. The remaining one was extremely enthusiastic about Li Xuan, but said that he was not in charge of personnel files and could not help. busy.

Li Xuan had no choice but to turn around and go to the 'Diguan Tower' again. In the Liudaosi, the Diguan Tower is in charge of wealth.

The landlord is a shrewd and capable middle-aged man with a scar on his face. When Li Xuan went to see him, this man had been processing documents without even raising his head: I can't give you the funds you want. The court The promised money and materials have not yet been allocated. Please wait for a few days. I will notify you when the time is up. Your location has been agreed upon. It is in the east courtyard of the main hall. There are seven courtyards in total, which can accommodate 300 people. .”

When Li Xuan came out, he felt that something was wrong and wondered if there was a plan to 'burn the bridge across the river'? Is this too fast?

Peng Fulai also frowned.

Why does it feel like you are passing the buck? Is this being targeted?

Luo Yan also said with a cold expression: It's true that something is not right. I'm afraid these people don't like you very much.

Li Xuan looked solemn, remembering the conversation he had with Qiu Qianqiu before setting off from Jinling.

Fortunately, everything went smoothly when he went to the 'Cangqi Building' and 'House Affairs Building'. The 'Tibetan Artifact Building' happily approved the magical artifacts he wanted, and even opened the warehouse for him to choose from. .

The owner of the house building was a Confucian master, and even sent him out in person, saying in a serious tone: Please be patient and wait patiently with them, or wait until Tianzun returns. Tianzun is determined to innovate, and has always wiped out the Six Daosi Division. Because of the internal illness, he transferred you to the capital in order to use you as an unparalleled sword.

But this move has also touched every aspect. In addition, there have been many false rumors about you in the hall recently, so it is inevitable that you will be targeted.

False rumors? Li Xuan looked at the housekeeper: Dare you ask for details?

Part of it comes from the south. It's probably because you have cultivated a special method for charming women. A woman will be fascinated by you at first glance, and will be seduced by you at the second glance.

This makes everyone in the hall feel like they are in danger, but there are also many women who are very curious about you because of this.

The house owner noticed Li Xuan's depressed look and couldn't help laughing: And regarding your position, some people say that the main hall's behavior is due to the unrest in Beijing in recent years and dissatisfaction with the Qinglong Hall; some say that Tianzun I transferred you here to prepare for the attack on Qinglong Hall and the Main Hall.

Some people say that your duties are too broad. Could it be that you have suppressed all the 24th members of Qinglongtang? Some people even think that you, Li Xuan, are young and do not live up to your reputation. There are no tigers in Zhuquetang Mountain, so you actually made Shuzi famous. In short, there are all kinds of rumors. Li Xuan, you have to be aware of it, otherwise you will not be able to stand firmly here.

Li Xuancun understood the situation after thinking about it for a while. He clasped his fists with a solemn look on his face and said, Thank you, host, for the tip.

That day, Li Xuan ran around the main hall all day before leaving with a tired face. He felt sore and achy all over his body. He felt that he was not as tired as he was today from the last battle with Li Zhetian at Longhu Mountain.

However, there was still something rewarding at the end of the day, and Li Xuan had successfully put up a front in this city.

Without funds, Li Xuan first borrowed money from Luo Yan to fill it up. It's nothing more than preparing some talismans and then paying some salary a month later. It won't cost much.

The Diguan Tower was unwilling to cooperate, so he directly asked for people from the Zhuque Hall. Longxuhu had promised before that he would allocate twenty demon-subduing warriors at the fourth-level level and fifty third-level level ones. Demon patrol, plus three demon-suppressing captains in the sixth-level tower realm.

No more, there will be no more. Although the ground in Nanjing has been peaceful recently, the pressure faced by Zhuque Hall is still very heavy.

Ten years ago, the defeat of Tumubao resulted in the death of seven Tianshis of the Jin Dynasty and the death of thirty generals of the fourth sect. This led to a great decline in the power of the entire dynasty, leaks everywhere, and the pressure on the Six Daosi Division increased greatly.

Then before leaving Nanjing, Qiu Qianqiu also gave him a list of about 20 people from his old department in Baihu Hall.

This city also has an official name. He named it 'Shenyi City'. Li Xuan personally thought it was majestic and the only thing that satisfied him that day.

And just when Li Xuan returned to Jing'an Bo Mansion and was about to fall asleep for a while, his butler Li Sihai sent an invitation to him.

Huichang Uncle's Mansion? Are you going to the mansion tonight for a banquet? Li Xuan narrowed his eyes, and then laughed: Interesting, I remember Yan'er said that the Demon Sect Charm must be effective three times in a row, right? You said this will be Huichang Bo's Mansion The banquet, UU Reading should we go or not.

There is no good banquet, so why not go for a meal? Peng Fulai snorted: But there is no need to refuse directly, just excuse it as a new arrival in the past ten days, busy with official duties, and can't spare any time. Wait until we are here in Beijing Once you stand firm, you will be much more at ease whether you fall out with this uncle or deal with them in vain and submissive ways.

Li Xuan couldn't help but nodded slightly, he felt the same way, but then he saw Zhang Yue's face turned red and he looked like he was hesitant to speak.

He couldn't help but wonder: Zhang Yue, you are acting strangely like this. What are you trying to say?

Zhang Yue murmured, and after a long while he said in a ashamed tone: I think we can go and take a look. I feel that except for the charm, the uncle of the country can't do anything to us. I also want to see you again. That little dance once.”

Li Xuan was suddenly stunned and looked at each other with Peng Fulai.

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