Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 331 The Neo-Confucian Dharma Protector was caught in adultery?

Chapter 334 The Neo-Confucian Dharma Protector was caught in adultery?

Just when Li Xuan received the letter from Zhang Yue, a carriage pulled by four pure white ground dragons was speeding through the Anding Gate in the north of Beijing.

On both sides of the road, the generals guarding the city gates all looked respectful and bowed with clasped fists.

Behind the city gate, there was a large group of Confucian scholars dressed in various costumes, making disciple salutes in the direction of the carriage.

We sincerely welcome Duke Yan!

The students are waiting to meet the teacher!

The carriage did not stop, but continued to run as before. It was not until it entered the city gate that the dragons slowed down slightly, and the gauze curtain under the canopy was also lifted open, revealing a man wearing a canopy. A white-bearded old man wearing a python robe and wearing the Eight Liang Jinxian Temple.

Why are you doing this again? Didn't you say before that you won't mobilize troops like this again? That's all. I'm ashamed of your thoughts. Why don't you all get up? Isn't it uncomfortable to kneel on the ground?

I am in Beijing on important matters this time, so I won't get off the car. You can disperse on your own. If you have anything to see me while you are waiting, you can go to the Confucian Temple and hand in your greeting card.

When the old man spoke, his expression was kind and his demeanor was amiable. But when he lowered the gauze curtain again, his expression became cold and solemn, and there was no emotion in his eyes.

I haven't seen you in five years. Master Yan Shenggong has become more and more famous in the literary world of the North.

The person who said this was the voice of a girl. She was sitting on the other side of the car, wearing a golden armor, and even her face was hidden behind the visor.

It's just the legacy of our ancestors. They respect the saint, not the old man. The white-bearded old man sat unmoved, with an unmoved demeanor: Master Immortal, don't say these compliments anymore. I just want to ask you, are you, Jinque Tiangong, willing to give me what I want?

When the girl heard this, a cold light flashed in her eyes, but then her eyes returned to calm, and she turned to place a vermilion wooden box in front of the white-bearded old man.

I have brought what Duke Yan Sheng needs. Here is half of it, and the remaining half can be handed over to Duke Yan after the work is completed.

The old man took it in and opened it. He looked ecstatic after taking a look, and then burst into laughter: Okay, this is it! The key to heaven that is unique to your Jinque Tiangong. Since you have this thing, what is your request? , I agreed.

You are right. The position of protector of Neo-Confucianism involves the fate of famous religions. How can the rise and fall of our Confucianism fall into the hands of a child who is still young and has no understanding of Confucianism?

Sure enough, Mr. Yansheng understands the righteousness. The golden-armored girl's eyes were solemn: But please be careful, sir. This boy is very capable. He solved major cases in Nanjing and even Li Zhetian died in his hands. Moreover, he has a profound background and is involved with several heavenly figures in this world.

When the old man heard this, he said coldly: This man is able to become an uncle at such a young age, so his ability and background are certainly remarkable. His talent in martial arts is also extraordinary, and he defeated Li Zhetian twice, both times. A classic of David and Goliath.

But at that time, this man had external power to draw on, so Li Zhetian had no choice but to do anything. And with what he can do, he is still just a second-level martial artist.

He looked at the golden-armored girl with a smile: In ten years' time, this person will be full-fledged, and even I will give him three points. But now, he has no capital in front of me. I Under the surging momentum, this boy will definitely be crushed into dust!

At this moment, a talisman suddenly flew from a distance and rushed under the canopy of the carriage.

The old man took it in his hand and glanced at it, then whispered again: It's Uncle Sun Guo. The stage over there is ready. We're just waiting for me to come on stage and start the show.

Hearing this, the golden-armored girl also looked at the Confucian Temple expectantly: Then the little girl will wait for the good news of Duke Yan.

※※ ※※

Just as the sun was hitting three shots, Wang Jing and Long Rui walked into the Imperial Academy of Beijing together.

In order to participate in the Spring Examination in February next year, the two of them have moved to the Imperial Academy in Beijing. Today is the day when they come to the Imperial College to apply for their student registration and meet their teachers.

However, Wang Jing had just walked out of the door of the Imperial College Registrar's room when she discovered that the forest of steles in the Imperial College was filled with students.

What's going on over there? Why are there so many people.

Wang Jing walked to Long Rui's side while looking around. The latter had completed his student registration before him and had been waiting outside for a long time.

I heard it was called the 'Bamboo Meaning Stele'. Someone just brought a stone stele in, and then the whole courtyard was in a state of shock.

Long Rui was lost in thought and said: The Bamboo Meaning Stele? I seem to have heard of it before. When I was in Beijing the day before yesterday, I heard someone talking about an unknown great scholar who wrote on the Wu Yi Stele in front of the Shanwei Building in the capital. I read the song Bamboo and Stone written by the Protector and became an authentic calligrapher.

It is said that the majestic energy in the handwriting is extremely pure and has reached the state of 'purple energy coming from the east'. There is also a condensed sword intention on the stele, which has the power to defend the way. On that day, the entire Beijing literary world was a sensation, and countless famous scholars went to copy it, hoping to get a glimpse of its secrets. Could it be that this so-called Bamboo Monument is the one from Shanwei Tower?

He then smiled, rolled up his sleeves, and walked in the direction of the crowd: Go and take a look and you'll find out.

Wang Jing originally wanted to say that they hadn't met with the Imperial Prince and the Minister of Wine yet, but he was also curious, so he followed Long Rui there.

But at this time, the area was already crowded. Although both of them have the awe-inspiring cultivation of the Seventh Layer Tower Realm, they are not able to overwhelm others and force their way in.

Long Rui grabbed a student and asked, and the latter said excitedly: It's the piece of Shanwei Tower. It insists on not letting go of the green mountain, and its roots are still in the broken rock. It has been strong after thousands of blows, and it can be moved east, west, south, or north. wind.

The owner of Shanwei Tower has donated this monument to the Imperial College. It is said that this was also the intention of the author. The owner of Shanwei House originally planned to give money, but in the end he did not take any money.

Another student next to him also had a blush on his face: Famous scholars like you two may look down upon it, but for us, this is a treasure. The words on this bamboo stele are vigorous and tenacious, unique. , which is beneficial to our calligraphy practice and cultivates great spirit.

Second, the sword intention contained in it has the ability to defend the law. It is said that as long as you can understand one or two essentials of enlightenment, you will not be afraid of monsters and ghosts when traveling in the wilderness.

Wang Jing pointed her hand between her brows and looked into the depths of the crowd with a hint of purple in her eyes.

He once entered the deepest level of the small world of Wenxin Ling, received gifts from many great scholars, and also opened the ‘Daw-Protecting Heavenly Eye’.

Although it is far less powerful than Li Xuan, it can still see through to a certain extent.

Then Wang Jing's whole body started to vibrate, and her eyes showed a hint of surprise.

What's wrong? Long Rui noticed that his companion's expression was different: What do you think of this calligraphy? Judging from your appearance, you seem to be quite virtuous.

What a pure and noble intention, not inferior to the Lord Protector. Wang Jing praised; There is indeed a profound martial intention in it, no wonder it has caused a sensation in the Beijing literary world. It is a pity that the signature is anonymous, and I don't know which great scholar wrote it. .”

Long Rui was even more curious. After all, he couldn't hold it back and began to use his strength to push away many Confucian scholars around him and come to the stone monument. Then this man also condensed his eyes, showing an awe-inspiring expression.

He couldn't help but stretched out his hand and followed the handwriting and strokes on the tablet to copy them in the air. Then his majestic energy gradually began to condense into the shape of bamboo leaves, floating in the air, and there was a trace of sword energy contained in it.

At this moment, Wang Jing suddenly slapped him on the back.


Long Rui's epiphany was interrupted, and he couldn't help but look back at Wang Jing full of complaints. The latter pointed around: You understand it when you understand it. What are you going to do? Do you want to kill someone?

Only then did Long Rui remember that there was a dense crowd around him. I imitate the Bamboo Intention Sword with my great intention, and it can indeed cause large-scale destruction.

At this time, he noticed that the students around him started to make a commotion again. Many people whispered to each other and then turned pale with shock.

Long Rui and Wang Jing had just arrived, so naturally no one wanted to talk to them. UU Reading could only hear everything with superhuman hearing.

The Protector of Neo-Confucianism committed adultery - it is said that the woman was a concubine of the uncle's house -

——Uncle Guo has already passed by with a large number of guards. He is in the west courtyard of the Imperial Academy.

Master Yan Shenggong happened to be at the Confucian Temple nearby. After hearing about it, he was furious and rushed there himself.

How is that possible? He is a gentleman who has passed the six levels of questioning and has a flawless character!

In this short moment, many people had already left the forest of steles and headed for the west courtyard of the Imperial College. However, half of the people still stayed where they were, sitting cross-legged in front of the monument and studying the inscriptions.

Long Rui and Wang Jing looked at each other in disbelief, then set off together, following everyone towards the west courtyard.

If someone else was caught committing adultery, they wouldn't be interested at all. But the matter involved Li Xuan, the Dharma protector, but the two of them couldn't help but care.

Not only did the two of them deeply respect Li Xuan's character and ability, but it was also because, to a certain extent, Li Xuan was already a signature figure in Nanjing's literary world.

With Li Xuan's character, he would commit adultery. How is this possible?

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