Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 349 I don’t want to live anymore

Late at night, when Meng Qingfan woke up from consciousness, he found himself lying on a pile of straw. Judging from the surrounding situation, this is a stable, with a water tank and feed trough in front of it. The feed trough is full of dried shrimps made from cold jade candle shrimp.

She was furious after seeing it. Did the people from Liudaosi mistook her for a horse? Didn't they even notice? Her body is a unicorn, a unicorn! It's a mythical beast!

But Qingfan felt strange, wasn't he caught? At this time, she should be imprisoned in the Demon Suppression Tower. Also, where is this? Looking at the surrounding scene, it doesn't look like the heavily guarded Liudaosi.

Meng Qingfan carefully sensed it for a moment, then sneered with his eyes fixed: Mind-controlling divine contract?

She knew that Liudaosi would not let her go easily. With this mind-controlling divine contract, no matter where she is, Liudaosi can track her whereabouts and control her consciousness.

After sneering, Meng Qingfan frowned again, feeling that the situation was a bit tricky. The mind-controlling divine contract cannot be unlocked unless the person who controls the divine contract actively cancels it. Only after a few months, when the spiritual effect of the mind-controlling divine contract weakens, can it be possible to break free.

At this time, she looked at the dried shrimps in the feed trough again, struggling and hesitating.

The struggle is due to her own personality. Meng Qingfan thinks that she is human! How can it be like a raised animal? The hesitation was because I was worried that these dried shrimps would be drugged again.

But in the end, animal nature defeated human nature. Meng Qingfan started eating shrimps while thinking about things.

The biggest disadvantage of using her secret method is here. Normal beasts are not like her, and the thinking of those big monsters is no different from humans.

But on the contrary, she has a particularly strong animalistic impulse - in fact, this is not a disaster. Meng Qingfan's spiritual cultivation can suppress almost all animalistic impulses.

But only when encountering her favorite food, especially the Yuhan candle shrimp, her animalistic impulse will be extra strong, so strong that she can't control it.

This made Meng Qingfan extremely regretful, thinking that this was simply a trap for himself.

At this time, Meng Qingfan's chewing mouth suddenly froze, and he felt that the dried shrimp in his mouth suddenly became less fragrant.

Just at this moment, she had already recalled a scene. That was in front of her senior brother, she was slapped hard on the buttocks by Li Xuan, and then she was ridden under her.

Meng Qingfan's body knelt down again, and two lines of tears fell from his eyes.

How could she think such a thing could happen? How will she live in the future?

It was just being treated as a mount. How could that guy do that kind of thing to her in front of her senior brother?

Didn't those jade-cold candle shrimps that were drugged with laxatives do enough harm to her?

really! It's better to die. If you die, it will be over once and for all——

With the divine contract to control the mind, Meng Qingfan thought that he could not take matters into his own hands, so he could only wait for his soul to decay and die.

Meng Qingfan's mood was gloomy and depressed, like a dead tree, when she heard a click sound, and the door of a distant pavilion was suddenly pushed open. A figure that was very familiar to her and unforgettable in her mind was yawning and walking out of the building.

Li Xuan?

Meng Qingfan's pupils suddenly opened, anger growing in his eyes, and fighting spirit surging.

Bastard! Meng Qingfan, Meng Qingfan, you must kill this guy! Before you die, you must drag this source of all evil with you to hell!

Why are you thinking about dying again? Are you done yet?

As Li Xuan spoke, he walked up to the unicorn helplessly.

There are special restrictions in the mind-controlling divine contract. Once the vitality of this demon unicorn begins to decline, a warning will be sent through the jade talisman to inform him of this temporary master.

Master Lingyou said that you should be less than two hundred years old, and you are only one step away from the throne of heaven, and you will cross it soon.

And for heaven-level pure-blood beasts like you, whose longevity starts at least a thousand years old, and who still have a lot of good life, why do you think about death? Look at this beautiful world of mountains, rivers and flowers, is there anything that is not worthy of nostalgia? How much have you experienced?

At this time, Li Xuan found the empty feed trough. He laughed dumbly, and then took a lot of dried shrimps from his little Xumi ring and put it in: I can only give you so much today. No more, no more.

It was only at this time that Meng Qingfan discovered that during his depression, he had unknowingly eaten the Yuhan candle shrimp in the feed trough.

Meng Qingfan couldn't help but blush, and wanted to beat his head on the ground, wondering if he could still have some moral integrity? Some dignity?

Meng Qingfan thought that all this was caused by Li Xuan, the culprit. She glared at Li Xuan while trying her best to resist the temptation of dried shrimps.

Seeing its glaring look, Li Xuan misunderstood: I really can't give it to you. I borrowed 30,000 taels of silver from Luo Yan and ordered a lot of dried shrimps and a lot of delicious meat for you. There are also dried vegetables made in various ways, which are enough for you to eat for several months.

But Qianqian said that your gastrointestinal qi has just been greatly damaged. It is best to exercise some restraint on your diet in the past two days and eat less meat and fish. Pity me, I already owe Luo Yan nearly 200,000 taels. The bounty for killing Li Zhetian is about to be spent, and I still have to pay back. When will this life of a soft rice end? Shame, shame.

The key is that Liudaosi thought the food he provided to Qilin was too good and was only willing to reimburse him 60% of his food expenses.

Also, he thought that this divine beast should not be mixed with other earthly dragons, dragon colts, etc. So he spent an additional three thousand taels of silver to build another luxurious stable in the yard where he lived.

At this time, Li Xuan pressed his hand on Demon Qilin's forehead again and began to sense the spirit.

Meng Qingfan's whole body quickly emitted the radiance of the pure saint, and purple majesty filled his body.

As the two sides responded with great spirit, they echoed each other. A golden seal began to appear on the forehead of this unicorn, and it was the word Wenshan in it.

Li Xuan also sensed the Wenshan seal hidden in the 'Yintang' between Qilin's brows. This seal was taking root in it, stretching out countless golden lines, connecting the limbs and veins of this demon Qilin, and even its soul.

It seems that this seal actually replaces the role of the demon pill.

At this time, Li Xuan was able to take out the Wenshan Seal from Demon Qilin's body. But he had a vague feeling that this didn't seem to be a good thing, and Wen Shanyin's weapon spirit itself was also resistant.

He vaguely felt that the weapon spirit of Wenshan Seal seemed to have done something to this unicorn. It was something that was very beneficial to Wenshan Seal itself and this unicorn.

The key is that this does not affect his use of Wenshan Seal.

Li Xuan has already done experiments. As long as the unicorn is within ten miles of him, he can still use it however he wants. It can also strengthen his awe-inspiring righteousness, and it can also gather the aura of all beings.

In addition, there is an additional benefit -

Following Li Xuan's thoughts, a purple aura that did not belong to him was forcefully drawn onto his body. This majestic energy is full of weight, equivalent to a famous Confucian of the third sect, and it is extremely pure. It is almost close to the realm above the Purple Air from the East in Confucian legends.

The key is that this magnanimity can come and go as soon as he calls it, and does not require the approval of others.

At this time, Meng Qingfan's eyes were dull, and he was already shocked by the situation in his body.

She clearly felt that the talisman and restriction imposed on her body by the Golden Que Heavenly Book were eroded and replaced bit by bit by the golden lines emitted by the Wenshan Seal!

This process is approaching the final stage.

But what surprised Meng Qingfan even more was the change in the nature of her body.

That extremely pure majesty, and that truly flawless ‘glazed body’ like mutton-fat jade.

This is impossible!

An incredible color appeared in Meng Qingfan's eyes.

Is this the jade unicorn?

Legend has it that the unicorns born in the ancient times were all jade unicorns. Their physical bodies and souls were pure and flawless, and their spiritual intelligence connected the heaven and the earth, so they were extra powerful.

They represent the way of heaven, are truly auspicious beasts, are symbols of a prosperous dynasty, and are followers of saints.

But in today's increasingly polluted world, how could a jade unicorn be born?

A long time ago, when the unicorn was born, its color was confused by the turbidity of the world, and thus the fire unicorn, thunder unicorn and other variants were born.

Li Xuan had already retracted his hand, and then he found that the beast was still staring at him. Li Xuan couldn't help but took out a lot of dried shrimps and filled the feed trough.

Okay! Okay! I'll give you a little more. After you're full, you can have a good sleep.

When he said this, Li Xuan also slapped Mo Qilin hard on the buttocks. For some reason, he quite likes this flexibility.

Meng Qingfan's eyes changed. He looked at Li Xuan as if he wanted to choose someone to devour, and instinctively wanted to bite him.

But then she discovered that she could no longer control her body, and her consciousness was gradually attracted to the dried shrimps in the feed trough.

Li Xuan gave him too much this time, so much that the animalistic consciousness in Meng Qingfan's body awakened again.

Meng Qingfan secretly thought that something was wrong, and realized that this was the result of allowing her animalistic consciousness to expand when she was desperate before, allowing her animalistic consciousness to expand, grow, and even tend to become the main consciousness.

Meng Qingfan tried his best to resist, UU Reading www. But her consciousness gradually became dim, confused, and ultimately she knew nothing.

Be more open-minded. You are close to heaven after all. Why are you so weak-willed? Isn't it just because you have diarrhea that people are watching you? You are such a majestic monster, why do you care about the eyes of the world?

To be honest, I'm also very busy. That bad old man Zuo Futianzun couldn't keep me idle, so he wanted to tire me to death. It’s not like you haven’t seen how busy I am these days, I really don’t have time to forgive you——”

When Li Xuanzheng said this, he suddenly frowned and looked towards the door.

There was first the sound of horse hooves outside, and then the courtyard door was violently pushed open. Su Zhaojun's figure walked in with wind and fire.

Where is Li Xuan? Where are they?

She was asking about the housekeeper Li Sihai who followed in, but Su Zhaojun's eyes caught Li Xuan standing in the stable.

Su Zhaojun immediately raised his eyebrows: Brother Xuan, something happened to Yurou.

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