Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 353: Follow the King’s orders

On the early morning of the 19th day of the twelfth lunar month, Yu Hongshang received the talisman from Li Xuan after completing her daily homework in Hualong Pond.

This made Yu Hongshang feel a little strange, thinking that just three days ago, didn't Xuan Lang send a letter? Why did the talisman book come back so soon?

After Li Xuan went north, he would send her a talisman every five days, describing his encounters in the capital and how he missed her.

Although these talisman books need to be transferred through at least twelve stations from Beijing to Longhu Mountain, each letter costs a thousand taels of silver. But Li Xuan has always persisted without interruption.

This is what Yu Hongshang is looking forward to most now, so much so that every evening on the fifth day, she will pause her practice and look eagerly at the sky.

After some doubts, Yu Hongshang couldn't wait to open the talisman book.

Hongshang, I haven't seen you for a long time. Are you still okay? The cold weather is getting worse as the days come. I beg you to take care of me.

——I mentioned to you, Hongshang, a few days ago that after experiencing the Demon Qilin incident, I have initially gained a firm foothold. However, Zuo Vice-Tianzun may be trying to embarrass me, and the official duties assigned to the Divine Wing City are becoming increasingly heavy.

The format inside was still the same as before. After Li Xuan gave a brief greeting and briefly explained everything that happened in the capital, there were some words that made Yu Hongshang feel numb and her face turned as red as blood.

——When I woke up today, I just felt lost. I have been used to being around you in Nanjing, and I still feel uncomfortable until now. The ancients said that one day without seeing you is like three autumns, but I always thought it was an exaggeration.

But now when I wake up every day, I always think of Wang Feng: Picking Ge Ge in the Book of Songs. He is picking Ge Ge. If you don't see him for a day, it's like March! The other person's picks are rustling, and not seeing him for a day is like three autumns! He is picking mugwort. If you don't see him for a day, he feels like he is three years old! Without you by my side, every day is suffering. One day with you is better than three autumns now——

At this moment, the sweetness in Yu Hongshang's heart was indescribable, but then she saw Li Xuan change his sentence and talk about another thing.

Artifact Alliance?

After Yu Hongshang read the letter, a sharp look appeared in her eyes. She called her female officer in front of her.

Inform the Young Mansion and the Twelve Supervisors in the Palace, as well as the Four Divisions and Eight Bureaus, that from today on, all purchases related to the Artifact Alliance will be stopped! Use expedited flying talismans, don't be reluctant to spend money.

The female officer was stunned when she heard the words, and she felt a little embarrassed: I can convey the princess's order, but the people below may not be willing to listen. The Artifact Alliance has a wide network of people and intricate relationships.

I don't care about any of this!

Yu Hongshang looked at her coldly, and her words were unquestionable: If I say stop, you have to stop, unless they don't want to do it anymore. Just keep an eye on me, and whoever dares to violate the rules will be kicked to the Fengyang Mausoleum in Zhongdu the next day. .”

The female officer immediately looked solemn: I will obey the princess's order!

It is impossible for ordinary princesses to have such abilities, and even the eunuchs with a little status in the palace would not take them seriously.

But the person in front of her was the eldest princess conferred by the emperor, and now she was in heaven, so her authority was naturally unusual.

At this time, Yu Hongshang said in a cold voice: Also, all the tributes handed over by the Artifact Alliance need to be increased as appropriate! You can control the specific quantity. As long as the outer court does not get caught, the quantity The more, the merrier.”

The female officer's pupils shrank slightly, thinking that Her Royal Highness the Princess was planning to push the Artifact Alliance into a desperate situation!

‘Tribute’ is a double-edged sword for those merchants. Although they can use this to make their products famous, they will also bear a heavy burden for this every year.

In the past, when Wang Zhen was here, he only increased the tribute paid in Jingdezhen by 50%, which caused a large number of craftsmen to go bankrupt.

Yes! The female officer bowed and said, I will definitely not let the princess down.

Also, go and find out why Xuanlang conflicts with the Artifact Alliance?

Yu Hongshang held the talisman book in her hand, with a little worry in her eyes.

Before Li Xuan came in and out of the capital, it was revealed that he was having an affair with Sun Jizong's concubine in his uncle's house. At that time, she couldn't sit still. She didn't want to worry about the yin and yang in her body, and just wanted to return to the capital quickly.

Although it was later proven that Uncle Guo framed him, it turned out that Xuanlang was not involved with Sun Chuyun, the daughter of Uncle Guo's family.

The biggest pain she felt after falling in love with Li Xuan was this. The guy was like a strong and strong stallion, constantly attracting the attention of the females and letting them approach him shamelessly.

Thinking of this, Yu Hongshang couldn't help but sigh, thinking that she still had to return to the capital as soon as possible.

At the same time, Xue Yunrou was also looking at a talisman book. There were also two red clouds on her face, but after putting down the letter, she couldn't help but let out a sigh.

The matter about Sun Chuyun before was still unclear. Now she is in conflict with the Artifact Alliance because of Leng Yurou. This philandering carrot——

Unlike Yu Hongshang who was trapped in Hualong Pond, Xue Yunrou, who gradually took control of the entire Tianshi Mansion, was much quicker and more knowledgeable in terms of intelligence.

But then she took it seriously and put the talisman back into her sleeve. I wonder how that guy Li Xuan is so good at coaxing women?

Thinking about Li Xuan's words in the letter, Suddenly I am afraid of growing old, afraid of death, and afraid of accidents. If one day I am no longer by your side, who will protect you? Who will accompany you through this fleeting life? ’

And ‘Whether you are by my side or on the horizon, when I think of you in the corner of the world, I feel that the whole world becomes gentle and stable. ’

After reading it, Xue Yunrou wanted to open Li Xuan's head and see how he came up with these tender words.

Xue Yunrou tried her best to suppress the turbulence in her heart, and then shook the silver bell in her hand.

Not long after, a gray-haired Taoist came to her.

Senior brother, there is no need to be polite. Xue Yunrou used her magic power to help him up with a smile: I'm calling you here this time because I want to know how much business our family has with the Artifact Alliance?

About 1.4 million taels of silver. Cangfa Taoist said with a respectful look: This year alone, we purchased 470,000 taels of silver from them, and they purchased about 960,000 taels of silver from my family. Talisman with two lines of silver.

Starting tomorrow, stop everything. Stop buying and selling.

Xue Yunrou's voice was gentle, but there was no room for doubt: As far as I know, the things sold by the Artifact Alliance can also be purchased from Momen?


The Cangfa Taoist hesitated for a while: Momen indeed has the hidden weapons of the Divine Weapon Alliance, but they are not tolerated by the court, and everything is one or two percent more expensive than the market price.

But it must stop no matter what!

Xue Yunrou looked at the Cangfa Taoist seriously: That day, Zhang Guanlan's five Yunzhong warships used so many 'Heavy Rain Pear Blossom Needles' in our Longhu Mountain, killing and injuring hundreds of my disciples, but the Artifact Alliance never had any Let us explain. This conflict between the Chengyi Mansion and the Artifact Alliance is an excellent opportunity, and we can take advantage of the situation.

Upon hearing this, the Cangfa Taoist immediately said solemnly: As you command!

Also, I heard that we are one of the sects, and many disciples are hired by the Artifact Alliance to help them burn rune arrays and create mechanisms?

Xue Yunrou walked to the corridor outside with her hands behind her back, looking at the sea of ​​clouds in front of her with cold eyes: Call everyone back, and also inform me about the Quanzhen Taoism, if they want to get the imperial award from the Tianshi Mansion next year It is best to keep pace with our ultimatum. From now on, the Artifact Alliance cannot produce any hidden weapon mechanisms carrying runes.

※※ ※※

Also on the early morning of the 19th day of the twelfth lunar month, when the snow was falling heavily, Dou Hongxi, the young master of Qingyang Castle of the Artifact Alliance, came to the Taiping Mansion Pier with great joy early in the morning to see off his fleet.

Today, his family will have three ships heading to Yangzhou Ship City to bring some of the hidden weapons produced by Qingyang Fort this year and some privately made crossbows and muskets to the ship city for sale, and then return with a large amount of private salt, iron ingots and spices. ——

It is expected that this will bring them Qingyang Fort an income of at least 70,000 taels. If the season is good, the income will reach more than 120,000 taels. It can be said that they have high hopes for everyone in Qingyang Fort.

Under Dou Hongxi's expectant gaze, the three ships slowly left the shore, raised their sails and began to swim down the river. But at this moment, his face froze, and he saw several speedboats under the banner of officers and soldiers speeding upstream.

What's going on? The imperial warship?

It's so fast! Look at the cannons and crossbows on the boat. I'm afraid they have bad intentions.

Young Lord, have all their weapons drawn out?

Many Qingyang Fort disciples behind Dou Hongxi had panic expressions on their faces.

Dou Hongxi was confused at first, but then his expression changed and he remembered something that happened recently.

Could it be said that it is Uncle Chengyi's Mansion? For the sake of a maid, the Chengyi Mansion dared to start a war with the entire Artifact Alliance? Are they crazy?

Father, didn't he say that Uncle Chengyi's family didn't have such courage?

Don't panic. Dou Hongxi said calmly: Our ship is a special speed ship, not comparable to the imperial warships.

——But the real problem is that UU Reading Chengyi Mansion controls the Yangtze River Navy. Since they have decided to attack their Artifact Alliance, they can avoid this level, but they cannot avoid the next level.

The key is to get rid of these warships first and return the things to the shore as soon as possible to avoid being caught by the Chengyi Mansion for smuggling weapons in Qingyang Fort.

But at this moment, Dou Hongxi saw a giant blue dragon suddenly rising from the water. It soared into the clouds and mist, and with just a flick of the dragon's tail, it broke the masts of the three ships.

The giant dragon then hung in the air again, staring in the direction of the dock with its lantern-sized eyes.

Prince Zun Shui Deyuan ordered that from now on, all ships and cargo of the Artifact Alliance are not allowed to sail on the Yellow River and the Yangtze River!

The sound rolled like thunder, and the green dragon shadow also dissipated.

But everyone on the dock, including Dou Hongxi, had pale and bloodless faces.

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