Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 363 How to repay kindness with kindness?

After the morning court, Wang Long, the minister of Dali Temple, returned to Dali Temple with gloomy eyes.

This man was in a terrible mood, and after seeing Huichang Bosun Jizong smiling and waiting for him inside the door, his expression became even more ugly. After snorting coldly, he walked directly towards the court.

Master Wang, what's wrong with him? Huichang Bo Sun Jizong was confused for a while. He looked at the inner factory stall who followed Wang Long and walked in in astonishment. Changning Princess Yu Yunhuang asked: Why are you so angry all of a sudden? ?”

Two tigers are fighting, but the fish in the pond suffers. If it were me, I would be angry.

Yu Yunhuang looked at Wang Long's back with some pity in his eyes: This morning, the old man Chen Xun, the chief minister of the cabinet, proposed to transfer Mr. Wang to Yunnan and serve as governor of Yunnan. The court meeting has passed.

Sun Jizong was surprised: So fast? But isn't this against the rules?

According to the rules of the Jin Dynasty, all proposals for promotion and appointment of ministers of third rank or above will be decided through court recommendation.

First, the cabinet proposes the candidates, and then orders a meeting of courtiers, including the nine ministers, the ministers of the six ministries, the censor of the capital, and the ministers of the six subjects, to discuss and weigh the candidates together, and then report to the emperor to make a decision.

Is there anything against the rules? Yu Yunhuang shook his head: Among the seven people in the cabinet now, whoever Chen Xun turns to will have the upper hand. Wang Wen, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel, is also your Majesty's dog. He regards Master Wang as a thorn in his side and a thorn in his flesh.

Although Chen Xun is said to be the elder of Mu Pavilion, he has experienced three dynasties and had countless disciples. Once he joins forces with the emperor, no one in the court can stop him, not even Yu Jie.

Sun Jizong couldn't help but frowned, and said solemnly: That old dog Chen Xun, is he planning to fall to the false emperor?

Probably not. This person should be repaying Jiang Yunqi's life-saving grace. He is worthy of being the chief assistant. He sees things clearly and knows that the key to our setup lies in Dali Temple. Once Wang Long vacates the throne, we will be unable to do anything. It can be said that Take the fire out of the cauldron.”

As Yu Yunhuang spoke, he looked in the direction of the Dali Temple Prison: But next, Lord Wang will try to delay the time and wait until one day to hand over the seal. So no matter what you want to do, Uncle Guo, you only have one day. .”

Sun Jizong couldn't help but frown. He thought that if it was only for one day, time would still be too tight. The key is that the timing is wrong, and the means he prepares may not achieve the best results.

Please tell Her Majesty that I will do my best!

It must be done!

Yu Yunhuang pressed the knife on her waist and spoke in a heavy voice: You don't know what kind of pressure the Queen Mother is facing now. Today Shui De Yuanjun Ao Shuying and Ice and Thunder Divine Halberd Jiang Yunqi just pointed the knife at her nose.

If we can't get rid of Li Xuan this time and get the help promised by Jinque Tiangong, we will be in big trouble next!


Since the prince left, Li Xuan has been looking inside with his legs crossed. He is trying to figure out what happened to his body.

But things went counterproductive. Li Xuan looked inside carefully for an entire hour, but he was still confused.

Fortunately, apart from the surrounding Yin Qi becoming a little stronger and the evil force growing in his chest, there were no other negative consequences.

The speed at which the karma was growing was also very slow, at least slower than when Hong Shang leaned over him. It just made him feel palpitations and discomfort in his chest.

Arm Armor Taotie was forcibly suppressed by him and no longer swallowed up the Yin Evil around him. Li Xuan was not sure what the consequences would be, so he took a cautious approach.

Then Li Xuan spent most of his time on the magic unicorn that was still tied outside the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

With the help of the 'Wenshan Seal', Li Xuan easily brought his soul to the past.

At this time, he was trying to catalyze the golden threads in Demon Qilin's body.

Li Xuan used the power of the soul poured into him by Wenshan Seal to cause those golden threads to grow rapidly and continue to spread and stretch throughout Demon Qilin's body.

This is not the first time that Li Xuan has done this kind of thing. During the past few days of waiting in the Artifact Mountain, Li Xuan had been doing this kind of work similar to 'ripening'.

As this set of lines, which were similar to the meridians of the human body and resembled a magic circle, gradually became complete, Li Xuan felt that the physique of this demon unicorn was gradually strengthening, and the shortcomings of losing the demon elixir were gradually being made up for.

In addition, Li Xuan can also feel that this mythical beast is getting closer and closer to him, which is like the feeling that the guardian spirit pet the Cowherd gives him.

Li Xuan has been able to sense everything in Demon Qilin's body, which even gave him the feeling that he can command Demon Qilin to do what he wants even without the 'Mind Control Divine Pact'.

However, the top priority was to recover the Wenshan Seal from Demon Qilin as soon as possible. Li Xuan had a hunch that the other party's purpose was still to come for this Neo-Confucian religious artifact.

Wenshanyin was also an indispensable part of his counterattack against the Queen Mother and Prince.

The so-called repaying evil with kindness, how to repay kindness?

Li Xuan has no habit of swallowing his anger.

The only way for Li Xuan to take back the Wenshan Seal as soon as possible is to complete the transformation process as quickly as possible.

Although Li Xuan didn't understand Wenshan's seal spirit's purpose of cultivating these golden threads in Mo Qilin's body. But he knew that it was best not to interrupt the Magic Qilin's 'transformation' process.

Just as he had guessed before, this was something that would be of great benefit to himself, the Demon Qilin, and Wenshan Yin's weapon spirits.

The Demon Qilin is actually only a short distance away from the final step of transformation.

Based on past experience, Li Xuan estimated that it would only take half a day to complete the final part.

Therefore, he ignored Sun Chuyun who was beside him and wanted to chat with him. He concentrated on meditation and poured the power of his spiritual consciousness into Wenshan Seal.

But at noon, Li Xuan had to wake up.

When he opened his eyes, he found a familiar figure standing outside the iron fence.

Li Xuan glanced attentively, and then said slightly: Shenggong Yan?

Sun Chuyun also frowned. She had seen the ugly appearance of Yanshenggong that day in the Imperial College, and she was extremely displeased with the descendants of this saint.

It's Kong. Kong Xiude put his hands behind his back and looked at him outside the cell door with a half-smile but not a smile: Long time no see, Uncle Jing'an. As expected, things are unpredictable. I didn't expect you and I to meet again, Uncle Jing'an. Your Excellency is already in jail.

Li Xuan couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips: Be careful what you say, I haven't been convicted yet.

He held the Blue Blood Thunder Sparrow Sword in his hand and resisted the urge to strike it with the knife. He thought to himself that this was really a joke when cats and dogs came to see him.

That one is also suspected. As far as I know, almost all the clues found by the Metropolitan Procuratorate point to you and your subordinate Luo Yan.

Kong Xiude sneered and said: Yu Shiyue, the Minister of Punishment, was ordered by the emperor to try his best to exonerate you, but so far he has been unable to do anything. The evidence of your crime has been confirmed, and you cannot escape from prison.

When he said this, he put his hands behind his back and glanced coldly at Li Xuan: Stop talking and take out your Wenshan Seal. As a criminal, what qualifications do you have to hold the Wenshan Seal? Hand over this seal, and I can Leave your whole body intact.

Li Xuan laughed when he heard this: Let's not mention that I haven't been convicted yet. Even if I am really convicted, why can't I hold the Wenshan Seal? I have said before that there are only two possibilities for Yan Shenggong to seize this seal from me. . The first is to obtain Yu Zi’s permission, and the second is to use your majesty to subdue me and snatch it from my hands.”

At this time, there was a hint of expectation in his eyes: I'm actually very surprised. Mr. Yan Sheng, your literary heart has been destroyed, how on earth did you recover? I don't know if Mr. Yan Sheng is willing to give me a chance. Let me see what happens?


'Shenggong Yan' Kong Xiude's face turned blue, but in the end he smiled: It's up to you. I hope you won't regret it, Uncle Jing'an.

He flicked his sleeves and walked directly to the cell door. Here is Huichang Bo Sun Jizong, and a young man who wields a sword in the air and has no feet on the ground is waiting for him.

Behind the two people was a Dali Temple official wearing a blue official robe, and a group of jailers including the jailer.

Why do you need to talk nonsense with Duke Yansheng?

Sun Jizong looked at Kong Xiude who came over with some confusion: Just do it.

I felt something strange after coming in.

Yanshenggong Kong Xiude frowned slightly: I didn't sense the Wenshan Seal. This thing is not on his body.

The two people opposite him couldn't help but look slightly condensed at this time.

Actually, it doesn't matter!

Kong Xiude smiled again: As long as we end this son's life, what does it matter whether Wenshan Seal is on his body or not? With the power of your Jinque Tiangong, can't you get it back?

The sword-wielding boy nodded slightly when he heard this, with a scarlet meaning flashing in his eyes: That's true!

Then let's get started!

Sun Jizong, the uncle of Huichang, stepped forward and came to Li Xuan's cell door. He looked at Sun Chuyun who was accompanying Li Xuan and couldn't help but twitch the corners of his lips.

At this time, the Dali Temple Secretary Zhi also came to Sun Jizong's side, and he looked into the cell with an expressionless face.

Where is Sun Chuyun? Yu Shangshu of the Ministry of Punishment wants to question you, please come out!

Sun Chuyun instinctively felt something was wrong: I'm not going out. You said Mr. Yu is interrogating me. Do you have a public diploma?

Sun Jizong's face became even colder, and his eyes were like ice knives: You villain, why don't you get out of here?

Sun Chuyun turned her head indifferently, but Li Xuan beside her chuckled: Please go out, Miss Sun, your father intends to kill me, but now that you are here, I will It’s because I feel uneasy and worried about the dangers in my belly and back.”

Sun Chuyun's delicate body trembled and she glanced at Li Xuan in disbelief.

But on Li Xuan's face, she only saw indifference like steel and rock. Sun Chuyun couldn't help clenching her fists and digging her nails deeply into her flesh. Then she controlled the tears in the corners of her eyes and walked out of the prison door with a pale face.

You are quite a figure. Sun Jizong smiled with satisfaction. He also saw that Li Xuan wanted to force his daughter away.

But then he said with a cold expression: Because of your words, when the prince ascends the throne in the future, I will give your Prince Cheng Cheng a good chance.

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