Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 368 The wet nurse is online

Sun Chuyun was also surprised to glance at the gray-black death fog that gradually seeped in from outside. They were like tentacles or snakes, seeping in from outside the fence.

Sun Chuyun was secretly shocked, and found that these gray-black death fog, under the suppression of the three authentic calligraphy works here and the original Song of Righteousness, was actually extremely strong and condensed without dissipating.

Endless ferocity is contained within it!

However, Sun Chuyun didn't care too much about her own safety. Instead, she was more worried about Li Xuan: Drink this bottle of Taiyi Yuanlu first!

Li Xuan smiled brightly when he heard this, picked up the porcelain bottle without hesitation, and drank the spiritual liquid inside.

Sun Chuyun was slightly happy, and then she hid behind Li Xuan obediently.

She is a monk in the Eighth Layer Realm, and practices both martial arts and martial arts. He didn't have much fear of the death fog outside the cell. No one inside was an enemy of Sun Chuyun. Before, she could even enter and exit it freely.

The problem is that at this moment, not only are there tens of thousands of evil spirits, but for some unknown reason, not only are their ferocity greatly increased, but their magical powers are also greatly strengthened.

Even she didn't dare to contact him easily at this time.

On the other hand, it was Li Xuan. Although his cultivation was weaker than hers, his aura was extremely pure and his lethality against these evil spirits was unparalleled. His combat power at this time was far better than hers.

Especially the inscriptions on the three stone walls add to its power. Li Xuan's majesty and power at this moment was no less than that of a great scholar at the level of the Twelve Layers.

But Li Xuan looked at his right hand next. I saw the weapon spirit of the arm armor 'Taotie' manifesting in the air again, condensing into the shape of a golden ferocious beast - a sheep body with a human face, eyes under the armpits, and tiger teeth and human hands.

The desire that was conveyed became stronger and stronger.

Li Xuan watched with cold eyes, and suppressed Taotie's evil thoughts with his own mighty will.

He guessed that something had changed in those evil spirits, causing the Taotie's weapon spirit to behave abnormally.

But before it was safe, Li Xuan would never let this 'taotie' satisfy its appetite.

Normally it would be fine, but the green spots that appeared on his chest today made Li Xuan somewhat scrupulous. He is not at the point where he needs to use two immortal weapons to fight against these evil spirits.

Just the next moment, Li Xuan raised his eyebrows, and there was a hint of surprise in his eyes.

That is surrender——

Li Xuan felt the idea of ​​surrender from the ‘Taotie’ weapon spirit.

This has never happened before. The spirit of this fairy treasure has always been unruly.

But at this time, this 'Taotie' weapon spirit was extremely violent and thirsty for the things in the black and gray death mist, and was even willing to swallow those death mist and evil spirits at the cost of eternal surrender.

He has even sensed the core magic of this fairy weapon. This was something that the Taotie arm armor had always been concealing in the past, but at this moment, the Taotie weapon spirit was no longer exposed in front of him without concealment.

Li Xuan also had a clear understanding that before, he was just the host body of these two immortal weapons. Only by leaving the imprint of one's own spiritual thoughts on their core laws can one truly become their master.

Submit forever?

Li Xuan's eyes flashed with strangeness, thinking about these death fogs and what was hidden in these evil spirits that made the 'Taotie' weapon spirit care so much and desire it so much?

Li Xuan began to weigh the pros and cons.

Brother Xuan——

Sun Chuyun couldn't help but look ahead with some worry. The black death mist was less than an arm's length away from them, but Li Xuan still had no intention of taking action.

She didn't urge her, but she had already clasped two red-gold talismans in her sleeves with both hands, ready to deal with the worst situation.

On the bottom floor of the prison, the old man surnamed Cao also showed a solemn expression: It's troublesome. I thought this young man could escape this disaster.

He sniffed with his nose and his eyes were extremely solemn: This is Taotie essence blood, probably from a pure-blooded Taotie of the great heaven level! What is the identity of this person? Those people actually use this thing.

Sun Jizong, the uncle of Huichang who was three rooms away from Li Xuan, looked blue in the face, looking at Li Xuan in the distance and Sun Chuyun standing behind Li Xuan.

He felt as sick as if he had eaten a fly, and at the same time he was worried about his daughter's life. He was extremely worried.

But at this time, his strength has reached the peak level of the twelfth floor, and he does not dare to easily approach those ghosts who have absorbed the Taotie essence and blood.

Just when Sun Jizong was worried, a young figure in black clothes and black hair suddenly appeared behind him.

How's the situation?

The figure is somewhere between reality and reality, ethereal and uncertain, yet possessing great power.

Originally, there were some evil spirits wandering around and infiltrating here, but when this figure appeared, those evil spirits all retreated.


Sun Jizong was extremely surprised when he saw this, and then he felt extremely impressed. While this person was blocking Ao Shuying and fighting with him, he was also able to draw out a ray of spiritual thought and project it here - this cultivation level can be said to be all-powerful.

Don't be so surprised. Ao Shuying's magical power is on par with mine. He just didn't want to affect the people of the capital, so he restrained his magic power and didn't use all his strength. This time, I can be regarded as deceiving a gentleman.

The black-haired young man stared at Li Xuan's cell, and then said Ouch and raised the corners of his lips slightly: The people in Jinque Tiangong are very willing to give up! They even took out the essence and blood of the great heaven-level glutton.

Sun Jizong also nodded in agreement: They have indeed spent a lot of money this time! Please wait a moment, Master Li, Li Xuan is about to be defeated.

Now he is only worried about how to let his daughter escape?

Those evil spirits absorbed the Taotie essence and blood, and after sharing Li Xuan's flesh and blood essence, there might be several quasi-celestial level beings appearing, who would become even more ferocious and terrifying.

At this time, outside the three-story stone wall, Li Xuan finally made a decision after thinking for a moment.

Go ahead, this time it will be as you wish!

Although this is a bit risky, it is still worth it for a fairy treasure that truly belongs to you.

The 'Taotie' weapon spirit immediately let out a roar that shook the sky. After Li Xuan released the suppression of his spiritual thoughts, its body suddenly expanded tenfold and floated in the air, looking down at the many resentful spirits in front of it with disdain.

At this moment, the black and gray death mist froze in place for a short time, unable to move for a moment.

Is this? Sun Chuyun was startled and looked at the scene in front of her in confusion.

She actually felt that these ferocious evil spirits were actually afraid. They were actually afraid of Li Xuan!

Then the next moment, she saw the black and gray death mist pouring into Li Xuan's left arm like a tide. There are endless ghosts in the death fog, but Li Xuan's left arm is like a bottomless abyss, swallowing up all these ghosts.

At the same time, traces of red-gold essence and blood were condensed on Li Xuan's left arm - that was the Taotie essence and blood re-refined from the arm armor. Part of it was wrapped around Li Xuan's arm armor. Part of it turned into strands and rose into the sky, blending into the shape of the 'Taotie' weapon spirit. It makes its aura more powerful, its body more solid, its murderous intent majestic, and its cruelty unparalleled.

It seemed dissatisfied with the speed of swallowing, and actually crashed into the black and gray death mist. Countless bloody mouths opened up and down its entire body, showing a momentum like a bottomless black hole, swallowing and sucking all the evil spirits, Not willing to let go of even one of them. Like wind and lingering clouds, sweeping everything!

Li Xuan, who was behind, showed a little joy in his eyes. He has successfully left his spiritual mark in the Taotie Arm Armor.

From this moment on, he truly regarded this fairy treasure as his own!

Outside the three walls, Huichang Bo Sun Jizong's face was pale, and his eyes were full of confusion: Magic Master, what is going on?

Can the more than 20,000 resentful spirits and five bottles of Taotie essence and blood in Dali Temple Prison do nothing to stop this fool?

Thinking of this person's identity as a protector of Neo-Confucianism and the many high-ranking people behind Li Xuan, he was filled with panic and uneasiness.

It's an immortal weapon! The young man in black put his hands on his back and looked at Li Xuan's left hand with an obscure and greedy expression: It should be one of the two immortal treasures that were broken in Xiaoling, 'Taotie', but they don't have any It’s a miracle that it just died!”

Then the black-clothed young man sneered again: Wait! Today's business is not over yet. He is devouring tens of thousands of evil spirits, Taotie essence and blood, in exchange for the submission and approval of the Taotie weapon spirit. But in this way, It will also arouse Wu Qu Pojun's state to the extreme. The day when the Lord will be eaten is at this moment! The possibility of this boy surviving is very slim.

At this moment, Sun Jizong saw that Li Xuan's body was bursting with countless bloody mouths, and traces of blood sprayed out.

Sun Chuyun's expression in the cell also changed drastically. She hurriedly took out the medicine in her hand and tried to help Li Xuan stop the bleeding and recover.

Li Xuan, who was sitting cross-legged, sighed slightly. He had a hunch that the price of completely surrendering 'Taotie' would be high. The fact turned out to be exactly as he expected——

At this time, two stars appeared in front of his eyes. Under the stars, these are two fierce generals. One of them is about thirty years old, holding a Fangtian painted halberd, with countless knife cuts all over his body, as if he has been pieced together by Ling Chi's body; the other is He was in his fifties, with a red mark on his neck and holding a purple gold mace in both hands.

At this time, the heavy weapon and the painted halberd were getting closer to his neck.

Li Xuan had a premonition that when the heavy halberd fell, his head would be severed.

At this time, Li Xuan was especially grateful to Sun Chuyun. If it weren't for the bottle of Taiyi Yuan Dew, he would not have the strength to resist now.

But even so, the heavy mace and painted halberd were still suppressing them little by little with overwhelming force. A streak of blood appeared on the back of his neck, and his neck bones cracked, as if he had been struck by a heavy hammer.

Li Xuan secretly smiled bitterly, his mind racing at the same time, wondering how he should deal with the backlash of this evil star?

The Heavenly Path and Fruit? I'm afraid I may not be able to bear it——

Just when the blood marks on his neck were getting deeper and deeper, and cracks began to appear in the cervical vertebrae, Li Xuan saw a green light flashing in the black death mist.

It was a flying sword that shuttled out from a distance and rushed to the top of Li Xuan's head.

This sword was obviously not a real thing, but it forcibly twisted the heavy mace and painted halberd that had hit Li Xuan's head, and then shattered it!

Li Xuan felt the panic and paralysis in his chest become more intense. UU Reading It was like the feeling Hongshang gave him when he used all his strength to attack with his soul body.

He looked up and saw a twelve or three-year-old girl standing above the flying sword. Her face was beautiful and elegant, with a little green mark between her eyebrows, like a green gem, and she had a Unparalleled luxury and prestige.

This person was in a condescending position, looking down at Li Xuan: You are finally here, I have been waiting for you for a long time!

At this moment, the evil spirits of Fu Youde and Lan Yu were shattered, and the entire Dali Temple prison fell silent in an instant.

Li Xuan felt something at this time. He looked down at his body and found that his whole body was covered by a layer of green fluorescence.

At this time, the wounds on his body caused by the evil star's backlash were healing at a speed visible to the naked eye under the influence of a strange force.

But then, Li Xuan's vision went dark, and he completely lost consciousness at this moment.

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