Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 4 A question for you

Li Xuan turned to ask the old bustard who was not far away: Who is in charge of the saltpeter in your building? Has there been any abnormal change in the inventory recently?

It was already June at this time, and most of the ice cellars of wealthy people had run out of ice, and this Lan Yue Tower was no exception. However, as the Lanyue Tower earns a lot of money every day, the rich can use saltpeter to make ice every day for guests coming and going.


The madam pondered for a while: I have always been in charge of the purchasing in this building. Please wait a moment.

She left the crowd and returned to the hall about half a quarter of an hour later. When she came back, her expression was very strange: Only three hundred kilograms of saltpeter were brought into the building yesterday. But when I compared the accounts just now, the inventory was missing by thirty-five kilograms.

Li Xuan cheered up: Thirty-five pounds of saltpeter combined with well water is enough to make a larger ice cube. Another example is to cut the ice cube into a palm shape and press it on the back of the deceased for a long time, which can also cause damage to the corpse. This erythematous palm print. I was wondering just now. The shape of the palm print was wrong, and there were no traces of the metacarpophalangeal joints. So this was a frame-up! And even if my guess was wrong, there was no one else in this building who was good at the cold element. The one with the power of the palm?”

As soon as he finished speaking, Peng Fulai and Zhang Taishan beside him both looked relieved and relaxed. But after that, they all looked at Li Xuan with a little surprise, as if they couldn't believe it. The Li Xuan and Li Qianzhi they remembered had absolutely no such ability.

Situ Zhong's eyes were still filled with coldness: You are right, but the suspicion is still there. It's hard to say that you didn't do it deliberately to confuse the public.

What are you trying to confuse? I think you are just messing around! Jiang Hanyun glanced over with displeasure: If you dare to talk too much, believe it or not, I will chop you with a knife.

Situ Zhongya was agitating, looking at Jiang Hanyun's eyes as if he wanted to devour someone, but he finally endured it and raised his fist towards Jiang Hanyun: Then I will just wait patiently for the captain to find the real culprit.

Don't just watch, you have to be obedient. Jiang Hanyun snorted, and then looked at Li Xuan with a smile: Don't listen to his noise, we will directly investigate the case and find the murderer.

I obey my orders! Li Xuan bowed and then felt that something was wrong: Master Xiaowei, may I ask when our Six Daosi people will arrive?

Jiang Hanyun shook his head and said in a soft voice: There is no one else, just the two of us. Just now, most of the people in Zhuque Hall were transferred to the river. It was said that a shocking case occurred today. We must search the river with a net.

Li Xuan was stunned for a while, thinking that there were only two of them, so how should they handle the case?

In his previous life, Li Xuan was just a forensic doctor, and his boss was only famous for her martial arts. I didn't hear that she had any strengths in detective work.

As for the men in Yingtian Mansion next to them, it would be good if they don't cause trouble.

Li Xuan then thought of something and moved his eyes to Jiang Hanyun's shoulder, thinking, right?

Don't worry, this case is very simple and easy to solve!

As expected, Jiang Hanyun took off the three-tailed fox from her shoulder, pointed at Cui Hongshu's body with one hand, and said go.

But then Jiang Hanyun's eyebrows frowned slightly, because the three-tailed fox made no movement at all. It lazily shrank its body into a ball, and swayed its three little tails leisurely.

Li Xuan was speechless for a while. From the corner of his eye, he even saw Situ Zhong looking at the two of them with interest.

You little glutton! Jiang Hanyun sighed, took out a red pill from his sleeve, and brought it to Linghu's mouth: After eating, hurry up and do your work, don't be lazy.

But the three-tailed spirit fox remained as cold as ever and remained motionless.

Uh- Jiang Hanyun was puzzled at first, and then frowned. The cracks on the floor under her feet continued to expand with a 'clicking' sound.

I advise you not to go too far, little Leilei. There are so many people watching, so at least give me some face.

Sir! Li Xuan couldn't stand it any longer. He quietly approached the silver-armored girl's ear and said, This body has been soaked in water for two or three hours. Although your spiritual pet is the queen of the mythical beast Bai Ze, , I’m afraid I can’t smell anything.”

Jiang Hanyun's movements suddenly froze, her eyes were confused, and her complexion turned green and white.

After about thirty breaths, the girl in silver armor put the spirit fox on her shoulders again as if nothing had happened, and then asked Li Xuan in a low voice with a smile: Inspector Li, I want to ask you a question. According to normal procedures, at this time we should How to do it?


Li Xuan felt that he was very capable: If our Six Daosi Division is really short of people to use, why don't you ask the Nanjing Criminal Department for help? Let them send people -

After the next words, Li Xuan swallowed them back into his stomach obediently. He saw the astonishing murderous aura in Jiang Hanyun's eyes.

Li Xuan's scalp went numb for a while: Why don't we record a confession first? We need to know the location, whereabouts, alibi, and even witnesses of everyone in this building at the time of the crime. And who were the missing saltpeters? Stealing? Besides, it would be best to be able to disembowel and conduct an autopsy.

His previous autopsy was limited to Cui Hongshu’s external parts. If you want to disembowel the deceased, you must obtain permission from the immediate family.

Li Xuan estimated that Cui would not agree, but it would be okay to try asking.

As far as Li Xuan knew, Cui Hongshu's mother, Princess Boping, lived in the capital all year round, and his father Cui Chengyou seemed to be away on official business and was not in Nanjing.

However, Liudaosi has the magic of sending messages from thousands of miles away, so contacting Cui Hongshu's immediate family members is not a problem at all for them.


Half a moment later, Li Xuan sat with a golden sword in the hall of Lan Yue Tower, watching the Yamen of Ying Tian Mansion questioning all the relevant people in Lan Yue Tower.

He couldn't trust these officials under Situ Zhong at all, so he could only supervise them personally.

Li Xuan paid special attention to Situ Zhong. In order to save time, he divided everyone into ten groups, and Situ Zhong was personally responsible for one of them. This group all had direct contact with Cui Hongshu.

Tell me, where were you when you were ugly yesterday? Is there any witness?

The first thing Situ Zhong asked was a Nanjing Imperial College student who lived in Room A on the third floor and came with Cui Hongshu.

I took the girl back to my room on the second watch (9:30 p.m.), and I haven't seen Cui Hongshu since then. Miss Cuiluo testifies to me that we have always been together.

Situ Zhong continued to ask: So, can you hear anything unusual outside at night?

The supervisor frowned: Does it count if someone snores all night? From the end of Haishi to dawn, it's like thunder and never stops. It's right next door to me, in Room B on the third floor, and I don't know who the evil person is. Guisun, you made me feel exhausted all night!

Zhang Taishan was listening happily, but when he heard about Room B on the third floor, his eyes suddenly darkened and he stared at the supervisor with a fierce look.

Next was Miss Cuiluo, who lived in the same room. Her voice was soft and weak: I haven't left the room since the second watch. Mr. Han is right. Because the snoring lasted all night, I I didn’t hear anything moving outside.”

Then it was the turn of Zhang Yue and Zhang Taishan who were in Room B on the third floor: I should have returned to my room at the end of Haishi. I was in the room all night. Miss Meng and her maid can testify for me.

Situ Zhong's eyes rolled up: At the end of Haishi? In other words, you slept and snored all night?

How can it be?

Zhang Taishan was filled with indignation: They are slandering!

Situ Zhong simply looked sideways at the woman named Meng Xingyan next to him: What were you doing last night?

Meng Xingyan glanced at Zhang Taishan lazily and shrugged calmly, Snoring, sleep!

This woman had a nice name, and she was also a very beautiful and delicate woman. She covered her lips with a fan, and smiled mockingly and self-deprecatingly: The slave family is not charming enough. Mr. Zhang fell asleep as soon as he entered the room because he was snoring so loudly. Xiang, the slave family had no choice but to spend one night with the maid in the wing room outside.

Li Xuan couldn't help but be stunned for a while, and Peng Fulai next to him was even more stunned: Did you sleep all night? He is simply squandering natural resources, which is even more excessive than Qianzhi you. This girl Meng is a little younger, and she will be in the future. I must be the leader of the group that holds the Moon Tower.

Tsk! So this is what is called nine times in one night.

Li Xuan smiled without warmth: He's so full of life!

But then he found that Peng Fulai looked a little strange after he finished marveling, so he asked curiously: What's wrong with you? Why are you sweating so much all of a sudden? Isn't it just nonsense?

How can it be?

Peng Fulai subconsciously denied it at first, but then added: It's just not as many as seven times. I'm still very good.

After about half a cup of tea, all the eight people who lived on the third floor and had contact with the deceased were interviewed in front of Situ Zhong.

Next is a woman with extremely beautiful appearance, UU reading www.uukanshu.nett graceful temperament, and graceful and graceful woman. This is the first name of Wei Shi Wei Xingshou who lives in the Poetic Residence on the fourth floor and Lan Yue Tower.

All the rooms in Lanyue Tower are named after the Heavenly Stems and Earthly Branches, but Wei Shi's residence has the nickname of Poetic Residence.

I was with Mr. Peng in the evening. Yes, I never went out, and I didn't notice anything unusual. However, my maid went out twice on my order. Around the ugly time, I asked her to bring us some food. water.

Fetching water? What's the reason? Situ Zhong looked at the opposite side in confusion.

Wei Shi hesitated for a moment, and then looked at Peng Fulai apologetically. The latter seemed to realize something, and his face suddenly turned red.

Mr. Peng seemed to be very weak. He fell asleep after entering the house. He was sweating all the time when he went to bed at night. Of course, it might be because of the hot weather, so I asked Ya'er to get him some ice cubes.

Peng Fulai suddenly shriveled up, holding his forehead and not wanting to speak.

Li Xuan suddenly realized: What a man who makes seven calls in one night!

Zhang Taishan could not hold his head up when he was beside them. Now he regained his energy and immediately added insult to injury, This is a serious oiran! What did someone say before? Slender and harmonious, rich and well-proportioned. In short, the hand feels excellent and the combat power is great. Big increase, tsk tsk tsk...

He also proudly bulged his biceps at Peng Fulai. He did not do it nine times a night, but at least he was not weak.

Peng Fulai looked ashen and wanted to dig a hole to bury himself. After Wei Shi, it was his turn to be questioned, but under the astonished, surprised, and despicable eyes of everyone around him, Peng Fulai realized that this would be a social death.

Li Xuan glanced at Wei Shi, who was slim and slim, thinking that this guy must have lost his mind when he was bragging.

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