Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 382 Jingtai catches his son-in-law

When Li Xuan shuttled outside the encirclement, more than half of his true energy was gone.

The magical power of 'Electronic Leap' is certainly powerful, powerful enough to allow him to temporarily escape under the eyes of Emperor Jingtai, but the loss of mana is also beyond the sky.

Before Li Xuan's majestic cultivation reached the seventh level of the tower, this sixty-foot-long shuttle was enough to squeeze him dry.

However, after escaping from the encirclement, Li Xuan was able to use his 'divine wings' to move and flash quickly, and quickly shuttled through the complex buildings in the palace. Using an almost lightning-like superconducting method, he evaded the pursuit of Emperor Jingtai.

But as time went by, Li Xuan's scalp couldn't help but feel tight. The emperor's eyes and thoughts kept looking at him, getting closer and closer, leaving him unable to breathe.

If the other party didn't want to demolish his home and had many scruples when taking action, he would have been caught by now.

What makes Li Xuan even more distressed is that the two tong drums have already sounded at the Meridian Gate. In less than two moments, the palace will be locked.

In fact, it stands to reason that Li Xuan has not done anything harmful to the world. Isn't it just that he has this or that relationship with Yu Hongshang?

Even if he was caught, the emperor would not do anything to him, but Li Xuan instinctively felt that the other party had bad intentions and did not want to waste time in the palace.

Li Xuan's preferred escape direction was Xihua Gate, and he did not consider crossing the palace wall. Just because of the formation restrictions in the Forbidden City, it can be said to be the strongest in the world. Not only is the palace wall's defense extremely powerful, but the palace walls are full of murderous intent and extremely dangerous.

Li Xuan is not a magic unicorn and cannot collapse the city wall.

His only way out now is the four gates in the palace. As long as he gets close to a certain distance, he can use 'electronic jump' to shuttle directly to the outside of the city gate - before the door is locked, that side is the only one that is not blocked by the magic circle. place,

But just when Li Xuan was fleeing to Xihua Gate, he heard Helian Fulong's chuckle: Bo Jing'an, please come back! By the emperor's order, I am stationed in the west palace city. Let any thieves escape.

He then coaxed and said: Actually, Jing'an Bo really doesn't need to run away. The emperor just wants to catch you and give an explanation to the government and the public. You and Princess Changle are in love. They are a match made in heaven. This time it is just right Raw rice is cooked into cooked rice.”

Li Xuan, however, said nothing and turned back to the north in a depressed manner.

Li Xuan only wondered when Mr. Fulong returned to the capital? Didn't he escort the second prince to Fengyang, the central capital, to clean the mausoleum? Or is it that the second prince Yu Jianji has returned?

But just as he was running away and moving, Li Xuan heard Zuo Daoxing sighing helplessly in his ear: Uncle Jing'an, please come back. Zuo is responsible for sitting here, and I dare not let Uncle Jing'an go on. Escape everywhere.”

The cultivation level of this Commander-in-Chief of the Xiuyi Guards was only half a step above the heavenly realm, and he did not have the oppressive power of Mr. Fulong. However, Li Xuan sensed the north and opened up a huge magnetic force field, affecting him. The escape of superconductivity. Li Xuan had no choice but to turn around and head east again.

Just as Li Xuan was running away in embarrassment, Zhang Yue and Peng Fulai outside also felt that something was not right.

Zhang Yue's eyes were suspicious: Why is it so lively in the palace city?

They are talking about catching Jing'an Bo quickly. Gong Xiaowu listened attentively with a strange expression: They said he escaped to the east, we can't let him escape.

Not only were noises coming from the depths of the palace, but the Imperial Guards and Embroidered Guards on duty at the Meridian Gate also lined up at the city gate to wait.

Zhang Yue and Peng Fulai looked at each other, then put away the silver mirrors in their hands and stopped distorting the sunlight.

The needle shadow of the sundial originally pointed to the seventh quarter of the hour, but now it returned to the position of the eighth quarter of the hour.

Just because at this moment it is no longer a question of whether Miyagi can be locked in advance, but a question of whether Li Xuan can successfully escape before being locked.

Could he be catching an adulterer, right? Zhang Yue looked at the depths of the palace with a bit of curiosity and gloating: Lao Peng, do you think he can't get out this time?

It's unlikely. Peng Fulai scratched his head helplessly: This guy may capsize now, unless the closing time can be postponed-

Just as the two were talking, they saw Qianhu, the embroidered guard who was on duty at the Meridian Gate, and the eunuch surnamed Liu, coming to the front of the 'sundial' and 'guibiao' again.

The two of them glanced at each other, then rubbed their eyes at the same time and looked at the sky suspiciously.

What the hell? When we played the second drum just now, it was clearly at 4:00 PM (6:00 pm). How come it's 8:00 pm (5:00 pm) now?

This isn't quite right. The weather looks like it's at 8 o'clock in the morning.

The two looked at each other, and then there were dense beads of sweat on their foreheads, and then they swallowed with a 'gudong' sound at the same time.

I think - Qianhu, the embroidered guard, was already sweating through his heavy clothes. He wiped his forehead with his sleeve: The matter has come to this, why don't we just let the mistakes go and beat the drum and close the door?

The eunuch surnamed Liu smiled stiffly: Then bang the drum and close the door. We must have seen it wrong. Can we turn back time now?

Seeing this scene, Peng Fulai couldn't help but shrugged, and began to gloat: Look, it's not that we don't try our best, it's that God wants to kill him. In fact, there is nothing wrong with the Lord.

Within the palace city, Li Xuan was almost at the end of his rope. He was forced to the southeast corner of the palace wall, and a large magnetic field spread out around him, covering several miles around - several powerful magicians were working together to suppress his superconducting escape.

Emperor Jingtai was floating a hundred feet away, looking down at him with a playful expression like a cat catching a mouse.

But at this time, Li Xuan had no intention of panic. When he raised his hand, there was a purple gold talisman, and then the figure disappeared again under the gaze of Emperor Jingtai.

It's the Little Universe Moving Talisman, which moved it in the direction of the Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Zuo Daoxing came to Emperor Jingtai, probably because he did not expect that Li Xuan had such a top-notch talisman in his hand. There was a slight sweat on his face: Fortunately, I have arrangements there, and he can't escape. Also, I am here. Just let people close the four doors.”

No need. Emperor Jingtai snorted and put his hands behind his back: If the melon doesn't taste sweet, just let him out of the palace.

Zuo Daoxing couldn't help but look sideways at Emperor Jingtai: But -

It's nothing! This bastard tried so hard to escape, which shows how serious he is.

Emperor Jingtai's face was cold, but there was a hint of anger in his eyes: What if my Changle can't marry? I'll give him a face! Even if Hongshang doesn't marry, what's the problem?

Your Majesty is wise! Helian Fulong flew in at this time and saluted Emperor Jingtai: This bastard doesn't know how to praise, your Majesty, there is no need to spoil him.

Emperor Jingtai glanced at him coldly. This Helian Fulong had given Li Xuan water several times in a row. Do you think he couldn't tell?

Helian Fulong sneered. He still owed Li Xuan his life, so naturally he couldn't stand up.

When Li Xuan moved to the front of the Hall of Supreme Harmony, he found that the intensity of the surrounding containment suddenly dropped below zero. He didn't think much about it, and immediately turned into a thunderbolt, and at the same time, he used the sword intention of surge up to 90,000 miles, a distance of a hundred feet, and rushed towards the Meridian Gate with all his strength.

What alarmed Li Xuan was that the Meridian Gate in front of him was slowly closing. Through the crack in the door, he also saw the sympathetic looks of Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue.

He began to run as fast as he could, even burning his own energy. But what was counterproductive was that when he arrived at Neijinshuiqiao, the two side doors on the left and right of the Meridian Gate had been closed until there was only a finger's distance between them.

Electronic jump!

Li Xuan gritted his teeth suddenly, and his figure turned into thunder and flashed again.

In theory, there is still hope for him to move outside the palace gate. But a moment later, Li Xuan made a 'dong' sound, and his whole body hit the Zuoye Gate on the left side of the Meridian Gate.

When the palace gate was closed, the entire Forbidden City's defensive formation was completely integrated, completely cutting off Li Xuan's external telepathy, which also made his electronic jump fail.

It's a pity, it's just a little bit short. Peng Fulai outside the door began to mourn for Li Xuan: Taishan, do you think we should prepare a memorial ceremony for Li Xuan.

A memorial ceremony? It's too much of a loss for you. Zhang Yue couldn't help but smile: But you have to prepare the money for the soup and medicine, as well as the money to congratulate his master.

Inside the palace gate, Li Xuan knelt on the ground helplessly. His face was dull, and he didn't even care about the embroidered guards and imperial guards who were surrounding him.

Qianhu, the embroidered guard at the prison gate, was overjoyed: Don't use the knife, His Majesty has ordered, don't hurt Uncle Jing'an.

He thought this time was really a blessing in disguise. As long as Li Xuan is captured, it will be a great achievement.

When Li Xuan heard this, he glanced behind him desperately and was ready to surrender.

But at this moment, the Green Sword Loli floating behind him suddenly said: Want to go out?

Li Xuan was stunned and looked at Lu Qiluo: Can you help me get out?

I can help you move a short distance outside the palace gate, but at this time, I will not be able to control the karma.

Green Qiluo tapped Li Xuan's chest with her green fingers: There will be a price. The karma poison that invades your body will be about five days' worth. UU Reading

Li Xuan was slightly happy when he heard this and regained his energy: Then what are you waiting for?

Lu Qiluo chuckled, and green light lingered all over her body, wrapping Li Xuan's figure.

The next moment, Li Xuan felt that the world was spinning before his eyes, and when he came back to his senses, he found that he was standing outside the Meridian Gate. Ten feet in front of them were Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue. Both of them opened their mouths in disbelief.

How did you get out? Peng Fulai was puzzled and looked at Li Xuan suspiciously: I thought you had capsized this time.

How is it possible? How can a mere door stop me?

Li Xuan arranged his robes proudly and walked towards the two of them: Don't worry about how I came out. How are you preparing for the fireworks over at Taiqing Palace -

At this time, his divine blood Qingluan Cowherd warned again, and Li Xuan also heard a dragon roar beside his ears,

Then, right in front of Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue, Li Xuan's men were swept up by a huge black dragon, and they were swept up into the sky in an instant.

Peng Fulai looked up with a strange look on his face: Is that Lord Shui Deyuan?

He was captured! Zhang Yue also set up a pavilion with his hands and looked from a distance: I bet you one hundred taels of silver, he will definitely not come back tonight.

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