Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 385 The scumbag’s methods

While having dinner at the Jiang Family Medical Center in the evening, Li Xuan learned that Jiang Hanyun had been transferred to the main hall of Shenlei Mansion and served as the deputy of Qinglei Capital Commander Mu Qiangwei.

Li Xuan was suddenly happy and worried. He was overjoyed that Jiang Hanyun had arrived in the capital and could see each other every day again; he was also worried that Jiang Hanyun's arrival would pose a huge challenge to his time management skills.

Li Xuan was not worried that Jiang Hanyun would be embarrassed by others. Although Zuo Deputy Tianzun, the master of Shenlei Palace, was unhappy with him, the methods used against him were all fair and aboveboard.

As for Qing Lei Capital Commander Mu Qiangwei, although she has a strong sense of competition, she is an open-minded and sassy woman.

Li Xuan only wondered why Jiang Hanyun was transferred to Beijing after being the commander of the Fire Birds for less than half a year.

After Jiang's mother heard his question, she sneered and said Jiang Hanyun's shortcomings: What else could it be? It's just that she screwed up a few cases. Without you as a general, she can still complete the project. What's up?

With the help of her spirit fox, ordinary cases can be solved naturally, but if it is a little more complicated, her brain will be burned out. Manager Long knew her abilities, so he asked her to go to Shen Lei Mansion.

In fact, she also used a lot of effort in it, but it was not convenient for outsiders to tell.

Jiang Hanyun immediately blushed and said, Mom, what are you talking nonsense about? The Fire Bird City I am in charge of has a very good case handling rate and has always been among the best.

That's your subordinate's strength.

Jiang's mother was too lazy to expose her anymore, so she grabbed Li Xuan's hand and explained: My daughter, you can't say she is stupid. No matter what moves or martial arts she learned when she was a child, her father only had to teach her once and never need to teach her a second time. all over.

But when it comes to handling cases, her brain is really not very good. Now that you are working together again, you should take care of her more.

Li Xuan naturally patted his chest and agreed hastily. He and Jiang Hanyun already had that kind of relationship, so he consciously regarded himself as the Jiang family's prospective son-in-law, and he naturally had to behave in front of his mother-in-law and father-in-law.

Afterwards, Li Xuan did not stay at the Jiang Family Medical Clinic because Li Dalu sent a message that Luo Yan and Le Qianqian finally finished investigating the cases in their hands and returned to Jing'an Bo Mansion.

Li Xuan hurried home to show his courtesy, but Luo Yan, who looked tired, ignored him. She glanced at Li Xuan's legs and walked to the backyard as if he was nothing. Le Qianqian pouted angrily and followed Luo Yan away.

Just at this time, Peng Fulai and Zhang Yue, who had a bruised nose and swollen face, also rushed back belatedly. Zhang Yue came close to him and said in a loud voice: The boat capsized after all, let me tell you, wouldn't it be better if you just break the legs?

At least we don't have to make them sad, and we don't have to beg for mercy or plead guilty afterwards, or work so hard to coax them to change their minds, and the two of us can avoid a beating.

He was beaten by the Qing Palace on the Paozi River, and the incident of using river water to wet fireworks came to light. As a result, both of them were surrounded and given a beating.

But he was okay. After all, he was practicing Heng Lian He Body, so he didn't feel much pain. Lao Peng was miserable and kept screaming.

Peng Fulai opened his eyes like a panda, looking confused and puzzled: This doesn't make sense! It doesn't make sense! Our plan should be flawless, how could this be? How could it fail?

Shut up, everyone. Li Xuan glared at them helplessly, and then asked, Have you brought everything I want you to bring?

Nuo, they are all outside! Zhang Yue pointed outside: Three hundred and twenty boxes of fireworks that were not soaked in water are all there. We spent a lot of money this time, plus seven boxes of fireworks that were soaked in water. One hundred and sixty boxes, costing a total of 130,000 taels of silver, filled more than seventy cars.

This is all the fault of Lao Peng. He had a bad idea and said he was trying to pull the trigger, but in the end he acted carelessly and left clues behind and was caught. If I don’t buy all the water-soaked fireworks this time, I’m sure I’ll offend a lot of people.

Okay! I said I will pay this money.

Li Xuan was very angry, but he was worried in his heart. He could no longer keep the money he extorted from Uncle Sun Guo. When would he be able to achieve financial freedom?

Come here, go and move all these fireworks to the yard. Lao Peng, can you set them off? Have you invited the master to come over?

In the backyard of Jing'an Bo Mansion, Luo Yan was burying herself under the quilt, with a sore nose and tears in her eyes.

After the turmoil in the Demon City today, she wanted to leave without saying goodbye for a moment and wander around the world from then on.

But when she thought of Li Xuan's carelessness for her, he did not hesitate to put himself in a dangerous place like Dali Temple Prison; when she thought of Li Xuan's painstaking planning for her father's case, Luo Yan couldn't bear it. I also feel reluctant to give up.

Luo Yan originally thought that he was unrestrained and free. But when she really wanted to leave, she found that she was nostalgic for the feeling of being by Li Xuan's side, and she also liked this kind of life.

There were already invisible chains locking her to Li Xuan.

But could it be that he was too easily deceived into letting him take whatever he wanted, so Li Xuan didn't take him seriously?

Just when Luo Yan could hardly control her tears, her expression suddenly changed and she looked out the window, only to see colorful lights and shadows shining in the night sky outside.

Luo Yan was a little puzzled, so she immediately stood up and walked to the window, and then saw countless brilliant fireworks rising into the sky from the front yard.

Looking at the colorful lights in the night sky, it seems like a bright scene. Luo Yan was stunned for a while, then lowered her head and looked towards the front yard, and then saw Li Xuan smiling and waving to her.

Luo Yan looked around Li Xuan again and found that the front yard was filled with various boxes. She wondered if this guy had bought all the fireworks from the 'Fire Trees and Silver Flowers Never Night', right?

She tried hard to control her expression, but as the fireworks bloomed and Li Xuan clasped his hands together in a begging expression, the corners of Luo Yan's lips could not help but curl up slightly.

The fireworks bought by Li Xuan were kept until midnight, but Luo Yan's mood that night finally returned to joy.

But late at night, while she was meditating in her room, she suddenly felt something in her heart. She immediately focused her eyes and looked outside the room. He found that Li Xuan was holding his jade unicorn, sneaking out of the gate, and then running towards Dongyue Rensheng Palace like thunder and lightning.

Luo Yan couldn't help but sneered and cursed scum.

She knew that before the Taoist temple next to Jing'an Bo Mansion was built, Xue Yunrou now lived outside Chaoyang Gate, next to Dongyue Rensheng Palace.

But strangely enough, Luo Yanming knew that Li Xuan was going to Xue Yunrou to beg for mercy, or even do something shameless, but he was not as angry as before.


In the early morning of the first day of the Lunar New Year, when Li Xuan came out of Dongyue Rensheng Palace, he was in high spirits, without any of the desolation and depression before.

But just when he was about to make persistent efforts and rush to Yu Hongshang's side, he was summoned to the Six Daosi Head Hall by a golden sword talisman.

When Li Xuan stepped into the Divine Thunder Mansion, he found that the Six Paths Heavenly Lord Zhu Mingyue, the Zhuque Hall Lord Lingyou Zhenren, and the Zuo Deputy Heavenly Lord were all standing out. The three people gathered in front of a map, all with solemn expressions.

But other than that, only Luo Yan, Jiang Hanyun and Le Qianqian were present, and the other commanders from the five cities of Shenlei Mansion were nowhere to be seen.

Li Xuan didn't feel any difference. He knew that all five cities in Shenlei Mansion had important responsibilities outside at this time. The vast majority of their members didn’t even get to celebrate New Year’s Eve.

When Li Xuan walked in, Zhu Mingyue went directly to the topic: Just a moment ago, Bai Leidu commander asked the main hall for help! There were 240 people in their capital, and they were all trapped in the Liao Taizu Mausoleum, dead and injured. There are already more than twenty people.”

The Mausoleum of Taizu of Liao Dynasty?

Li Xuan was stunned for a while: Why did you go to that kind of place?

He still knew the general situation. The Mausoleum of Taizu of Liao Dynasty was in the territory of the Mongol people, at the junction of Tatar and Nurgandusi.

It is also far away from Beijing, roughly equivalent to the distance from Nanjing to Beijing.

Zuo Fu Tianzun's face turned pale; We were there to hunt down Sikong Xin, the ninth in the black list, the Lord of Ten Thousand Coffins. But after entering, something happened to the Liao Taizu Mausoleum, and everyone was in danger.

He was obviously in a bad mood, and his voice was unusually cold.

Luo Yan frowned and said: I have heard of the Liao Taizu Mausoleum, which is a famous murderous place. The underworld there covers five hundred miles around, and it is also the territory of the Tatar tribe. How could Bai Lei rashly do this? Enter?

It's only twenty miles into the outer perimeter. We Liudaosi people used to come and go frequently, so there was no danger. Zhu Mingyue then asked Li Xuan: Do you know the details of the Liao Taizu Mausoleum?

Li Xuan shook his head blankly. He knew about the Liao Taizu Mausoleum in another world, but he was not so clear about this world.

However, there was a humanoid Baidu Leqianqian next to him. She said in a soft voice: That is the place where the most evil spirits and the most evil spirits gathered in the world. In the past, Yelu Abaoji, the Taizu of the Liao Dynasty, died violently when he conquered the Bohai Kingdom. In order to help the second prince Yelv Deguang, who was away at war, to ascend the throne, the Queen Mother Shu Luping forced hundreds of civil servants and generals in the court, as well as the prince's followers to be buried with Taizu Taizu of the Liao Dynasty.

Later, in order to quell the injustice and resentment in the country, the Empress Dowager Shu Luping of the Liao Dynasty cut off one of her arms and buried it in the coffin of Taizu Taizu of the Liao Dynasty. At that time, the Mausoleum of Taizu of Liao Dynasty was already a famous murderous place.

Later, the Jurchens rose up and razed the tomb of Taizu of the Liao Dynasty, and killed the Khitan royal family members and the Liao Pishi army, a total of 170,000 people, in front of the tomb of Taizu of the Liao Dynasty.

From then on, the five hundred miles around the Liao Taizu Mausoleum were desolate and uninhabited. Once the herdsmen in the Mongolian territory approached, they would never return. However, many evil cultivators who refine corpses and refine evil spirits often come and go.

That's about it.

Zhu Mingyue nodded slightly: I negotiated with Zuo Futianzun, and he, I, and the four of you will go to the rescue together. The two of me will be responsible for dealing with the people in the mausoleum, and you will be responsible for rescuing them. Enter from this place , just bring people out.”

He clicked on the map with his finger and said in a solemn voice: It is a bit unkind to go to the bitter cold land of Mongolia on the first day of the new year. But now the reliable combat power that the main hall can rely on is the You are the best among the four.

Last night, he had seen the abilities of Le Qianqian and Luo Yan. Both of them were able to survive the Nirvana Flame of Lord Huang unscathed.

Even Li Xuan impressed him with his excellent escape skills and defensive abilities. As for Jiang Hanyun, let alone that.

These four people join forces, and their overall combat power is even enough to compete with two quasi-celestial beings.

And this mission requires a small but capable team with strong combat power. Anyone else will be a burden.

Li Xuan looked at the map of the Liao Taizu Mausoleum on the table attentively: When should we set off?

Right now, I have borrowed her Red Thunder Divine Chariot from Long Jun. Zhu Mingyue's eyes were fixed: Rescuing people is like putting out fires, we can't delay any longer.

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