Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 392 A surprise harvest (I wish everyone a happy five hundred and twenty)

Just after Li Xuan captured Shuluping's left hand and the golden seal, all the corpse riders evacuated immediately and retreated to the north in an orderly manner.

Without Shu Luping's order, this army of corpse cavalry would retreat to the Liao Taizu Mausoleum and fall into sleep again.

Li Xuan was helpless against them. Although he could intimidate the entire audience with his majestic thunderous sound and command all spirits, this required a large amount of true energy.

However, after taking care of Sikong Xin, the Lord of the Ten Thousand Coffins, Li Xuan didn't have much real energy left, and there was no way he could kill all the corpse riders.

Moreover, this is the Mausoleum of Taizu of Liao Dynasty. If these corpse knights cannot be truly exterminated, they will be resurrected sooner or later in the Kingdom of Hades in the Mausoleum of Taizu of Liao Dynasty.

So not only Li Xuan sat back and watched these corpse riders retreat, but Luo Yan, Monk Miaoxin and others on the mountain also turned a blind eye to them and had no intention of wasting their efforts.

Firstly, there was nothing they could do. Secondly, the surrounding area for hundreds of miles was filled with wilderness, and everyone expected that these corpse riders would not cause any trouble.

Li Xuan was still standing on the carriage, holding a blood-red crystal in his hand and studying it carefully. He looked puzzled: Is this the thing? But what use do I need it for?

This item can help you condense your golden body and allow your true energy to break through the seventh level.

Lu Qiluo sat on the sword and closed her eyes: The girl named Le Qianqian should recognize this object. Just ask her.

She seemed a little tired. After saying this, she entered the state of clay sculpture and wood sculpture again, and ignored people.

Li Xuan took a closer look at Green Qiluo and found that the Green Sword Loli's soul, which was originally as solid as a real person, was now much weaker, giving people a slightly unreal feeling.

Li Xuan knew that Lu Qiluo had suffered a lot this time.

At this time, Jiang Hanyun had rushed to Li Xuan's side, and then looked at Li Xuan up and down with eyes that seemed to recognize him anew: We haven't seen you for a few months, Li Xuan, you seem to be very capable again.

Jiang Hanyun's tone was slightly strange, full of complex meanings.

Just now, the scene where Li Xuan rode alone into the formation of ten thousand soldiers, suppressed all the spirits with one word, and beheaded the above-mentioned Lu Ping, really shocked her.

When she promised Li Xuan to guard his retreat, she never expected that Li Xuan could single-handedly deal with the old witch.

Jiang Hanyun was prepared to take Li Xuan back to the top of the mountain at any cost, but in the end those methods were useless.

Then she found that she couldn't be happy at all, not because Jiang Hanyun realized that Li Xuan had surpassed her, but because of the paralysis that still remained deep in her heart.

She should have been extremely impressed by Li Xuan's feat of decapitating a man in the tens of thousands of troops, and her blood was boiling. What she admires the most on a daily basis are these brave and fearless heroes who stand up to the front and drink blood.

But at this moment, Jiang Hanyun, for some unknown reason, only felt waves of heart palpitations and fear.

Luo Yan's figure then floated over, and she said coldly: I don't know if his ability will grow, but his courage is getting more and more wild and fat.

She pressed her hands against the ground as she spoke. Following her spell, the mud and dust on the ground swirled, and finally a human figure mixed with the mud and rocks appeared. It was Sikong Xin who had escaped underground before but was severely injured by Li Xuan.

Luo Yan walked over and sensed it for a moment, then he was slightly surprised and said: You are very accurate with the knife. This guy is actually still breathing.

Li Xuan thought to himself that this is necessary, otherwise how can I pay you back?

He remembered that Liu Daosi's reward was 20,000 taels of silver, 30 great skills, and if captured alive, a high-level magic weapon could be added.

The Ministry of Punishment and local officials tend to focus on money. Although this person is far inferior to Li Zhetian, he still has a total of 60,000 taels of silver.

With this money back, the debt owed to Luo Yan can be paid off.

Moreover, his meritorious deeds had unknowingly accumulated to the point where he could exchange them for top-quality magic weapons. Li Xuan thought that he would have to change it this time when he went back, so as not to have long nights and dreams.

At this time, everyone on the mountain also rushed to the vicinity of the chariot, and without exception, they looked at Li Xuan like a god.

Monk Miaoxin looked like he wanted to prostrate himself to the ground, and his words were incoherent: Li Xiaowei has great supernatural powers, and the Sa family admires him! In the past, the Sa family were ignorant and did not know the masters, but today they know how powerful the Tiger of Jinling is. From then on. From now on, no one in the Liudao Department will dare to say anything wrong about you, Lieutenant Li, and the Sa family is not done with him!

Yu Shuang, the captain of the Demon-Fuming School, held his fist and said: Liu Lieutenant took the head of Lu Ping in the battle of ten thousand soldiers. He deserves to be ranked third on the white list. Yu Mou respects him!

Some of you have given me too much praise. It's just a trick that Li has. He just happens to have a way to restrain these corpse knights. If you talk about taking the heads of people in the formation of ten thousand armies, that's enough. As for this Luping, everyone knows what it is. .”

Li Xuan said a few words of humility, then looked at Le Qianqian, and at the same time threw the red crystal in his hand: Qianqian, do you know what this is?

This thing should be the God's Wishes Stone.

Le Qianqian took the stone handed over by Li Xuan and looked at it for a while, and something strange appeared in her eyes: I have only seen it in books before, so I can't be sure. It is said that this object was left behind after the death of the gods, and it can realize the realization of human beings. Any wish. Some high-quality wish stones can not only make people's wishes come true, but can also reverse cause and effect, go back in time, and even serve as the key to heaven to help people achieve enlightenment.

This object usually comes from troubled times, because at this time, all life in the world is in ruins, and the power of the gods will be weakened to the extreme. Some powerful monks will try to kill gods and make wish stones.

Li Xuan couldn't help but look happy: Can it also help people break through to heaven?

Le Qianqian shook her head: The quality of this divine wish stone should not be up to that level. At most, it will allow you, the captain, to make some windfall, or increase your cultivation, condense your golden body, and so on.

If my guess is correct, the body of Luping mentioned just now should be maintained by this thing.

Li Xuan was still full of joy in his heart. He was extremely surprised that this item could help him break through his cultivation and condense his golden body.

Then everyone started busy cleaning up the battlefield. To their surprise, they found more than 20 colleagues from the Six Daosi Division, including the commander of Bai Leidu, inside the many coffins carried by Sikong Xin.

They were all seriously injured and in a coma, and a large number of Zhenyuan nails were driven into each of them, sticking to the talismans.

Li Xuan didn't even need to guess, he knew that Sikong Xin planned to use them as materials to sacrifice the evil corpse.

As far as refining corpses are concerned, the effect of human sacrifice is far greater than that of dead people.

This made everyone in Bai Leidu furious, but at this time, Sikong Xin couldn't bear the trouble anymore. His spirit was shaky, and he was already in a state of losing his soul at any moment, not to mention his body of flesh and blood.

Monk Miaoxin and Yu Shuang, the captain of the Demon-Subduing School, both knew that a living Sikong Xin was much more valuable, so they tried their best to comfort their subordinates.

At this moment, a figure came across the sky from a distance.

Li Xuan looked from a distance and found that it was Zuo Deputy Tianzun.

After this person arrived, he landed directly on the carriage, and then looked around with doubtful eyes: Where is Sikong Xin?

He had just encountered the retreating corpse army, but he did not find Sikong Xin, the Lord of Ten Thousand Coffins.

Zuo Futianzun's eyes finally fell on Sikong Xin who was fused with the earth and stones. There was a burst of surprise in his eyes: Is this Sikong Xin?

It's Sikong Xin. Just now, Lieutenant Li killed Shu Luping's prosthetic body in the tens of thousands of troops. Sikong Xin was seriously injured by Lieutenant Li when he was escaping on earth.

Yu Shuang, the captain of the Demon-Subduing School, said with great admiration: Thanks to Captain Li this time, otherwise we would have been dead.

Listening to these words, Zuo Futianzun felt like he was listening to a myth.

He looked at Li Xuan intently and said in a dubious tone: Really? Then where are Shu Luping's severed hand and the golden seal of Liao Taizu?

Li Xuan immediately raised his hand and sent the two trophies to Zuo Deputy Tianzun.

These two things were very unlucky, and Li Xuan was worried that he had no place to put them.


A moment later, Zuo Fu Tianzun flew into the air again and left in a hurry.

He must return Shuluping's severed hand and the golden seal of Taizu Taizu of Liao Dynasty to the Mausoleum of Taizu Taizu of Liao Dynasty in the shortest possible time, so that they can be used to suppress the changes in the mausoleum.

It is said that the situation there is very dangerous. Even if Abbas and Zhu Mingyue, two of the best in heaven, join forces, it will be extremely difficult.

Li Xuan has no regrets or nostalgia for these two things.

The Queen of the Earth said that Lu Ping's severed hand was of no use to him. He would only feel uncomfortable and terrified when holding it in his hand. As for the golden seal, it's almost the same. Now that the Liao Dynasty is dead, this one is useless except for commanding the more than 200,000 corpses in the mausoleum.

But Li Xuan doesn't have Daliao bloodline, so it's useless to ask for this golden seal.

What's more, the Zuo Deputy Tianzun was quite honest in his work. He offered a huge reward, a total of twenty great merits, in exchange for these two things. Li Xuan had no reason to refuse.

At this time, Li Xuan felt as if he was being watched from a distance, which made him feel terrified all over and made his hair stand on end.

But when Li Xuan opened his Dao-protecting Heavenly Eyes and looked around, and then put the Divine Blood Qingluan Cowherd high in the sky to search, he was still unable to detect where the owner of this line of sight was.

It wasn't until half a moment later that this feeling of being stared at disappeared.

What Li Xuan didn't know was that right next to the Liao Taizu Mausoleum, in a dark mausoleum, a woman wearing a purple and gold phoenix gown, covered with jewelry, sitting on the throne suddenly suddenly Open your eyes and look into the distance.

There was a hint of confusion in her deathly gray eyes: Who is he?


Shortly after Zuo Fu Tianzun left, Li Xuan and Bai Lei were all waiting for them, and they also set off on their way back in the night.

This time, Bai Leidu lost many soldiers and generals. More than 80 people were killed here alone, and more than 50 people were seriously injured. Many people, including the commander of Bai Leidu, are still unconscious.

This made everyone at Bai Leidu feel heavy-hearted and depressed, and they were all eager to return and rescue the seriously injured people.

Li Xuan also had no intention of staying in a dangerous place like the Mausoleum of Taizu of the Liao Dynasty. If he stayed in a dangerous place like Taizu's Mausoleum, he would be at greater risk if he stayed for a moment longer.

After he practiced Haoran Zhengqi, although he regarded death as home, he would not put himself in danger for no reason.

Especially the gaze that was staring at him before made Li Xuan feel that his scalp was numb and extremely dangerous.

Li Xuan knew that this was definitely not an illusion. Although he didn't know which great master was interested in him, it was undoubtedly the best choice to withdraw from the Liao Taizu Mausoleum as soon as possible at this time.

After exiting the black mist surrounding the Liao Taizu Mausoleum, Li Xuan took the lead in driving the 'Xuanming Zhiyang Shuttle' to leave.

This is because those seriously injured cannot withstand the bumps and must return to Beijing for treatment and recuperation as soon as possible. And Li Xuan's 'Xuanming Zhiyang Shuttle' is undoubtedly the best tool to send them back to the capital.

Although this shuttle requires a lot of mana, it is fast, carries a heavy load, and is stable. Li Xuan and several magicians can use it in relays, so there is no need to worry about losses.

However, the speed of the 'Xuanming Zhiyang Shuttle' was still not as fast as the Red Thunder Chariot driven by Zhu Mingyue, and it did not return to the capital until three days later.

When Li Xuan drove the shuttle back to the Six Daosi Main Hall, more than a dozen magicians and doctors had been mobilized here to rescue the injured.

In fact, the internal and external injuries of these wounded people are easy to deal with, but the poison in the body is really difficult.

They corrode the internal organs, damage the bone marrow, and even contaminate the soul. If you are not careful, they will leave endless consequences.

Li Xuan came to Ji Gong Tower alone.

Including the previous meritorious deeds, the total is one hundred and thirty-one great merits. The master of the main hall, Ji Gong, took the badge handed over by Li Xuan and smiled bitterly: Are you planning to get the second top-quality magic weapon?

Li Xuan thought to himself, is there any need to say this? He has no intention of dividing the merits anymore.

Fortunately, after he arrived at the main hall that day, an initiation from Zhu Mingyue kept him in meditation for two full days, leaving him no time to exchange for high-grade magic weapons for self-defense, otherwise he would have lost money this time.

The power of top-grade magic weapons is basically more than three times that of high-grade magic weapons, and most of them can be preserved for two to three thousand years, while high-grade magic weapons will be damaged at most five to six hundred years, so there is a huge difference in value between the two. of the gap.

Moreover, Li Xuan's cultivation level has also improved, and soon he will be able to use the 'God's Wishes Stone' to condense his martial arts golden body. UU看书 His current true energy and mana are enough to control any top-quality magic weapon.

Go! The master of the Ji Gong Building entered the merits into Li Xuan's waist card, and then waved his sleeves: If you want to exchange for ready-made ones, you can go to the Tibetan Artifact Building. If you want to customize it, go to the Weapon Refining Building.

Li Xuan couldn't help but look at this person suspiciously: Why are you so happy this time?

He wondered if these people were digging another hole waiting for him?

The master of Ji Gong Hall laughed dumbly: Who in the main hall today doesn't know your feat of Li Xuan in taking Lu Ping's head out of ten thousand troops? With your current abilities, ordinary high-grade magic weapons are useless, right? It just so happens that Si Li Recently, I have obtained a lot of top-quality materials, and a master who can refine the best magic weapons has become available.

At this time, the master of Ji Gong's expression changed slightly: By the way, the top-quality magic weapon you customized before has been completed. It's just waiting for you to drip in the essence and blood and complete the last step. You can go and take a look -

But before he finished speaking, Li Xuan had already taken steps and hurried towards the direction of the refining building.

Li Xuan has been looking forward to this top-quality magic weapon for a long time. Although he now has two immortal treasures in his hands, and his current cultivation level, they are not enough to exert one-tenth of their power.

So overall, the effect of this top-quality magic weapon on him will never be inferior to that of Wuqu Pojun. And this device is tailor-made for him, which is even more exciting.

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