Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 402 Awesome Daughter-in-law

About two hours later, the arrows gathered by Leng Yurou and Su Zhaojun from the Artifact Alliance were sent to the ship one after another.

This is because Li Chengji was cautious and went through a formality from the Nanjing Ministry of War - after he learned that the Artifact Alliance had 350,000 'talisman arrows' stored in Jiangcheng to be sold to Nanyang, he asked for permission from the Ministry of War to sell these Arrows 'requisitioned'.

After going through this procedure, all future troubles in the DPRK can be avoided, and a sum of money can be paid to the Artifact Alliance in the future.

The Nanjing Ministry of War probably saw that the situation was urgent. At this time, they learned that a sum of deferred talisman arrows could be recruited for combat, and they were naturally happy to see the success.

Therefore, the approval this time was incredibly fast. It was completed in two hours, and it also included the seal of Yu Jie, the Minister of War. With this official document, Leng Yurou could ask the court for money.

The quality is very good! When the last batch of arrows was delivered to the ship, Li Chengji rushed to inspect it in person, and then raised his eyebrows slightly with surprise: The quality of the talisman arrows this time is very good. The thickness of the arrows are exactly the same, and the runes are also It's very standard, almost printed from the same mold.

How many days have passed, and the Artifact Alliance has been rectified to this extent by you? Also, would the other members of the Artifact Alliance have no objection to taking out so many arrows?

Su Zhaojun sneered when he heard this: Of course they refused, but most of these arrows are produced by Peacock Villa and have little to do with them.

Seeing the suspicion on Li Chengji's face, she explained: Previously, the Shenji Tower was attacked by Li Xuan to the point where almost all the members were wiped out, and all the high-level officials were wiped out. Yurou tried to save trouble and did not build another Peacock Villa, but moved the Shenji Tower to the Shenji Tower. The machine building swallowed them all. The craftsmen of the Shenji Building are now in Yurou's hands.

Of these 350,000 arrows, about 200,000 were made during the days when Yu Rou was in charge of the Artifact Alliance, and the other 150,000 were stored in the Divine Machine Building.

Li Chengji still didn't believe it. How many craftsmen did he think the Shenji Tower could have? Leng Yurou has only been in charge of the Artifact Alliance for more than twenty days, right? Can they create two hundred thousand talisman arrows in such a short period of time? The three divine machine buildings are pretty much the same.

Su Zhaojun was actually surprised. She was also surprised yesterday when she heard that there were so many talisman arrows in the Shenji Tower.

During these days in the north, her main focus was on sorting out the internal affairs of the Artifact Alliance. As for Leng Yurou, the leader of the alliance, although she did not take care of everything, she focused more on restoring the production of the Shenji Tower and tinkering with her hidden weapons.

Su Zhaojun didn't pay much attention to her, so he didn't know how Leng Yurou managed to fiddle with so many talisman arrows.

It was the second young master's idea. Leng Yurou pulled back her long hair and explained in a cold tone: He taught me a hydraulic machine tool and asked me to try the division of labor and streamlined manufacturing. I tried it in Peacock Villa. Try piece rate wages.

I tried it and it worked great. In three days at most, there is still a batch of 200,000 talisman arrows that can be shipped over there.

Li Chengji looked confused. He wanted hydraulic machine tools? Division of labor and streamlined manufacturing? Piece rate? What the hell is all this?

He didn't realize it, so he thought, forget it, as long as he has arrows that can be used.

Two hundred thousand arrows in three days? Yurou, are you serious about this? Li Chengji was overjoyed. He thought that these talisman arrows would be enough for him to wipe out all the water monsters in the Han River.

Actually, there is no need to rush in such a hurry, it will tire people out. Yurou, you are the first to take charge of the Artifact Alliance. The most important thing is to calm people's hearts and don't let those craftsmen be alienated from you.

Leng Yurou thought for a while, then shook her head: They are very tired, but I think they are very happy. They want to do more every day.

Li Chengji was puzzled, but at this moment, he heard the observer at the top of the mast in front shout: Commander! A large number of logs appeared in front, about 20 miles away, and the number was nearly 10,000!

Li Chengji condensed his true energy into his eyes and looked upstream. Sure enough, we found a large number of logs twenty miles upstream. They were floating on the water and rushing down the fast river.

Judging from the appearance of the logs, it was obvious that they had been recently felled, and the tips were sharpened. At this time, in addition to the push of water, there is also the help of magic.

After entering a distance of twenty miles, it suddenly accelerated, and the speed of impact downstream became faster and faster, with an astonishing momentum.

Li Chengji's eyes narrowed slightly, and then he sneered: Instruct all the ships to put away the trawl nets, and all ships to dive! Order the two wings to move forward and use the Crane Wing Formation.

As Li Chengji's military order was conveyed, all the ships on the river began to get busy, and shouts rang out from everywhere.

The commander-in-chief has ordered, put away the trawl net!

Fill the side tanks with water and prepare the entire ship to dive!

The building ship where Li Chengji was on also made a 'click-click' sound.

The masts and sails were lowered. Thick wooden walls rose up on both sides, gradually covering the top of the deck, making the seven-story ship gradually turn into a walnut shape.

On the inside of those wooden walls, red-gold runes flashed one by one.

——When most of the ship's hull sank under the water, no water from the surrounding area penetrated.

At this time, Li Chengji threw another token and document to Su Zhaojun.

Zhaojun, take my military order and go to the flagship of the Yangzhou Naval Camp to take command. The leaders of the Yangzhou Naval Camp are all idiots who only know how to make money, and there are no experts who can stand up to the table. They are located on the front edge of the right wing. I’m not too reassured.”

Su Zhaojun didn't say anything, and immediately flew into the air, rushing towards the south before the wooden wall was closed.

She knew the situation of the Yangzhou Naval Battalion. It was indeed a mess there, but their ships and equipment were the best among all the naval forces, better than the Third Battalion of Jinling Navy. Although Li Chengji despised the Yangzhou Navy Camp, he had to use it.

And just when all the ships sank three feet under the water, the tide of logs had also reached above them. These logs surged past them quickly, leaving all the naval warships unscathed.

At the same time, a large number of water monsters also emerged from the water. Leng Yurou poured her true energy into her eyes and looked into the turbid water in front of her. She saw all kinds of strange water monsters and monsters mixed in among them. There were tens of thousands of them, and there was no end as far as the eye could see.

Open the shooting board, the ships listen to my orders and prepare to fire!

At this time, hundreds of shooting holes suddenly opened in front and on both sides of the ship. The entire fleet, with nearly 14,000 crossbows, 5,000 muskets, and 270 artillery pieces, all opened fire upon Li Chengji's order.

At this time, if they only used ordinary crossbow arrows and ammunition, their underwater lethality would be reduced by at least 90%. But at this time, all the navy soldiers were using lead bullets with arrows engraved with the 'Water Dividing Talisman', and their lethality under water was no less than above the water.

For a moment, there was a dull thunderous sound in the depths of the river, and just a moment later, a large amount of blood and fish corpses began to float to the surface of the river.

After Li Chengji commanded all the warships to fire three salvos, he relaxed his control and allowed the major naval battalions to fire freely.

His attention has been attracted by a scene upstream.

About twenty-three miles away, a large amount of ice suddenly appeared. In just an instant, the five-mile-long river was frozen, and the scope was still expanding rapidly.

This also formed a huge ice dam, blocking a large amount of river water upstream, causing the entire Han River to stop flowing.

Wu Zhiqi! Li Chengji's pupils narrowed slightly and he looked upstream at a huge water ape standing on the river.

Instruct Li Yan to take charge of the entire army and fight on his behalf. Yurou, I will leave my ship to you. This ship ties the entire formation, so there must be no mistakes!

Yes! Leng Yurou responded lightly and pulled out the long sword at her waist. The silver-armored puppet standing behind her took a dozen steps forward and walked to the front of the deck.

At this time, a hatch opened on the right side of the ship. Li Chengji rose with his sword and rushed out of the water. As he slashed forward with his sword, the snow-colored sword light spanned more than twenty miles and struck the ice in front.

Strangely enough, the water surface where the sword light touched instantly froze into ice. But when the ice dam was struck by his sword, it collapsed and turned into countless ice slag.

If Li Xuan were here at this time, he would be amazed. He would find that Li Chengji's knife directly changed the stable structure of all the ice layers, making them overwhelmed by the upstream water pressure.

At the same time, Li Chengji had already flown above the broken ice.

As he struck down another blow, the ape's entire body was first frozen, and then turned into ice dust. But immediately after, a huge ice blade gathered in the sky and slashed down towards Li Chengji.

However, before the ice blade even got close to Li Chengji's body, it suddenly shattered.

Why does Lord Wu need to be so mysterious? Li Chengji's eyes were like torches, staring at the water surface, looking for traces of Wu Zhiqi.

Wu Dajun, you are the founder of water play. Of course, water magic is at its peak, reaching the divine realm. But when it comes to ice magic, even I, Li Chengji, an unworthy descendant of the Li family, am far better than you!

At this moment, dozens of huge water spears suddenly rushed out of the river and struck Li Chengji's chest and abdomen.

Halfway through, these water spears began to freeze, and turned into ice dust under the impact of Li Chengji's knife. But the vast majority of the water was not frozen, and still turned into the shape of a spear, piercing Li Chengji's chest and abdomen with force.

Taiyin True Water!

Li Chengji's pupils shrank slightly, and then his figure flashed, the sword light split, he tried his best to block and dodge.

The next moment, UU reads a book www.uukanshu. net Li Chengji's entire body was knocked out, and his entire figure flew out like a cannonball, landing on the left bank of the Han River.

At this time, a huge water ape also formed a shape on the river surface again. It looked at Li Chengji, whose facial features were bleeding with a hint of coldness.

With the power of thousands of armies, your strength is only this far? You are far worse than your ancestors.

At this time, there were countless water spears gathered around Wu Zhiqi.

It has lost interest in this descendant of Li Lexing, and it doesn't understand why the black-clothed Taoist cares so much about this sincere uncle?

But at this moment, Wu Zhiqi suddenly felt something. He frowned and looked to the other side, and then saw a dazzling colorful light rising from the water.

Wu Zhiqi's pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

He recognized that this was the magical power of the Peacock clan - the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Yuan Magnetic Extinction Magic Needle!

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