Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 411 Lang Qing and Concubine Yi Dao Er

When Ba Snake Changze was surprised and stunned, the purple and red photoelectrics were flying freely around him.

Many of the great demons guarding the huge bone ship fled frantically.

Chang Ze did not stop him because these subordinates could not help him in the slightest at this moment. The purple and red sword was extremely sharp and could kill everything wherever it went.

The big monsters from the third and fourth gates on the ship, not only could not stop the purple and red light and electricity at all, but were slaughtered by them wantonly.

Dan Yuan was loyal to Chang Ze, and at the moment of the incident, he ducked in front of Chang Ze to rescue him, but in just a moment, he was pierced by purple and red photoelectrics, and his body was cut into three parts in an instant.

Fortunately, Danyuan is a demon and has extremely strong recovery power. Even such a serious injury could not kill him completely.

However, after these two strikes, Dan Yuan no longer dared to use the sharp edge of the purple and red photoelectric. He flapped his wings and soared two hundred feet into the air, starting to move away from the battlefield.

Who are you?

Ba She Changze's eyes were furious. In less than two snaps of his fingers, he had already exchanged more than 120 blows with the two men.

Most of the time, the purple-red sword light was blocked by him. But although the two people who controlled this sword light were slightly weaker, they had an unparalleled tacit understanding and a speed that made him dizzy.

Within these two fingertips, Chang Ze's body had been slashed seven times, leaving seven shocking wounds.

Although Chang Ze could recover all these shocking stab wounds with just one breath, the two sword intents were still stored in his body and could not be expelled for a while.

Suspense began to flash in Chang Ze's eyes: The two of them have joined forces, and their combat power is comparable to that of heaven. Are you Mr. and Mrs. Le?

But the rumored Le Huaiyuan couple never had such a light-like escape technique, nor did they have such a flawless and perfect tacit understanding despite being so fast!

A cowardly person, don't you even dare to say your name?

Chang Ze groaned when he said this. This was another wound on his chest and abdomen.

This made Chang Ze's eyes turn red, and endless violence gathered in his mind.

His Royal Highness the Demon King is about to lose his soul and his body will disappear. Why does he need to know our identities?

The red sword light controlled by Li Xuan was even faster, and with the help of superconducting escape, the figure flashed like light. It echoes with Luo Yan and complements each other.

But since His Highness cares so much, please remember this, I am Li Xuan, the Sixth Path Secretary!

As a thunder and lightning flashed, blood fountains sprayed out again on both sides of Chang Ze's shoulders, and two deep wounds with bone visible were cut out.

Luo Yan, the Demon-Suppressing Captain.

Luo Yan let out a soft cry, and her figure flashed behind Chang Ze like a shadow, and two red sleeve knives struck at Chang Ze's waist.

When it comes to martial arts cultivation and grasp of fighter opportunities, she is still far better than Li Xuan, and can accurately grasp every flaw and weakness of Chang Ze.

Li Xuanze had never let her down. The red sword light was wrapped in lightning and he slashed continuously. Chang Ze's attention was attracted by the telepathic attack. This caused a huge blood hole to burst out on his waist, and blood spilled for several feet.

At this time, Pingbo Zhenren and Fubo Sanren, who had retreated to two hundred feet away, not only looked at each other in great horror.

Do they think that red light is Li Xuan? Li Xuan, the Tiger of Jinling?

That guy, is he that strong?

Fubo Sanren were frightened and extremely happy. His mind was shaken just now, and he was just a little bit closer to doing something he would regret for the rest of his life.

But just as their figures staggered to the shore, Fubo Sanren refused to leave. He stopped on the ice and turned around to look at the several figures in the fierce battle.

Fellow Taoist Fubo, what are you doing? Master Pingbo looked at his companion with some confusion.

I want to see what happens. Fubo Sanren's eyes flashed with light: You know the power of Ba Snake. With their abilities, there is no way they can kill this demon king.

Pingbo Zhenren thought that just because Changze still had a good chance of winning, should they escape and stay here waiting to be caught again?

He realized that his companion still couldn't let go of his hatred, and he still had thoughts of what might happen.

But this person didn't want to think about it. With Li Xuan's superb escape method, even if he couldn't succeed in the end, he could easily escape from here.

At this moment, Chang Ze smiled: Have you killed enough?

At this time, he suddenly let out a roar that shook the sky.

Then all the blood spilled on the ground suddenly rose into the air at this moment.

In this world with a radius of a hundred miles, all the water vapor has been frozen by Li Chengji and Yu Hongshang, so no water method can be used.

But Chang Ze used his own blood spilled outside the body to cast a spell, turning them into blood-colored chains, winding towards the purple light and electricity.

At the same time, Chang Ze's eyes changed into golden vertical pupils. The space around him also froze at this moment, causing the purple photoelectricity that was originally traveling at extremely fast speeds to slow down for a moment.

Now it's my turn! How dare two idiots who don't even reach heaven dare to make me lose my soul? You'll have to die!

But at the moment when the killing intent was fierce in Chang Ze's eyes, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart, and a great sense of crisis spread in his heart.

Chang Ze suddenly raised his head and looked at the sky, and then he saw a silver-white machine puppet with wings on its back flying thousands of feet in the sky. Above it was a cold-looking girl, pointing a cylinder at him from a high position.

Then the next moment, a group of beautiful five-color brilliance flashed in front of his eyes.

Not good! Chang Ze's heart palpitated, and he already realized what it was.

That is the rumored Peacock Secret Technique, the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Yuan Magnetic Extinction Magic Needle——

In the past, Peacock Villa was built in Sichuan and was the most dominant place. Two of his ancestors died from the bombardment of the Peacock Secret Technique, and they had to retreat from the Jinsha River to the Tongtian River.

What's even worse is that he is now running out of energy and can no longer spare much energy to deal with these five-color light needles.

Are these cunning humans—the two people in front of him just trying to trick him into using all his strength? What they were really killing was in the air!

Roar! Chang Ze roared suddenly, revealing a 220-foot-long snake body. The blood scattered outside the body was turned into blood shields one after another by him.

But these blood shields were all broken through by the five-colored light needles. They moved forward like a broken bamboo, and then made a series of bang-dong sounds. Chang Ze's huge monster body was blasted with countless wounds, and hundreds of needles penetrated its internal organs, blasting out transparent holes one after another.

When Chang Ze tried his best to finally survive all the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Yuan Magnetic Extinction Divine Needles, and when he tried his best to recover the wounds, he found the figures of Li Xuan and Luo Yan, one on the left and one on the right, standing thirty feet away from him. In this place, they each held two swords in their hands, waving them with phantom-like lights and shadows.

Li Xuan imagined the great sun in his mind, while looking at him with cold and ruthless eyes.

If your Highness is lucky enough to have some residual soul left behind, please remember that the person who killed you today was Li Xuan, the Sixth Path Secretary!

At this moment, the endless crimson sword light erupted like a volcano, and like sunlight shining from the sky, it obscured Chang Ze's figure. They bombarded Chang Ze's body one after another. Their lightning-like speed and unparalleled sharpness made it easy for his 'Blue Blood Thunder Sparrow Sword' and 'Sun-Shielding Void Sword' to break through Chang Ze's body. Ze's Gangyuan Hegemony body destroyed his physical body.

Don't even think about it!

Chang Ze tried his best to resist, but his snake body was cut into more than a thousand pieces in an instant, and the blood was flowing wildly.

The previous resistance to the 'Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Yuan Magnetic Extinction Divine Needle' had exhausted almost all of his strength. He was like a fish on an anvil, and could only be slaughtered.

At this time, the slashes of the man and the woman were even more violent and violent, reaching extremely fast speeds. There are no more than twenty people in the world who are capable of confronting him head-on.

It's over! On the stone dam, Su Zhaojun, covered in bloodstains, looked back at this scene, his expression suddenly relaxed.

In this battle, they are actually the hardest and most dangerous. The stone dam must be maintained to stop the crazy offensive of the 120,000 demon army.

Even though he was as strong as Xue Yunrou, his face was slightly pale and his aura was floating at this time.

Her heavenly fighting power was obtained through external forces, so her vitality could not withstand the severe loss.

Is it over? Li Yan looked back and breathed a sigh of relief: Are these two guys chopping meatballs again?

Jiang Hanyun used infinite power to blast the third-door crab demon in front of him out of the stone dam. Then she turned around and looked in Li Xuan's direction, feeling lost.

Because she has mastered the superconducting escape method, her whole body is intact and she is in the best condition among the four.

But at this moment, Jiang Hanyun's eyes were extremely dark.

At this moment, Pingbo Sanren who was on the ice beside the shore couldn't help but murmured: Unexpectedly, we are actually lucky enough to witness the death of a demon king today.

Fubo Sanren sat down helplessly. He smiled bitterly and said, What a Tiger of Jinling!

At this moment, there was only helplessness and relief in his eyes. The scene before him had shattered his last obsession.

High in the clouds, Danyuan transformed into its true form, the 'Thunder-Winged Osprey', flying rapidly to the west like an arrow from a string.

At the same time, it whistled, which was a signal to all the Tongtian River demon clan to escape upstream as soon as possible.

It thought that it must escape as soon as possible, return to Tongtian Demon Court, and inform the princess of what happened.

There are so many powerful people in the Central Plains Dynasty, and His Highness's defeat is a foregone conclusion. The most important thing now is to preserve his strength as much as possible and avoid the coveting of the great demons of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau.

And just when Danyuan flew about fifty miles away, it heard a roar filled with endless unwillingness, and a violent vitality that filled the entire void.

When Danyuan looked back, he found that its owner, Chang Ze, was being exploded into flesh and blood in the light of swords in the sky!

The Lord of the Tongtian River, who had dominated Qinghai-Tibet for four hundred years, died here today!

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