Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 420 Magnificent Mountains and Rivers

On the river, the battle between a man and a snake has entered an extremely brutal and desperate fight. They were like mad dogs, one big and one small, biting each other, tooth for tooth, blood for blood, trying their best to put each other to death by any means necessary!

Li Xuan's eyes also showed a rich purple spirit, and his body was as majestic as a dragon. When his hands were gone, he used his legs. When his legs were gone, he just used his majestic energy. When there was no majestic energy, he used his body to hold up the Dayan Aegis. Collide.

Xiang Yao didn't give in too much. Its nine heads were constantly blown up, chopped off, and regenerated, but its impact continued. When the number of snake heads is less than six, Xiang Yao will adopt a more cautious approach. He fights with his two front paws and his snake tail, and he does everything he can.

But as the battle continued, it found that it was actually retreating. Under Li Xuan's desperate attack, it kept retreating on the river.

On the water surface below it, the water potential is even lower - this is not entirely because the surrounding water vapor is gradually thinning, but because it is suppressed by the other party's majesty.

You mortal! You bastard—

Xiang Yao couldn't believe it. It attacked and bit more crazily, and a large amount of venom and blood oozed from all over its body, dripping into the water continuously.

It fought with Li Xuan from the water to the river bed, and from the river bed to the sky. It went all out, smashing Li Xuan's arms again and again, biting his bones and flesh, and tried every means to crush Li Xuan's will. .

But what was counterproductive was that the core of Li Xuan's pure purple aura crystallized faster and faster, and became increasingly purer.

At this time, his mind had eliminated all distracting thoughts related to the battle. Only the murderous intention is strong, the fighting spirit is soaring into the sky, and the majestic force of his body is rushing straight into the stars, shaking the world.

It is the majestic force of Qi that will last forever!

This majestic energy fills the universe, and justice is inviolable and will last forever.

At this time, Li Xuan's arms were both broken, but the vast purple energy turned into giant dragon claws under the influence of Li Xuan's will. Not only did it crush Xiang Yao's two snake heads with one blow, but also its huge A huge hole was carved out of the snake's body.

Xiang Yao howled fiercely and with a flick of its snake tail, Li Xuan's body flew hundreds of feet and fell into the water. Not only did the Dayan Aegis have to be dispersed into forty-nine pieces of iron, but Li Xuan's muscles and bones were shattered all over his body.

But in just a moment, Li Xuan rushed out of the river, and with the sword in his right hand that he barely recovered, he chopped off two more heads of Xiang Yao and pierced his body.

When it penetrates the sun and the moon, life and death will be settled!

When this kind of righteousness reaches the sky and penetrates the sun and the moon, there is no need to talk about living or dying!

That indomitable and heroic spirit made many Confucian scholars on Zhenjing Mountain in the distance change their expressions. Including the two governors, their faces were all flushed, their eyes were unbearable, but their blood was boiling and they were full of passion. Their voices reciting righteous songs became louder and louder, shaking the sky!

The golden air pillars had now turned purple. They were surging and surging like an upside-down purple galaxy.

The jade unicorn also stood up, with a jade-like luster all over its body.

Ming Yuzhen, the governor of Huguang, didn't pay attention. He stared at Li Xuan's figure, and then sighed leisurely: This is my true nature as a Confucian!

At this time, Li Xuan used his remaining strength and prepared to swing his sword to kill again. But one of Xiang Yao's heads had already come from the side, biting off its arm and devouring it.

Go to hell! I will cut you into pieces and die without a place to bury you!

Xiang Yao's eyes were full of scarlet, almost crazy.

Li Xuan laughed loudly and used his head as a hammer, hitting the snake head under the forehead. That majestic energy was like a flower, and it actually blasted the snake head into pieces.

The tripod wok is as sweet as glutinous rice, but you can't get it if you ask for it!

——To me, being tortured by a cauldron is like drinking sugar water, and dying for the country is just what I want!

Jiang Hanyun on the river bank could no longer stand it. Her face was pale and she closed her eyes. Her delicate body was trembling slightly. She clenched her jade hands tightly and dug her nails deeply into her flesh.

Above the clouds, blood stains overflowed from the corners of Xue Yunrou and Yu Hongshang's lips.

This guy - Li Chengji's face twitched. He held the knife in his hand and pulled it out several times before forcing himself to endure it.

Jiang Yunqi's face twitched, and then he sighed with an extremely complicated taste.

Farther away, Huaibi Sanren and Jiudeng Monk, their faces changed from pale to white, and their minds were shaken.

Huaibi Sanren couldn't help it and murmured: Jing'an Bo Li Xuan!

He spoke almost every word, thinking that he had really underestimated this person. This guy today might really make them fall short.

Jiu Deng's murderous intent became even more intense. He clasped something in his sleeves, his face extremely cold: This son must be eliminated! No matter what the price, I can accept it. The future will be like the climate of him, It will only be more terrifying than Yu Jie——

But then, Jiu Deng felt his breath suffocate. Just because of Ao Shuying's thoughts, they have been locked in the distance.

The murderous intention that seemed capable of destroying all things made his mind almost freeze, making him unable to move.

Ao Shuying couldn't bear to see Li Xuan's tragic appearance. She looked at the two people in the distance with slightly red eyes.

If he hadn't been worried that there were other heavenly beings lurking here, which might ruin their plan to kill Xiang Yao, Ao Shuying would have killed him as early as the moment Jiu Deng dropped the baby's blood.

At this moment, she flicked her sleeves, causing a silver mirror to appear beside her. Ripples flashed in the mirror, revealing Ao Gun's figure.

Ao Gon! Ao Shuying's words were full of impatience: How long will it take you there?

We have almost evacuated. Ao Gun maintained his dragon shape, with a wry smile on his huge face: Anyway, there are no people in the villages and towns I saw in the sky, and we even gave away many livestock. It's troublesome. It's in those deep mountains and old forests, we have to look for them one by one. There are still people who refuse to leave, hiding and playing hide and seek with us.

Then don't wait any longer. Go and dig the embankment now. Ao Shuying's face was expressionless and her eyes were cold.

She has compassion for all living beings, but just having compassion cannot make the world peaceful.


Ao Gun hesitated for a moment, and then shook the dragon body: Okay! These evil powers are nothing. Second sister, you have to keep an eye on your brother-in-law to prevent anything from happening. Regarding the battle situation in Yichang, I heard from Ao Wisdom says that for a hero like him, we dragons also admire him greatly.

Ao Shuying glanced at him sideways, but this time, she surprisingly did not refute.

At this time, on the river, the huge Hydra took the initiative to retreat for the first time. It did not continue to hit it with its head, but looked at Li Xuan with frightened eyes: What is your name? They said you are What Jing Anbo?

After two hours of brutal and bloody fighting, Xiang Yao couldn't help but feel trembling and his scalp was numb.

It thought that this mere mortal could actually do this—is this really a human being? Is it really a creature created from mud by the legendary snail?

In Xiang Yao's eyes, Li Xuan's figure even vaguely overlapped with the figure that killed him on the river more than ten thousand years ago.

In any case, this child is already qualified to have Xiang Yao remember his name. This will be engraved in its consciousness and will never be forgotten after tens of thousands of years.

Jing'an Bo Li Xuan! Li Xuan gasped and looked at Xiang Yao from a distance with cold eyes. He was seizing the time to recover and used the power of Green Sword Loli to drive away Xiang Yao's martial intention.

——This is the biggest problem that troubles him. Xiang Yao's accumulation of martial intent will affect his combat power, slow down his recovery, and make the blood in his body uncontrollable.

Li Xuan? Li? After Zhuanxu and Gaoyang, are you the descendant of Ying Qin? Speaking of which, the guy who built Dujiangyan and sealed me is also named Li.

Xiang Yao's pupils were fixed, looking at Li Xuan with murderous intent, as if he wanted to remember Li Xuan's figure in his heart: Although you are a mortal, I admire your strength. No matter whether you win or lose this battle, I will always support you. Remember your name.

Li is very honored! Li Xuan had already risen from the sky with his sword. At this time, his strength had returned to full strength, his sword intention was extraordinary, and he had integrated three major provinces, five major capitals, and tens of thousands of naval troops into one.

He takes his own majesty as the core and the poetic meaning of Who rules the ups and downs as the guide. At this moment, it is a completely different scene.

When Xiang Yao saw this, he couldn't help laughing: How happy! Thousands of years from now, there will be people like you in the world. No wonder my master will sigh, thousands of years from now, mortals will dominate the world.

Its nine heads turned into nine giant water snakes again and slammed out: After killing you today, I will taste your flesh and blood. It must be very delicious!

At this time, a little surprise appeared in Xiang Yao's mind, and he discovered that the endless cold wave was sweeping in from all directions.

Yu Hongshang's voice came like ice: You have no chance!

The cold force was so strong that it froze most of Xiang Yao's bodies in an instant.

Xiang Yao roared and struggled hard. But at this time, it discovered that the concentration of water vapor around it was less than half of its previous heyday.

This greatly weakened its strength, and after struggling hard, it was unable to escape from the ice.


Li Xuan let out an explosive roar, using the majestic energy of heaven to activate the thunderous sound of God Kui, which directly shocked Xiang Yao to the point where he was temporarily deafened and his spiritual thoughts were dizzy. Then Li Xuan's unparalleled sword light cut off Xiang Yao's four snake heads in one go.

You can't kill me! Xiang Yao roared wildly and tried his best to activate the demonic energy, and in an instant most of the broken head was restored: I, Xiang Yao, am in harmony with the Tao, live as long as the heaven and the earth, and live as long as the sun and the moon!

But then, it saw Li Xuan rising hundreds of feet into the sky, causing countless thunder and lightning to penetrate from the clouds and fall around it.

But what made Xiang Yao's heart palpitate was Li Xuan's sharp and sharp sword intent, which pierced his soul and trembled.

Those who have a will can achieve it. If the cauldron sinks the boat, the hundred and two Qin passes will eventually belong to Chu!

In an instant, three thousand thunder knives capable of annihilating any aura fell towards Xiang Yao like raindrops.

The Sanren Huaibi and the Jiudeng monks in the distance already knew something was wrong when Jiang Yunqi and others took action, and they all turned into escaping light and pounced in the direction of Li Xuan.

Are you doing well? Ao Shuying was on guard for a long time. With one punch, she destroyed the golden body of Monk Jiu Deng and turned it into dust.

Her 'Eight Extremes Divine Destruction', which has been gathering momentum for an hour, can severely damage even the Zhongtian position, let alone Jiu Deng, who is already seriously injured and has not yet recovered?

However, the Nine-Deng Yuan Shen has merged with the lamp-shaped magic weapon in his hand. At this time, nine golden flames spilled out and fell in the direction of Li Xuan.

Ao Shuying's expression remained unchanged, and with a wave of his hand, he summoned countless water vapor, transformed into the shape of a water dragon, and withstood the nine golden flames.

Xue Yunrou, on the other hand, used the pair of 'Zheng Yi Fu Demon Swords' to knock back the green sword light that Huai Bi Sanren was attacking. She hated this man so much that she directly used attack instead of defense. The sword was like a red light and shadow, aiming at the neck and heart of Huaibi Sanren. It penetrated a hundred times in an instant, making Huaibi not only unable to attack Li Xuan, but also himself. Falling into near-death danger.

But at this moment, Ao Shuying's expression suddenly changed. She saw a mountain forest thirty-five miles away, and a large piece of five-color light needles were spraying in the direction of Li Xuan.

It was actually the Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Yuan Magnetic Extinction Divine Needle. Judging from its power, it had reached the fourth level.

Ao Shuying thought that it was indeed the case. The Jiudeng and Huaibi were just a cover to attract their attention. The other party's real killing move was someone else.

Her whole body suddenly disintegrated, turning into a ball of liquid and falling down. Ao Shuying's body appeared next to Li Xuan, carrying a huge shield of pure gold color and shaped like dragon scales, just in front of Li Xuan.

In an instant, countless clanking sounds were made from the outside of the giant shield, and countless sparks shot out.

Xue Yunrou also flashed, and as she raised her jade hand, the 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle' suddenly came out of her sleeves, blocking all three rays of light and shadow shooting out of a mountain twenty miles away in the south. Down.

It was actually a 1,200-stone siege crossbow of imperial standard. When the arrow arrived, it let out a violent explosion, causing the fairy treasure 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle' to shake.

At this time, Li Xuan, UU reading www. There is no other thought in the heart, no other thoughts in the mind, and the sword is single-mindedly slashing.

If you work hard, God will not let you down. If you work hard and endure hardships, three thousand Yuejia can swallow Wu!

There were three thousand phantoms of electricity, and each sword was made with all its strength, and it was as heavy as a mountain. Cut off Xiang Yao's body until the skin and flesh were ripped open, blood and flesh flew everywhere, the head was broken, and the breath gradually disappeared——

Impossible! It's absolutely impossible-

The two remaining heads of Xiang Yao are turning into two snakes. On the one hand, they are trying their best to avoid being frozen by Jiang Yunqi, Yu Hongshang and others, and on the other hand, they are running away frantically to avoid the light of Li Xuan's sword.

As long as one end is still there, I will be immortal! How can I die at the hands of a mortal after finally coming out once?

But Li Xuan's lightning-like sword light had nailed the remaining two heads to the ice, and then more thunder and lightning sword lights struck down, slashing the two snake bodies into flesh and blood.

At this time, Xiang Yao's nine heads were gone, and its remaining body suddenly collapsed and shattered, turning into ice and collapsing.

At this moment, Ao Shuying could clearly sense the changes in the water vapor between heaven and earth. The water vapor that condensed the entire Chinese continent into the core of Sichuan, Sichuan and Xiangfan was gone.

Ao Shuying's eyes couldn't help but light up with joy. They were really here and successfully killed the great demon Xiang Yao!

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