Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 421 Immortal Merits

After all nine heads of Xiang Yao were beheaded, the entire battlefield fell into deathly silence.

After three breaths, everyone was sure that Xiang Yao was dead, and the whole city of Yichang burst into joy.

Governor Ming Yuzhen of Huguang and Governor Yunyang on Zhenjing Mountain both looked relaxed, and then looked happy again.

They all know that once Xiang Yao dies, the water vapor between heaven and earth will return to normal soon without human intervention.

This is a great virtue to save the world. Governor Yunyang said with a blush on his face: I will come forward to ask for merit for Jing'an Bo. If Xiang Yao dies, millions of people on the upper and lower reaches of the Yangtze River will be saved.

For several days, Wu Zhiqi, Chang Ze and Xiang Yao were killed to resolve the flood in the south of the Yangtze River. This is indeed an unparalleled achievement.

Ming Yuzhen nodded slightly at first, and then spoke solemnly: But we should not be careless about the current situation. Xiang Yao's seal must be strengthened as soon as possible, otherwise, Xiang Yao's body will reappear in the world in three to five days at most. And this world. The water vapor in the room also needs to be removed as soon as possible.”

He was a cautious person, and although he was excited and happy at this time, he didn't show any emotion at all.

On the river surface, after Li Xuan cut three thousand swords, he fell from the sky. When he stepped onto the ice created by Jiang Yunqi and the others, he stumbled and almost fell to the ground.

Before, he was single-minded and focused on fighting Xiang Yao and didn't notice anything. But now when he relaxed, he felt a strong sense of exhaustion in his soul.

This made him so unconscious that he wished he could lie on the ground and be unconscious from now on.

Green Qiluo can restore his body, and can also help him expel Xiang Yao's martial intent, but cannot restore his soul.

And with the successive serious injuries, the continuous outburst of arrogance, and the endless high-intensity battles, it was impossible for Li Xuan not to pay the price.

And on his chest, the feeling of yin numbness had filled most of his chest, which was equivalent to the time before the battle at Xiaoling in Nanjing.

The moment Li Xuan landed, Yu Hongshang had already rushed over and supported him in advance: Li Xuan, are you okay?

Li Xuan's battle with Xiang Yao during these two hours was terrifying to her, and she wanted to force it to end more than once.

But firstly, Li Xuan did not show any signs of decline, and secondly, the success or failure of this battle was too important to the Jin Dynasty, affecting the lives and deaths of millions of people upstream and downstream of the Yangtze River, as well as this year's harvest in the south of the Yangtze River, so Yu Hongshang has held back until now.

But when she saw Li Xuan's almost unsteady appearance just now, Yu Hongshang couldn't help but her eyes turned red.

At this time, Jiang Yunqi also swooped over, grabbed Li Xuan's wrist pulse, and sensed it carefully.

Several girls gathered here looked at this man eagerly. Lee Seung-ki could only stand on the outside, looking quite embarrassed.

After a while, Jiang Yunqi looked relieved and said: It's nothing serious. It's just that the consumption of spiritual consciousness is relatively large, so I need to sleep well for a few days. It's best to use some medicine to restore the energy and blood of the soul.

At least on the surface, Li Xuan was indeed fine, and there was no martial spirit left in his body. Li Xuan's Qi and blood essence also remained in a full state.

This was originally what worried him the most. Like Li Xuan, whose flesh and blood continued to disintegrate and then continued to recover, even a truly powerful person would not be able to bear it.

But now it seems that Li Xuan must have had some luck, and it's okay to fight like this.

Jiang Yunqi couldn't stay by Li Xuan's side anymore. After he made sure that Li Xuan was fine, he put his hands behind his back and looked into the distance: You guys watch him here, I'll be back as soon as I can.

His spiritual thoughts had never given up on locking Jiu Deng and Huai Bi. At this moment, a flash of lightning suddenly flew into the clouds.

When Li Xuan and Luo Yan combined their swords, their escape techniques were like light and electricity, so fast that even the powerful Wu Zhiqi, Chang Ze, and Jiu Deng could not react. But at this moment, Jiang Yunqi's speed of escaping light was not inferior to them.

Li Xuan also had the intention of killing Jiudeng and Huaibi, but due to the excessive loss of his soul, he couldn't muster the strength for a while, so he couldn't pursue them.

He felt relieved after seeing Jiang Yunqi leave, and then forced himself to stand still and said: Hongshang, please trouble you and Yunrou, Mr. Fulong will go to Dujiangyan now to strengthen Xiang Yao's seal.

After hearing this, Yu Hongshang and Xue Yunrou felt a little reluctant. But Xiang Yao's seal really needs to be strengthened as soon as possible, and this is one of the tasks entrusted to them by Emperor Jingtai. After hesitating for a while, the two reluctantly flew away with Helian Fulong.

Ao Shuying still stayed where she was. She knew that Li Xuan's purpose of keeping her was to take precautions and take precautions, so the dragon scale-shaped shield was still suspended behind her.

——This is a fairy treasure passed down from generation to generation by the dragon clan. It is made by superimposing the reverse scales of forty-nine ancient dragons in ancient times. The defensive ability is also excellent among immortal treasures.

Ao Shuying's spiritual mind continued to scan the surroundings with vigilance, eliminating everything that might pose a threat to Li Xuan.

The mountain forest where the 'Great Five Elements Yin and Yang Yuan Magnetic Extinction Divine Needle' was previously shot has been flattened by Ao Shuying's punch. The hilltop where the siege crossbow was fired was also destroyed by Xue Yunrou's 'Nine Heavens and Ten Earths Demon God Shuttle'.

However, the two people who plotted against Li Xuan seemed to be above the heavenly level in terms of strength. After the attack failed, she ran away so far that she couldn't find her figure.

Ao Shuying couldn't be sure whether they would come back and kill every one of them.

Li Xuan then sent out more than thirty talisman letters in succession, all to the Six Daosi Divisions upstream and downstream of the Yangtze River, as well as various prefectures and health offices, in order to deal with the follow-up matters.

Although the source of the flood in the south of the Yangtze River has been cut off at this time, the water is still turbulent. Especially soon, the water vapor absorbed by the ice core will still turn into raindrops and fall, causing a new wave of flood peaks to form, so we must not be careful.

Then he explained a few things to the governors of Huguang and Yunyang who came over, but before he could say a few words, Li Xuan couldn't hold it anymore. He closed his eyes and fell into Jiang Hanyun's arms behind him, crying. Huda fell asleep.

This child! Li Chengji looked helpless and bowed to Ming Yuzhen and Governor Yunyang: You two are rude to me, so please don't blame me.

Ming Yuzhen hurriedly stepped aside, but said with admiration in her words: Uncle Sincerity, there is no need to do this. Just now, Uncle Jing'an and Xiang Yao risked their lives to fight, and we have all seen how tragic the situation was. It's too late to admire now, how dare you feel guilty?

The governor of Yunyang was also very impressed and said: He is worthy of being the protector of Neo-Confucianism chosen by Yu Zi and the sages of the past dynasties, and the disciple of Duke Wen Zhonglie. I, Yu, am so impressed by today's battle.

Pity! It is a pity that Jing Anbo was so heroic and talented, but he could not take the imperial examination. Otherwise, who else would the contemporary Wenzong and the contemporary saints be?

After hearing this, Li Chengji felt greatly relieved and proud, but also felt complicated.

He thought that he had indeed delayed Li Xuan, and he should have complied with his wishes and let him study essays.

But Li Chengji also thought that this might be a blessing. If Li Xuan had taken the imperial examination a few years ago, he might have become a hero now.

At this time, Ao Shuying was suddenly stunned and looked at Li Chengji's right leg: Uncle Chengyi, your leg -

She found a small dead snake hanging behind Li Chengji's right calf.

Li Chengji also looked at his legs, and then his face turned dark: Building the plank road openly and secretly cultivating Chencang, this person is truly an ancient demon.

He understood in an instant that this must be Xiang Yao's handiwork.

Xiang Yao and Li Xuan fought for more than two hours. On the surface, they did not resist the cold power of the four of them, but in fact, this man had a plan.

The poisonous snake that Xiang Yao condensed with his magic power and part of his flesh and blood was his back-up to break the situation.

As long as he, Lee Seung-ki, is poisoned and dies, the outcome of this battle will be decided.

Fortunately, time is still on their side. Li Xuan's arrangement made the surrounding water vapor thinner, which weakened Xiang Yao's magic power, and the brutal fighting made him unable to care about him. But Ao Shuying broke the embankment first and put Xiang Yao to death.

Strangely enough, there was nothing strange about Li Chengji when he didn't notice the snake before, but when he saw the snake, his face turned purple and black, and the many pores on his skin overflowed with black blood.

Uncle! Jiang Hanyun came from a family background and knew at a glance that Li Chengji was deeply poisoned. She was horrified and hurriedly took out a pill bottle from her sleeve: I have a detoxifying pill passed down from my family. My father prepared it himself——

It's too late for the elixir.

Li Chengji shook his head, but there was no sign of panic on his face. At the same time, he laughed at himself: Fortunately, Mr. Li was afraid of death and prepared in advance, otherwise he would have died here today.

He used his true energy to shatter the dead snake hanging on his leg, and then took out a peach wood doll about half a person's height.

What caught the attention of everyone here was that not only was Li Chengji's name written on the top of the doll, but also his title and birth date. UU Reading

When Lee Seung-ki cut off his finger, he placed it on the doll’s eyebrows. The next moment, the peach wood doll was dyed blue and black all over, and then turned into a ball of black pus and blood, dripping into the ice below, corroding a large area of ​​it.

But Li Chengji was already safe and sound. Not only did his complexion return to normal, but his energy also returned to stability.

Previously, he used cold methods to suppress Wu Zhiqi, Chang Ze and Xiang Yao, and was seriously injured by the struggles and backlash of these three demon kings.

But at this time, even the wounds in his body were gone, and he felt relaxed.

Suppose the peach man? Ao Shuying looked at this scene and couldn't help but said in surprise: I have heard of this kind of thing a long time ago, and today is the first time I have seen it.

It's just a method of transplanting flowers and trees. It is the legacy of our ancestors. He once found a five-thousand-year-old peach tree that failed to generate wisdom, and then refined it into seven scapegoats.

Li Chengji looked at the hole corroded by the poison with great regret: This is the last one. I got this thing when I was a child, and I have kept it with me to practice every day, but I didn't expect it to be used here.

——This was his second life, but it was ruined by his own negligence.

And at the moment when Li Xuan fainted and Li Chengji died with a peach man, above the cloud sky, Jiang Yunqi had already caught up with Jiu Deng and Huai Bi.

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