Demoness, Where Are You Fleeing To?

Chapter 423 The Body of 5 Spirits

On the shoulder of the Leshan Giant Buddha, a middle-aged man wearing Confucian robes and carrying a sword flew up to this place filled with sorrow.

The girl waiting here had a worried look on her face: Uncle Huijian, the water level has dropped by one foot or two.

The middle-aged scholar didn't look at the water level. He sighed slightly: Withdraw the formation, pack up a few things and follow me. This is no longer a place to stay for a long time.

The girl was stunned when she heard this: But Master and Uncle Jiu Deng have told them that they must -

She was only halfway through her words when she saw the sadness on the face of the middle-aged man in Confucian uniform. The girl suddenly realized something and her face turned pale: By whose hands did they die?

In fact, she had vague feelings about the death of Huai Bi and Jiu Deng half a moment ago, but she just didn't want to believe it.

The middle-aged man in Confucian uniform looked at the girl with a pale face and said, This man is so powerful that even your uncle and I can only stay away. So what if you know about it?

He was filled with grief, recalling that three hundred years ago, more than a hundred of them studied martial arts and literature under Maitreya leader Peng Yingyu. In the end, only four of them remained, and they have been supporting each other to this day.

But this time, two people left in one day.

The middle-aged man in Confucian uniform knew that he could not delay at this time, so he quickly suppressed his emotions and cleaned up all traces of this place. Mainly the talisman arrays they arranged above and below the Leshan Giant Buddha, as well as other things that might reveal their identity.

But just a moment later, the middle-aged man in Confucian uniform felt something in his heart, and looked behind him in surprise: Senior brother?

Those were not his senior brothers Jiudeng and Huaibi, but his third senior brother. This man was wearing a crimson official robe and looked about forty years old. He was in the prime of life and had an elegant temperament.

Bringing a sword. After the man in official robes arrived, he went directly to the hole where the viscera was hidden in the chest of the Buddha. He looked at the stone tablet at the entrance of the cave with an extremely complicated expression: Unexpectedly, the layout we have been waiting for for decades has failed in the end.

The sword flew down from the shoulder of the giant Buddha and came to the back of the man in official robes: I didn't agree with it at first. This move was too risky and harmed the peace of the world. Even if it succeeds for a while, there will be endless troubles. Now as expected, you and The two senior brothers have all sorts of schemes——

Before he finished speaking, he heard the man in official robes say quietly: But the things in the cave are very important to the four of you and me. Since the water cannot flood the knees of the Buddha, we can only use the backup method.

Backup method? Huai Jian looked at the man in official robes with some surprise: Is there any other way to open this stele door? Why don't I know?

Yes! The man in official robes put his hands on his back and said helplessly: But the price is very high. It requires the blood and soul of a heavenly martial artist, plus the blood of the descendants of the Wang family.

Huai Jian felt puzzled: This method is much simpler than water flowing over the Buddha's knees, why not use it?

With the strength of the four of them, it is still possible to capture a heavenly being.

As for the blood of the descendants of the Wang family, eight of the eleven brothers of Emperor Yan of the late Shu Dynasty were killed by Emperor Zhuangzong of the Later Tang Dynasty. Almost the entire family was wiped out, but many people survived.

As long as they search hard, there is nothing they can do.

It's not just an ordinary heavenly position. You must have five spirits at the same time. The man in official robes had an extremely complex expression: Actually, the initial method of opening it was not that troublesome. One was that the water level of the entire Minjiang River was higher than the Buddha's knees; the other was The method I mentioned.

Emperor Yan at the end of the former Shu Dynasty was said to have all five spirits, and this method of opening was tailor-made for him. However, due to the long delay after the death of former Shu, more than half of the opening talisman array in this cave has become corrupted and ineffective, and the conditions have become more stringent.

The body of five spirits?

Huai Jian's eyes were suspicious, then he thought of something and his expression changed.

But at this moment, he felt a numbness all over his body, and an extreme sense of crisis emerged within his soul.

At this moment, he couldn't move.

Huai Jian immediately realized that this was a toxin that had been latent in his body for a long time. It could paralyze his whole body and freeze his soul.

But just a moment later, his heart hurt violently, and a black knife suddenly stabbed out of his heart. Huai Jian exerted all his strength and looked back behind him, only to see a dark-skinned figure with a handsome face and two wings, resembling an Asura in the Buddhist scriptures, standing behind him.

Shura War Demon?

Huai Jian couldn't believe it, and looked back at the man in official robes with great confusion, and asked in a difficult voice: Why?

The man in official robes sighed: Junior brother, you have four spirits in your body, and the 'Great Innate Geng Gold True Art' you practiced just complements the five spirits. This is the reason why the three of us kept it secret from you, junior brother.

Don't blame your fellow apprentices for being cruel. In order to save your life, we even instigated this flood in the south of the Yangtze River. We have already betrayed our brotherhood.

Next, he took a photo of the frightened girl in the distance and forced her to the front of the monument door.

As for the bloodline of the former Shu royal family, senior brother Huaibi has been looking for it for a long time, but he just kept it secret from you.

He directly cut the girl's wrist vein and smeared the blood on it.

Just when the stone tablet was covered with blood and the aura of Huai Jian gradually disappeared, the stone tablet finally slowly opened and moved to the side.

The man wearing a crimson official robe was slightly happy when he saw this. He hurriedly threw away the unconscious girl who was already bleeding and walked into it.

When the man in official robes entered and saw the scene behind the door, the joy on his face became more and more obvious. He saw the two fairy treasures and what he had dreamed of.

But then, the man in official robes looked stunned, and his face full of joy gradually became stiff——

This is impossible!

The man in official robe had his eyes wide open, and his voice was filled with wonder. He wondered why there was a seal behind this stone tablet?

He reluctantly raised his hand to grab it, only to see the formations surrounding the treasure rising up layer by layer, forcing his hand to resist a foot away.

In fact, with his strength, it would be no problem to forcefully break the formation.

But the divine object and the two immortal weapons will definitely be moved by the void and sent to an unknown location in advance. The many elixirs inside will definitely be destroyed by the magic circle.

Huai Jian behind him was so angry that he looked at this scene from a distance, and then he laughed with gloating.

Interesting, interesting! To take these things, you also need to be born with the five spirits of heaven, and you need the blood of my master's niece. The former Emperor of Shu was really careful. But in this world, there are five spirits in the body, and And people who are successful in spiritual practice are rare and hard to find. Senior brother, where should you look for it? Where should you look for it——

Huai Jian's voice stopped suddenly, because his aura had completely died, and his body gradually turned into black sand.

There are only the unconscious girl outside the cave and the extremely ugly man in official robes inside the cave.

※※ ※※

Li Xuan slept for a full three hours before he woke up in a daze.

Perhaps due to excessive consumption and exhaustion, although Li Xuan tried hard to open his eyes, he still couldn't muster the strength.

Moreover, not only was his body unable to move, but his soul was also in a state of numbness. Extremely weak and depressed, it felt like there was a bottomless hole in my soul.

Li Xuan thought to himself that in this state, even an ant could kill him.

But at the same time, there was a cool feeling deep in his soul, which was exuding vitality and nourishing his soul.

There is also a force of Yuanyang that exists between his chest and abdomen, filling the deficient vitality in his body.

Li Xuan knew that someone must have used at least two of the top elixirs on him, one specifically for restoring the soul, and the other for the physical body.

——This was probably due to Ao Shuying's hand. Just because he had sensed Ao Shuying's aura, the dragon king had been sitting beside him, and his whole body was firmly protected by his magnificent magic power.

In addition, there is also a cool air between Li Xuan's eyebrows, which continues to penetrate deeply.

This is Jiang Hanyun. She is sitting on the other side, with a jade hand pressing between Li Xuan's eyebrows. This is helping him recover through the 'Shentian Dual Element Method'.

And not far from them, there were two scents that Li Xuan was very familiar with.

Li Xuan recognized one of them as his Demon-Suppressing King Kong.

The other one should be Leng Yurou, who is tinkering with something.

After sensing these three girls, Li Xuan felt relieved and began to visualize the word reason deep in his mind to restore his soul.

The technique he practices is naturally the 'Hunyuan Tianxiang Jue', but the Hunyuan Tianxiang Jue is a martial arts technique. In terms of restoring spiritual consciousness, the word 'reason' is more appropriate.

In this world, Li Xuan has seen more and more strange gods and ghosts, and all kinds of magical and fantasy things, but Li Xuan firmly believes that there are natural principles and rules in them.

Judging from his recent research, the facts are consistent with his understanding of the world.

But just when Li Xuan regained his consciousness, he heard a magnetic and unusually pleasant voice not far away.

There are so many places in Yichang City, why do you have to place him in Shuide Yuanjun Temple?

Li Xuan suddenly felt a little happy, and he heard that this was Luo Yan.

Li Xuan wondered if Yan'er had woken up yet? I wonder if the fire poison in her body has healed?

And the girl next to her should be Le Qianqian.

Just when Li Xuan was thinking about it, Luo Yan had already walked to his side. She took a careful look at Li Xuan, then grabbed his wrist pulse and carefully sensed it.

After a while, Luo Yan let go of Li Xuan's hand and said in a mocking tone: It's okay, I probably won't die this time. But this majestic energy seems to be more pure. It seems that Xuan Lang is benevolent and righteous. On the road, we have successfully taken another step forward, and we are not far from the heroic period.

Her words revealed that several girls in Shuide Yuanjun Temple couldn't help but look at her sideways.

It wasn't until a moment later that the girls looked away, looking a little worried. You all think so, right? That guy's majestic energy was more pure, and he was even more willing to sacrifice his life.

Only Ao Shuying seemed a little displeased: How can you say that? Li Xuan fought to the death for millions of people upstream and downstream this time. UU Reading This battle has cost countless lives. Escaping death is a great merit.

That's why I said he was a righteous man, and I didn't say he was bad. Luo Yan snorted, then forcefully opened Li Xuan's mouth, took out a bottle of blue water and poured it in.

Li Xuan immediately felt that the power of Yuanyang in his chest and abdomen became more intense, and it began to circulate throughout his body.

Part of it also acted on his soul, filling half of his originally deficient soul in an instant.

You used Yugu chalcedony? You actually still have such a treasure in your hand!

Ao Shuying was a little surprised: But you used too much. This girl named Jiang Hanyun just fed him a cup of Millennium Ginseng juice. I also gave him a drop of Taiwei Linglu just now. You I gave him three drops of marrow fluid again, so I'm afraid it will be too much.

Li Xuan thought to himself that these are all good things. Needless to say, Millennium Yuan Shen, Taiwei refers to Taiwei Yuan, one of the three walls. Taiwei Spiritual Dew is a dew liquid formed by collecting Taiwei star power and condensing it. It is a great tonic for the soul.

As for Tanggu chalcedony, the place where the sun rises is called Tanggu. Tanggu chalcedony, said to be taken from Tanggu, is the top elixir.

However, Li Xuan has already noticed the consequences of overdoing it, and he is already a pillar of strength below him!

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